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Last active November 10, 2016 16:51
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  • Save doyousketch2/ec652a639ea31399510964af29fba11f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save doyousketch2/ec652a639ea31399510964af29fba11f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Dims facebook's mobile page, blocks ads, filters posts with keywords for you, and makes images click-to-fullsize.
// ==UserScript==
// @name m.fb.Dim
// @namespace Sketch2
// @description mobile.facebook.Dimmer
// @include https://m.facebook.*
// @exclude*
// @version 1.8
// @grant GM_info
// @grant GM_getValue
// @grant GM_setValue
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @grant GM_registerMenuCommand
// @updateURL
// @require
// @license GNU GPLv3 -
// ==/UserScript==
// keywords to block.
// lowercase or uppercase; no preference. Script will check both for you.
var BLOCKLIST = ['vote', 'Trump', 'Hillary', 'Clinton',
'elect', 'republican', 'democrat'];
// surround your keywords with 'quotes'
// separated by a comma,
// be sure the entire list is surrounded with [brackets]
// then finish with a semicolon;
// this next list is keywords to ignore.
// I discovered the word 'electronics' contains the word 'elect'
// and so, was unexpectedly being highlighted.
// put words here that you don't want to be accidentially tagged.
var WHITELIST = ['electron'];
// Standard websafe hex Colors
// #RRGGBB (or) #RGB
var OuterBackground, OB = '#013'
var InnerBackground, IB = '#347'
var NewsFeed, NF = '#111'
var NewsItem, NI = '#446'
var Fields = '#335'
var Highlight, HL = '#500'
var Font1 = '#975'
var Font2 = '#570'
var Font3 = '#000'
//font size that the blocklist uses.
var FontSize = '10px'
// Don't edit below this line, unless you know jQuery / Javascript
//dim outer background
$('body') .css('background', OB);
//dim inner background
$('div#root') .css('background', IB);
$('div#root div') .css('background', IB);
$('div#root div div') .css('background', IB);
$('div#root div div div') .css('background', "linear-gradient(to right, " + NI + ", " + Fields + ")") .find('div') .css('background', NI);
//dim news stream
$('div#m_newsfeed_stream div') .css('background', NF);
$('div#m_newsfeed_stream div div') .css('background', NI);
$('div#mbasic_inline_feed_composer') .css('background', IB);
$('div#mbasic_inline_feed_composer') .parent() .css('background', IB);
$('div#mbasic_inline_feed_composer div') .css('background', OB);
//fade background
$('div#mbasic_inline_feed_composer') .children('form') .children('div') .css('background', "linear-gradient(to right, " + OB + ", " + IB + ")");
$('a') .css('color', Font1);
$('h3') .css('color', Font2);
$('h3') .next('div') .css('color', Font3);
$('p') .css('background', NewsItem);
$('a:contains(See All Notifications)') .css('background', "linear-gradient(to right," + OB + ", " + IB + ")");
$('a:contains(Show more)') .css('font-size','22px');
//hide random people
$('h3:contains(People You May Know)') .parent() .hide();
$('a:contains(See All Friend Requests)') .parent().parent().parent().parent() .hide();
//hide birthdays
$('a:contains(birthday)') .parent().parent().parent().parent() .hide();
//hide SMS notice
$('span:contains(Receive your notifications via SMS)') .parent() .hide();
//clear background of video buttons
$('span:contains(Play Video)') .parent() .css('background','');
//clear background of links
$('a') .children() .css('background', '');
//wider is better
$('div#viewport') .css('max-width','70%');
$('div#viewport') .children('div:last') .not('div#objects_container') .children('div:first') .remove();
//next page- bigger text
$('div#root') .children('div:first') .not('div#m_story_permalink_view') .children('div:last') .css('font-size','20px');
$('a:contains(Next)') .css('font-size','26px')
//bigger pic + no tag or report buttons to get in the way
$('a:contains(View Full Size)') .css('font-size','18px') .siblings() .remove();
//make images clickable, to view full size
$('a:contains(View Full Size)') .each(function(){
$('div#root div:first div:first div:first div:first div:first img') .wrap('<a></a>') .parent() .attr('href', $(this) .attr('href'));
//add a text container
$('a:contains(View Full Size)') .after('<span class="imageText"></span>');
//add image tags to the text container
$('span.imageText') .html($('a:contains(View Full Size)') .parentsUntil('div#root') .find('img') .attr('alt'))
.css('padding', '0px 40px') .css('font-size','12px');
//see more photos
$('div#m_more_item') .css('font-size','22px');
//hide ads
$('span:contains(Sponsored)') .parent().parent().parent() .hide();
$('div#root a') .children('div') .attr('class','') .css('background', "linear-gradient(to right, " + Fields + ", " + NI + ")");
//block keywords
for (var i = 0; i < BLOCKLIST .length; i++) {
//all lowercase letters to begin with
var Lower = BLOCKLIST[i] .toLowerCase();
var LoW = WHITELIST[i] .toLowerCase();
//convert first letter to uppercase
var Upper = Lower .substr(0,1) .toUpperCase() + Lower .substr(1);
var UpW = LoW .substr(0,1) .toUpperCase() + LoW .substr(1);
//try both lower, and uppercase, permutations.
$('h3:contains(' + Lower + ')') .add('span:contains(' + Lower + ')') //lowercase versions
.add('h3:contains(' + Upper + ')') .add('span:contains(' + Upper + ')') //uppercase
.not(':contains(' + LoW + ')') .not(':contains(' + UpW + ')') //excluding words from whitelist
.css('font-size', FontSize) .parent().parent() //shrink text a bit, then select outer container
.css('background', "linear-gradient(to right, " + HL + ", " + NI + ")"); //so we can highlight it.
//you could .remove() the whole block here, if you really felt like it.
$('div') .css('font-size','');
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doyousketch2 commented Nov 8, 2016

HitCount GitIO License

Firefox users need Greasemonkey
Chrome users need TamperMonkey

Once you have one of those, press the 'Raw' button on the top-right corner of the script.

(normally that would show you the raw text, but GreaseMonkey and
TamperMonkey recognize the text as a script, so they ask if you want to install it.)

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