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Last active August 30, 2021 00:15
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My fish shell abbreviations
abbr -a - 'cd -'
abbr -a aa 'abbr -a'
abbr -a ab 'abbr -s | sort'
abbr -a b brew
abbr -a bca 'brew cask'
abbr -a bcf 'brew cask info'
abbr -a bci 'brew cask install'
abbr -a bcu 'brew cask uninstall'
abbr -a bf 'brew info'
abbr -a bi 'brew install'
abbr -a books 'http|fx ".books.reduce((a,b) =>a+`\n``: `,``)"|column'
abbr -a bs 'brew search'
abbr -a bss 'brew services start'
abbr -a bu 'brew uninstall'
abbr -a cdc 'cd ~/dev'
abbr -a cdd 'cd ~/Downloads'
abbr -a cdh 'cd ~'
abbr -a ch 'http|fx ".name + require(`numbers-to-superscript`)(this.verses.reduce((a,b) =>a+`\\n`+b.verse+` `+b.text.trim(),``))"'
abbr -a chn 'http|fx ".verses.reduce((a,b) =>a+b.verse+` `+b.text.trim()+`\\n`,``)"|sup'
abbr -a chr 'http|fx ".verses.reduce((a,b) =>a+b.text.trim()+`\n`,``)"'
abbr -a df 'df -H'
abbr -a dfs 'df -H -t /'
abbr -a digg 'dig @'
abbr -a digy 'dig @'
abbr -a dl 'http -d'
abbr -a f 'find ~ -iname \*.pdf 2>/dev/null'
abbr -a fn 'find ~/dev -iname \*.md -not -path \*node_modules\* 2>/dev/null'
abbr -a g 'git status -s'
abbr -a ga 'git add'
abbr -a gb 'git branch'
abbr -a gc 'git commit'
abbr -a gcb 'git checkout -b'
abbr -a gch 'git checkout'
abbr -a gp 'git push'
abbr -a gs 'git status'
abbr -a gst 'git status -uno'
abbr -a hd 'history delete'
abbr -a hi history
abbr -a hs 'history search'
abbr -a john316 'http|fx .verses[16-1] "`«`+this.text+`» (``)`"'
abbr -a l 'ls -CF'
abbr -a la 'ls -A'
abbr -a lat 'latex -output-format=pdf -output-directory=./'
abbr -a ll 'ls -alFh'
abbr -a nbuild 'npm run build'
abbr -a ndeploy 'npm run deploy'
abbr -a nserve 'npm run serve'
abbr -a nstart 'npm run start'
abbr -a ping2 'ping -c 2'
abbr -a ping3 'ping -c 3'
abbr -a ping4 'ping -c 4'
abbr -a s st
abbr -a sc 'webkit2png -F -z 2.0 --delay=2'
abbr -a sk 'sudo sh ~/.bin/'
abbr -a ss 'webkit2png -F -z 1.0 --delay=2'
abbr -a ta 'tmux attach or tmux new'
abbr -a v 'http|fx .verses[3-1] "`«`+this.text.trim()+`» (``)`"'
abbr -a vc 'http|fx .verses[3-1] "`«`+this.text.trim()+`» (``)`"|pbcopy'
abbr -a y youtube-dl
abbr -a yc 'youtube-dl --no-check-certificate'
abbr -a yh 'youtube-dl -o "./%(title)s.%(ext)s"'
abbr -a yhc 'youtube-dl --no-check-certificate -o "./%(title)s.%(ext)s"'
abbr -a ym 'youtube-dl -x --audio-format mp3'
abbr -a ymc 'youtube-dl -x --audio-format mp3 --no-check-certificate'
abbr -a ymp 'youtube-dl -x --audio-format mp3 --yes-playlist -i'
abbr -a ympc 'youtube-dl -x --audio-format mp3 --no-check-certificate --yes-playlist -i'
abbr -a ymph 'youtube-dl -x --audio-format mp3 -o "./%(title)s.%(ext)s" --yes-playlist -i'
abbr -a ymphc 'youtube-dl -x --audio-format mp3 --no-check-certificate -o "./%(title)s.%(ext)s" --yes-playlist -i'
abbr -a yp 'youtube-dl --yes-playlist -i'
abbr -a ypc 'youtube-dl --yes-playlist -i --no-check-certificate'
abbr -a yph 'youtube-dl -o "./%(title)s.%(ext)s" --yes-playlist -i'
abbr -a yphc 'youtube-dl --no-check-certificate -o "./%(title)s.%(ext)s" --yes-playlist -i'
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