#!/bin/bash # Workstation Configurator # To setup this script, run: # # wget -O ~/.workstation git.io/workstation && . ~/.workstation setup # # This achieves a few things: # - Installation & Setup of Programs (Interactive) # - Provides ~/.workstation file which automatically loads function library # - Provides ~/.workstation.d directory for auto-loading your own scripts # # This script has been designed to demonstrate lots of various bash functionality, # and to include annotated examples, and references. # # For help, run: # # workstation help ## CONFIGURATION ## # Packages to install package_list="git ssh tig vim tree xclip xdotool screen autossh lsyncd curl wget tmux" # Configure History to automatically save export HISTCONTROL=ignoredups:erasedups # no duplicate entries export HISTSIZE=100000 # big big history export HISTFILESIZE=100000 # big big history shopt -s histappend # append to history, don't overwrite it # Save and reload the history after each command finishes export PROMPT_COMMAND="history -a; history -c; history -r; $PROMPT_COMMAND" # Configure history to save with timestamp export HISTTIMEFORMAT="%Y-%m-%d %T " # Bash Prompt Colour # https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Color_Bash_Prompt set_prompt() { local previous_exit_code=$? local blue='\[\e[01;34m\]' local red='\[\e[01;31m\]' local green='\[\e[01;32m\]' local white='\[\e[00m\]' local cross='\342\234\227' local tick='\342\234\223' local git_branch="$(git branch 2> /dev/null | grep '*' | awk '{print $NF}' | sed 's/)//g')" PS1="" # Tick or a cross depending on the previous exit code [[ $previous_exit_code == 0 ]] && PS1+="$green$tick" || PS1+="$red$cross" # PS1+="$white|" PS1+=" " # Host, or user@host depending on user [[ $EUID == 0 ]] && PS1+="$red\\h" || PS1+="$green\\u@\\h" PS1+="$white:" # Working directory PS1+="$blue\\w" # Green or red git branch, depending on dirty if [ -n "$git_branch" ] then # PS1+="$white|" PS1+=" " [[ -z $(git status --porcelain) ]] && PS1+="$green" || PS1+="$red" PS1+="$git_branch" fi # Print the special dollar sign, and a space PS1+="$white\\\$ " } PROMPT_COMMAND='set_prompt' # Generating Help # This saves a list of defined functions to the variable # It will be compared to a list we'll make futher down, # so we can know which functions were defined. [[ "$original_function_list" ]] || original_function_list=$(compgen -A function) ## MISC FUNCTIONS ## # Writes a log to ~/.workstation.log/ # Usage: echo | log [] # eg: echo "hello world" | log # eg: echo "hello world" | log mylog.log log() { local message # Read message from STDIN read message # If dir does not exist, create it [ -d ~/.workstation.log ] || mkdir ~/.workstation.log # Set provide default value for first argument [ -z "$1" ] && log_basename='workstation.log' || log_basename="$1" # Concatenate dir with basename local log_path=~/.workstation.log/"$log_basename" # Create logfile if it doesn't exist touch "$log_path" # Get current time in ISO8601 format # eg: 2014-08-29T19:01:46+10:00 local date=$(date +%F\T%T%z | sed 's/^.\{22\}/&:/') # Get process ID local pid=$$ # Append message to log file echo "$date $pid $message" >> "$log_path" } # Backs up a file (creates a copy in the same dir with .bak-) # Usage: backup /path/to/file backup() { cp "$1" "$1.bak-$(date --utc +%Y%m%d_%H%M%SZ)" } # Executes a command repeatedly # usage: repeat [] # CTRL+c to quit # eg: repeat date # Note that this is similar to `watch` repeat() { echo "TODO. fix me"; return local command=$1 # command is first arg local frequency=${2:-1} # frequency is second arg or "1" clear trap ctrl_c INT # catch ctrl+c keypress function ctrl_c { clear tput cnorm # put the cursor back to normal return } while [ true ] # Repeat forever do tput civis # hide the cursor tput cup 0 0 # put cursor at top-left $command # execute the command sleep $frequency # wait for frequency done } # Watches a directory (recursively) for changes # If any files within the directory change, executes command # Usage: execute_on_change # eg: execute_on_change /tmp "echo yep" execute_on_change() { # see also: https://gist.github.com/senko/1154509 local path="$1" local command="$2" local current_hash="" local new_hash="" while [[ true ]] do new_hash="$(find "$path" -type f | md5sum)" if [[ $old_hash != $new_hash ]] then $command old_hash=$new_hash fi sleep 2 echo "hash: $new_hash" done } # Displays "Press [ENTER] to cancel..." # Returns: # true after a 4 second timeout # false if the user presses enter # eg: # echo "about to do the thing" # if enter_to_cancel # then # echo "doing the thing" # fi enter_to_cancel() { # Display the message echo -n "Press [ENTER] to cancel" # Give them some time to read local i for i in 1 2 3 4 do # If it's not the first second, display a dot [ "$i" -gt 1 ] && echo -n "." # Wait 1 second, if the user enters something return false read -t 1 && return 1 done # end the line echo # nothing was pressed, return true return 0 } # Get internet IP address getip_public() { curl http://ipecho.net/plain echo } # Get local IP address # Usage: getip [] getip() { # interface provided as $1, defaults to "eth0" local interface=${1:-eth0} ifconfig "$interface" | grep -oP '(?<=inet addr:).*?(?= )' # -o # output the match # -P # use pearl regex # (?<=PATTERN) # begin selection after this pattern # .*? # select everything until first match # (?=PATTERN) # end selection before this pattern } # Sets a static IP address # Backs up existing interfaces file # Usage: setip [] # eg: setip 99 # eg: setip 50 wlan0 setip() { local path="/etc/network/interfaces" # TODO: Error if no $1 is passed local interface=${2:-eth0} # TODO: # - detect the list of interfaces # - if only 1; use that; otherwise throw error # ifconfig -s -a | awk '{print $1}' # Get the existing IP address parts local p1 p2 p3 p4 read p1 p2 p3 p4 <<< $(getip "$interface" | tr "." "\n") # Set the fourth tuplet to that provided p4=$1 # Backup existing file sudo cp "$path"{,.bak} # Write new file sudo sh -c "echo 'auto lo' > $path" sudo sh -c "echo 'iface lo inet loopback' >> $path" sudo sh -c "echo '' >> $path" sudo sh -c "echo 'auto $interface' >> $path" sudo sh -c "echo 'iface $interface inet static' >> $path" sudo sh -c "echo ' address $p1.$p2.$p3.$p4' >> $path" sudo sh -c "echo ' network $p1.$p2.$p3.0' >> $path" sudo sh -c "echo ' netmask' >> $path" sudo sh -c "echo ' broadcast $p1.$p2.$p3.255' >> $path" sudo sh -c "echo ' dns-nameservers $p1.$p2.$p3.255' >> $path" sudo sh -c "echo ' gateway $p1.$p2.$p3.1' >> $path" echo "IP address $p1.$p2.$p3.$p4 written to $path" # Restart the network # TODO: Only restart specific interface echo "Restarting network" if enter_to_cancel then sudo ifdown -a sudo ifup -a fi } # Creates a new branch # Usage: git branch git_branch() { echo "git checkout -b $1" git checkout -b $1 echo "git push -u origin $1" git push -u origin $1 } # Run a program in the background # Usage: run_in_background run_in_background() { $@ > /dev/null 2>&1 & echo "Job running in background with pid: $!" } # Shortens a GitHub URL # Usage: github_shortenurl [] github_shortenurl() { # TODO: # - Warn if url looks like a commit instead of a head # - Warn if no /raw part on the end # - Output only the new URL if it worked local long_url short_url code orl_arg code_arg response if [ -n "$1" ] then long_url="$(echo $1 | sed 's/githubusercontent/github/g')" else describe_function "$FUNCNAME" return 1 fi if [ -n "$2" ] then curl -o- -i -s http://git.io -F "url=$long_url" -F "code=$2" else curl -o- -i -s http://git.io -F "url=$long_url" fi echo } # Set the terminal title set_term_title() { echo -ne "\033]0;$1\007" } # Clone from github # Usage: github_clone username/repo github_clone() { git clone git@github.com:/$1.git } # Clone from bitbucket # Usage: bitbucket_clone username/repo bitbucket_clone() { git clone git@bitbucket.com:/$1.git } # Opens a google-chrome browser and googles for the query # Usage: google # eg: google shell scripting google() { local command="google-chrome https://www.google.com.au/search?q=$1&btnl=1" run_in_background "$command" } # # Copies the current terminal line # # Bound to ALT+C # copy_current_line() # { # local current_line="${READLINE_LINE:0:$READLINE_POINT}${CLIP}${READLINE_LINE:$READLINE_POINT}" # echo -n "$current_line" | xclip # } # bind -m emacs -x '"\ec": copy_current_line' || echo "unable to bind for copy-line" # Copies the last command executed copy_last_command() { fc -ln -1 | sed 's/^ *//' | xclip # copies to middle-click-paste # fc -ln -1 | sed 's/^ *//' | xclip -selection clipboard # copies to regular paste } # View active network connections view_network() { lsof -i } # Displays a hash of a directory recursively # Usage: hashdir hashdir() { local dir="$1" find "$dir" -type f -exec md5sum {} + | awk '{print $1}' | sort | md5sum } # Displays the final text block from a file # Usage: display_final_block # eg: display_final_block ~/.workstation function display_final_block() { local file="$1" local description="$2" echo -en "\n\n$description\n\n" local line tac "$file" | while read line do [[ "$line" ]] || break echo -en "\t$line\n" done | tac } # Describes a function # Usage: describe_function # eg: describe_function display_final_block function describe_function() { local function_name=$1 # Turn on extended shell debugging shopt -s extdebug # Get the line number defined on local line_number="$(echo $(declare -F $1) | awk '{print $2}')" # Get the file defined in local file="$(echo $(declare -F $1) | awk '{print $3}')" # Turn off extended shell debugging shopt -u extdebug # tmp hax function_name="$(echo $function_name | sed 's/_workstation_/workstation /g')" echo -en "\n\t$function_name\n" let "line_number-=1" local line head -n "$line_number" "$file" | tac | while read line do [[ "$line" ]] || break line="$(echo $line | sed 's/^# //')" # echo $line echo -en "\t\t$line\n" done | tac let "line_number+=1" echo -en "\t\t > $file +${line_number}\n" } # Describes a list of functions # Usage: describe_functions describe_functions() { local function_list=$1 local function_list_name=$2 echo -en "\n\n$function_list_name\n" local function_name echo "$function_list" | while read function_name do describe_function "$function_name" done } # Get list of misc functions defined [[ "$misc_function_list" ]] || misc_function_list=$(grep -Fxv -f \ <(echo "$original_function_list") \ <(compgen -A function)) ## OTHER SCRIPTS ## # Source any scripts in the ~/.workstation.d directory [ -d ~/.workstation.d ] || mkdir ~/.workstation.d if [ "$(ls -A ~/.workstation.d)" ] then for script in ~/.workstation.d/* do source "$script" done fi unset script # Get list of other functions defined [[ "$other_function_list" ]] || other_function_list=$(grep -Fxv -f \ <(echo -e "$original_function_list\n$misc_function_list") \ <(compgen -A function)) ## WORKSTATION FUNCTIONS ## # Displays list of functions defined by ~/.workstation _workstation_help() { local help='' help+="$(describe_functions "$workstation_function_list" "Workstation functions:")" help+="$(describe_functions "$misc_function_list" "Misc functions:")" help+="$(describe_functions "$other_function_list" "Other functions:")" help+="$(display_final_block ~/.workstation "Notes:")" less -qf <(echo "$help") } _workstation_debug() { bash -e ~/.workstation } # This is only executed when run with the wget command at the top of the script, # or when passing in the "setup" argument. # It is not run when auto-loaded by your profile. _workstation_setup() { # Install packages # Uses sed to find/replace spaces with space-comma. echo "Installing packages: $(echo $package_list | sed 's/ /, /g')" sudo apt-get update -y sudo apt-get install $package_list -y unset package_list if [ -z "$(git config --global user.name)" ] then echo -n "Git user name: " local git_user_name read git_user_name git config --global user.name "$git_user_name" fi if [ -z "$(git config --global user.email)" ] then echo -n "Git user email: " local git_user_email read git_user_email git config --global user.email "$git_user_email" fi echo "Configuring Git" git config --global color.ui true git config --global push.default matching echo "Configuring Tig" touch ~/.tigrc grep -q "color date" ~/.tigrc || echo "color date white black" >> ~/.tigrc grep -q "color graph-commit" ~/.tigrc || echo "color graph-commit red black" >> ~/.tigrc echo "Configuring Vim" touch ~/.vimrc grep -q "set background" ~/.vimrc || echo "set background=dark" >> ~/.vimrc grep -q "set tabstop" ~/.vimrc || echo "set tabstop=4" >> ~/.vimrc grep -q "map " ~/.vimrc || echo "map :!php -l %" >> ~/.vimrc echo "Configuring Screen" touch ~/.screenrc grep -q "vbell" ~/.screenrc || echo "vbell off" >> ~/.screenrc echo "Configuring Profile" grep -q "~/.workstation" ~/.bashrc || echo -e "\n[ -f ~/.workstation ] && . ~/.workstation" >> ~/.bashrc echo "$(git config --global user.name) configured" echo -en "see:\n\tworkstation help\n\n" } # Reloads bash _workstation_reload() { clear # unset other_function_list # unset original_function_list # unset misc_function_list # unset workstation_function_list source ~/.workstation } # Updates workstation from github _workstation_pull() { if [ -d ~/.workstation.git ] then cd ~/.workstation.git git pull cd - else # TODO: dynamic url # Check keys ok before mving! git clone git@gist.github.com:/5719199.git ~/.workstation.git mv ~/.workstation ~/.workstation.bak ln -s ~/.workstation.git/.workstation.sh ~/.workstation fi workstation reload } # push workstation to github _workstation_push() { if [ -d ~/.workstation.git ] then cd ~/.workstation.git git commit -am "updated with workstation push" git push cd - else echo "no local workstation repo, use 'workstation pull' first" fi } # Provides various helpful functions workstation() { # If no member function passed, show help if [ -z "$1" ] then workstation help return 0 fi local member_function="$(printf "_%s_%s" "$FUNCNAME" "$1")" if [ "$(type -t "$member_function")" = "function" ] then $member_function else echo -en "Undefined function: $member_function\nsee:\n\tworkstation help\n\n" return 1 fi } # Enable running workstation functions by either: # - workstation # - _workstation_ # - . ~/.workstation [ -n "$1" ] && workstation $1 # Get list of workstation functions [[ "$workstation_function_list" ]] || workstation_function_list=$(grep -Fxv -f \ <(echo -e "$original_function_list\n$misc_function_list\n$other_function_list") \ <(compgen -A function)) # Provide autocompletions workstation_function_names="$(echo $workstation_function_list | sed 's/_workstation_//g')" workstation_function_names="$(echo $workstation_function_names | sed 's/ workstation//g')" complete -W "$workstation_function_names" workstation # Ensure SSH agent is running # eval $(ssh-agent) > /dev/null 2>&1 & # ssh-add ~/.ssh/* ## TODO ## # Generate Key # SSH Agent # Fix the repeat function # http://ithaca.arpinum.org/2013/01/02/git-prompt.html # Disk / RAM / CPU Alerts on login # Change all the helper functions to use gist and have the code separate # Separate Desktop vs Server programs ## NOTES ## # Bash Manual: http://linux.die.net/man/1/bash # Dev Setup: https://gist.github.com/deanrather/4327301 # Sublime Setup: https://gist.github.com/deanrather/2885590 # Keyboard Shortcuts: https://gist.github.com/deanrather/2915320 # Using Vim: https://gist.github.com/deanrather/7310797 # Using Git: https://gist.github.com/deanrather/5572701 # Using VimDiff: https://gist.github.com/mattratleph/4026987