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base repository: jruby/jruby
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base: 82ebf6753794
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head repository: jruby/jruby
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compare: 422acae202ec
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  • 10 commits
  • 10 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Jan 22, 2016

  1. Copy the full SHA
    7c6b98c View commit details
  2. Copy the full SHA
    d366b36 View commit details
  3. [Truffle] Do a quick check of the hash code in Rope#equals if the has…

    …h codes have already been calculated.
    This could help avoid a length byte walk.
    nirvdrum committed Jan 22, 2016
    Copy the full SHA
    e40e78d View commit details
  4. Copy the full SHA
    7deb8cf View commit details
  5. Copy the full SHA
    ec4a5b3 View commit details
  6. Copy the full SHA
    8698ad7 View commit details
  7. Copy the full SHA
    4919832 View commit details
  8. Copy the full SHA
    c507779 View commit details
  9. Copy the full SHA
    dcf8318 View commit details
  10. [Truffle] Strings should use their rope's hashCode.

    We probably need something more robust to various attacks, but we definitely shouldn't be creating a temporary ByteList to get a hash code.
    nirvdrum committed Jan 22, 2016
    Copy the full SHA
    422acae View commit details
291 changes: 291 additions & 0 deletions truffle/src/main/java/org/jruby/truffle/nodes/core/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
* Copyright (c) 2016 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This
* code is released under a tri EPL/GPL/LGPL license. You can use it,
* redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the:
* Eclipse Public License version 1.0
* GNU General Public License version 2
* GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1

package org.jruby.truffle.nodes.core;

import org.jcodings.Encoding;
import org.jruby.truffle.nodes.RubyNode;
import org.jruby.truffle.runtime.RubyContext;
import org.jruby.truffle.runtime.rope.AsciiOnlyLeafRope;
import org.jruby.truffle.runtime.rope.ConcatRope;
import org.jruby.truffle.runtime.rope.InvalidLeafRope;
import org.jruby.truffle.runtime.rope.LeafRope;
import org.jruby.truffle.runtime.rope.Rope;
import org.jruby.truffle.runtime.rope.RopeOperations;
import org.jruby.truffle.runtime.rope.SubstringRope;
import org.jruby.truffle.runtime.rope.ValidLeafRope;
import org.jruby.util.StringSupport;

public abstract class RopeNodes {

@NodeChild(type = RubyNode.class, value = "base"),
@NodeChild(type = RubyNode.class, value = "offset"),
@NodeChild(type = RubyNode.class, value = "byteLength")
public abstract static class MakeSubstringNode extends RubyNode {

public MakeSubstringNode(RubyContext context, SourceSection sourceSection) {
super(context, sourceSection);

public abstract Rope executeMake(Rope base, int offset, int byteLength);

@Specialization(guards = "byteLength == 0")
public Rope substringZeroLength(Rope base, int offset, int byteLength) {
return RopeOperations.withEncoding(RopeOperations.EMPTY_UTF8_ROPE, base.getEncoding());

@Specialization(guards = { "byteLength > 0", "sameAsBase(base, offset, byteLength)" })
public Rope substringSameAsBase(Rope base, int offset, int byteLength) {
return base;

@Specialization(guards = { "byteLength > 0", "!sameAsBase(base, offset, byteLength)", "isLeafRope(base)" })
public Rope substringLeafRope(LeafRope base, int offset, int byteLength,
@Cached("createBinaryProfile()") ConditionProfile is7BitProfile) {
return makeSubstring(base, offset, byteLength, is7BitProfile);

@Specialization(guards = { "byteLength > 0", "!sameAsBase(base, offset, byteLength)", "isSubstringRope(base)" })
public Rope substringSubstringRope(SubstringRope base, int offset, int byteLength,
@Cached("createBinaryProfile()") ConditionProfile is7BitProfile) {
return makeSubstring(base.getChild(), offset + base.getOffset(), byteLength, is7BitProfile);

@Specialization(guards = { "byteLength > 0", "!sameAsBase(base, offset, byteLength)", "isConcatRope(base)" })
public Rope substringConcatRope(ConcatRope base, int offset, int byteLength,
@Cached("createBinaryProfile()") ConditionProfile is7BitProfile) {
Rope root = base;

while (root instanceof ConcatRope) {
ConcatRope concatRoot = (ConcatRope) root;
Rope left = concatRoot.getLeft();
Rope right = concatRoot.getRight();

// CASE 1: Fits in left.
if (offset + byteLength <= left.byteLength()) {
root = left;

// CASE 2: Fits in right.
if (offset >= left.byteLength()) {
offset -= left.byteLength();
root = right;

// CASE 3: Spans left and right.
if (byteLength == root.byteLength()) {
return root;
} else {
return makeSubstring(root, offset, byteLength, is7BitProfile);

return executeMake(root, offset, byteLength);

private Rope makeSubstring(Rope base, int offset, int byteLength, ConditionProfile is7BitProfile) {
if (is7BitProfile.profile(base.getCodeRange() == StringSupport.CR_7BIT)) {
return new SubstringRope(base, offset, byteLength, byteLength, StringSupport.CR_7BIT);

return makeSubstringNon7Bit(base, offset, byteLength);

private Rope makeSubstringNon7Bit(Rope base, int offset, int byteLength) {
final long packedLengthAndCodeRange = RopeOperations.calculateCodeRangeAndLength(base.getEncoding(), base.getBytes(), offset, offset + byteLength);
final int codeRange = StringSupport.unpackArg(packedLengthAndCodeRange);
final int characterLength = StringSupport.unpackResult(packedLengthAndCodeRange);

return new SubstringRope(base, offset, byteLength, characterLength, codeRange);

protected static boolean sameAsBase(Rope base, int offset, int byteLength) {
return (byteLength - offset) == base.byteLength();

protected static boolean is7Bit(Rope base) {
return base.getCodeRange() == StringSupport.CR_7BIT;

protected static boolean isLeafRope(Rope rope) {
return (rope instanceof LeafRope);

protected static boolean isSubstringRope(Rope rope) {
return (rope instanceof SubstringRope);

protected static boolean isConcatRope(Rope rope) {
return (rope instanceof ConcatRope);


@NodeChild(type = RubyNode.class, value = "left"),
@NodeChild(type = RubyNode.class, value = "right"),
@NodeChild(type = RubyNode.class, value = "encoding")
public abstract static class MakeConcatNode extends RubyNode {

public MakeConcatNode(RubyContext context, SourceSection sourceSection) {
super(context, sourceSection);

public abstract Rope executeMake(Rope left, Rope right, Encoding encoding);

@Specialization(guards = { "left.isEmpty()", "right.getEncoding() == encoding" })
public Rope concatEmptyLeftSameEncoding(Rope left, Rope right, Encoding encoding) {
return right;

@Specialization(guards = { "left.isEmpty()", "right.getEncoding() != encoding" })
public Rope concatEmptyLeftDifferentEncoding(Rope left, Rope right, Encoding encoding) {
return RopeOperations.withEncoding(right, encoding);

@Specialization(guards = { "right.isEmpty()", "left.getEncoding() == encoding" })
public Rope concatEmptyRightSameEncoding(Rope left, Rope right, Encoding encoding) {
return left;

@Specialization(guards = { "right.isEmpty()", "left.getEncoding() != encoding" })
public Rope concatEmptyRightDifferentEncoding(Rope left, Rope right, Encoding encoding) {
return RopeOperations.withEncoding(left, encoding);

@Specialization(guards = { "!left.isEmpty()", "!right.isEmpty()" })
public Rope concat(Rope left, Rope right, Encoding encoding,
@Cached("createBinaryProfile()") ConditionProfile sameCodeRangeProfile,
@Cached("createBinaryProfile()") ConditionProfile brokenCodeRangeProfile,
@Cached("createBinaryProfile()") ConditionProfile isLeftSingleByteOptimizableProfile,
@Cached("createBinaryProfile()") ConditionProfile leftDepthGreaterThanRightProfile) {
return new ConcatRope(left, right, encoding,
commonCodeRange(left.getCodeRange(), right.getCodeRange(), sameCodeRangeProfile, brokenCodeRangeProfile),
isSingleByteOptimizable(left, right, isLeftSingleByteOptimizableProfile),
depth(left, right, leftDepthGreaterThanRightProfile));

private int commonCodeRange(int first, int second,
ConditionProfile sameCodeRangeProfile,
ConditionProfile brokenCodeRangeProfile) {
if (sameCodeRangeProfile.profile(first == second)) {
return first;

if (brokenCodeRangeProfile.profile((first == StringSupport.CR_BROKEN) || (second == StringSupport.CR_BROKEN))) {
return StringSupport.CR_BROKEN;

// If we get this far, one must be CR_7BIT and the other must be CR_VALID, so promote to the more general code range.
return StringSupport.CR_VALID;

private boolean isSingleByteOptimizable(Rope left, Rope right, ConditionProfile isLeftSingleByteOptimizableProfile) {
if (isLeftSingleByteOptimizableProfile.profile(left.isSingleByteOptimizable())) {
return right.isSingleByteOptimizable();

return false;

private int depth(Rope left, Rope right, ConditionProfile leftDepthGreaterThanRightProfile) {
if (leftDepthGreaterThanRightProfile.profile(left.depth() >= right.depth())) {
return left.depth() + 1;

return right.depth() + 1;


@NodeChild(type = RubyNode.class, value = "bytes"),
@NodeChild(type = RubyNode.class, value = "encoding"),
@NodeChild(type = RubyNode.class, value = "codeRange")
public abstract static class MakeLeafRopeNode extends RubyNode {

public MakeLeafRopeNode(RubyContext context, SourceSection sourceSection) {
super(context, sourceSection);

public abstract LeafRope executeMake(byte[] bytes, Encoding encoding, int codeRange);

@Specialization(guards = "is7Bit(codeRange)")
public LeafRope makeAsciiOnlyLeafRope(byte[] bytes, Encoding encoding, int codeRange) {
return new AsciiOnlyLeafRope(bytes, encoding);

@Specialization(guards = "isValid(codeRange)")
public LeafRope makeValidLeafRope(byte[] bytes, Encoding encoding, int codeRange) {
final int characterLength = RopeOperations.strLength(encoding, bytes, 0, bytes.length);

return new ValidLeafRope(bytes, encoding, characterLength);

@Specialization(guards = "isBroken(codeRange)")
public LeafRope makeInvalidLeafRope(byte[] bytes, Encoding encoding, int codeRange) {
return new InvalidLeafRope(bytes, encoding);

@Specialization(guards = "isUnknown(codeRange)")
public LeafRope makeUnknownLeafRope(byte[] bytes, Encoding encoding, int codeRange,
@Cached("createBinaryProfile()") ConditionProfile discovered7BitProfile,
@Cached("createBinaryProfile()") ConditionProfile discoveredValidProfile) {
final long packedLengthAndCodeRange = RopeOperations.calculateCodeRangeAndLength(encoding, bytes, 0, bytes.length);
final int newCodeRange = StringSupport.unpackArg(packedLengthAndCodeRange);
final int characterLength = StringSupport.unpackResult(packedLengthAndCodeRange);

if (discovered7BitProfile.profile(newCodeRange == StringSupport.CR_7BIT)) {
return new AsciiOnlyLeafRope(bytes, encoding);

if (discoveredValidProfile.profile(newCodeRange == StringSupport.CR_VALID)) {
return new ValidLeafRope(bytes, encoding, characterLength);

return new InvalidLeafRope(bytes, encoding);

protected static boolean is7Bit(int codeRange) {
return codeRange == StringSupport.CR_7BIT;

protected static boolean isValid(int codeRange) {
return codeRange == StringSupport.CR_VALID;

protected static boolean isBroken(int codeRange) {
return codeRange == StringSupport.CR_BROKEN;

protected static boolean isUnknown(int codeRange) {
return codeRange == StringSupport.CR_UNKNOWN;
152 changes: 112 additions & 40 deletions truffle/src/main/java/org/jruby/truffle/nodes/core/

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ protected final boolean guardName(Object methodName) {
// TODO(CS, 11-Jan-15) this just repeats the above guard...
return cachedName == methodName;
} else if (RubyGuards.isRubyString(cachedName)) {
return (RubyGuards.isRubyString(methodName)) && StringOperations.getByteListReadOnly((DynamicObject) cachedName).equal(StringOperations.getByteListReadOnly((DynamicObject) methodName));
return (RubyGuards.isRubyString(methodName)) && StringOperations.rope((DynamicObject) cachedName).equals(StringOperations.rope((DynamicObject) methodName));
} else {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@
import org.jcodings.transcode.EConvResult;
import org.jruby.truffle.nodes.RubyGuards;
import org.jruby.truffle.nodes.core.EncodingConverterNodes;
import org.jruby.truffle.nodes.core.RopeNodes;
import org.jruby.truffle.nodes.core.RopeNodesFactory;
import org.jruby.truffle.nodes.dispatch.CallDispatchHeadNode;
import org.jruby.truffle.nodes.dispatch.DispatchHeadNodeFactory;
import org.jruby.truffle.runtime.NotProvided;
@@ -57,8 +59,11 @@ public Object encodingConverterAllocate(DynamicObject encodingConverterClass, No
@RubiniusPrimitive(name = "encoding_converter_primitive_convert")
public static abstract class PrimitiveConvertNode extends RubiniusPrimitiveNode {

@Child private RopeNodes.MakeSubstringNode makeSubstringNode;

public PrimitiveConvertNode(RubyContext context, SourceSection sourceSection) {
super(context, sourceSection);
makeSubstringNode = RopeNodesFactory.MakeSubstringNodeGen.create(context, sourceSection, null, null, null);

@Specialization(guards = {"isRubyString(source)", "isRubyString(target)", "isRubyHash(options)"})
@@ -141,7 +146,7 @@ private Object primitiveConvertHelper(DynamicObject encodingConverter, DynamicOb
outBytes.setRealSize(outPtr.p - outBytes.begin());

if (nonNullSource) {
sourceRope = RopeOperations.substring(sourceRope, inPtr.p, sourceRope.byteLength() - inPtr.p);
sourceRope = makeSubstringNode.executeMake(sourceRope, inPtr.p, sourceRope.byteLength() - inPtr.p);
Layouts.STRING.setRope(source, sourceRope);

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@
import org.jruby.truffle.nodes.core.CoreClass;
import org.jruby.truffle.nodes.core.CoreMethod;
import org.jruby.truffle.nodes.core.CoreMethodArrayArgumentsNode;
import org.jruby.truffle.nodes.core.RopeNodes;
import org.jruby.truffle.nodes.core.RopeNodesFactory;
import org.jruby.truffle.nodes.objects.AllocateObjectNode;
import org.jruby.truffle.nodes.objects.AllocateObjectNodeGen;
import org.jruby.truffle.runtime.RubyContext;
@@ -698,8 +700,11 @@ public int rmdir(DynamicObject path) {
@CoreMethod(names = "getcwd", isModuleFunction = true, required = 2)
public abstract static class GetcwdNode extends CoreMethodArrayArgumentsNode {

@Child private RopeNodes.MakeLeafRopeNode makeLeafRopeNode;

public GetcwdNode(RubyContext context, SourceSection sourceSection) {
super(context, sourceSection);
makeLeafRopeNode = RopeNodesFactory.MakeLeafRopeNodeGen.create(context, sourceSection, null, null, null);

@@ -708,7 +713,7 @@ public DynamicObject getcwd(DynamicObject resultPath, int maxSize) {
// We just ignore maxSize - I think this is ok

final String path = getContext().getRuntime().getCurrentDirectory();
Layouts.STRING.setRope(resultPath, RopeOperations.create(path.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8), Layouts.STRING.getRope(resultPath).getEncoding(), StringSupport.CR_UNKNOWN));
Layouts.STRING.setRope(resultPath, makeLeafRopeNode.executeMake(path.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8), Layouts.STRING.getRope(resultPath).getEncoding(), StringSupport.CR_UNKNOWN));
return resultPath;

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

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@@ -199,14 +199,13 @@ public static int clampExclusiveIndex(DynamicObject string, int index) {
return ArrayOperations.clampExclusiveIndex(StringOperations.rope(string).byteLength(), index);

public static Encoding checkEncoding(RubyContext context, DynamicObject string, CodeRangeable other, Node node) {
final Encoding encoding = StringSupport.areCompatible(getCodeRangeableReadOnly(string), other);
public static Encoding checkEncoding(RubyContext context, DynamicObject string, DynamicObject other, Node node) {
final Encoding encoding = EncodingNodes.CompatibleQueryNode.compatibleEncodingForStrings(string, other);

if (encoding == null) {
throw new RaiseException(context.getCoreLibrary().encodingCompatibilityErrorIncompatible(

@@ -231,23 +230,6 @@ public static int byteLength(DynamicObject object) {
return Layouts.STRING.getRope(object).byteLength();

public static int commonCodeRange(int first, int second) {
if (first == second) {
return first;

if ((first == StringSupport.CR_UNKNOWN) || (second == StringSupport.CR_UNKNOWN)) {
return StringSupport.CR_UNKNOWN;

if ((first == StringSupport.CR_BROKEN) || (second == StringSupport.CR_BROKEN)) {
return StringSupport.CR_BROKEN;

// If we get this far, one must be CR_7BIT and the other must be CR_VALID, so promote to the more general code range.
return StringSupport.CR_VALID;

public static Rope ropeFromByteList(ByteList byteList) {
return RopeOperations.create(byteList.bytes(), byteList.getEncoding(), StringSupport.CR_UNKNOWN);
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@

import org.jcodings.Encoding;
import org.jruby.truffle.runtime.core.StringOperations;

public class ConcatRope extends Rope {

@@ -20,13 +19,13 @@ public class ConcatRope extends Rope {

private byte[] bytes;

public ConcatRope(Rope left, Rope right, Encoding encoding) {
public ConcatRope(Rope left, Rope right, Encoding encoding, int codeRange, boolean singleByteOptimizable, int depth) {
StringOperations.commonCodeRange(left.getCodeRange(), right.getCodeRange()),
left.isSingleByteOptimizable() && right.isSingleByteOptimizable(),
left.byteLength() + right.byteLength(),
left.characterLength() + right.characterLength(),
Math.max(left.depth(), right.depth()) + 1);

this.left = left;
this.right = right;
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ public abstract class Rope {
private final int byteLength;
private final int characterLength;
private final int ropeDepth;
@CompilationFinal private int hashCode = -1;
private int hashCode = 0;

protected Rope(Encoding encoding, int codeRange, boolean singleByteOptimizable, int byteLength, int characterLength, int ropeDepth) {
this.encoding = encoding;
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ public int getRealSize() {

public int hashCode() {
if (hashCode == -1) {
if (hashCode == 0) {
hashCode = RopeOperations.hashForRange(this, 1, 0, byteLength);

@@ -112,6 +112,10 @@ public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (o instanceof Rope) {
final Rope other = (Rope) o;

if ((hashCode != 0) && (other.hashCode != 0) && (hashCode != other.hashCode)) {
return false;

// TODO (nirvdrum 21-Jan-16): We really should be taking the encoding into account here. We're currenly not because it breaks the symbol table.
return byteLength() == other.byteLength() && Arrays.equals(getBytes(), other.getBytes());
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -54,69 +54,6 @@ public static LeafRope create(byte[] bytes, Encoding encoding, int codeRange) {

public static Rope concat(Rope left, Rope right, Encoding encoding) {
if (right.isEmpty()) {
return withEncoding(left, encoding);

if (left.isEmpty()) {
return withEncoding(right, encoding);

return new ConcatRope(left, right, encoding);

public static Rope substring(Rope base, int offset, int byteLength) {
if (byteLength == 0) {
return withEncoding(EMPTY_UTF8_ROPE, base.getEncoding());

if (byteLength - offset == base.byteLength()) {
return base;

if (base instanceof SubstringRope) {
return substringSubstringRope((SubstringRope) base, offset, byteLength);
} else if (base instanceof ConcatRope) {
return substringConcatRope((ConcatRope) base, offset, byteLength);

return makeSubstring(base, offset, byteLength);

private static Rope substringSubstringRope(SubstringRope base, int offset, int byteLength) {
return makeSubstring(base.getChild(), offset + base.getOffset(), byteLength);

private static Rope substringConcatRope(ConcatRope base, int offset, int byteLength) {
if (offset + byteLength <= base.getLeft().byteLength()) {
return substring(base.getLeft(), offset, byteLength);
} else if (offset >= base.getLeft().byteLength()) {
return substring(base.getRight(), offset - base.getLeft().byteLength(), byteLength);

return makeSubstring(base, offset, byteLength);

private static Rope makeSubstring(Rope base, int offset, int byteLength) {
if (base.getCodeRange() == StringSupport.CR_7BIT) {
return new SubstringRope(base, offset, byteLength, byteLength, StringSupport.CR_7BIT);

return makeSubstringNon7Bit(base, offset, byteLength);

private static Rope makeSubstringNon7Bit(Rope base, int offset, int byteLength) {
final long packedLengthAndCodeRange = calculateCodeRangeAndLength(base.getEncoding(), base.getBytes(), offset, offset + byteLength);
final int codeRange = StringSupport.unpackArg(packedLengthAndCodeRange);
final int characterLength = StringSupport.unpackResult(packedLengthAndCodeRange);

return new SubstringRope(base, offset, byteLength, characterLength, codeRange);

public static Rope withEncoding(Rope originalRope, Encoding newEncoding, int newCodeRange) {
if ((originalRope.getEncoding() == newEncoding) && (originalRope.getCodeRange() == newCodeRange)) {
return originalRope;
@@ -125,7 +62,6 @@ public static Rope withEncoding(Rope originalRope, Encoding newEncoding, int new
return create(originalRope.getBytes(), newEncoding, newCodeRange);

public static Rope withEncoding(Rope originalRope, Encoding newEncoding) {
return withEncoding(originalRope, newEncoding, originalRope.getCodeRange());
@@ -137,26 +73,38 @@ public static String decodeUTF8(Rope rope) {

public static String decodeRope(Ruby runtime, Rope value) {
int begin = value.getBegin();
int length = value.byteLength();
if (value instanceof LeafRope) {
int begin = value.getBegin();
int length = value.byteLength();

Encoding encoding = value.getEncoding();
Encoding encoding = value.getEncoding();

if (encoding == UTF8Encoding.INSTANCE) {
return RubyEncoding.decodeUTF8(value.getBytes(), begin, length);
if (encoding == UTF8Encoding.INSTANCE) {
return RubyEncoding.decodeUTF8(value.getBytes(), begin, length);

Charset charset = runtime.getEncodingService().charsetForEncoding(encoding);
Charset charset = runtime.getEncodingService().charsetForEncoding(encoding);

if (charset == null) {
try {
return new String(value.getBytes(), begin, length, encoding.toString());
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee) {
return value.toString();
if (charset == null) {
try {
return new String(value.getBytes(), begin, length, encoding.toString());
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee) {
return value.toString();

return RubyEncoding.decode(value.getBytes(), begin, length, charset);
return RubyEncoding.decode(value.getBytes(), begin, length, charset);
} else if (value instanceof SubstringRope) {
final SubstringRope substringRope = (SubstringRope) value;

return decodeRope(runtime, substringRope.getChild()).substring(substringRope.getOffset(), substringRope.getOffset() + substringRope.characterLength());
} else if (value instanceof ConcatRope) {
final ConcatRope concatRope = (ConcatRope) value;

return decodeRope(runtime, concatRope.getLeft()) + decodeRope(runtime, concatRope.getRight());
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Decoding to String is not supported for rope of type: " + value.getClass().getName());

// MRI: get_actual_encoding
@@ -166,7 +114,7 @@ public static Encoding STR_ENC_GET(Rope rope) {

private static long calculateCodeRangeAndLength(Encoding encoding, byte[] bytes, int start, int end) {
public static long calculateCodeRangeAndLength(Encoding encoding, byte[] bytes, int start, int end) {
if (bytes.length == 0) {
return StringSupport.pack(0, encoding.isAsciiCompatible() ? StringSupport.CR_7BIT : StringSupport.CR_VALID);
} else if (encoding.isAsciiCompatible()) {