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Fixes to Time and BigDecimal for #3616.
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* BigDecimal#to_r was not producing correct results.
* was not attempting to coerce using to_r.
* rational logic was over-complicated.

Fixes #3616 and untags a few specs.
headius committed Jan 26, 2016
1 parent 25600ba commit 16b13e1
Showing 6 changed files with 82 additions and 66 deletions.
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions core/src/main/java/org/jruby/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -189,6 +189,11 @@ private static RubyRational newRationalBang(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject c
private static RubyRational newRationalBang(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject clazz, IRubyObject x) {
return newRationalBang(context, clazz, x,;

public ClassIndex getNativeClassIndex() {
return ClassIndex.RATIONAL;

private IRubyObject num;
private IRubyObject den;
@@ -405,6 +410,14 @@ public IRubyObject denominator(ThreadContext context) {
return den;

public IRubyObject getNumerator() {
return num;

public IRubyObject getDenominator() {
return den;

/** f_imul
101 changes: 64 additions & 37 deletions core/src/main/java/org/jruby/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -82,8 +82,8 @@
@JRubyClass(name="Time", include="Comparable")
public class RubyTime extends RubyObject {
public static final String UTC = "UTC";
@Deprecated // no longer used
public static final BigDecimal ONE_MILLION_BD = BigDecimal.valueOf(1000000);
public static final BigDecimal ONE_BILLION_BD = BigDecimal.valueOf(1000000000);
public static final BigInteger ONE_MILLION_BI = BigInteger.valueOf(1000000);
public static final BigDecimal ONE_THOUSAND_BD = BigDecimal.valueOf(1000);
private DateTime dt;
@@ -259,29 +259,59 @@ public static DateTimeZone getTimeZoneFromUtcOffset(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject ut
// mri: time.c num_exact
private static IRubyObject numExact(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject v) {
IRubyObject tmp;
if (v instanceof RubyFixnum || v instanceof RubyBignum) return v;
if (v.isNil()) exactTypeError(runtime, v);
if (!(v instanceof RubyRational)) { // Default unknown
if (v.respondsTo("to_r")) {
tmp = v.callMethod(runtime.getCurrentContext(), "to_r");
// WTF is this condition for? It responds to to_r and makes something which thinks it is a String?
if (tmp != null && v.respondsTo("to_str")) exactTypeError(runtime, v);
} else {
tmp = TypeConverter.checkIntegerType(runtime, v, "to_int");
if (tmp.isNil()) exactTypeError(runtime, v);
v = tmp;
boolean typeError = false;

switch (v.getMetaClass().getClassIndex()) {
case FIXNUM:
case BIGNUM:
return v;


case STRING:
case NIL:
typeError = true;

if ((tmp = v.getMetaClass().finvokeChecked(runtime.getCurrentContext(), v, "to_r")) != null) {
/* test to_int method availability to reject non-Numeric
* objects such as String, Time, etc which have to_r method. */
if (!v.respondsTo("to_int")) {
typeError = true;
v = tmp;
if (!(tmp = TypeConverter.checkIntegerType(runtime, v, "to_int")).isNil()) {
v = tmp;
typeError = true;

if (v instanceof RubyFixnum || v instanceof RubyBignum) {
return v;
} else if (v instanceof RubyRational) {
RubyRational r = (RubyRational) v;
if (r.denominator(runtime.getCurrentContext()) == RubyFixnum.newFixnum(runtime, 1)) {
return r.numerator(runtime.getCurrentContext());
} else {
exactTypeError(runtime, v);
switch (v.getMetaClass().getClassIndex()) {
case FIXNUM:
case BIGNUM:
return v;

if (((RubyRational) v).getDenominator() == {
v = ((RubyRational) v).getNumerator();

typeError = true;

if (typeError) {
if (v.isNil()) throw runtime.newTypeError("can't convert nil into an exact number");
throw runtime.newTypeError("can't convert " + v.getMetaClass() + " into an exact number");

return v;
@@ -1032,6 +1062,8 @@ public static IRubyObject at(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, IRubyObjec
long nanosecs;
long millisecs;

arg = numExact(runtime, arg);

// In the case of two arguments, MRI will discard the portion of
// the first argument after a decimal point (i.e., "floor").
// However in the case of a single argument, any portion after
@@ -1057,23 +1089,15 @@ public static IRubyObject at(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, IRubyObjec
RubyRational rational = (RubyRational) arg;

// These could have rounding errors if numerator or denominator are not integral and < long. Can they be?
long numerator = rational.numerator(context).convertToInteger().getLongValue();
long denominator = rational.denominator(context).convertToInteger().getLongValue();
long numerator = rational.getNumerator().convertToInteger().getLongValue();
long denominator = rational.getDenominator().convertToInteger().getLongValue();

final BigDecimal secs;
if ( numerator <= Integer.MAX_VALUE ) {
secs = new BigDecimal(numerator * 1000);
else {
secs = BigDecimal.valueOf(numerator).multiply(ONE_THOUSAND_BD);
final BigDecimal millis = secs.divide(BigDecimal.valueOf(denominator), 12, RoundingMode.DOWN);

final BigInteger roundMillis = millis.toBigInteger();
BigInteger remainingNanos = millis.movePointRight(6).toBigInteger().subtract( roundMillis.multiply(ONE_MILLION_BI) );
BigDecimal nanosBD = BigDecimal.valueOf(numerator).divide(BigDecimal.valueOf(denominator), 50, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP).multiply(ONE_BILLION_BD);
BigInteger millis = nanosBD.divide(ONE_MILLION_BD).toBigInteger();
BigInteger nanos = nanosBD.remainder(ONE_MILLION_BD).toBigInteger();

millisecs = roundMillis.longValue();
nanosecs = remainingNanos.longValue();
millisecs = millis.longValue();
nanosecs = nanos.longValue();
} else {
nanosecs = 0;
@@ -1109,6 +1133,9 @@ public static IRubyObject at(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, IRubyObjec
long millisecs;
long nanosecs = 0;

arg1 = numExact(runtime, arg1);
arg2 = numExact(runtime, arg2);

if (arg1 instanceof RubyFloat || arg1 instanceof RubyRational) {
double dbl = RubyNumeric.num2dbl(arg1);
millisecs = (long) (dbl * 1000);
30 changes: 5 additions & 25 deletions core/src/main/java/org/jruby/ext/bigdecimal/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1518,31 +1518,11 @@ public IRubyObject to_int() {
public IRubyObject to_r(ThreadContext context) {

RubyArray i = split(context);
long sign = (long)i.get(0);
String digits = (String)i.get(1).toString();
long base = (long)i.get(2);
long power = (long)i.get(3);
long denomi_power = power - digits.length();

IRubyObject bigDigits = RubyBignum.newBignum(getRuntime(), (String)digits).op_mul(context, sign);
RubyBignum numerator;
if(bigDigits instanceof RubyBignum) {
numerator = (RubyBignum)bigDigits;
else {
numerator = RubyBignum.newBignum(getRuntime(), bigDigits.toString());
IRubyObject num, den;
if(denomi_power < 0) {
num = numerator;
den = RubyFixnum.newFixnum(getRuntime(), base).op_mul(context, RubyFixnum.newFixnum(getRuntime(), -denomi_power));
else {
num = numerator.op_pow(context, RubyFixnum.newFixnum(getRuntime(), base).op_mul(context, RubyFixnum.newFixnum(getRuntime(), denomi_power)));
den = RubyFixnum.newFixnum(getRuntime(), 1);
return RubyRational.newInstance(context, context.runtime.getRational(), num, den);
int scale = value.scale();
BigInteger numerator = value.scaleByPowerOfTen(scale).toBigInteger();
BigInteger denominator = BigInteger.valueOf((long)Math.pow(10, scale));

return RubyRational.newInstance(context, context.runtime.getRational(), RubyBignum.newBignum(context.runtime, numerator), RubyBignum.newBignum(context.runtime, denominator));

public IRubyObject to_int19() {
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions spec/tags/ruby/core/time/at_tags.txt

This file was deleted.

1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion spec/tags/ruby/library/bigdecimal/mode_tags.txt

This file was deleted.

1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion spec/tags/ruby/library/bigdecimal/new_tags.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,2 +1 @@
critical(JRUBY-3749) doesn't segfault when using a very large string to build the number creates a new object of class BigDecimal

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