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Item11574: Item14327 NotificationPlugin fixes
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
 - Modernize it - add strict & warnings
 - Convert to a registered NTF tag handler
 - Convert the button support to a REST handler
 - Convert buttons to <forms> and POST the requests

Popup option is not functional.  TIN, WIN, TN and WN buttons are now
  • Loading branch information
gac410 committed Feb 27, 2017
1 parent 103a90d commit 822707d
Showing 1 changed file with 202 additions and 73 deletions.
275 changes: 202 additions & 73 deletions lib/Foswiki/Plugins/
@@ -1,76 +1,78 @@
# Plugin for Foswiki - The Free and Open Source Wiki,
package Foswiki::Plugins::NotificationPlugin;

use vars qw(
$web $topic $user $installWeb $VERSION $RELEASE $pluginName
$sender @users $debug @sections
use warnings;
use strict;

$VERSION = '1.30';
$RELEASE = '24 Feb 2017';
our $VERSION = '1.30';
our $RELEASE = '24 Feb 2017';
'Send fine grained notifications of topics you are interested in';

$pluginName = 'NotificationPlugin'; # Name of this Plugin
my @sections = (
"(Topic) immediate notifications",
"(Web) immediate notifications",
"(Regex) immediate notifications",
"(Topic) notifications",
"(Web) notifications",
"(Regex) notifications"

my @users;
my $debug;
my $sender;

# =========================
sub initPlugin {
( $topic, $web, $user, $installWeb ) = @_;
my ( $topic, $web, $user, $installWeb ) = @_;

# check for versions
if ( $Foswiki::Plugins::VERSION < 1 ) {
"Version mismatch between $pluginName and");
"Version mismatch between NotificationPlugin and");
return 0;

@users = getUsers();
@sections = (
"(Topic) immediate notifications",
"(Web) immediate notifications",
"(Regex) immediate notifications",
"(Topic) notifications",
"(Web) notifications",
"(Regex) notifications"
@users = getUsers();

$debug = $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{NotificationPlugin}{Debug} || 0;

'changenotify', \&restHandler,
authenticate => 1, # Set to 0 if handler should be useable by WikiGuest
validate => 0, # Set to 0 to disable StrikeOne CSRF protection
http_allow => 'POST', # Set to 'GET,POST' to allow use HTTP GET and POST
description => 'Modify NotificationPlugin subscriptions'

$debug = $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{$pluginName}{Debug} || 0;
Foswiki::Func::registerTagHandler( 'NTF', \&_NTF );

# $sender = $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{$pluginName}{SENDER} || "Foswiki NotificationPlugin";
# $sender = $Foswiki::cfg{Plugins}{NotificationPlugin}{SENDER} || "Foswiki NotificationPlugin";
$sender = $Foswiki::cfg{WebMasterEmail};

# Plugin correctly initialized
"- Foswiki::Plugins::${pluginName}::initPlugin( $web.$topic ) is OK")
if $debug;
"- Foswiki::Plugins::NotificationPlugin::initPlugin( $web.$topic ) is OK"
) if $debug;
return 1;

# =========================
sub commonTagsHandler {
### my ( $text, $topic, $web ) = @_;
sub _NTF {

"- ${pluginName}::commonTagsHandler( $_[2].$_[1] )")
if $debug;

# This is the place to define customized tags and variables
# Called by sub handleCommonTags, after %INCLUDE:"..."%

# do custom extension rule, like for example:
$_[0] =~ s/%NTF\{(.*?)\}%/&showNotifyButtons($1)/ge;
return showNotifyButtons( $_[1] );

# =========================
sub beforeSaveHandler {
### my ( $text, $topic, $web ) = @_;

"- ${pluginName}::beforeSaveHandler( $_[2].$_[1] )")
"- NotificatinoPlugin::beforeSaveHandler( $_[2].$_[1] )")
if $debug;

my $wikiUser = Foswiki::Func::userToWikiName( $user, 1 );
my $wikiUser = Foswiki::Func::getWikiName();

my @notifyUsers = ();
push( @notifyUsers, getUsersToNotify( $_[2], $_[1], 0 ) );
push( @notifyUsers, getUsersToNotify( $_[2], $_[1], 1 ) );
Expand All @@ -90,12 +92,13 @@ sub beforeSaveHandler {
sub getUsers {
my @result;

# Consider %SEARCH{"notifications" type="literal" topic="*NotifyList" web="Usersweb" format="$topic" separator="," nonoise="on"}%
my @topics = Foswiki::Func::getTopicList( $Foswiki::cfg{UsersWebName} );

foreach my $name (@topics) {
next unless $name =~ /^(.*)NotifyList$/;

#Foswiki::Func::writeDebug( "NAME = $1" );
Foswiki::Func::writeDebug("NAME = $1");
$result[ ++$#result ] = $1 if ( $1 ne "" );

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -161,7 +164,7 @@ sub getNotificationsOfUser {
my @result;

#Foswiki::Func::writeDebug( "USER = $tuser" );
$test = "";
my $test = "";
foreach my $line ( split( /\n/, $text ) ) {

#Foswiki::Func::writeDebug( "LINE = $line" );
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -225,7 +228,7 @@ sub getUserEmail {
my @emails = Foswiki::Func::wikinameToEmails($who);
return "" if ( $#emails < 0 );
"- Foswiki::Plugins::${pluginName} USER: $who, EMAIL $emails[0]")
"- Foswiki::Plugins::NotificationPlugin USER: $who, EMAIL $emails[0]")
if $debug;
return $emails[0];
Expand All @@ -247,7 +250,7 @@ sub addItemToNotifyList {
$section, $text );
my $newText = "";
my $tmp = 0;
foreach $line ( split( /\n/, $text ) ) {
foreach my $line ( split( /\n/, $text ) ) {

#Foswiki::Func::writeDebug( "LINE = $line" );
$tmp = 0 if ( $line =~ /^---\+\+\s/ && $tmp );
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -285,7 +288,7 @@ sub removeItemFromNotifyList {
$section, $text );
my $newText = "";
my $tmp = 0;
foreach $line ( split( /\n/, $text ) ) {
foreach my $line ( split( /\n/, $text ) ) {
$tmp = 0 if ( $line =~ /^---\+\+\s/ && $tmp );
$tmp = 1 if ( $line =~ /$sections[$section]/ );
if ( $tmp == 0 ) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -318,7 +321,6 @@ sub checkUserNotifyList {
( $tmpMeta, $tmpText ) =
Foswiki::Func::readTopic( $Foswiki::cfg{UsersWebName},
"NotificationPluginListTemplate" );
Expand All @@ -337,17 +339,17 @@ sub saveUserNotifyList {
my ( $who, $meta, $text ) = @_;

#Foswiki::Func::writeDebug( "NTF:saveUserNotifyList: Saving Main.".$who."NotifyList topic..." );
$text =~ s/ /\t/g;

my $topicObject = Foswiki::Func::saveTopic(
$who . "NotifyList",
$meta, $text
if ( !$topicObject ) {
my $url =
Foswiki::Func::getOopsUrl( $web, $topic, "oopssaveerr", $error );
Foswiki::Func::redirectCgiQuery( $query, $url );

#my $url =
# Foswiki::Func::getOopsUrl( $web, $topic, "oopssaveerr", 'save failed' );
#Foswiki::Func::redirectCgiQuery( $query, $url );

Expand All @@ -366,20 +368,23 @@ sub isItemInSection {

sub showNotifyButtons {
my $attrs = shift;
my $params = shift;
my ( $tin, $win, $tn, $wn, $popup ) = ( "on", "on", "on", "on", "on" );
my ( $tinOn, $winOn, $tnOn, $wnOn ) = ( "on", "on", "on", "on" );
my $opt = "";
my %tmp = ( "on" => "OFF", "off" => "ON" );
$tin = $1 if ( $attrs =~ /tin=\"(.*?)\"/ );
$win = $1 if ( $attrs =~ /win=\"(.*?)\"/ );
$tn = $1 if ( $attrs =~ /tn=\"(.*?)\"/ );
$wn = $1 if ( $attrs =~ /wn=\"(.*?)\"/ );
$popup = $1 if ( $attrs =~ /popup=\"(.*?)\"/ );
$opt = $1 if ( $attrs =~ /optional=\"(.*?)\"/ );
$tin = $params->{tin} || "on";
$win = $params->{win} || "on";
$tn = $params->{tn} || "on";
$wn = $params->{wn} || "on";

#$popup = $1 if ( $attrs =~ /popup=\"(.*?)\"/ );
my $text = "";

my $curWikiName = Foswiki::Func::getWikiName();
my $web = $Foswiki::Plugins::SESSION->{webName};
my $topic = $Foswiki::Plugins::SESSION->{topicName};
my $restURL = Foswiki::Func::getScriptUrl( undef, undef, 'rest' )
. '/NotificationPlugin/changenotify';

if ( $curWikiName ne "WikiGuest" ) {
$tinOn = "off"
Expand All @@ -393,28 +398,152 @@ sub showNotifyButtons {
. Foswiki::Func::getScriptUrl( $web, $topic, "changenotify" )
. "?popup=on\");' type='button' value='Popup'>&nbsp;"
if ( $popup eq "on" );
$text .=
"<input onClick='javascript:location.href(\""
. Foswiki::Func::getScriptUrl( $web, $topic, "changenotify" )
. "?what=TIN&action=$tmp{$tinOn}&$opt\");' type='button' value='TIN $tinOn' title='Topic immediate notifications! Click to set it $tmp{$tinOn}!'>&nbsp;"
if ( $tin eq "on" );
$text .=
"<input onClick='javascript:location.href(\""
. Foswiki::Func::getScriptUrl( $web, $topic, "changenotify" )
. "?what=WIN&action=$tmp{$winOn}&$opt\");' type='button' value='WIN $winOn' title='Web immediate notifications! Click to set it $tmp{$winOn}!'>&nbsp;"
if ( $win eq "on" );
$text .=
"<input onClick='javascript:location.href(\""
. Foswiki::Func::getScriptUrl( $web, $topic, "changenotify" )
. "?what=TN&action=$tmp{$tnOn}&$opt\");' type='button' value='TN $tnOn' title='Topic notifications! Click to set it $tmp{$tnOn}!'>&nbsp;"
if ( $tn eq "on" );
$text .=
"<input onClick='javascript:location.href(\""
. Foswiki::Func::getScriptUrl( $web, $topic, "changenotify" )
. "?what=WN&action=$tmp{$wnOn}&$opt\");' type='button' value='WN $wnOn' title='Web notifications! Click to set it $tmp{$wnOn}!'>&nbsp;"
if ( $wn eq "on" );
$text .= <<"HERE" if $tin eq 'on';
<form id="TIN" action="$restURL" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="what" value="TIN" />
<input type="hidden" name="topic" value="$web.$topic" />
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="$tmp{$tinOn}" />
<input href="#" type="button" onclick="document.getElementById('TIN').submit();" value="TIN $tinOn" title="Topic immediate notifications! Click to set it $tmp{$tinOn}!" />
$text .= <<"HERE" if $win eq 'on';
<form id="WIN" action="$restURL" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="what" value="WIN" />
<input type="hidden" name="topic" value="$web.$topic" />
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="$tmp{$winOn}" />
<input href="#" type="button" onclick="document.getElementById('WIN').submit();" value="WIN $winOn" title="Topic immediate notifications! Click to set it $tmp{$winOn}!" />

$text .= <<"HERE" if $tn eq 'on';
<form id="TN" action="$restURL" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="what" value="TN" />
<input type="hidden" name="topic" value="$web.$topic" />
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="$tmp{$tnOn}" />
<input href="#" type="button" onclick="document.getElementById('TN').submit();" value="TN $tnOn" title="Topic immediate notifications! Click to set it $tmp{$tnOn}!" />

$text .= <<"HERE" if $wn eq 'on';
<form id="WN" action="$restURL" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="what" value="WN" />
<input type="hidden" name="topic" value="$web.$topic" />
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="$tmp{$wnOn}" />
<input href="#" type="button" onclick="document.getElementById('WN').submit();" value="WN $wnOn" title="Topic immediate notifications! Click to set it $tmp{$wnOn}!" />

return $text;

sub restHandler {

my ( $session, $subject, $verb, $response ) = @_;

my $web = $session->{webName};
my $topic = $session->{topicName};

# # Use return to have foswiki manage the output
# return "This is an example of a REST invocation\n\n";
# # To completely control the output from the handler:
# $response->headers() - output headers, which must be utf-8 encoded
# $response->body() - output binary data that should not be encoded.
# $response->print() - output unicode text.
# # Note that print() and body() may not be combined. Use one or the other.

my $query = Foswiki::Func::getCgiQuery();
my $wikiName = Foswiki::Func::getWikiName();
my $scriptUrlPath = Foswiki::Func::getScriptUrlPath('view');

my $action = $query->param("action");
my $what = $query->param("what");

if ( $wikiName ne "WikiGuest" ) {
if ($action) {
if ($what) {
modify_notification( $web, $topic, $what, $action );
else {
# loop thru all possible checkboxes
for (qw(TIN WIN TN WN)) {
modify_notification( $web,
$topic, $_, scalar $query->param($_) );

# All work is done; redirect if needed
unless ( scalar $query->param("popup") ) {
Foswiki::Func::writeDebug("URL = $scriptUrlPath/$web/$topic");
Foswiki::Func::redirectCgiQuery( $query,
$scriptUrlPath . "/$web/$topic" );

# Fallthru: do something if no Javascript
return draw_checkboxes( $scriptUrlPath, $topic, $web );

sub modify_notification {
my ( $webName, $topic, $what, $action ) = @_;
$action ||= '';

Foswiki::Func::writeDebug("ModifyNotiication entered - ($what), ($action)");

my %tmp = ( "TIN" => 0, "WIN" => 1, "TN" => 3, "WN" => 4 );

my $str = "$webName.$topic";
$str = "$webName" if ( $tmp{$what} == 1 || $tmp{$what} == 4 );
Foswiki::Func::writeDebug("WHAT = $what");
Foswiki::Func::writeDebug("STR = $str");
my ( $meta, $text ) = ( "", "" );
my $wikiName = Foswiki::Func::getWikiName;

if ( $action eq "ON" ) {
( $meta, $text ) =
Foswiki::Plugins::NotificationPlugin::addItemToNotifyList( $wikiName,
$str, $tmp{$what} );
else {
( $meta, $text ) =
$wikiName, $str, $tmp{$what} );
Foswiki::Plugins::NotificationPlugin::saveUserNotifyList( $wikiName, $meta,
$text );

sub draw_checkboxes {
my ( $scriptUrlPath, $topic, $webName ) = @_;

my $wikiName = Foswiki::Func::getWikiName();

my $tinOn =
Foswiki::Plugins::NotificationPlugin::isItemInSection( $wikiName,
"$webName.$topic", 0 );
my $winOn =
Foswiki::Plugins::NotificationPlugin::isItemInSection( $wikiName,
"$webName", 1 );
my $tnOn = Foswiki::Plugins::NotificationPlugin::isItemInSection( $wikiName,
"$webName.$topic", 3 );
my $wnOn = Foswiki::Plugins::NotificationPlugin::isItemInSection( $wikiName,
"$webName", 4 );
my $action = $scriptUrlPath . "/changenotify/" . $webName . "/" . $topic;
my $html =
qq!<form onSubmit="setTimeout('window.close()',2000)" method="post" action="$action">
<input type="hidden" name="popup" value="1" />
<input type="checkbox" name="TIN" value="ON">Immediate Notification of changes to <b>$topic</b><br>
<input type="checkbox" name="WIN" value="ON">Immediate Notification of changes to <b>$webName</b><br>
<input type="checkbox" name="TN" value="ON" >Normal Notification of changes to <b>$topic</b><br>
<input type="checkbox" name="WN" value="ON" >Normal Notification of changes to <b>$webName</b><br>
<input type="submit" value="Update" name="action"></form>!;
$html =~ s/(name="TIN")/$1 checked="checked"/ if $tinOn;
$html =~ s/(name="WIN")/$1 checked="checked"/ if $winOn;
$html =~ s/(name="TN")/$1 checked="checked"/ if $tnOn;
$html =~ s/(name="WN")/$1 checked="checked"/ if $wnOn;
return $html;

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