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base repository: azonenberg/yosys
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base: 5b3b5ffc8cb1
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head repository: azonenberg/yosys
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compare: c85535398661
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  • 2 commits
  • 3 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Mar 2, 2017

  1. Copy the full SHA
    a6ca282 View commit details

Commits on Mar 4, 2017

  1. Copy the full SHA
    c855353 View commit details
Showing with 94 additions and 33 deletions.
  1. +7 −0 backends/aiger/
  2. +85 −31 backends/smt2/
  3. +2 −2 backends/smt2/
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions backends/aiger/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -188,6 +188,13 @@ struct AigerWriter

if (cell->type == "$anyseq")
for (auto bit : sigmap(cell->getPort("\\Y")))

log_error("Unsupported cell type: %s (%s)\n", log_id(cell->type), log_id(cell));

116 changes: 85 additions & 31 deletions backends/smt2/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -735,26 +735,41 @@ struct Smt2Worker

if (verbose) log("=> export logic driving asserts\n");

int assert_id = 0, assume_id = 0, cover_id = 0;
vector<string> assert_list, assume_list, cover_list;

for (auto cell : module->cells())
if (cell->"$assert", "$assume", "$cover")) {
if (cell->"$assert", "$assume", "$cover"))
int &id = cell->type == "$assert" ? assert_id :
cell->type == "$assume" ? assume_id :
cell->type == "$cover" ? cover_id : *(int*)nullptr;

char postfix = cell->type == "$assert" ? 'a' :
cell->type == "$assume" ? 'u' :
cell->type == "$cover" ? 'c' : 0;

string name_a = get_bool(cell->getPort("\\A"));
string name_en = get_bool(cell->getPort("\\EN"));
decls.push_back(stringf("; yosys-smt2-%s %s#%d %s\n", cell->type.c_str() + 1, get_id(module), idcounter,
decls.push_back(stringf("; yosys-smt2-%s %d %s\n", cell->type.c_str() + 1, id,
cell->attributes.count("\\src") ? cell->"\\src").decode_string().c_str() : get_id(cell)));

if (cell->type == "$cover")
decls.push_back(stringf("(define-fun |%s#%d| ((state |%s_s|)) Bool (and %s %s)) ; %s\n",
get_id(module), idcounter, get_id(module), name_a.c_str(), name_en.c_str(), get_id(cell)));
decls.push_back(stringf("(define-fun |%s_%c %d| ((state |%s_s|)) Bool (and %s %s)) ; %s\n",
get_id(module), postfix, id, get_id(module), name_a.c_str(), name_en.c_str(), get_id(cell)));
decls.push_back(stringf("(define-fun |%s#%d| ((state |%s_s|)) Bool (or %s (not %s))) ; %s\n",
get_id(module), idcounter, get_id(module), name_a.c_str(), name_en.c_str(), get_id(cell)));
decls.push_back(stringf("(define-fun |%s_%c %d| ((state |%s_s|)) Bool (or %s (not %s))) ; %s\n",
get_id(module), postfix, id, get_id(module), name_a.c_str(), name_en.c_str(), get_id(cell)));

if (cell->type == "$assert")
assert_list.push_back(stringf("(|%s#%d| state)", get_id(module), idcounter++));
assert_list.push_back(stringf("(|%s_a %d| state)", get_id(module), id));
else if (cell->type == "$assume")
assume_list.push_back(stringf("(|%s#%d| state)", get_id(module), idcounter++));
else if (cell->type == "$cover")
cover_list.push_back(stringf("(|%s#%d| state)", get_id(module), idcounter++));
assume_list.push_back(stringf("(|%s_u %d| state)", get_id(module), id));


for (int iter = 1; !registers.empty(); iter++)
@@ -1036,33 +1051,72 @@ struct Smt2Backend : public Backend {
log(" write_smt2 [options] [filename]\n");
log("Write a SMT-LIBv2 [1] description of the current design. For a module with name\n");
log("'<mod>' this will declare the sort '<mod>_s' (state of the module) and the\n");
log("functions operating on that state.\n");
log("'<mod>' this will declare the sort '<mod>_s' (state of the module) and will\n");
log("define and declare functions operating on that state.\n");
log("The following SMT2 functions are generated for a module with name '<mod>'.\n");
log("Some declarations/definitions are printed with a special comment. A prover\n");
log("using the SMT2 files can use those comments to collect all relevant metadata\n");
log("about the design.\n");
log(" ; yosys-smt2-module <mod>\n");
log(" (declare-sort |<mod>_s| 0)\n");
log(" The sort representing a state of module <mod>.\n");
log(" (define-fun |<mod>_h| ((state |<mod>_s|)) Bool (...))\n");
log(" This function must be asserted for each state to establish the\n");
log(" design hierarchy.\n");
log(" ; yosys-smt2-input <wirename> <width>\n");
log(" ; yosys-smt2-output <wirename> <width>\n");
log(" ; yosys-smt2-register <wirename> <width>\n");
log(" ; yosys-smt2-wire <wirename> <width>\n");
log(" (define-fun |<mod>_n <wirename>| (|<mod>_s|) (_ BitVec <width>))\n");
log(" (define-fun |<mod>_n <wirename>| (|<mod>_s|) Bool)\n");
log(" For each port, register, and wire with the 'keep' attribute set an\n");
log(" accessor function is generated. Single-bit wires are returned as Bool,\n");
log(" multi-bit wires as BitVec.\n");
log(" ; yosys-smt2-cell <submod> <instancename>\n");
log(" (declare-fun |<mod>_h <instancename>| (|<mod>_s|) |<submod>_s|)\n");
log(" There is a function like that for each hierarchical instance. It\n");
log(" returns the sort that represents the state of the sub-module that\n");
log(" implements the instance.\n");
log(" (declare-fun |<mod>_is| (|<mod>_s|) Bool)\n");
log(" This function must be asserted 'true' for initial states, and 'false'\n");
log(" otherwise.\n");
log(" (define-fun |<mod>_i| ((state |<mod>_s|)) Bool (...))\n");
log(" This function must be asserted 'true' for initial states. For\n");
log(" non-initial states it must be left unconstrained.\n");
log(" (define-fun |<mod>_t| ((state |<mod>_s|) (next_state |<mod>_s|)) Bool (...))\n");
log(" This function evaluates to 'true' if the states 'state' and\n");
log(" 'next_state' form a valid state transition.\n");
log("The '<mod>_s' sort represents a module state. Additional '<mod>_n' functions\n");
log("are provided that can be used to access the values of the signals in the module.\n");
log("By default only ports, registers, and wires with the 'keep' attribute set are\n");
log("made available via such functions. With the -nobv option, multi-bit wires are\n");
log("exported as separate functions of type Bool for the individual bits. Without\n");
log("-nobv multi-bit wires are exported as single functions of type BitVec.\n");
log(" (define-fun |<mod>_a| ((state |<mod>_s|)) Bool (...))\n");
log(" This function evaluates to 'true' if all assertions hold in the state.\n");
log("The '<mod>_t' function evaluates to 'true' when the given pair of states\n");
log("describes a valid state transition.\n");
log(" (define-fun |<mod>_u| ((state |<mod>_s|)) Bool (...))\n");
log(" This function evaluates to 'true' if all assumptions hold in the state.\n");
log("The '<mod>_a' function evaluates to 'true' when the given state satisfies\n");
log("the asserts in the module.\n");
log(" ; yosys-smt2-assert <id> <filename:linenum>\n");
log(" (define-fun |<mod>_a <id>| ((state |<mod>_s|)) Bool (...))\n");
log(" Each $assert cell is converted into one of this functions. The function\n");
log(" evaluates to 'true' if the assert statement holds in the state.\n");
log("The '<mod>_u' function evaluates to 'true' when the given state satisfies\n");
log("the assumptions in the module.\n");
log(" ; yosys-smt2-assume <id> <filename:linenum>\n");
log(" (define-fun |<mod>_u <id>| ((state |<mod>_s|)) Bool (...))\n");
log(" Each $assume cell is converted into one of this functions. The function\n");
log(" evaluates to 'true' if the assume statement holds in the state.\n");
log("The '<mod>_i' function evaluates to 'true' when the given state conforms\n");
log("to the initial state. Furthermore the '<mod>_is' function should be asserted\n");
log("to be true for initial states in addition to '<mod>_i', and should be\n");
log("asserted to be false for non-initial states.\n");
log(" ; yosys-smt2-cover <id> <filename:linenum>\n");
log(" (define-fun |<mod>_c <id>| ((state |<mod>_s|)) Bool (...))\n");
log(" Each $cover cell is converted into one of this functions. The function\n");
log(" evaluates to 'true' if the cover statement is activated in the state.\n");
log("For hierarchical designs, the '<mod>_h' function must be asserted for each\n");
log("state to establish the design hierarchy. The '<mod>_h <cellname>' function\n");
log("evaluates to the state corresponding to the given cell within <mod>.\n");
log(" -verbose\n");
log(" this will print the recursive walk used to export the modules.\n");
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions backends/smt2/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -334,10 +334,10 @@ def info(self, stmt):
self.modinfo[self.curmod].wsize[fields[2]] = int(fields[3])

if fields[1] == "yosys-smt2-assert":
self.modinfo[self.curmod].asserts[fields[2]] = fields[3]
self.modinfo[self.curmod].asserts["%s_a %s" % (self.curmod, fields[2])] = fields[3]

if fields[1] == "yosys-smt2-cover":
self.modinfo[self.curmod].covers[fields[2]] = fields[3]
self.modinfo[self.curmod].covers["%s_c %s" % (self.curmod, fields[2])] = fields[3]

if fields[1] == "yosys-smt2-anyconst":
self.modinfo[self.curmod].anyconsts[fields[2]] = fields[3]