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Showing 1 changed file with 82 additions and 104 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -73,7 +73,6 @@
import org.yaml.snakeyaml.DumperOptions;
import org.yaml.snakeyaml.error.Mark;
import org.yaml.snakeyaml.error.MarkedYAMLException;
@@ -151,7 +150,39 @@ public Object parse(

final boolean tainted = (boolean) taintedNode.execute(frame, "yaml.tainted? || yaml.is_a?(IO)", "yaml", yaml);

final Parser parser = new ParserImpl(readerFor(frame, yaml));
final StreamReader reader;

// fall back on IOInputStream, using default charset
if (!RubyGuards.isRubyString(yaml) && (boolean) DebugHelpers.eval(getContext(), "yaml.respond_to? :read", "yaml", yaml)) {
//final boolean isIO = (boolean) ruby("yaml.is_a? IO", "yaml", yaml);
//Encoding enc = isIO
// ? UTF8Encoding.INSTANCE // ((RubyIO)yaml).getReadEncoding()
// : UTF8Encoding.INSTANCE;
final Encoding enc = UTF8Encoding.INSTANCE;
Charset charset = enc.getCharset();
reader = new StreamReader(new InputStreamReader(new InputStreamAdapter(getContext(), yaml), charset));
} else {
ByteList byteList = StringOperations.getByteListReadOnly(toStrNode.coerceObject(frame, yaml));
Encoding enc = byteList.getEncoding();

// if not unicode, transcode to UTF8
if (!(enc instanceof UnicodeEncoding)) {
byteList = EncodingUtils.strConvEnc(getContext().getJRubyRuntime().getCurrentContext(), byteList, enc, UTF8Encoding.INSTANCE);
enc = UTF8Encoding.INSTANCE;

ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(byteList.getUnsafeBytes(), byteList.getBegin(), byteList.getRealSize());

Charset charset = enc.getCharset();

assert charset != null : "charset for encoding " + enc + " should not be null";

InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(bais, charset);

reader = new StreamReader(isr);

final Parser parser = new ParserImpl(reader);

try {
if (isNil(path) && respondToPathNode.doesRespondTo(frame, "path", yaml)) {
@@ -167,21 +198,56 @@ public Object parse(
if ( {, handler, "start_stream", null, YAMLEncoding.YAML_ANY_ENCODING.ordinal());
} else if ( {
handleDocumentStart((DocumentStartEvent) event, tainted, handler);
DumperOptions.Version _version = ((DocumentStartEvent) event).getVersion();
Integer[] versionInts = _version == null ? null : _version.getArray();
Object version = versionInts == null ?
Layouts.ARRAY.createArray(coreLibrary().getArrayFactory(), null, 0) :
Layouts.ARRAY.createArray(coreLibrary().getArrayFactory(), new Object[]{ versionInts[0], versionInts[1] }, 2);

Map<String, String> tagsMap = ((DocumentStartEvent) event).getTags();
DynamicObject tags = Layouts.ARRAY.createArray(coreLibrary().getArrayFactory(), null, 0);
if (tagsMap != null && tagsMap.size() > 0) {
for (Map.Entry<String, String> tag : tagsMap.entrySet()) {
Object key = stringFor(tag.getKey(), tainted);
Object value = stringFor(tag.getValue(), tainted);
DebugHelpers.eval(getContext(), "tags.push [key, value]", "tags", tags, "key", key, "value", value);
Object notExplicit = !((DocumentStartEvent) event).getExplicit();

invoke(handler, "start_document", version, tags, notExplicit);
} else if ( {
Object notExplicit = !((DocumentEndEvent) event).getExplicit();, handler, "end_document", null, notExplicit);
} else if ( {
Object alias = stringOrNilFor(((AliasEvent) event).getAnchor(), tainted);, handler, "alias", null, alias);
} else if ( {
handleScalar((ScalarEvent) event, tainted, handler);
Object anchor = stringOrNilFor(((ScalarEvent) event).getAnchor(), tainted);
Object tag = stringOrNilFor(((ScalarEvent) event).getTag(), tainted);
Object plain_implicit = ((ScalarEvent) event).getImplicit().canOmitTagInPlainScalar();
Object quoted_implicit = ((ScalarEvent) event).getImplicit().canOmitTagInNonPlainScalar();
Object style = translateStyle(((ScalarEvent) event).getStyle());
Object val = stringFor(((ScalarEvent) event).getValue(), tainted);

invoke(handler, "scalar", val, anchor, tag, plain_implicit,
quoted_implicit, style);
} else if ( {
handleSequenceStart((SequenceStartEvent) event, tainted, handler);
Object anchor = stringOrNilFor(((SequenceStartEvent) event).getAnchor(), tainted);
Object tag = stringOrNilFor(((SequenceStartEvent) event).getTag(), tainted);
Object implicit = ((SequenceStartEvent) event).getImplicit();
Object style = translateFlowStyle(((SequenceStartEvent) event).getFlowStyle());

invoke(handler, "start_sequence", anchor, tag, implicit, style);
} else if ( {, handler, "end_sequence", null);
} else if ( {
handleMappingStart((MappingStartEvent) event, tainted, handler);
Object anchor = stringOrNilFor(((MappingStartEvent) event).getAnchor(), tainted);
Object tag = stringOrNilFor(((MappingStartEvent) event).getTag(), tainted);
Object implicit = ((MappingStartEvent) event).getImplicit();
Object style = translateFlowStyle(((MappingStartEvent) event).getFlowStyle());

invoke(handler, "start_mapping", anchor, tag, implicit, style);
} else if ( {, handler, "end_mapping", null);
} else if ( {
@@ -190,15 +256,22 @@ public Object parse(
} catch (ParserException pe) {
raiseParserException(yaml, pe, path);
final Mark mark = pe.getProblemMark();

Object[] arguments = new Object[]{"file", path, "line", mark.getLine(), "col", mark.getColumn(), "offset", mark.getIndex(), "problem", pe.getProblem() == null ? nil() : createString(new ByteList(pe.getProblem().getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8))), "context", pe.getContext() == null ? nil() : createString(new ByteList(pe.getContext().getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)))};
DebugHelpers.eval(getContext(), "raise, line, col, offset, problem, context)", arguments);
} catch (ScannerException se) {
StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder("syntax error");
if (se.getProblemMark() != null) {
raiseParserException(yaml, se, path);
final Mark mark = se.getProblemMark();

Object[] arguments = new Object[]{"file", path, "line", mark.getLine(), "col", mark.getColumn(), "offset", mark.getIndex(), "problem", se.getProblem() == null ? nil() : createString(new ByteList(se.getProblem().getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8))), "context", se.getContext() == null ? nil() : createString(new ByteList(se.getContext().getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)))};
DebugHelpers.eval(getContext(), "raise, line, col, offset, problem, context)", arguments);
} catch (ReaderException re) {
raiseParserException(yaml, re, path);
Object[] arguments = new Object[]{"file", path, "line", 0, "col", 0, "offset", re.getPosition(), "problem", re.getName() == null ? nil() : createString(new ByteList(re.getName().getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8))), "context", re.toString() == null ? nil() : createString(new ByteList(re.toString().getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)))};
DebugHelpers.eval(getContext(), "raise, line, col, offset, problem, context)", arguments);
} catch (Throwable t) {
return parserObject;
@@ -211,101 +284,6 @@ protected ReadObjectFieldNode createReadHandlerNode() {
return ReadObjectFieldNodeGen.create("@handler", nil());

private StreamReader readerFor(VirtualFrame frame, DynamicObject yaml) {
// fall back on IOInputStream, using default charset
if (!RubyGuards.isRubyString(yaml) && (boolean) DebugHelpers.eval(getContext(), "yaml.respond_to? :read", "yaml", yaml)) {
//final boolean isIO = (boolean) ruby("yaml.is_a? IO", "yaml", yaml);
//Encoding enc = isIO
// ? UTF8Encoding.INSTANCE // ((RubyIO)yaml).getReadEncoding()
// : UTF8Encoding.INSTANCE;
final Encoding enc = UTF8Encoding.INSTANCE;
Charset charset = enc.getCharset();
return new StreamReader(new InputStreamReader(new InputStreamAdapter(getContext(), yaml), charset));

ByteList byteList = StringOperations.getByteListReadOnly(toStrNode.coerceObject(frame, yaml));
Encoding enc = byteList.getEncoding();

// if not unicode, transcode to UTF8
if (!(enc instanceof UnicodeEncoding)) {
byteList = EncodingUtils.strConvEnc(getContext().getJRubyRuntime().getCurrentContext(), byteList, enc, UTF8Encoding.INSTANCE);
enc = UTF8Encoding.INSTANCE;

ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(byteList.getUnsafeBytes(), byteList.getBegin(), byteList.getRealSize());

Charset charset = enc.getCharset();

assert charset != null : "charset for encoding " + enc + " should not be null";

InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(bais, charset);

return new StreamReader(isr);

private void handleDocumentStart(DocumentStartEvent dse, boolean tainted, Object handler) {
DumperOptions.Version _version = dse.getVersion();
Integer[] versionInts = _version == null ? null : _version.getArray();
Object version = versionInts == null ?
Layouts.ARRAY.createArray(coreLibrary().getArrayFactory(), null, 0) :
Layouts.ARRAY.createArray(coreLibrary().getArrayFactory(), new Object[]{ versionInts[0], versionInts[1] }, 2);

Map<String, String> tagsMap = dse.getTags();
DynamicObject tags = Layouts.ARRAY.createArray(coreLibrary().getArrayFactory(), null, 0);
if (tagsMap != null && tagsMap.size() > 0) {
for (Map.Entry<String, String> tag : tagsMap.entrySet()) {
Object key = stringFor(tag.getKey(), tainted);
Object value = stringFor(tag.getValue(), tainted);
DebugHelpers.eval(getContext(), "tags.push [key, value]", "tags", tags, "key", key, "value", value);
Object notExplicit = !dse.getExplicit();

invoke(handler, "start_document", version, tags, notExplicit);

private void handleMappingStart(MappingStartEvent mse, boolean tainted, Object handler) {
Object anchor = stringOrNilFor(mse.getAnchor(), tainted);
Object tag = stringOrNilFor(mse.getTag(), tainted);
Object implicit = mse.getImplicit();
Object style = translateFlowStyle(mse.getFlowStyle());

invoke(handler, "start_mapping", anchor, tag, implicit, style);

private void handleScalar(ScalarEvent se, boolean tainted, Object handler) {
Object anchor = stringOrNilFor(se.getAnchor(), tainted);
Object tag = stringOrNilFor(se.getTag(), tainted);
Object plain_implicit = se.getImplicit().canOmitTagInPlainScalar();
Object quoted_implicit = se.getImplicit().canOmitTagInNonPlainScalar();
Object style = translateStyle(se.getStyle());
Object val = stringFor(se.getValue(), tainted);

invoke(handler, "scalar", val, anchor, tag, plain_implicit,
quoted_implicit, style);

private void handleSequenceStart(SequenceStartEvent sse, boolean tainted, Object handler) {
Object anchor = stringOrNilFor(sse.getAnchor(), tainted);
Object tag = stringOrNilFor(sse.getTag(), tainted);
Object implicit = sse.getImplicit();
Object style = translateFlowStyle(sse.getFlowStyle());

invoke(handler, "start_sequence", anchor, tag, implicit, style);

private void raiseParserException(DynamicObject yaml, ReaderException re, DynamicObject rbPath) {
Object[] arguments = new Object[]{"file", rbPath, "line", 0, "col", 0, "offset", re.getPosition(), "problem", re.getName() == null ? nil() : createString(new ByteList(re.getName().getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8))), "context", re.toString() == null ? nil() : createString(new ByteList(re.toString().getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)))};
DebugHelpers.eval(getContext(), "raise, line, col, offset, problem, context)", arguments);

private void raiseParserException(DynamicObject yaml, MarkedYAMLException mye, DynamicObject rbPath) {
final Mark mark = mye.getProblemMark();

Object[] arguments = new Object[]{"file", rbPath, "line", mark.getLine(), "col", mark.getColumn(), "offset", mark.getIndex(), "problem", mye.getProblem() == null ? nil() : createString(new ByteList(mye.getProblem().getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8))), "context", mye.getContext() == null ? nil() : createString(new ByteList(mye.getContext().getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)))};
DebugHelpers.eval(getContext(), "raise, line, col, offset, problem, context)", arguments);

private Object invoke(Object receiver, String name, Object... args) {
return DebugHelpers.eval(getContext(), "receiver.send(name, *args)", "receiver", receiver, "name", getSymbol(name), "args", Layouts.ARRAY.createArray(coreLibrary().getArrayFactory(), args, args.length));

3 comments on commit dd03ef3

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@pitr-ch pitr-ch commented on dd03ef3 May 4, 2016

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Couldn't the helpers take extra argument instead?

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Sorry, I went on to simplify more after this point. I was trying to cut through the abstraction to see what was really going on.

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@pitr-ch pitr-ch commented on dd03ef3 May 4, 2016

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ah never-mind then :)

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