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base repository: rubinius/rubinius
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base: 5f9a19a07fc5
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head repository: rubinius/rubinius
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compare: c8b0422d0dc2
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  • 2 commits
  • 25 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on May 24, 2016

  1. Allow per-Thread, per-Fiber stack sizing., Thread.start, Thread.fork, and all take an optional
    keyword argument of the form: 'stack_size: Fixnum', where Fixnum includes
    objects that respond to #to_int. The keyword argument, if present, sets the
    size of the Thread's or Fiber's stack size. If the argument is not present or
    is zero, the default stack size, configured with -Xmachine.thread.stack_size
    and -Xmachine.fiber.stack_size are used instead.
    Added configuration for machine.thread.stack_size to set the default size of
    Thread stacks. Also moved fiber.stack_size configuration under machine
    Also added configuration for machine.stack_cushion to set the size in bytes of
    the cushion to leave at the stack end when checking for stack usage. This is
    necessary because we check the stack usage before calling a method. The method
    may use quite a bit of stack but we can't know this beforehand (hand-wavy
    "can't" here). If we are near the end but not yet at the end, we could easily
    exhaust the stack after calling the method and then segfault.
    brixen committed May 24, 2016
    Copy the full SHA
    c26139a View commit details
  2. Copy the full SHA
    c8b0422 View commit details