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See the top level README for more information.

As described in the top level readme, copy rockbox.ipod to the .rockbox
directory on your ipod and use menu+select to reboot.

This is a simple blinker program, we dont have an led like an eval board
might have but we do have the backlight.

The mini2g uses a PortalPlayer PP5022 cpu, the backlight control is
controlled using a gpio port.

To change a gpio output on this processor you need the gpio bit and the
gpio mask << 8.  The backlight control is bit 0x08 so to turn the bit
on you write 0x0808 , 0x08.. (bit3+8 = 11) being the mask and
0x..08 (bit 3) being the bit we want to write.  To turn the backlight
off write 0x0800, bit 11 being the mask bit and bit 3 being the data

I use a simple counter loop to burn some time, and the call to dummy()
is to prevent the optimizer from removing the loop completely.

I am still learning as I go, and the blink rate was affected one time
by holding a button when I ran, maybe there is a cache on/cache off thing
or clock rate control in the rockbox bootloader or the ipod itself, I
dont know, if you reboot the ipod and then dont touch anything the
bink rate is not too fast, not too slow, just right.  If you change
the define and re-compile and re-load (see top level readme) it should
change the blink rate.