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base repository: jruby/jruby
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base: 41e728b6c9ac
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head repository: jruby/jruby
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compare: a142e0bb5b46
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  • 3 commits
  • 5 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on May 13, 2016

  1. Copy the full SHA
    02d6818 View commit details
  2. Copy the full SHA
    72e21d3 View commit details
  3. Copy the full SHA
    a142e0b View commit details
14 changes: 0 additions & 14 deletions spec/truffle/tags/core/io/write_nonblock_tags.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,15 +1 @@
fails:IO#write_nonblock on a file writes all of the string's bytes but does not buffer them
fails:IO#write_nonblock on a file checks if the file is writable if writing zero bytes
fails:IO#write_nonblock coerces the argument to a string using to_s
fails:IO#write_nonblock checks if the file is writable if writing more than zero bytes
fails:IO#write_nonblock returns the number of bytes written
fails:IO#write_nonblock invokes to_s on non-String argument
fails:IO#write_nonblock writes all of the string's bytes without buffering if mode is sync
fails:IO#write_nonblock does not warn if called after IO#read
fails:IO#write_nonblock writes to the current position after IO#read
fails:IO#write_nonblock advances the file position by the count of given bytes
fails:IO#write_nonblock raises IOError on closed stream
fails:IO#write_nonblock raises EAGAIN or a subclass when the write would block
fails:IO#write_nonblock raises an exception extending IO::WaitWritable when the write would block
fails:IO#write_nonblock raises IO::EAGAINWaitWritable when the operation would block
fails:IO#write_nonblock when exception option is set to false returns :wait_writable when the operation would block
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions truffle/src/main/java/org/jruby/truffle/core/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -231,6 +231,7 @@ public class CoreLibrary {
private final DynamicObject digestClass;

@CompilationFinal private DynamicObject eagainWaitReadable;
@CompilationFinal private DynamicObject eagainWaitWritable;

@CompilationFinal private ArrayNodes.MinBlock arrayMinBlock;
@CompilationFinal private ArrayNodes.MaxBlock arrayMaxBlock;
@@ -328,6 +329,10 @@ public DynamicObject getEagainWaitReadable() {
return eagainWaitReadable;

public DynamicObject getEagainWaitWritable() {
return eagainWaitWritable;

private enum State {
@@ -901,6 +906,9 @@ public void initializeAfterBasicMethodsAdded() {

eagainWaitReadable = (DynamicObject) Layouts.MODULE.getFields(ioClass).getConstant("EAGAINWaitReadable").getValue();
assert Layouts.CLASS.isClass(eagainWaitReadable);

eagainWaitWritable = (DynamicObject) Layouts.MODULE.getFields(ioClass).getConstant("EAGAINWaitWritable").getValue();
assert Layouts.CLASS.isClass(eagainWaitWritable);

private void initializeRubiniusFFI() {
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -708,7 +708,7 @@ public DynamicObject systemCallError(String message, Node currentNode) {

// IO::EAGAINWaitReadable
// IO::EAGAINWaitReadable, IO::EAGAINWaitWritable

public DynamicObject eAGAINWaitReadable(Node currentNode) {
@@ -718,6 +718,14 @@ public DynamicObject eAGAINWaitReadable(Node currentNode) {

public DynamicObject eAGAINWaitWritable(Node currentNode) {
return ExceptionOperations.createRubyException(

// SystemExit

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -42,25 +42,30 @@
import jnr.constants.platform.Errno;
import jnr.constants.platform.Fcntl;
import jnr.constants.platform.OpenFlags;
import jnr.posix.DefaultNativeTimeval;
import jnr.posix.Timeval;
import org.jruby.truffle.Layouts;
import org.jruby.truffle.RubyContext;
import org.jruby.truffle.builtins.Primitive;
import org.jruby.truffle.builtins.PrimitiveArrayArgumentsNode;
import org.jruby.truffle.core.array.ArrayGuards;
import org.jruby.truffle.core.array.ArrayOperations;
import org.jruby.truffle.core.rope.BytesVisitor;
import org.jruby.truffle.core.rope.Rope;
import org.jruby.truffle.core.rope.RopeConstants;
import org.jruby.truffle.core.rope.RopeOperations;
import org.jruby.truffle.core.string.StringOperations;
import org.jruby.truffle.core.thread.ThreadManager;
import org.jruby.truffle.core.thread.ThreadManager.ResultWithinTime;
import org.jruby.truffle.language.RubyGuards;
import org.jruby.truffle.language.control.RaiseException;
import org.jruby.truffle.language.control.ReturnException;
import org.jruby.truffle.language.dispatch.CallDispatchHeadNode;
import org.jruby.truffle.language.dispatch.DispatchHeadNodeFactory;
import org.jruby.truffle.language.objects.AllocateObjectNode;
@@ -397,6 +402,86 @@ public void accept(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length) {


@Primitive(name = "io_write_nonblock", unsafe = UnsafeGroup.IO)
public static abstract class IOWriteNonBlockPrimitiveNode extends IOPrimitiveArrayArgumentsNode {

static class StopWriting extends ControlFlowException {
final int bytesWritten;

public StopWriting(int bytesWritten) {
this.bytesWritten = bytesWritten;

@Specialization(guards = "isRubyString(string)")
public int writeNonBlock(DynamicObject io, DynamicObject string) {

final int fd = Layouts.IO.getDescriptor(io);
final Rope rope = rope(string);

if (getContext().getDebugStandardOut() != null && fd == STDOUT) {
// TODO (eregon, 13 May 2015): this looks like it would block
getContext().getDebugStandardOut().write(rope.getBytes(), 0, rope.byteLength());
return rope.byteLength();

final IOWriteNonBlockPrimitiveNode currentNode = this;

try {
RopeOperations.visitBytes(rope, new BytesVisitor() {

int totalWritten = 0;

public void accept(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length) {
final ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes, offset, length);

while (buffer.hasRemaining()) {

final int result = posix().write(fd, buffer, buffer.remaining());
if (result <= 0) {
int errno = posix().errno();
if (errno == Errno.EAGAIN.intValue() || errno == Errno.EWOULDBLOCK.intValue()) {
throw new RaiseException(coreExceptions().eAGAINWaitWritable(currentNode));
} else {
} else {
totalWritten += result;

if (result < buffer.remaining()) {
throw new StopWriting(totalWritten);

buffer.position(buffer.position() + result);

} catch (StopWriting e) {
return e.bytesWritten;

return rope.byteLength();

protected void setNonBlocking(DynamicObject io) {
final int fd = Layouts.IO.getDescriptor(io);
int flags = ensureSuccessful(posix().fcntl(fd, Fcntl.F_GETFL));

if ((flags & OpenFlags.O_NONBLOCK.intValue()) == 0) {
flags |= OpenFlags.O_NONBLOCK.intValue();
ensureSuccessful(posix().fcntlInt(fd, Fcntl.F_SETFL, flags));
Layouts.IO.setMode(io, flags);


@Primitive(name = "io_close", unsafe = UnsafeGroup.IO)
public static abstract class IOClosePrimitiveNode extends IOPrimitiveArrayArgumentsNode {

@@ -504,33 +589,45 @@ public DynamicObject sysread(VirtualFrame frame, DynamicObject file, int length)
@Primitive(name = "io_select", needsSelf = false, lowerFixnumParameters = 3, unsafe = UnsafeGroup.IO)
public static abstract class IOSelectPrimitiveNode extends IOPrimitiveArrayArgumentsNode {

public abstract Object executeSelect(DynamicObject readables, DynamicObject writables, DynamicObject errorables, Object Timeout);

@Specialization(guards = { "isRubyArray(readables)", "isNil(writables)", "isNil(errorables)", "isNil(noTimeout)" })
@Specialization(guards = "isNil(noTimeout)")
public Object select(DynamicObject readables, DynamicObject writables, DynamicObject errorables, DynamicObject noTimeout) {
Object result;
do {
result = select(readables, writables, errorables, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
result = executeSelect(readables, writables, errorables, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
} while (result == nil());
return result;

@Specialization(guards = { "isRubyArray(readables)", "isNilOrEmpty(writables)", "isNilOrEmpty(errorables)" })
public Object selectReadables(DynamicObject readables, DynamicObject writables, DynamicObject errorables, int timeoutMicros) {
return selectOneSet(readables, timeoutMicros, 1);

@Specialization(guards = { "isNilOrEmpty(readables)", "isRubyArray(writables)", "isNilOrEmpty(errorables)" })
public Object selectWritables(DynamicObject readables, DynamicObject writables, DynamicObject errorables, int timeoutMicros) {
return selectOneSet(writables, timeoutMicros, 2);

@Specialization(guards = { "isRubyArray(readables)", "isNil(writables)", "isNil(errorables)" })
public Object select(DynamicObject readables, DynamicObject writables, DynamicObject errorables, int timeoutMicros) {
final Object[] readableObjects = ArrayOperations.toObjectArray(readables);
final int[] readableFds = getFileDescriptors(readables);
final int nfds = max(readableFds) + 1;
private Object selectOneSet(DynamicObject setToSelect, int timeoutMicros, int setNb) {
assert setNb >= 1 && setNb <= 3;
final Object[] readableObjects = ArrayOperations.toObjectArray(setToSelect);
final int[] fds = getFileDescriptors(setToSelect);
final int nfds = max(fds) + 1;

final FDSet readableSet = new FDSet();
final FDSet fdSet = new FDSet();

final ThreadManager.ResultOrTimeout<Integer> result = getContext().getThreadManager().runUntilTimeout(this, timeoutMicros, new ThreadManager.BlockingTimeoutAction<Integer>() {
final ThreadManager.ResultOrTimeout<Integer> resultOrTimeout = getContext().getThreadManager().runUntilTimeout(this, timeoutMicros, new ThreadManager.BlockingTimeoutAction<Integer>() {
public Integer block(Timeval timeoutToUse) throws InterruptedException {
// Set each fd each time since they are removed if the fd was not available
for (int fd : readableFds) {
for (int fd : fds) {
final int result = callSelect(nfds, readableSet, timeoutToUse);
final int result = callSelect(nfds, fdSet, timeoutToUse);

if (result == 0) {
return null;
@@ -539,72 +636,36 @@ public Integer block(Timeval timeoutToUse) throws InterruptedException {
return result;

private int callSelect(int nfds, FDSet readableSet, Timeval timeoutToUse) {
private int callSelect(int nfds, FDSet fdSet, Timeval timeoutToUse) {
return nativeSockets().select(
setNb == 1 ? fdSet.getPointer() : PointerPrimitiveNodes.NULL_POINTER,
setNb == 2 ? fdSet.getPointer() : PointerPrimitiveNodes.NULL_POINTER,
setNb == 3 ? fdSet.getPointer() : PointerPrimitiveNodes.NULL_POINTER,

if (result instanceof ThreadManager.TimedOut) {
if (resultOrTimeout instanceof ThreadManager.TimedOut) {
return nil();

final int resultCode = ensureSuccessful(((ThreadManager.ResultWithinTime<Integer>) result).getValue());
final ResultWithinTime<Integer> result = (ThreadManager.ResultWithinTime<Integer>) resultOrTimeout;
final int resultCode = ensureSuccessful(result.getValue());

if (resultCode == 0) {
return nil();

return Layouts.ARRAY.createArray(coreLibrary().getArrayFactory(), new Object[]{
getSetObjects(readableObjects, readableFds, readableSet),
Layouts.ARRAY.createArray(coreLibrary().getArrayFactory(), null, 0),
Layouts.ARRAY.createArray(coreLibrary().getArrayFactory(), null, 0) },
return Layouts.ARRAY.createArray(coreLibrary().getArrayFactory(), new Object[] {
setNb == 1 ? getSetObjects(readableObjects, fds, fdSet) : createEmptyArray(),
setNb == 2 ? getSetObjects(readableObjects, fds, fdSet) : createEmptyArray(),
setNb == 3 ? getSetObjects(readableObjects, fds, fdSet) : createEmptyArray()
}, 3);

@Specialization(guards = { "isNil(readables)", "isRubyArray(writables)", "isNil(errorables)" })
public Object selectNilReadables(DynamicObject readables, DynamicObject writables, DynamicObject errorables, int timeout) {
final Object[] writableObjects = ArrayOperations.toObjectArray(writables);
final int[] writableFds = getFileDescriptors(writables);
final int nfds = max(writableFds) + 1;

final FDSet writableSet = new FDSet();

final int result = getContext().getThreadManager().runUntilResult(this, new ThreadManager.BlockingAction<Integer>() {
public Integer block() throws InterruptedException {
// Set each fd each time since they are removed if the fd was not available
for (int fd : writableFds) {
return callSelect(nfds, writableSet);

private int callSelect(int nfds, FDSet writableSet) {
return nativeSockets().select(


assert result != 0;

return Layouts.ARRAY.createArray(coreLibrary().getArrayFactory(), new Object[]{
Layouts.ARRAY.createArray(coreLibrary().getArrayFactory(), null, 0),
getSetObjects(writableObjects, writableFds, writableSet),
Layouts.ARRAY.createArray(coreLibrary().getArrayFactory(), null, 0) },
public DynamicObject createEmptyArray() {
return Layouts.ARRAY.createArray(coreLibrary().getArrayFactory(), null, 0);

private int[] getFileDescriptors(DynamicObject fileDescriptorArray) {
@@ -651,6 +712,10 @@ private DynamicObject getSetObjects(Object[] objects, int[] fds, FDSet set) {
return Layouts.ARRAY.createArray(coreLibrary().getArrayFactory(), setObjects, setFdsCount);

protected boolean isNilOrEmpty(DynamicObject fds) {
return isNil(fds) || (RubyGuards.isRubyArray(fds) && ArrayGuards.isEmptyArray(fds));


Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@

import org.jruby.truffle.builtins.Primitive;
import org.jruby.truffle.builtins.PrimitiveArrayArgumentsNode;

@@ -29,8 +30,9 @@ public static abstract class UndefinedPrimitiveNode extends PrimitiveArrayArgume
public Object undefined(Object args) {
final SourceSection sourceSection = getEncapsulatingSourceSection();
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"Undefined Rubinius primitive: \"" + getSourceSection().toString().trim() + '"');
"Undefined Rubinius primitive: \"" + sourceSection.toString().trim() + '"');
