#!/usr/bin/env bash # # Description: Auto system info & I/O test & network to China script # # Copyright (C) 2017 - 2018 Oldking # # Thanks: Bench.sh # # URL: https://www.oldking.net/350.html # # Colors RED='\033[0;31m' GREEN='\033[0;32m' YELLOW='\033[0;33m' SKYBLUE='\033[0;36m' PLAIN='\033[0m' all1=0 all2=0 all3=0 n1=0 n2=0 n3=0 add () { num=$# tmp=0 for i in `seq 1 $num`;do tmp=$(awk 'BEGIN{print ("'$tmp'"+"'$1'")}') shift done } sub () { tmp=$(awk 'BEGIN{print ("'$1'"-"'$2'")}') } mul () { num=$# tmp=1 for i in `seq 1 $num`;do tmp=$(awk 'BEGIN{print ("'$tmp'"*"'$1'")}') shift done } div () { tmp=$(awk 'BEGIN{printf "%.2f",("'$1'"/"'$2'")}') } about() { echo "" echo " ========================================================= " echo " \ Superbench.sh Script / " echo " \ Basic system info, I/O test and speedtest / " echo " \ v1.1.6 (25 Nov 2019) / " echo " \ Created by Oldking / " echo " ========================================================= " echo "" echo " Intro: https://www.oldking.net/350.html" echo " Copyright (C) 2019 Oldking oooldking@gmail.com" echo "" } cancel() { echo "" next; echo " Abort ..." echo " Cleanup ..." cleanup; echo " Done" exit } trap cancel SIGINT benchinit() { # check release if [ -f /etc/redhat-release ]; then release="centos" elif cat /etc/issue | grep -Eqi "debian"; then release="debian" elif cat /etc/issue | grep -Eqi "ubuntu"; then release="ubuntu" elif cat /etc/issue | grep -Eqi "centos|red hat|redhat"; then release="centos" elif cat /proc/version | grep -Eqi "debian"; then release="debian" elif cat /proc/version | grep -Eqi "ubuntu"; then release="ubuntu" elif cat /proc/version | grep -Eqi "centos|red hat|redhat"; then release="centos" fi # check root [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]] && echo -e "${RED}Error:${PLAIN} This script must be run as root!" && exit 1 # check python if [ ! -e '/usr/bin/python' ]; then #echo -e #read -p "${RED}Error:${PLAIN} python is not install. You must be install python command at first.\nDo you want to install? [y/n]" is_install #if [[ ${is_install} == "y" || ${is_install} == "Y" ]]; then echo " Installing Python ..." if [ "${release}" == "centos" ]; then yum update > /dev/null 2>&1 yum -y install python > /dev/null 2>&1 else apt-get update > /dev/null 2>&1 apt-get -y install python > /dev/null 2>&1 fi #else # exit #fi fi # check curl if [ ! -e '/usr/bin/curl' ]; then #echo -e #read -p "${RED}Error:${PLAIN} curl is not install. You must be install curl command at first.\nDo you want to install? [y/n]" is_install #if [[ ${is_install} == "y" || ${is_install} == "Y" ]]; then echo " Installing Curl ..." if [ "${release}" == "centos" ]; then yum update > /dev/null 2>&1 yum -y install curl > /dev/null 2>&1 else apt-get update > /dev/null 2>&1 apt-get -y install curl > /dev/null 2>&1 fi #else # exit #fi fi # check wget if [ ! -e '/usr/bin/wget' ]; then #echo -e #read -p "${RED}Error:${PLAIN} wget is not install. You must be install wget command at first.\nDo you want to install? [y/n]" is_install #if [[ ${is_install} == "y" || ${is_install} == "Y" ]]; then echo " Installing Wget ..." if [ "${release}" == "centos" ]; then yum update > /dev/null 2>&1 yum -y install wget > /dev/null 2>&1 else apt-get update > /dev/null 2>&1 apt-get -y install wget > /dev/null 2>&1 fi #else # exit #fi fi # install virt-what #if [ ! -e '/usr/sbin/virt-what' ]; then # echo "Installing Virt-what ..." # if [ "${release}" == "centos" ]; then # yum update > /dev/null 2>&1 # yum -y install virt-what > /dev/null 2>&1 # else # apt-get update > /dev/null 2>&1 # apt-get -y install virt-what > /dev/null 2>&1 # fi #fi # install jq #if [ ! -e '/usr/bin/jq' ]; then # echo " Installing Jq ..." # if [ "${release}" == "centos" ]; then # yum update > /dev/null 2>&1 # yum -y install jq > /dev/null 2>&1 # else # apt-get update > /dev/null 2>&1 # apt-get -y install jq > /dev/null 2>&1 # fi #fi # install speedtest-cli while [ ! -e 'speedtest.py' ]; do echo " Installing Speedtest-cli ..." wget --no-check-certificate https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yzlijie/SPDTST/master/speedtest.py > /dev/null 2>&1 done chmod a+rx speedtest.py # install speedtest-cli(original version) while [ ! -e 'speedtest_original.py' ]; do echo " Installing speedtest-cli(original version) ..." wget --no-check-certificate https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yzlijie/SPDTST/master/speedtest_original.py > /dev/null 2>&1 done chmod a+rx speedtest_original.py # install tools.py while [ ! -e 'tools.py' ]; do echo " Installing tools.py ..." wget --no-check-certificate https://raw.githubusercontent.com/oooldking/script/master/tools.py > /dev/null 2>&1 done chmod a+rx tools.py while [ ! -e 'ip_info.py' ]; do echo " Installing ip_info.py ..." wget --no-check-certificate https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zzycwmx/CDN/master/ip_info.py > /dev/null 2>&1 done chmod a+rx ip_info.py # install fast.com-cli # if [ ! -e 'fast_com.py' ]; then # echo " Installing Fast.com-cli ..." # wget --no-check-certificate https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sanderjo/fast.com/master/fast_com.py > /dev/null 2>&1 # wget --no-check-certificate https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sanderjo/fast.com/master/fast_com_example_usage.py > /dev/null 2>&1 # fi # chmod a+rx fast_com.py # chmod a+rx fast_com_example_usage.py sleep 2 # start start=$(date +%s) } get_opsy() { [ -f /etc/redhat-release ] && awk '{print ($1,$3~/^[0-9]/?$3:$4)}' /etc/redhat-release && return [ -f /etc/os-release ] && awk -F'[= "]' '/PRETTY_NAME/{print $3,$4,$5}' /etc/os-release && return [ -f /etc/lsb-release ] && awk -F'[="]+' '/DESCRIPTION/{print $2}' /etc/lsb-release && return } next() { printf "%-70s\n" "-" | sed 's/\s/-/g' | tee -a $log } speed_test(){ if [[ $1 == '' ]]; then temp=$(python speedtest_original.py --share 2>&1) is_down=$(echo "$temp" | grep 'Download') result_speed=$(echo "$temp" | awk -F ' ' '/results/{print $3}') if [[ ${is_down} ]]; then local REDownload=$(echo "$temp" | awk -F ':' '/Download/{print $2}') local reupload=$(echo "$temp" | awk -F ':' '/Upload/{print $2}') local relatency=$(echo "$temp" | awk -F ':' '/Hosted/{print $2}') temp=$(echo "$relatency" | awk -F '.' '{print $1}') if [[ ${temp} -gt 50 ]]; then relatency=" (*)"${relatency} fi local nodeName=$2 temp=$(echo "${REDownload}" | awk -F ' ' '{print $1}') if [[ $(awk -v num1=${temp} -v num2=0 'BEGIN{print(num1>num2)?"1":"0"}') -eq 1 ]]; then printf "${YELLOW}%-17s${GREEN}%-18s${RED}%-20s${SKYBLUE}%-12s${PLAIN}\n" " ${nodeName}" "${reupload}" "${REDownload}" "${relatency}" | tee -a $log fi else local cerror="ERROR" fi else temp=$(python speedtest.py --server $1 --share 2>&1) is_down=$(echo "$temp" | grep 'Download') if [[ ${is_down} ]]; then local REDownload=$(echo "$temp" | awk -F ':' '/Download/{print $2}') local reupload=$(echo "$temp" | awk -F ':' '/Upload/{print $2}') local relatency=$(echo "$temp" | awk -F ':' '/Hosted/{print $2}') #local relatency=$(pingtest $3) local num1=${REDownload:0:$((`expr index "$REDownload" "M" - 1`))} local num2=${reupload:0:$((`expr index "$reupload" "M" - 1`))} local num3=${relatency:0:$((`expr index "$relatency" "m" - 1`))} local nodeName=$2 temp=$(echo "${REDownload}" | awk -F ' ' '{print $1}') if [[ $(awk -v num1=${temp} -v num2=0 'BEGIN{print(num1>num2)?"1":"0"}') -eq 1 ]]; then add $all1 $num1 all1=$tmp n1=$[$n1 + 1] add $all2 $num2 all2=$tmp n2=$[$n2 + 1] add $all3 $num3 all3=$tmp n3=$[$n3 + 1] temp=$(echo "$relatency" | awk -F '.' '{print $1}') if [[ ${temp} -gt 1000 ]]; then sub $all3 $num3 all3=$tmp n3=$[$n3 - 1] relatency=" - " fi printf "${YELLOW}%-17s${GREEN}%-18s${RED}%-20s${SKYBLUE}%-12s${PLAIN}\n" " ${nodeName}" "${reupload}" "${REDownload}" "${relatency}" | tee -a $log fi else local cerror="ERROR" fi fi } print_speedtest() { printf "%-18s%-18s%-20s%-12s\n" " Node Name" "Upload Speed" "Download Speed" "Latency" | tee -a $log speed_test '' 'SpeedTest.com ' speed_test '26352' 'Nanjing CT' # speed_test '34115' 'TianJin CT' speed_test '24012' 'Huhhot CT' speed_test '17145' 'Hefei CT' speed_test '23844' 'Wuhan CT' speed_test '5396' 'Suzhou CT' speed_test '3633' 'Shanghai CT' speed_test '7509' 'Hangzhou CT' speed_test '19076' 'Chongqing CT' # speed_test '29071' 'Chengdu CT' speed_test '3973' 'Lanzhou CT' speed_test '27594' 'Guangzhou CT' speed_test '28225' 'Changsha CT' speed_test '27810' 'Nanning CT' speed_test '27154' 'TianJin CU' speed_test '26180' 'Jinan CU' speed_test '5145' 'Beijing CU' speed_test '13704' 'Nanjing CU' speed_test '5485' 'Wuhan CU' speed_test '26677' 'Zhuzhou CU' speed_test '9484' 'Changchun CU' speed_test '4690' 'Lanzhou CU' speed_test '4884' 'Fuzhou CU' speed_test '31985' 'Chongqing CU' speed_test '2461' 'Chengdu CU' speed_test '5724' 'Hefei CU' speed_test '4863' 'Xian CU' speed_test '4870' 'Changsha CU' speed_test '24447' 'Shanghai CU' speed_test '26678' 'Guangzhou CU' speed_test '16192' 'Shenzhen CU' speed_test '15683' 'Nanning CU' speed_test '25881' 'Jinan CM' speed_test '27151' 'Linyi CM' speed_test '27100' 'Qingdao CM' speed_test '17184' 'Tianjin CM' speed_test '34035' 'HuaiNai CM' speed_test '25858' 'Beijing CM' speed_test '26331' 'Zhengzhou CM' speed_test '26501' 'Taiyuan CM' speed_test '29105' 'Xian CM' speed_test '26850' 'Wuxi CM' speed_test '27249' 'Nanjing CM' speed_test '17320' 'Zhenjiang CM' speed_test '32291' 'Changzhou CM' speed_test '26850' 'Wuxi CM' speed_test '26404' 'Hefei CM' speed_test '26380' 'Xian CM' speed_test '25883' 'NanChang CM' speed_test '28491' 'Changsha CM' speed_test '26940' 'Yinchuan CM' speed_test '16145' 'Lanzhou CM' speed_test '26656' 'Harbin CM' speed_test '24337' 'Chengdu CM' speed_test '6611' 'Guangzhou CM' speed_test '4515' 'Shenzhen CM' speed_test '25637' 'ShangHai CM' local nodeName="Average " div $all1 $n1 local REDownload=$tmp div $all2 $n2 local reupload=$tmp div $all3 $n3 local relatency=$tmp printf "${YELLOW}%-18s${GREEN}%-18s${RED}%-20s${SKYBLUE}%-12s${PLAIN}\n" " ${nodeName}" "${reupload} Mbit/s" "${REDownload} Mbit/s" "${relatency} ms" | tee -a $log rm -rf speedtest.py } print_speedtest_fast() { printf "%-18s%-18s%-20s%-12s\n" " Node Name" "Upload Speed" "Download Speed" "Latency" | tee -a $log speed_test '' 'Speedtest.net' speed_test '26352' 'Nanjing CT' speed_test '24447' 'ShangHai CU' speed_test '27249' 'Nanjing CM' local nodeName="Average " local REDownload=$[$all1 / $n1] local reupload=$[$all2 / $n2] local relatency=$[$all3 / $n3] printf "${YELLOW}%-18s${GREEN}%-18s${RED}%-20s${SKYBLUE}%-12s${PLAIN}\n" " ${nodeName}" "${reupload}.00 Mbit/s" "${REDownload}.00 Mbit/s" "${relatency}.000 ms" | tee -a $log rm -rf speedtest.py } speed_fast_com() { temp=$(python fast_com_example_usage.py 2>&1) is_down=$(echo "$temp" | grep 'Result') if [[ ${is_down} ]]; then temp1=$(echo "$temp" | awk -F ':' '/Result/{print $2}') temp2=$(echo "$temp1" | awk -F ' ' '/Mbps/{print $1}') local REDownload="$temp2 Mbit/s" local reupload="0.00 Mbit/s" local relatency="-" local nodeName="Fast.com" printf "${YELLOW}%-18s${GREEN}%-18s${RED}%-20s${SKYBLUE}%-12s${PLAIN}\n" " ${nodeName}" "${reupload}" "${REDownload}" "${relatency}" | tee -a $log else local cerror="ERROR" fi rm -rf fast_com_example_usage.py rm -rf fast_com.py } io_test() { (LANG=C dd if=/dev/zero of=test_file_$$ bs=512K count=$1 conv=fdatasync && rm -f test_file_$$ ) 2>&1 | awk -F, '{io=$NF} END { print io}' | sed 's/^[ \t]*//;s/[ \t]*$//' } calc_disk() { local total_size=0 local array=$@ for size in ${array[@]} do [ "${size}" == "0" ] && size_t=0 || size_t=`echo ${size:0:${#size}-1}` [ "`echo ${size:(-1)}`" == "K" ] && size=0 [ "`echo ${size:(-1)}`" == "M" ] && size=$( awk 'BEGIN{printf "%.1f", '$size_t' / 1024}' ) [ "`echo ${size:(-1)}`" == "T" ] && size=$( awk 'BEGIN{printf "%.1f", '$size_t' * 1024}' ) [ "`echo ${size:(-1)}`" == "G" ] && size=${size_t} total_size=$( awk 'BEGIN{printf "%.1f", '$total_size' + '$size'}' ) done echo ${total_size} } power_time() { result=$(smartctl -a $(result=$(cat /proc/mounts) && echo $(echo "$result" | awk '/data=ordered/{print $1}') | awk '{print $1}') 2>&1) && power_time=$(echo "$result" | awk '/Power_On/{print $10}') && echo "$power_time" } install_smart() { # install smartctl if [ ! -e '/usr/sbin/smartctl' ]; then echo "Installing Smartctl ..." if [ "${release}" == "centos" ]; then yum update > /dev/null 2>&1 yum -y install smartmontools > /dev/null 2>&1 else apt-get update > /dev/null 2>&1 apt-get -y install smartmontools > /dev/null 2>&1 fi fi } ip_info(){ # use jq tool result=$(curl -s 'http://ip-api.com/json') country=$(echo $result | jq '.country' | sed 's/\"//g') city=$(echo $result | jq '.city' | sed 's/\"//g') isp=$(echo $result | jq '.isp' | sed 's/\"//g') as_tmp=$(echo $result | jq '.as' | sed 's/\"//g') asn=$(echo $as_tmp | awk -F ' ' '{print $1}') org=$(echo $result | jq '.org' | sed 's/\"//g') countryCode=$(echo $result | jq '.countryCode' | sed 's/\"//g') region=$(echo $result | jq '.regionName' | sed 's/\"//g') if [ -z "$city" ]; then city=${region} fi echo -e " ASN & ISP : ${SKYBLUE}$asn, $isp${PLAIN}" | tee -a $log echo -e " Organization : ${YELLOW}$org${PLAIN}" | tee -a $log echo -e " Location : ${SKYBLUE}$city, ${YELLOW}$country / $countryCode${PLAIN}" | tee -a $log echo -e " Region : ${SKYBLUE}$region${PLAIN}" | tee -a $log } ip_info2(){ # no jq country=$(curl -s https://ipapi.co/country_name/) city=$(curl -s https://ipapi.co/city/) asn=$(curl -s https://ipapi.co/asn/) org=$(curl -s https://ipapi.co/org/) countryCode=$(curl -s https://ipapi.co/country/) region=$(curl -s https://ipapi.co/region/) echo -e " ASN & ISP : ${SKYBLUE}$asn${PLAIN}" | tee -a $log echo -e " Organization : ${SKYBLUE}$org${PLAIN}" | tee -a $log echo -e " Location : ${SKYBLUE}$city, ${GREEN}$country / $countryCode${PLAIN}" | tee -a $log echo -e " Region : ${SKYBLUE}$region${PLAIN}" | tee -a $log } ip_info3(){ # use python tool country=$(python ip_info.py country) city=$(python ip_info.py city) isp=$(python ip_info.py isp) as_tmp=$(python ip_info.py as) asn=$(echo $as_tmp | awk -F ' ' '{print $1}') org=$(python ip_info.py org) countryCode=$(python ip_info.py countryCode) region=$(python ip_info.py regionName) echo -e " ASN & ISP : ${SKYBLUE}$asn, $isp${PLAIN}" | tee -a $log echo -e " Organization : ${GREEN}$org${PLAIN}" | tee -a $log echo -e " Location : ${SKYBLUE}$city, ${GREEN}$country / $countryCode${PLAIN}" | tee -a $log echo -e " Region : ${SKYBLUE}$region${PLAIN}" | tee -a $log rm -rf ip_info.py } ip_info4(){ ip_date=$(curl -4 -s http://api.ip.la/en?json) echo $ip_date > ip_json.json isp=$(python tools.py geoip isp) as_tmp=$(python tools.py geoip as) asn=$(echo $as_tmp | awk -F ' ' '{print $1}') org=$(python tools.py geoip org) if [ -z "ip_date" ]; then echo $ip_date echo "hala" country=$(python tools.py ipip country_name) city=$(python tools.py ipip city) countryCode=$(python tools.py ipip country_code) region=$(python tools.py ipip province) else country=$(python tools.py geoip country) city=$(python tools.py geoip city) countryCode=$(python tools.py geoip countryCode) region=$(python tools.py geoip regionName) addr=$(python ip_info.py addr) fi echo -e " ASN & ISP : ${SKYBLUE}$asn, $isp${PLAIN}" | tee -a $log echo -e " Organization : ${YELLOW}$org${PLAIN}" | tee -a $log echo -e " Addr : ${SKYBLUE}$addr${PLAIN}" | tee -a $log echo -e " Location : ${SKYBLUE}$city, ${YELLOW}$country / $countryCode${PLAIN}" | tee -a $log echo -e " Region : ${SKYBLUE}$region${PLAIN}" | tee -a $log rm -rf tools.py rm -rf ip_info.py rm -rf ip_json.json } virt_check(){ if hash ifconfig 2>/dev/null; then eth=$(ifconfig) fi virtualx=$(dmesg) 2>/dev/null # check dmidecode cmd if [ $(which dmidecode) ]; then sys_manu=$(dmidecode -s system-manufacturer) 2>/dev/null sys_product=$(dmidecode -s system-product-name) 2>/dev/null sys_ver=$(dmidecode -s system-version) 2>/dev/null else sys_manu="" sys_product="" sys_ver="" fi if grep docker /proc/1/cgroup -qa; then virtual="Docker" elif grep lxc /proc/1/cgroup -qa; then virtual="Lxc" elif grep -qa container=lxc /proc/1/environ; then virtual="Lxc" elif [[ -f /proc/user_beancounters ]]; then virtual="OpenVZ" elif [[ "$virtualx" == *kvm-clock* ]]; then virtual="KVM" elif [[ "$cname" == *KVM* ]]; then virtual="KVM" elif [[ "$cname" == *QEMU* ]]; then virtual="KVM" elif [[ "$virtualx" == *"VMware Virtual Platform"* ]]; then virtual="VMware" elif [[ "$virtualx" == *"Parallels Software International"* ]]; then virtual="Parallels" elif [[ "$virtualx" == *VirtualBox* ]]; then virtual="VirtualBox" elif [[ -e /proc/xen ]]; then virtual="Xen" elif [[ "$sys_manu" == *"Microsoft Corporation"* ]]; then if [[ "$sys_product" == *"Virtual Machine"* ]]; then if [[ "$sys_ver" == *"7.0"* || "$sys_ver" == *"Hyper-V" ]]; then virtual="Hyper-V" else virtual="Microsoft Virtual Machine" fi fi else virtual="Dedicated" fi } power_time_check(){ echo -ne " Power time of disk : " install_smart ptime=$(power_time) echo -e "${SKYBLUE}$ptime Hours${PLAIN}" } freedisk() { # check free space #spacename=$( df -m . | awk 'NR==2 {print $1}' ) #spacenamelength=$(echo ${spacename} | awk '{print length($0)}') #if [[ $spacenamelength -gt 20 ]]; then # freespace=$( df -m . | awk 'NR==3 {print $3}' ) #else # freespace=$( df -m . | awk 'NR==2 {print $4}' ) #fi freespace=$( df -m . | awk 'NR==2 {print $4}' ) if [[ $freespace == "" ]]; then $freespace=$( df -m . | awk 'NR==3 {print $3}' ) fi if [[ $freespace -gt 1024 ]]; then printf "%s" $((1024*2)) elif [[ $freespace -gt 512 ]]; then printf "%s" $((512*2)) elif [[ $freespace -gt 256 ]]; then printf "%s" $((256*2)) elif [[ $freespace -gt 128 ]]; then printf "%s" $((128*2)) else printf "1" fi } print_io() { if [[ $1 == "fast" ]]; then writemb=$((128*2)) else writemb=$(freedisk) fi writemb_size="$(( writemb / 2 ))MB" if [[ $writemb_size == "1024MB" ]]; then writemb_size="1.0GB" fi if [[ $writemb != "1" ]]; then echo -n " ${WHITE}I/O Speed( $writemb_size ) : " | tee -a $log io1=$( io_test $writemb ) echo -e "${YELLOW}$io1${PLAIN}" | tee -a $log echo -n " I/O Speed( $writemb_size ) : " | tee -a $log io2=$( io_test $writemb ) echo -e "${YELLOW}$io2${PLAIN}" | tee -a $log echo -n " I/O Speed( $writemb_size ) : " | tee -a $log io3=$( io_test $writemb ) echo -e "${YELLOW}$io3${PLAIN}" | tee -a $log ioraw1=$( echo $io1 | awk 'NR==1 {print $1}' ) [ "`echo $io1 | awk 'NR==1 {print $2}'`" == "GB/s" ] && ioraw1=$( awk 'BEGIN{print '$ioraw1' * 1024}' ) ioraw2=$( echo $io2 | awk 'NR==1 {print $1}' ) [ "`echo $io2 | awk 'NR==1 {print $2}'`" == "GB/s" ] && ioraw2=$( awk 'BEGIN{print '$ioraw2' * 1024}' ) ioraw3=$( echo $io3 | awk 'NR==1 {print $1}' ) [ "`echo $io3 | awk 'NR==1 {print $2}'`" == "GB/s" ] && ioraw3=$( awk 'BEGIN{print '$ioraw3' * 1024}' ) ioall=$( awk 'BEGIN{print '$ioraw1' + '$ioraw2' + '$ioraw3'}' ) ioavg=$( awk 'BEGIN{printf "%.1f", '$ioall' / 3}' ) echo -e " Average I/O Speed : ${YELLOW}$ioavg MB/s${PLAIN}" | tee -a $log else echo -e " ${RED}Not enough space!${PLAIN}" fi } print_system_info() { echo -e " CPU Model : ${SKYBLUE}$cname${PLAIN}" | tee -a $log echo -e " CPU Cores : ${YELLOW}$cores Cores ${SKYBLUE}$freq MHz $arch${PLAIN}" | tee -a $log echo -e " CPU Cache : ${SKYBLUE}$corescache ${PLAIN}" | tee -a $log echo -e " OS : ${SKYBLUE}$opsy ($lbit Bit) ${YELLOW}$virtual${PLAIN}" | tee -a $log echo -e " Kernel : ${SKYBLUE}$kern${PLAIN}" | tee -a $log echo -e " Total Space : ${SKYBLUE}$disk_used_size GB / ${YELLOW}$disk_total_size GB ${PLAIN}" | tee -a $log echo -e " Total RAM : ${SKYBLUE}$uram MB / ${YELLOW}$tram MB ${SKYBLUE}($bram MB Buff)${PLAIN}" | tee -a $log echo -e " Total SWAP : ${SKYBLUE}$uswap MB / $swap MB${PLAIN}" | tee -a $log echo -e " Uptime : ${SKYBLUE}$up${PLAIN}" | tee -a $log echo -e " Load Average : ${SKYBLUE}$load${PLAIN}" | tee -a $log echo -e " TCP CC : ${YELLOW}$tcpctrl${PLAIN}" | tee -a $log } print_end_time() { end=$(date +%s) time=$(( $end - $start )) if [[ $time -gt 60 ]]; then min=$(expr $time / 60) sec=$(expr $time % 60) echo -ne " Finished in : ${min} min ${sec} sec" | tee -a $log else echo -ne " Finished in : ${time} sec" | tee -a $log fi #echo -ne "\n Current time : " #echo $(date +%Y-%m-%d" "%H:%M:%S) printf '\n' | tee -a $log #utc_time=$(date -u '+%F %T') #bj_time=$(date +%Y-%m-%d" "%H:%M:%S -d '+8 hours') bj_time=$(curl -s http://cgi.im.qq.com/cgi-bin/cgi_svrtime) #utc_time=$(date +"$bj_time" -d '-8 hours') if [[ $(echo $bj_time | grep "html") ]]; then bj_time=$(date -u +%Y-%m-%d" "%H:%M:%S -d '+8 hours') fi echo " Timestamp : $bj_time GMT+8" | tee -a $log #echo " Finished!" echo " Results : $log" } get_system_info() { cname=$( awk -F: '/model name/ {name=$2} END {print name}' /proc/cpuinfo | sed 's/^[ \t]*//;s/[ \t]*$//' ) cores=$( awk -F: '/model name/ {core++} END {print core}' /proc/cpuinfo ) freq=$( awk -F: '/cpu MHz/ {freq=$2} END {print freq}' /proc/cpuinfo | sed 's/^[ \t]*//;s/[ \t]*$//' ) corescache=$( awk -F: '/cache size/ {cache=$2} END {print cache}' /proc/cpuinfo | sed 's/^[ \t]*//;s/[ \t]*$//' ) tram=$( free -m | awk '/Mem/ {print $2}' ) uram=$( free -m | awk '/Mem/ {print $3}' ) bram=$( free -m | awk '/Mem/ {print $6}' ) swap=$( free -m | awk '/Swap/ {print $2}' ) uswap=$( free -m | awk '/Swap/ {print $3}' ) up=$( awk '{a=$1/86400;b=($1%86400)/3600;c=($1%3600)/60} {printf("%d days %d hour %d min\n",a,b,c)}' /proc/uptime ) load=$( w | head -1 | awk -F'load average:' '{print $2}' | sed 's/^[ \t]*//;s/[ \t]*$//' ) opsy=$( get_opsy ) arch=$( uname -m ) lbit=$( getconf LONG_BIT ) kern=$( uname -r ) #ipv6=$( wget -qO- -t1 -T2 ipv6.icanhazip.com ) disk_size1=($( LANG=C df -hPl | grep -wvE '\-|none|tmpfs|overlay|shm|udev|devtmpfs|by-uuid|chroot|Filesystem' | awk '{print $2}' )) disk_size2=($( LANG=C df -hPl | grep -wvE '\-|none|tmpfs|overlay|shm|udev|devtmpfs|by-uuid|chroot|Filesystem' | awk '{print $3}' )) disk_total_size=$( calc_disk ${disk_size1[@]} ) disk_used_size=$( calc_disk ${disk_size2[@]} ) #tcp congestion control tcpctrl=$( sysctl net.ipv4.tcp_congestion_control | awk -F ' ' '{print $3}' ) #tmp=$(python tools.py disk 0) #disk_total_size=$(echo $tmp | sed s/G//) #tmp=$(python tools.py disk 1) #disk_used_size=$(echo $tmp | sed s/G//) virt_check } print_intro() { printf ' Superbench.sh -- https://www.oldking.net/350.html\n' | tee -a $log printf " Mode : \e${GREEN}%s\e${PLAIN} Version : \e${GREEN}%s${PLAIN}\n" $mode_name 1.1.6 | tee -a $log printf ' Usage : wget -qO- git.io/superbench.sh | bash\n' | tee -a $log printf ' Fixed bugs version usage : wget -qO- https://git.io/Jvh0J | bash\n' | tee -a $log printf ' 添加更多节点版本: wget -qO- git.io/vpsvps | bash \n' | tee -a $log printf ' Fixed version 3\n' | tee -a $log } sharetest() { echo " Share result:" | tee -a $log echo " · $result_speed" | tee -a $log log_preupload case $1 in 'ubuntu') share_link="https://paste.ubuntu.com".$( curl -v --data-urlencode "content@$log_up" -d "poster=superbench.sh" -d "syntax=text" "https://paste.ubuntu.com" 2>&1 | \ grep "Location" | awk '{print $3}' );; 'haste' ) share_link=$( curl -X POST -s -d "$(cat $log)" https://hastebin.com/documents | awk -F '"' '{print "https://hastebin.com/"$4}' );; 'clbin' ) share_link=$( curl -sF 'clbin=<-' https://clbin.com < $log );; 'ptpb' ) share_link=$( curl -sF c=@- https://ptpb.pw/?u=1 < $log );; esac # print result info echo " · $share_link" | tee -a $log next echo "" rm -f $log_up } log_preupload() { log_up="$HOME/superbench_upload.log" true > $log_up $(cat superbench.log 2>&1 | sed -r "s/\x1B\[([0-9]{1,2}(;[0-9]{1,2})?)?[m|K]//g" > $log_up) } get_ip_whois_org_name(){ #ip=$(curl -s ip.sb) result=$(curl -s https://rest.db.ripe.net/search.json?query-string=$(curl -s ip.sb)) #org_name=$(echo $result | jq '.objects.object.[1].attributes.attribute.[1].value' | sed 's/\"//g') org_name=$(echo $result | jq '.objects.object[1].attributes.attribute[1]' | sed 's/\"//g') echo $org_name; } pingtest() { local ping_ms=$( ping -w 1 -c 1 $1 | grep 'rtt' | cut -d"/" -f5 ) # get download speed and print if [[ $ping_ms == "" ]]; then printf "ping error!" | tee -a $log else printf "%3i.%s ms" "${ping_ms%.*}" "${ping_ms#*.}" | tee -a $log fi } cleanup() { rm -f test_file_*; rm -f speedtest.py; rm -f fast_com*; rm -f tools.py; rm -f ip_json.json } bench_all(){ mode_name="Standard" about; benchinit; clear next; print_intro; next; get_system_info; print_system_info; ip_info4; next; print_io; clear next; print_speedtest; next; print_end_time; next; cleanup; sharetest ubuntu; } fast_bench(){ mode_name="Fast" about; benchinit; clear next; print_intro; next; get_system_info; print_system_info; ip_info4; next; print_io fast; next; print_speedtest_fast; next; print_end_time; next; cleanup; } if [ ! -d "$HOME/superbench_log" ]; then mkdir "$HOME/superbench_log" fi log="$HOME/superbench_log/superbench_$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M).log" true > $log case $1 in 'info'|'-i'|'--i'|'-info'|'--info' ) about;sleep 3;next;get_system_info;print_system_info;next;; 'version'|'-v'|'--v'|'-version'|'--version') next;about;next;; 'io'|'-io'|'--io'|'-drivespeed'|'--drivespeed' ) next;print_io;next;; 'speed'|'-speed'|'--speed'|'-speedtest'|'--speedtest'|'-speedcheck'|'--speedcheck' ) about;benchinit;next;print_speedtest;next;cleanup;; 'ip'|'-ip'|'--ip'|'geoip'|'-geoip'|'--geoip' ) about;benchinit;next;ip_info4;next;cleanup;; 'bench'|'-a'|'--a'|'-all'|'--all'|'-bench'|'--bench' ) bench_all;; 'about'|'-about'|'--about' ) about;; 'fast'|'-f'|'--f'|'-fast'|'--fast' ) fast_bench;; 'share'|'-s'|'--s'|'-share'|'--share' ) bench_all; is_share="share" if [[ $2 == "" ]]; then sharetest ubuntu; else sharetest $2; fi ;; 'debug'|'-d'|'--d'|'-debug'|'--debug' ) get_ip_whois_org_name;; *) bench_all;; esac if [[ ! $is_share == "share" ]]; then case $2 in 'share'|'-s'|'--s'|'-share'|'--share' ) if [[ $3 == '' ]]; then sharetest ubuntu; else sharetest $3; fi ;; esac fi