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base repository: Kopernicus/Kopernicus
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head repository: Kopernicus/Kopernicus
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compare: 2b16c6a70c6a
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  • 2 commits
  • 4 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on May 6, 2018

  1. Verified

    This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature. The key has expired.
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    e8c0dcd View commit details
  2. Working PQSCity parsers

    StollD committed May 6, 2018
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    2b16c6a View commit details
238 changes: 207 additions & 31 deletions src/Kopernicus/Configuration/ModLoader/City.cs
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@@ -23,10 +23,11 @@

/*using CommNet;
using CommNet;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Kopernicus.Constants;
using Kopernicus.UI;
using UnityEngine;

namespace Kopernicus
@@ -36,8 +37,133 @@ namespace Configuration
namespace ModLoader
public class City : ModLoader<PQSCity>, IParserEventSubscriber
public class City : ModLoader<PQSCity>
// LODRange loader
public class LODRangeLoader : IPatchable, ITypeParser<PQSCity.LODRange>
// LOD object
public PQSCity.LODRange Value { get; set; }

// Fake property to allow patching by index
public String name
get { return null; }
set {}

// Delete the lod range
public NumericParser<Boolean> delete = false;

// visibleRange
public NumericParser<Single> visibleRange
get { return Value.visibleRange; }
set { Value.visibleRange = value; }

// The mesh for the mod
public MuParser model
GameObject obj = null;
if (Value.objects.Length > 1)
obj = new GameObject();
obj.transform.parent = Utility.Deactivator;
foreach (GameObject subobj in Value.objects)
UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(subobj).transform.parent = obj.transform;
obj = Value.objects[0];
return new MuParser(obj);
Value.objects = new[] {value.Value};
Value.renderers = value.Value.GetComponentsInChildren<Renderer>().Select(r => r.gameObject)

// scale
public Vector3Parser scale
Single x = 0;
Single y = 0;
Single z = 0;
Single count = Value.objects.Length > 0 ? Value.objects.Length : 1;
foreach (GameObject obj in Value.objects)
x += obj.transform.localScale.x;
y += obj.transform.localScale.y;
z += obj.transform.localScale.z;

return new Vector3(x / count, y / count, z / count);
foreach (GameObject obj in Value.objects)
obj.transform.localScale = value;

[KittopiaConstructor(KittopiaConstructor.Parameter.Empty, purpose = KittopiaConstructor.Purpose.Create)]
public LODRangeLoader ()
// Initialize the LOD range
Value = new PQSCity.LODRange();
Value.objects = new GameObject[0];
Value.renderers = new GameObject[0];

[KittopiaConstructor(KittopiaConstructor.Parameter.Element, purpose = KittopiaConstructor.Purpose.Edit)]
public LODRangeLoader(PQSCity.LODRange c)
Value = c;
if (Value.objects == null)
Value.objects = new GameObject[0];

if (Value.renderers == null)
Value.renderers = new GameObject[0];

/// <summary>
/// Convert Parser to Value
/// </summary>
public static implicit operator PQSCity.LODRange(LODRangeLoader parser)
return parser.Value;

/// <summary>
/// Convert Value to Parser
/// </summary>
public static implicit operator LODRangeLoader(PQSCity.LODRange value)
return new LODRangeLoader(value);

// debugOrientated
public NumericParser<Boolean> debugOrientated
@@ -94,6 +220,13 @@ public Vector3Parser repositionRadial
set { mod.repositionRadial = value; }

// repositionRadial - Position
private PositionParser repositionRadialPosition
set { mod.repositionRadial = value; }

// repositionRadiusOffset
public NumericParser<Double> repositionRadiusOffset
@@ -126,53 +259,96 @@ public NumericParser<Boolean> repositionToSphereSurfaceAddHeight
set { mod.repositionToSphereSurfaceAddHeight = value; }

// The mesh for the mod
public MuParser model
// Commnet Station
public NumericParser<Boolean> commnetStation
get { return mod.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren<CommNetHome>() != null; }
value.Value.transform.parent = mod.transform;
Transform[] gameObjectList = mod.gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren<Transform>();
List<GameObject> rendererList = gameObjectList.Where(t => t.gameObject.GetComponent<Renderer>() != null).Select(t => t.gameObject).ToList();
mod.lod[0].objects = new GameObject[0];
mod.lod[0].renderers = rendererList.ToArray();
if (!value) return;
CommNetHome station = mod.gameObject.AddComponent<CommNetHome>();
station.isKSC = false;

// visibility Range
public NumericParser<Single> visibilityRange
get { return mod.lod[0].visibleRange; }
set { mod.lod[0].visibleRange = value; }
// Commnet Station
public NumericParser<Boolean> commnetStation
public NumericParser<Boolean> isKSC
get { return mod.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren<CommNetHome>() != null; }
CommNetHome home = mod.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren<CommNetHome>();
return home != null && home.isKSC;
if (value)
CommNetHome home = mod.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren<CommNetHome>();
if (home != null)
CommNetHome station = mod.gameObject.AddComponent<CommNetHome>();
station.isKSC = false;
home.isKSC = value;

// Apply event
void IParserEventSubscriber.Apply(ConfigNode node)
// The land classes
[ParserTargetCollection("LOD", AllowMerge = true)]
public CallbackList<LODRangeLoader> lodRanges { get; set; }

// Creates the a PQSMod of type T with given PQS
public override void Create(PQS pqsVersion)
mod.lod = new [] { new PQSCity.LODRange() };

// Create the callback list
lodRanges = new CallbackList<LODRangeLoader> ((e) =>
mod.lod = lodRanges.Where(lodRange => !lodRange.delete)
.Select(lodRange => lodRange.Value).ToArray();
foreach (GameObject obj in e.Value.objects)
obj.transform.parent = mod.transform;
obj.transform.localPosition =;
mod.lod = new PQSCity.LODRange[0];

// Apply event
void IParserEventSubscriber.PostApply(ConfigNode node) { }
// Grabs a PQSMod of type T from a parameter with a given PQS
public override void Create(PQSCity _mod, PQS pqsVersion)
base.Create(_mod, pqsVersion);

// Create the callback list
lodRanges = new CallbackList<LODRangeLoader> (e =>
mod.lod = lodRanges.Where(lodRange => !lodRange.delete)
.Select(lodRange => lodRange.Value).ToArray();
foreach (GameObject obj in e.Value.objects)
obj.transform.parent = mod.transform;
obj.transform.localPosition =;

// Load LandClasses
if (mod.lod != null)
for (Int32 i = 0; i < mod.lod.Length; i++)
// Only activate the callback if we are adding the last loader
lodRanges.Add(new LODRangeLoader(mod.lod[i]), i == mod.lod.Length - 1);
mod.lod = new PQSCity.LODRange[0];
