A minimal breakout for the recently released Silabs/BlueGiga BGM111 BLE module.
This exposes the serial port for communication and control via BGApi/BBGLib, a cortex-m standard debug connector for programming the onboard ARM core, four user LEDs, a reset button, and a user button (internal pullup required), and a bunch of additional IO in a breadboard-friendly form factor.
Check out the releases section for current schematics/renderings and gerber packages for upload to your favourite PCB manufacturer.
Boards from OSHPark can be ordered here
You will need an ARM programmer with support for the silabs ARM core onboard, as well as a cortex-m debug adaptor.
The Silabs management software is required (even when using BGLib/BGApi) to load the BLE profile onto the device, this is available here.
You will also need a microcontroller or a serial adaptor to control to the device (unless it is only to be used as a beacon). It is important to use a 3v3 micro or serial adaptor to ensure you do not exceed the allowable supply voltage for the BGM111.