# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' medrar.py - pandora_client plugin custom parse_path for pandora_client to parse medrar archive paths in the form Festival/Artist Name/Work Name/MVI_2036.MOV ''' import sys import csv import re import ox import unicodedata ''' This is a medrar specific function, to be used in other context in their tool set ''' def Normalize (str): ''' Comment out what you don't need''' # changed slahs into a unicode value that looks similar str=re.sub("/","∕",str) # remove extra spaces str=re.sub(r"\s+", " ",str).strip() # remove spaces around semiclons str= re.sub (r'\s*;\s*', ';',str) # remove spaces in the beginning and end str= re.sub ('^\s*|\s*$', '',str) # remove newlines in the beginning and end str= re.sub ('^\r*\n*|\n*\r*$', '',str,re.M) #u" ".join(str.encode('utf-8')).strip() return str def example_path(client): return '\t' + 'Festival/Artist Name/Work Name/MVI_2036.MOV' def parse_path(client, path, prefix): ''' args: client - Client instance path - path without volume prefix return: return None if file is ignored, dict with parsed item information otherwise ''' m = re.compile('^(?P<project>.+?)/(?P<artist>.+?)/(?P<workname>.+?)/.*').match(path) #print m #print path if not m: return None #print "we are in pattern" info = m.groupdict() ex = re.compile('.*exclude.*') if ex.match(path): return None match = 0 summary ='' year = '' artists = [] #By=u"" #print prefix ''' Attempt to read data from a CSV file, residing inside "project" path; and has the same name as the project with a .csv extension. This process tries to capture: * Multiple Artists * Collective Name * Artist Pseudo Name * Production Year * Synopsis ''' try: with open(u""+prefix+"/"+info['project']+"/"+info['project']+".csv",'rb') as f: festivalCSV=csv.reader(f, delimiter=',') rd = csv.DictReader(f) #By=u"" selection = [] for dictRow in rd: #By=u"" #artists = [] try: #WorkName_Normalized=re.sub(' +',' ',(re.sub("/","∕",dictRow['Title']).strip())) WorkName_Normalized=Normalize(dictRow['Title']) CollectiveOrPseudo=Normalize(dictRow['Collective/Pseudo']) FirstArtist=Normalize(dictRow['First Name']+" "+dictRow['Last Name']) OtherArtists=Normalize(dictRow['Other']) if CollectiveOrPseudo: By=CollectiveOrPseudo elif OtherArtists: By=Normalize(FirstArtist+";"+OtherArtists) elif FirstArtist: By=FirstArtist else: By="N/A" except KeyError: print "Key Error in sheet" try: #if By == info['artist'].encode("utf-8"): # print "found artist match "+By #if WorkName_Normalized == info['workname'].encode("utf-8"): # print "found Workname match "+WorkName_Normalized # print "current artist is "+By+" and info is "+info['artist'] if By == info['artist'].encode("utf-8") and WorkName_Normalized == info['workname'].encode("utf-8"): #print "Match found for "+info['artist'].encode('utf-8')+' '+info['workname'].encode('utf-8') match = 1 #create a list of artists artists= [artist for artist in [Normalize(dictRow['Collective/Pseudo']),FirstArtist]+OtherArtists.split(';') if artist and not isinstance(artist,list) and not artist == "\n"] #if one artist and Collective/Pseudo provided, or only Collective/Pseudo provided, then consider it a pseudo name if len(artists) <= 1: ArtistPseudo=CollectiveOrPseudo #if multiple artists and Collective/Pseudo provided, then consider it a collective name else: Collective=CollectiveOrPseudo #read teh rest of the fields year= dictRow['Year of production'] summary = dictRow['Synopsis'] #What is the status of ths works (Festivale Specific): # ["not accepted", "initial acception", "screened", "re-screened"] if not dictRow['Yes/No'] and not dictRow['PRE-SELECTION']: selection= ["N/A"] else: if re.match("(Yes|Y|1|yes|y)",dictRow['Yes/No']) is not None : selection= ["screened"] elif re.match("(?iYes|Y|1)",dictRow['PRE-SELECTION']) is not None : selection= ["initial acception"] elif re.match("(?iNo|N|0)",dictRow['PRE-SELECTION']) is not None : selection= ["not accepted"] else: selection= ["ERR"] #if len(artists) == 2 and dictRow['Collective/Pseudo']: #print "pseudo :"+ dictRow['Collective/Pseudo'] #print artists #elif len(artists) > 2 and dictRow['Collective/Pseudo']: #print "Collective:" + dictRow['Collective/Pseudo'] #print artists #print artists break except UnicodeDecodeError: print dictRow print "UnicodeDecodeError on " if match == 0: print "No match found for "+info['artist'].encode('utf-8')+' '+info['workname'].encode('utf-8') #print str(path) except OSError: print "No csv file found!!" #No information found in sheet; just take it from filesystem if match == 0: print "No match found for "+info['artist'].encode('utf-8')+' '+info['workname'].encode('utf-8') By = Normalize(info['artist']) artists = By.split(";") WorkName_Normalized = Normalize(info['workname']) #title = "%s by %s" % (unicodedata.normalize('NFC',info['workname']), By) #print ArtistName_Normalized #print unicodedata.normalize('NFD',ArtistName_Normalized.decode('utf-8')) #print WorkName_Normalized #print WorkName_Normalized.decode('utf-8') #print unicodedata.normalize('NFD',WorkName_Normalized.decode('utf-8')) #print By #print By.decode('utf-8') #By = u" ".join(By).strip() #By = unicodedata.normalize('NFD',u" ".join(By.decode('utf-8')).strip()) r = { 'artist': artists, 'project': [info['project']], 'title': "%s by %s" % (WorkName_Normalized, By), 'summary': summary, 'date': year, 'selection': selection, } #print info['project'] _info = ox.movie.parse_path(path) for key in ('extension', 'type'): r[key] = _info[key] return r def ignore_file(client, path): ''' return True if file should not even be considered. i.e. to filter out .DS_Store, empty files ''' filename = os.path.basename(path) if filename.startswith('._') \ or filename in ('.DS_Store', ) \ or filename.endswith('~') \ or not os.path.exists(path) \ or os.stat(path).st_size == 0: return True return False