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base repository: jruby/jruby
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base: 4bf7dd2005fa
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head repository: jruby/jruby
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compare: 8e38eba3c119
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  • 3 commits
  • 8 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Dec 12, 2017

  1. Fixes #4882. Ripper doesn't handle private def with nested block....a…

    …nd others.
    While slowly figuring out a single-line change which fixed this issue I also
    noticed several other mismatches between the two parsers.  Hopefully, at this
    point, they are identical.
    I also deleted a emacs turd.
    RubyParser.y appears to be changed but they were minor whitespace differences
    with Ripper.  I tried to make these two files a little bit easier to diff.
    enebo committed Dec 12, 2017
    Copy the full SHA
    509a249 View commit details
  2. Fix one regression (caused massive duplication in reported elements -…

    …- which
    seemed to just break yard but not mri tests) from last fix.  Still one more
    regression to go.
    enebo committed Dec 12, 2017
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    c41788f View commit details
  3. Fixes another regression from fix of #4882. In this case we would loo…

    …k for
    duplicated variables in higher level production f_opt and f_block_opt but now
    that check is done at the actual variable itself.
    enebo committed Dec 12, 2017
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    8e38eba View commit details