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Last active May 28, 2023 19:54
Benchmarking timing performance Keyword Replace between regex and flashtext
from flashtext.keyword import KeywordProcessor
import random
import string
import re
import time
def get_word_of_length(str_length):
# generate a random word of given length
return ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) for _ in range(str_length))
# generate a list of 100K words of randomly chosen size
all_words = [get_word_of_length(random.choice([3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8])) for i in range(100000)]
print('Count | FlashText | Regex ')
for keywords_length in range(1, 20002, 1000):
# chose 5000 terms and create a string to search in.
all_words_chosen = random.sample(all_words, 5000)
story = ' '.join(all_words_chosen)
# get unique keywords from the list of words generated.
unique_keywords_sublist = list(set(random.sample(all_words, keywords_length)))
# compile regex
# source:
rep = dict([(key, '_keyword_') for key in unique_keywords_sublist])
compiled_re = re.compile("|".join(rep.keys()))
# add keywords to flashtext
keyword_processor = KeywordProcessor()
for keyword in unique_keywords_sublist:
keyword_processor.add_keyword(keyword, '_keyword_')
# time the modules
start = time.time()
_ = keyword_processor.replace_keywords(story)
mid = time.time()
_ = compiled_re.sub(lambda m: rep[re.escape(], story)
end = time.time()
# print output
print(str(keywords_length).ljust(6), '|',
"{0:.5f}".format(mid - start).ljust(9), '|',
"{0:.5f}".format(end - mid).ljust(9), '|',)
# Count | FlashText | Regex
# -------------------------------
# 1 | 0.02141 | 0.00004 |
# 1001 | 0.02498 | 0.13180 |
# 5001 | 0.03147 | 0.59799 |
# 10001 | 0.02858 | 1.08717 |
# 15001 | 0.02734 | 1.51461 |
# 20001 | 0.03109 | 1.76158 |
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twirrim commented Dec 1, 2017

It doesn't get you in to "comparable to FlashText" territory, but an easy regex optimisation to apply is to sort the keys before adding to the regex.

$ python
Count  | FlashText | Regex | Sorted Regex
('1     ', '|', '0.01020  ', '|', '0.00007  ', '|', '0.00006  ', '|')
('1001  ', '|', '0.01195  ', '|', '0.15300  ', '|', '0.14172  ', '|')
('2001  ', '|', '0.01223  ', '|', '0.30786  ', '|', '0.28629  ', '|')
('3001  ', '|', '0.01370  ', '|', '0.43211  ', '|', '0.39781  ', '|')
('4001  ', '|', '0.01226  ', '|', '0.57421  ', '|', '0.53352  ', '|')
('5001  ', '|', '0.01331  ', '|', '0.66974  ', '|', '0.67607  ', '|')
('6001  ', '|', '0.01246  ', '|', '0.81990  ', '|', '0.70473  ', '|')
('7001  ', '|', '0.01144  ', '|', '0.92889  ', '|', '0.89696  ', '|')
('8001  ', '|', '0.01229  ', '|', '1.02987  ', '|', '0.92075  ', '|')
('9001  ', '|', '0.01200  ', '|', '1.14402  ', '|', '1.08537  ', '|')
('10001 ', '|', '0.01359  ', '|', '1.23232  ', '|', '1.07877  ', '|')
('11001 ', '|', '0.01344  ', '|', '1.38192  ', '|', '1.27324  ', '|')
('12001 ', '|', '0.01369  ', '|', '1.47766  ', '|', '1.31015  ', '|')
('13001 ', '|', '0.01565  ', '|', '1.46536  ', '|', '1.39552  ', '|')
('14001 ', '|', '0.01474  ', '|', '1.63738  ', '|', '1.54096  ', '|')
('15001 ', '|', '0.01419  ', '|', '1.75537  ', '|', '1.68527  ', '|')
('16001 ', '|', '0.01576  ', '|', '1.85689  ', '|', '1.68421  ', '|')
('17001 ', '|', '0.01501  ', '|', '1.90390  ', '|', '1.77516  ', '|')
('18001 ', '|', '0.01641  ', '|', '1.96707  ', '|', '1.77640  ', '|')
('19001 ', '|', '0.01499  ', '|', '2.06039  ', '|', '1.73332  ', '|')
('20001 ', '|', '0.01688  ', '|', '2.04545  ', '|', '1.92251  ', '|')

The speed improvement is quite varied depending on the keys chosen, but it's almost always a safe thing to do.

 sorted_compiled_re = re.compile("|".join(sorted(rep.keys())))

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am i missing something or is there a reason not to compare vs a dictionary based replace, which seems to run an order of magnitude faster than flashtext on this benchmark

replaced = ' '.join([rep.get(word, word) for word in story.split(" ")])

Count | FlashText | Dict

1 | 0.00777 | 0.00093 |
1001 | 0.00884 | 0.00108 |
2001 | 0.00911 | 0.00109 |
3001 | 0.00919 | 0.00109 |
4001 | 0.00928 | 0.00110 |
5001 | 0.00941 | 0.00112 |
6001 | 0.00957 | 0.00130 |
7001 | 0.00960 | 0.00126 |
8001 | 0.00970 | 0.00127 |
9001 | 0.00985 | 0.00124 |
10001 | 0.00999 | 0.00125 |
11001 | 0.01020 | 0.00123 |
12001 | 0.01044 | 0.00143 |
13001 | 0.01028 | 0.00139 |
14001 | 0.01030 | 0.00139 |
15001 | 0.01010 | 0.00131 |
16001 | 0.01066 | 0.00135 |
17001 | 0.01074 | 0.00132 |
18001 | 0.01061 | 0.00133 |
19001 | 0.01085 | 0.00137 |
20001 | 0.01078 | 0.00134 |

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Completely off-topic: your shebang should be #!/usr/bin/env python3

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The above commented example will never find the longest match and replace it. So, don't get the wrong idea.! For find and replace, Flashtext is correct choice.!

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