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base repository: rubinius/rubinius
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base: 1dcc82aa338a
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head repository: rubinius/rubinius
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compare: 2aa0283dfc65
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  • 9 commits
  • 132 files changed
  • 4 contributors

Commits on Mar 2, 2016

  1. Set ENV in Docker images to UTF-8.

    [ci skip]
    brixen committed Mar 2, 2016
    Copy the full SHA
    4d7e389 View commit details

Commits on Mar 6, 2016

  1. Fix new_spec.rb typo.

    Red54 committed Mar 6, 2016
    Copy the full SHA
    a4befe5 View commit details
  2. Merge pull request #3625 from Red54/patch-1

    Fix new_spec.rb typo.
    jemc committed Mar 6, 2016
    Copy the full SHA
    bcbf8b6 View commit details
  3. Copy the full SHA
    477db7c View commit details

Commits on Mar 12, 2016

  1. Reworked tracking CallFrames.

    CallFrame _invariants_ must be preserved under the following states:
    1. calling / returning from _managed methods_;
    2. calling / returning from _native methods_;
    3. calling / returning from _native functions_;
    4. calling / returning from _JIT functions_;
    5. running a Fiber;
    6. unwinding the stack due to C++ exception handling;
    7. unwinding the stack by longjmp();
    8. before any managed code runs in a Thread; and
    9. after all managed code has run in a Thread.
    CallFrame _invariants_ are:
    Assume a vector of references to CallFrame instances exists
    (VM::call_frames_), where n=VM::call_frames_index_ is the total number of
    CallFrame instances and VM::call_frame_ refers to VM::call_frames_[n-1], and
    VM::call_frame->previous refers to VM::call_frames_[n-2], etc.
    1. VM::call_frames_[0] is the oldest managed frame in a Thread;
    2. For all i=0...VM::call_frames_index_, VM::call_frams_[i] has 0+ live
       references to objects.
    3. VM::call_frames_[VM::call_frames_index_-1] is the newest managed frame;
    4. For all i=0...VM::call_frames_index_, VM::call_frames_[i+1] _follows_
       VM::call_frames_[i], also stated as lifetime(VM::call_frames_[i]) _bounds_
       lifetime(VM::call_frames_[i+1]) where lifetime(cf) returns a tuple (start,
       end) of times during which cf has live references, and for cf[i] "start_i"
       < "start_i+1" and "end_i" > "end_i+1".
    brixen committed Mar 12, 2016
    Copy the full SHA
    418cd0f View commit details
  2. Copy the full SHA
    b23f597 View commit details
  3. Avoid operating on (really) dead Threads.

    The issue here is that Thread instances may be retained by other objects (eg
    Enumerator) and when the Thread instance itself is finalized, the order of
    finalization is non-deterministic (ie there is no Ruby API to impose an
    ordering on finalization), so a Thread instance may have had its memory for
    VM* cleaned up, and the other object referring to it may call methods on it
    when that other object is being finalized.
    So, we avoid operating on *really* dead Threads, where a Thread's lifetime
    looks something like this:
    1. Memory for the Thread allocated, but the Thread is not running as a
    separate thread of execution.
    2. The Thread is running.
    3. The Thread's separate thread of execution has exited, so it is put in a
    "zombie" state, but all the memory for the Thread (except it's execution
    stack) is retained.
    4. The Thread itself is still allocated (ie because the Thread is in a
    finalization list so its managed memory hasn't been recycled, or it's just
    been finalized) but the Thread isn't reachable by any live objects.
    5. The Thread has been finalized, so it's VM* memory is deallocated, but the
    managed memory for the Thread itself hasn't been reclaimed.
    6. The Thread's managed memory is no longer allocated and any reference to the
    Thread would be an "access after free" memory violation (but not necessarily
    one that would trigger a memory fault in the CPU because the region of memory
    it inhabited may still be allocated to the running program).
    brixen committed Mar 12, 2016
    Copy the full SHA
    8633f3e View commit details
  4. Fixed assumption of Symbol table size.

    There is no guarantee that executing some Ruby code will only create one
    new Symbol instance. Since we lazily load code with the CodeDB, we could
    be executing code at any time in any thread, for instance.
    brixen committed Mar 12, 2016
    Copy the full SHA
    f7370c3 View commit details
  5. Copy the full SHA
    2aa0283 View commit details