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base repository: rubinius/rubinius
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base: 755dc4bfccab
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head repository: rubinius/rubinius
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compare: 288636defc93
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  • 2 commits
  • 24 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Mar 31, 2016

  1. Some Arguments tweaks.

    brixen committed Mar 31, 2016
    Copy the full SHA
    e9943f7 View commit details
  2. Fixed issues with concurrent marking.

    As noted in one of the comments in this commit, there is a serious issue with
    partially initialized data when we have a concurrent marking thread running.
    When a Tuple is created, but the fields are not initialized to nil, they may
    contain random data.
    When a value is stored into a managed object, we run a write barrier. This bit
    of code serves two functions. First, it "remembers" the object being stored in
    case the object it is being stored into is a mature object and the object
    being stored is a young object. When the young collector runs, those
    "remembered" objects are part of the roots for the young region being
    collected. Second, if the object being stored into hasn't been traced yet, we
    trace it, and we add the object being stored to the stack of objects to trace.
    If the Tuple fields aren't initialized, we'll hit a garbage value when we try
    to trace it. If we don't run the write barrier when we assign values, we have
    the chance of losing one of those references. An alternative to "doubly
    initializing" the Tuple instance is to run two loops. One that assigns values
    and one that runs the write barrier on the entries. It should be apparent that
    we haven't really saved anything by using this purported "optimization" of
    creating the Tuple uninitialized (dirty).
    This is a good lesson in optimizing. The best optimization is not running any
    code at all, rather than making running code faster, if that is an option. It
    usually will give greater return to rework code in a way that significant code
    can be eliminated vs "optimized". In this case, we should get rid of Array and
    Tuple in the middle of stuff like calling methods.
    brixen committed Mar 31, 2016
    Copy the full SHA
    288636d View commit details