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Item13897: The infant is trying his first steps.
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
This is still too far from rendering a page but it tries to dispatch an

- New engine conception: HTTP compliant. Could be used to distinguish test
engines like CLI from those talking HTTP/HTML to the user. Compliance is
declared by per-package constant HTTP_COMPLIANT and accessible to the code
via engine object HTTPCompliant attribute.

- Added Foswiki::Exception::HTTPError exception. Foswiki::Exception::Engine
is now its descendant. HTTPError->stringify takes engine HTTPCompliant

- Foswiki::Request::prepare() method to create a new request object using
action and configuration key SwitchBoard.

- Foswiki::UI::View and Foswiki::UI are in the process of converting to be
Foswiki::App compliant.

- Cleaning up
  • Loading branch information
vrurg committed Apr 7, 2016
1 parent fd9900d commit 6028ade
Show file tree
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Showing 12 changed files with 741 additions and 506 deletions.
31 changes: 4 additions & 27 deletions core/bin/view
@@ -1,32 +1,9 @@
#! /usr/bin/env perl
# See bottom of file for license and copyright information
use strict;
use warnings;

use File::Spec;

if ( defined $ENV{GATEWAY_INTERFACE} || defined $ENV{MOD_PERL} ) {
$Foswiki::cfg{Engine} = 'Foswiki::Engine::CGI';
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
$SIG{__DIE__} = \&CGI::Carp::confess;
else {
$Foswiki::cfg{Engine} = 'Foswiki::Engine::CLI';
require Carp;
$SIG{__DIE__} = \&Carp::confess;
my ( $volume, $binDir, $action ) = File::Spec->splitpath(__FILE__);
my $setlib = File::Spec->catpath( $volume, $binDir, 'setlib.cfg' );
@INC = ( '.', grep { $_ ne '.' } @INC ) unless $binDir;
require $setlib;
$action =~ s/\..*$//; # Remove eventual file extension

use Foswiki ();
use Foswiki::UI ();
use Cwd;
use lib Cwd::abs_path("../lib");
use Foswiki::App;
exit Foswiki::App->run;
Foswiki - The Free and Open Source Wiki,
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion core/lib/
Expand Up @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ $VERSION = eval $VERSION;
use Exporter;
our @ISA = ('Exporter');

use constant DEBUG => ( $ENV{FOSWIKI_ASSERTS} ) ? 1 : 0;
use constant DEBUG => 1 || ( $ENV{FOSWIKI_ASSERTS} ) ? 1 : 0;

our $soft = 0;
Expand Down
226 changes: 25 additions & 201 deletions core/lib/
Expand Up @@ -525,7 +525,7 @@ BEGIN {

# Set environment var FOSWIKI_NOTAINT to disable taint checks even
# if Taint::Runtime is installed
eval { require Taint::Runtime; };
if ($@) {
print STDERR
Expand All @@ -537,218 +537,42 @@ BEGIN {

# If not set, default to strikeone validation
$Foswiki::cfg{Validation}{Method} ||= 'strikeone';
$Foswiki::cfg{Validation}{ValidForTime} = $Foswiki::cfg{LeaseLength}
unless defined $Foswiki::cfg{Validation}{ValidForTime};
$Foswiki::cfg{Validation}{MaxKeys} = 1000
unless defined $Foswiki::cfg{Validation}{MaxKeys};

# locale setup
# Note that 'use locale' must be done in BEGIN block for regexes and
# sorting to work properly, although regexes can still work without
# this in 'non-locale regexes' mode.

if ( $Foswiki::cfg{UseLocale} ) {

# Set environment variables for grep
$ENV{LC_CTYPE} = $Foswiki::cfg{Site}{Locale};

# Load POSIX for I18N support.
require POSIX;
import POSIX qw( locale_h LC_CTYPE LC_COLLATE );

# SMELL: mod_perl compatibility note: If Foswiki is running under Apache,
# won't this play with the Apache process's locale settings too?
# What effects would this have?
setlocale( &LC_CTYPE, $Foswiki::cfg{Site}{Locale} );
setlocale( &LC_COLLATE, $Foswiki::cfg{Site}{Locale} );

# Set up pre-compiled regexes for use in rendering.
# In the regex hash, all precompiled REs have "Regex" at the
# end of the name. Anything else is a string, either intended
# for use as a character class, or as a sub-expression in
# another compiled RE.

# Character class components for use in regexes.
# (Pre-UTF-8 compatibility; not used in core)
$regex{upperAlpha} = '[:upper:]';
$regex{lowerAlpha} = '[:lower:]';
$regex{numeric} = '[:digit:]';
$regex{mixedAlpha} = '[:alpha:]';
$regex{mixedAlphaNum} = '[:alnum:]';
$regex{lowerAlphaNum} = '[:lower:][:digit:]';
$regex{upperAlphaNum} = '[:upper:][:digit:]';

# Compile regexes for efficiency and ease of use
# Note: qr// locks in regex modes (i.e. '-xism' here) - see Friedl
# book at

$regex{linkProtocolPattern} = $Foswiki::cfg{LinkProtocolPattern}
|| '(file|ftp|gopher|https|http|irc|mailto|news|nntp|telnet)';

# Header patterns based on '+++'. The '###' are reserved for numbered
# headers
# '---++ Header', '---## Header'
$regex{headerPatternDa} = qr/^---+(\++|\#+)(.*)$/m;

# '<h6>Header</h6>
$regex{headerPatternHt} = qr/^<h([1-6])>(.+?)<\/h\1>/mi;

# '---++!! Header' or '---++ Header %NOTOC% ^top'
$regex{headerPatternNoTOC} = '(\!\!+|%NOTOC%)';

# Foswiki concept regexes
$regex{wikiWordRegex} = qr(
$regex{webNameBaseRegex} = qr/[[:upper:]]+[[:alnum:]_]*/;
if ( $Foswiki::cfg{EnableHierarchicalWebs} ) {
$regex{webNameRegex} = qr(
else {
$regex{webNameRegex} = $regex{webNameBaseRegex};
$regex{defaultWebNameRegex} = qr/_[[:alnum:]_]+/;
$regex{anchorRegex} = qr/\#[[:alnum:]:._]+/;
my $abbrevLength = $Foswiki::cfg{AcronymLength} || 3;
$regex{abbrevRegex} = qr/[[:upper:]]{$abbrevLength,}s?\b/;

$regex{topicNameRegex} =

# Email regex, e.g. for WebNotify processing and email matching
# during rendering.

my $emailAtom = qr([A-Z0-9\Q!#\$%&'*+-/=?^_`{|}~\E])i; # Per RFC 5322 ]

# Valid TLD's at
# Version 2012022300, Last Updated Thu Feb 23 15:07:02 2012 UTC
my $validTLD = $Foswiki::cfg{Email}{ValidTLD};

unless ( eval { qr/$validTLD/ } ) {
$validTLD =

# Too early to log, should do something here other than die (which prevents fixing)
# warn is trapped and turned into a die...
#warn( "{Email}{ValidTLD} does not compile, using default" );

$regex{emailAddrRegex} = qr(
(?: # LEFT Side of Email address
(?:$emailAtom+ # Valid characters left side of email address
(?:\.$emailAtom+)* # And 0 or more dotted atoms
(?:"[\x21\x23-\x5B\x5D-\x7E\s]+?") # or a quoted string per RFC 5322
(?: # RIGHT side of Email address
(?: # FQDN
[a-z0-9-]+ # hostname part
(?:\.[a-z0-9-]+)* # 0 or more alphanumeric domains following a dot.
\.(?: # TLD
(?:[a-z]{2,2}) # 2 character TLD
$validTLD # TLD's longer than 2 characters
(?:\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\]) # dotted triplets IP Address

# Item11185: This is how things were before we began Operation Unicode:
# $regex{filenameInvalidCharRegex} = qr/[^[:alnum:]\. _-]/;
# It was only used in Foswiki::Sandbox::sanitizeAttachmentName(), which now
# uses $Foswiki::cfg{NameFilter} instead.
# See RobustnessTests::test_sanitizeAttachmentName
# Actually, this is used in GenPDFPrincePlugin; let's copy NameFilter
$regex{filenameInvalidCharRegex} = qr/$Foswiki::cfg{AttachmentNameFilter}/;

# Multi-character alpha-based regexes
$regex{mixedAlphaNumRegex} = qr/[[:alnum:]]*/;

# %TAG% name
$regex{tagNameRegex} = '[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9_:]*';

# Set statement in a topic
$regex{bulletRegex} = '^(?:\t| )+\*';
$regex{setRegex} = $regex{bulletRegex} . '\s+(Set|Local)\s+';
$regex{setVarRegex} =
$regex{setRegex} . '(' . $regex{tagNameRegex} . ')\s*=\s*(.*)$';

# Character encoding regexes

# Regex to match only a valid UTF-8 character, taking care to avoid
# security holes due to overlong encodings by excluding the relevant
# gaps in UTF-8 encoding space - see 'perldoc perlunicode', Unicode
# Encodings section. Tested against Markus Kuhn's UTF-8 test file
# at
$regex{validUtf8CharRegex} = qr{
# Single byte - ASCII
# 2 bytes
# 3 bytes
# Avoid illegal codepoints - negative lookahead
# Match valid codepoints
# 4 bytes

$regex{validUtf8StringRegex} = qr/^(?:$regex{validUtf8CharRegex})+$/;

# Check for unsafe search regex mode (affects filtering in) - default
# to safe mode
$Foswiki::cfg{ForceUnsafeRegexes} = 0
unless defined $Foswiki::cfg{ForceUnsafeRegexes};
# XXX TODO Reimplement using unicode routines.
#if ( $Foswiki::cfg{UseLocale} ) {
# # Set environment variables for grep
# $ENV{LC_CTYPE} = $Foswiki::cfg{Site}{Locale};
# # Load POSIX for I18N support.
# require POSIX;
# import POSIX qw( locale_h LC_CTYPE LC_COLLATE );
# # SMELL: mod_perl compatibility note: If Foswiki is running under Apache,
# # won't this play with the Apache process's locale settings too?
# # What effects would this have?
# setlocale( &LC_CTYPE, $Foswiki::cfg{Site}{Locale} );
# setlocale( &LC_COLLATE, $Foswiki::cfg{Site}{Locale} );

# initialize lib directory early because of later 'cd's

# initialize the runtime engine
if ( !defined $Foswiki::cfg{Engine} ) {

# Caller did not define an engine; try and work it out (mainly for
# the benefit of pre-1.0 CGI scripts)
$Foswiki::cfg{Engine} = 'Foswiki::Engine::Legacy';
$engine = eval qq(use $Foswiki::cfg{Engine}; $Foswiki::cfg{Engine}->new);
die $@ if $@;
#if ( !defined $Foswiki::cfg{Engine} ) {
# # Caller did not define an engine; try and work it out (mainly for
# # the benefit of pre-1.0 CGI scripts)
# $Foswiki::cfg{Engine} = 'Foswiki::Engine::Legacy';
#$engine = eval qq(use $Foswiki::cfg{Engine}; $Foswiki::cfg{Engine}->new);
#die $@ if $@;

#Monitor::MARK('End of BEGIN block in');
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