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base repository: jruby/jruby
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base: 48876be35f2a
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head repository: jruby/jruby
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compare: db1da1f098c8
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  • 3 commits
  • 4 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Jul 5, 2017

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    4f912f4 View commit details
  2. Copy the full SHA
    6e262f0 View commit details
  3. Copy the full SHA
    db1da1f View commit details
35 changes: 21 additions & 14 deletions core/src/main/java/org/jruby/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1503,12 +1503,18 @@ public static IRubyObject srand(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, IRubyOb
return RubyRandom.srandCommon(context, recv, arg);

public static IRubyObject rand18(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject[] arg) {
return rand19(context, recv, arg);
return rand(context, recv, arg);

@JRubyMethod(name = "rand", module = true, optional = 1, visibility = PRIVATE)
public static IRubyObject rand19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject[] arg) {
return rand(context, recv, arg);

@JRubyMethod(name = "rand", module = true, optional = 1, visibility = PRIVATE)
public static IRubyObject rand(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject[] arg) {
return RubyRandom.randCommon19(context, recv, arg);

@@ -1522,12 +1528,8 @@ public static IRubyObject syscall(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, IRuby
throw context.runtime.newNotImplementedError("Kernel#syscall is not implemented in JRuby");

public static IRubyObject system(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject[] args) {
return system19(context, recv, args);

@JRubyMethod(name = "system", required = 1, rest = true, module = true, visibility = PRIVATE)
public static IRubyObject system19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject[] args) {
public static IRubyObject system(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject[] args) {
final Ruby runtime = context.runtime;
boolean needChdir = !runtime.getCurrentDirectory().equals(runtime.getPosix().getcwd());

@@ -1559,9 +1561,8 @@ public static IRubyObject system19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, IRub
// #ifdef SIGCHLD
// signal(SIGCHLD, chfunc);
// #endif
if (pid < 0) {
return runtime.getNil();
if (pid < 0) return context.nil;

status = (int)((RubyProcess.RubyStatus) context.getLastExitStatus()).getStatus();
if (status == 0) return runtime.getTrue();
return runtime.getFalse();
@@ -1584,6 +1585,11 @@ public static IRubyObject system19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, IRub

public static IRubyObject system19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject[] args) {
return system(context, recv, args);

private static int systemCommon(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject[] args) {
Ruby runtime = context.runtime;
long[] tuple;
@@ -1732,14 +1738,15 @@ private static IRubyObject execCommon(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject env, IRubyObject
return runtime.getNil();

@JRubyMethod(name = "fork", module = true, visibility = PRIVATE, notImplemented = true)
public static IRubyObject fork(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, Block block) {
return fork19(context, recv, block);
Ruby runtime = context.runtime;
throw runtime.newNotImplementedError("fork is not available on this platform");

@JRubyMethod(name = "fork", module = true, visibility = PRIVATE, notImplemented = true)
public static IRubyObject fork19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, Block block) {
Ruby runtime = context.runtime;
throw runtime.newNotImplementedError("fork is not available on this platform");
return fork(context, recv, block);

@JRubyMethod(module = true)
18 changes: 8 additions & 10 deletions core/src/main/java/org/jruby/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1254,7 +1254,7 @@ private static void warnMethodRemoval(final ThreadContext context, final String
* @param name The name of the method to search for
* @return The method, or UndefinedMethod if not found
public DynamicMethod searchMethod(String name) {
public final DynamicMethod searchMethod(String name) {
return searchWithCache(name).method;

@@ -1834,11 +1834,11 @@ public boolean isMethodBound(String name, boolean checkVisibility, boolean check
return checkRespondTo ? respondsToMethod(name, checkVisibility): isMethodBound(name, checkVisibility);

public IRubyObject newMethod(IRubyObject receiver, String methodName, boolean bound, Visibility visibility) {
public final IRubyObject newMethod(IRubyObject receiver, String methodName, boolean bound, Visibility visibility) {
return newMethod(receiver, methodName, bound, visibility, false, true);

public IRubyObject newMethod(IRubyObject receiver, final String methodName, boolean bound, Visibility visibility, boolean respondToMissing) {
public final IRubyObject newMethod(IRubyObject receiver, final String methodName, boolean bound, Visibility visibility, boolean respondToMissing) {
return newMethod(receiver, methodName, bound, visibility, respondToMissing, true);

@@ -1875,18 +1875,15 @@ public int hashCode() {
public IRubyObject newMethod(IRubyObject receiver, final String methodName, boolean bound, Visibility visibility, boolean respondToMissing, boolean priv) {
DynamicMethod method = searchMethod(methodName);

if (method.isUndefined() ||
(visibility != null && method.getVisibility() != visibility)) {
if (method.isUndefined() || (visibility != null && method.getVisibility() != visibility)) {
if (respondToMissing) { // 1.9 behavior
if (receiver.respondsToMissing(methodName, priv)) {
method = new RespondToMissingMethod(this, PUBLIC, methodName);
} else {
throw getRuntime().newNameError("undefined method `" + methodName +
"' for class `" + this.getName() + "'", methodName);
throw getRuntime().newNameError("undefined method `" + methodName + "' for class `" + getName() + '\'', methodName);
} else {
throw getRuntime().newNameError("undefined method `" + methodName +
"' for class `" + this.getName() + "'", methodName);
throw getRuntime().newNameError("undefined method `" + methodName + "' for class `" + getName() + '\'', methodName);

@@ -2442,7 +2439,8 @@ public RubyArray instanceMethods(Visibility visibility, boolean includeSuper, bo
return ary;

final void populateInstanceMethodNames(Set<String> seen, RubyArray ary, Visibility visibility, boolean obj, boolean not, boolean recur) {
final void populateInstanceMethodNames(final Set<String> seen, final RubyArray ary, Visibility visibility,
boolean obj, boolean not, boolean recur) {
Ruby runtime = getRuntime();
RubyModule mod = this;
boolean prepended = false;
109 changes: 46 additions & 63 deletions core/src/main/java/org/jruby/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -46,23 +46,20 @@ public class RubyRandom extends RubyObject {

public static class RandomType {
private final IRubyObject seed;
private final Random mt;
private final Random impl;

RandomType(Ruby runtime) {
// RandomType(Ruby runtime) { this(randomSeed(runtime)); }

// c: rand_init
RandomType(IRubyObject vseed) {
this.seed = vseed.convertToInteger();
if (seed instanceof RubyFixnum) { = randomFromFixnum((RubyFixnum) seed);
this.impl = randomFromFixnum((RubyFixnum) seed);
} else if (seed instanceof RubyBignum) { = randomFromBignum((RubyBignum) seed);
this.impl = randomFromBignum((RubyBignum) seed);
} else {
throw vseed.getRuntime().newTypeError(
String.format("failed to convert %s into Integer", vseed.getMetaClass()
String.format("failed to convert %s into Integer", vseed.getMetaClass().getName()));

@@ -112,50 +109,46 @@ public static Random randomFromBigInteger(BigInteger big) {
for (int i = 0; i < ints.length; ++i) {
ints[i] = getIntBigIntegerBuffer(bytes, i);
} = new Random(ints, left);
this.impl = new Random(ints, left);

public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj) {
return true;
} else if (!(obj instanceof RandomType)) {
return false;
if (this == obj) return true;
if (!(obj instanceof RandomType)) return false;
RandomType rhs = (RandomType) obj;
return seed.op_equal(seed.getRuntime().getCurrentContext(), rhs.seed).isTrue()
&& mt.equals(;
return seed.op_equal(seed.getRuntime().getCurrentContext(), rhs.seed).isTrue() && impl.equals(rhs.impl);

public int hashCode() {
// Using 17 as the initializer, 37 as the multiplier.
return (629 + seed.hashCode()) * 37 + mt.hashCode();
return (629 + seed.hashCode()) * 37 + impl.hashCode();

RandomType(RandomType orig) {
this.seed = orig.seed; = new Random(;
this.impl = new Random(orig.impl);

int genrandInt32() {
return mt.genrandInt32();
return impl.genrandInt32();

double genrandReal() {
return mt.genrandReal();
return impl.genrandReal();

double genrandReal2() {
return mt.genrandReal2();
return impl.genrandReal2();

IRubyObject getSeed() {
return seed;

RubyBignum getState() {
int[] ints = mt.getState();
int[] ints = impl.getState();
byte[] bytes = new byte[ints.length * 4];
for (int idx = 0; idx < ints.length; ++idx) {
setIntBigIntegerBuffer(bytes, idx, ints[idx]);
@@ -164,7 +157,7 @@ RubyBignum getState() {

int getLeft() {
return mt.getLeft();
return impl.getLeft();

// big endian of bytes to reversed ints
@@ -278,14 +271,12 @@ public static IRubyObject rand(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, IRubyObj
RandomType random = getDefaultRand(context);
if (args.length == 0) {
return randFloat(context, random);
} else {
return randomRand(context, args[0], random);
return randomRand(context, args[0], random);

// c: rb_f_rand for 1.9
public static IRubyObject randCommon19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv,
IRubyObject[] args) {
public static IRubyObject randCommon19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject[] args) {
RandomType random = getDefaultRand(context);
if (args.length == 0) {
return randFloat(context, random);
@@ -303,22 +294,6 @@ public static IRubyObject randCommon19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv,
return randCommon(context, random, max);

// c: rb_f_rand for 1.8
public static IRubyObject randCommon18(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv,
IRubyObject[] args) {
RandomType random = getDefaultRand(context);
if (args.length == 0) {
return randFloat(context, random);
IRubyObject arg = args[0];
if (arg.isNil()) {
return randFloat(context, random);
// 1.8 calls rb_Integer()
RubyInteger max = (RubyInteger) RubyKernel.new_integer(context, recv, arg);
return randCommon(context, random, max);

private static IRubyObject randCommon(ThreadContext context, RandomType random, RubyInteger max) {
if (max.zero_p(context).isTrue()) {
return randFloat(context, random);
@@ -330,13 +305,19 @@ private static IRubyObject randCommon(ThreadContext context, RandomType random,
return r;

@JRubyMethod(name = "rand", optional = 1)
public IRubyObject randObj(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args) {
if (args.length == 0) {
return randFloat(context, random);
} else {
return randomRand(context, args[0], random);
return (args.length == 0) ? rand(context) : rand(context, args[0]);

@JRubyMethod(name = "rand")
public IRubyObject rand(ThreadContext context) {
return randFloat(context, random);

@JRubyMethod(name = "rand")
public IRubyObject rand(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg) {
return randomRand(context, arg, random);

// c: rand_int
@@ -376,9 +357,8 @@ public static RubyFloat randFloat(ThreadContext context, RandomType random) {

// c: limited_rand
// limited_rand gets/returns ulong but we do this in signed long only.
private static IRubyObject randLimitedFixnum(ThreadContext context, RandomType random,
long limit) {
return RubyFixnum.newFixnum(context.getRuntime(), randLimitedFixnumInner(, limit));
private static IRubyObject randLimitedFixnum(ThreadContext context, RandomType random, long limit) {
return RubyFixnum.newFixnum(context.runtime, randLimitedFixnumInner(random.impl, limit));

public static long randLimitedFixnumInner(Random random, long limit) {
@@ -406,8 +386,7 @@ public static long randLimitedFixnumInner(Random random, long limit) {

// c: limited_big_rand
private static IRubyObject randLimitedBignum(ThreadContext context, RandomType random,
RubyBignum limit) {
private static IRubyObject randLimitedBignum(ThreadContext context, RandomType random, RubyBignum limit) {
byte[] buf = limit.getBigIntegerValue().toByteArray();
byte[] bytes = new byte[buf.length];
int len = (buf.length + 3) / 4;
@@ -500,13 +479,13 @@ private static IRubyObject randomRand(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject vmax, R
double mid = 0.5;
double r;
if (Double.isInfinite(max)) {
double min = floatValue(range.begin) / 2.0;
max = floatValue(range.end) / 2.0;
double min = floatValue(context, range.begin) / 2.0;
max = floatValue(context, range.end) / 2.0;
scale = 2;
mid = max + min;
max -= min;
} else {
checkFloatValue(context, max); // v
v = context.nil;
if (max > 0.0) {
@@ -549,19 +528,23 @@ private static IRubyObject randomRand(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject vmax, R

// c: float_value
private static double floatValue(IRubyObject v) {
double x;
private static double floatValue(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject v) {
final double x;
if (v instanceof RubyFloat) {
x = ((RubyFloat) v).getDoubleValue();
} else if (v instanceof RubyNumeric) {
x = ((RubyNumeric) v).convertToFloat().getDoubleValue();
} else {
throw v.getRuntime().newTypeError(v, v.getRuntime().getFloat());
throw context.runtime.newTypeError(v, context.runtime.getFloat());
checkFloatValue(context, x);
return x;

private static void checkFloatValue(ThreadContext context, double x) {
if (Double.isInfinite(x) || Double.isNaN(x)) {
throw v.getRuntime().newErrnoEDOMError("Numerical argument out of domain");
throw context.runtime.newErrnoEDOMError("Numerical argument out of domain");
return x;

private static IRubyObject checkMaxInt(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject vmax) {
@@ -737,7 +720,7 @@ public static long randomLongLimited(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject obj, lon
return r;

return randLimitedFixnumInner(, limit);
return randLimitedFixnumInner(rnd.impl, limit);

// c: rb_random_real