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greenpak4: Continued SLG46140 support
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azonenberg committed Oct 24, 2016
1 parent fd575af commit 1facca8
Showing 1 changed file with 318 additions and 4 deletions.
322 changes: 318 additions & 4 deletions src/greenpak4/Greenpak4Device.cpp
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -92,11 +92,65 @@ void Greenpak4Device::CreateDevice_SLG46140()
//64 inputs per routing matrix
m_matrixBits = 6;

//TODO: Create LUT2s
//Create the dedicated LUT2s (4 total)
for(int i=0; i<4; i++)
m_lut2s.push_back(new Greenpak4LUT(
0, //everything is in matrix 0
i*2, //LUT2 base is row 0, then 2 inputs per LUT
i+1, //First mux entry is ground, then the LUT2s
848 + i*4, //LUT2s start at bitstream offset 848, 2^2 bits per LUT
2)); //this is a LUT2

//TODO: Create LUT3s
//Create the dedicated LUT3s (4 total)
for(int i=0; i<4; i++)
m_lut2s.push_back(new Greenpak4LUT(
0, //everything is in matrix 0
i*3 + 12, //LUT3 base is row 12, then 3 inputs per LUT
i+7, //we come after the last LUT3
874 + i*8, //LUT3s start at bitstream offset 874, 2^3 bits per LUT
3)); //this is a LUT3

//TODO: Create LUT4s
//Create the first LUT, and its pattern-generator alter ego
auto lut40 = new Greenpak4LUT(
0, //Attached to crossbar #0
32, //LUT4 base is row 32
13, //we come after the last LUT3
656, //LUT4 starts after last LUT3
4); //this is a LUT4
auto pgen = new Greenpak4PatternGenerator(
//Create the paired cell for them
auto lpgen = new Greenpak4PairedEntity(
0, //Attached to crossbar #0
676, //Selector bit for LUT or PGEN mode
lut40, //select=0 means we're a LUT
pgen); //select=1 means we're a PGEN
lpgen->AddType("GP_INV", 0); //Combinatorial logic all uses the LUT
lpgen->AddType("GP_2LUT", 0);
lpgen->AddType("GP_3LUT", 0);
lpgen->AddType("GP_4LUT", 0);
lpgen->AddType("GP_PGEN", 1); //Pattern generator is the only block mapped to the PGEN

//Create the Type-A IOBs (with output enable).
m_iobs[2] = new Greenpak4IOBTypeA(this, 2, 0, -1, 22, 761, Greenpak4IOB::IOB_FLAG_INPUTONLY);
@@ -117,7 +171,267 @@ void Greenpak4Device::CreateDevice_SLG46140()
m_iobs[10] = new Greenpak4IOBTypeB(this, 10, 0, 55, 29, 811, Greenpak4IOB::IOB_FLAG_X4DRIVE);
m_iobs[11] = new Greenpak4IOBTypeB(this, 11, 0, 56, 30, 820);

//TODO: Stuff after IOBs
//Dedicated DFF/latches (2 total)

m_dffsr.push_back(new Greenpak4Flipflop(this, 0, true, 0, 36, 14, 677));
m_dffsr.push_back(new Greenpak4Flipflop(this, 1, true, 0, 39, 15, 681));
m_dffsr.push_back(new Greenpak4Flipflop(this, 2, true, 0, 42, 16, 685));
m_dffs.push_back( new Greenpak4Flipflop(this, 3, false, 0, 45, 17, 689));
m_dffs.push_back( new Greenpak4Flipflop(this, 4, false, 0, 47, 18, 692));
m_dffs.push_back( new Greenpak4Flipflop(this, 5, false, 0, 49, 19, 695));
m_dffsr.push_back(new Greenpak4Flipflop(this, 6, true, 1, 36, 14, 794));
m_dffsr.push_back(new Greenpak4Flipflop(this, 7, true, 1, 39, 15, 798));
m_dffsr.push_back(new Greenpak4Flipflop(this, 8, true, 1, 42, 16, 802));
m_dffs.push_back( new Greenpak4Flipflop(this, 9, false, 1, 45, 17, 806));
m_dffs.push_back( new Greenpak4Flipflop(this, 10, false, 1, 47, 18, 809));
m_dffs.push_back( new Greenpak4Flipflop(this, 11, false, 1, 49, 19, 812));
//Shift registers
m_shregs.push_back(new Greenpak4ShiftRegister(this, 0, 51, 20, 1610));
m_shregs.push_back(new Greenpak4ShiftRegister(this, 1, 51, 20, 1619));
//Edge detector/prog delays
m_delays.push_back(new Greenpak4Delay(this, 0, 54, 22, 1600));
m_delays.push_back(new Greenpak4Delay(this, 1, 54, 22, 1609));
m_inverters.push_back(new Greenpak4Inverter(this, 0, 55, 23));
m_inverters.push_back(new Greenpak4Inverter(this, 1, 55, 23));
//TODO: External clocks??
//Low-frequency oscillator
m_lfosc = new Greenpak4LFOscillator(
0, //Matrix applies to inputs, we can route output globally
84, //input base (single power-down input)
50, //output word (plus dedicated routing to counters etc)
1652); //bitstream location
//Ring oscillator
m_ringosc = new Greenpak4RingOscillator(
0, //Matrix applies to inputs, we can route output globally
84, //input base (single power-down input)
48, //output word (plus dedicated routing to counters etc)
1630); //bitstream location
//RC oscillator
m_rcosc = new Greenpak4RCOscillator(
0, //Matrix applies to inputs, we can route output globally
84, //input base (single power-down input)
49, //output word (plus dedicated routing to counters etc)
1642); //bitstream location
m_counters14bit.push_back(new Greenpak4Counter(
14, //depth
false, //no FSM mode
true, //wake-sleep powerdown bit
false, //no edge detector
false, //no PWM
0, //counter number
0, //matrix
74, //ibase
36, //oword
1731)); //cbase
m_counters14bit.push_back(new Greenpak4Counter(
14, //depth
false, //no FSM mode
false, //no wake-sleep powerdown
false, //no edge detector
false, //no PWM
1, //counter number
1, //matrix
75, //ibase
36, //oword
1753)); //cbase
m_counters14bit.push_back(new Greenpak4Counter(
14, //depth
true, //we have FSM mode
false, //no wake-sleep powerdown
true, //we have edge detector
false, //no PWM
2, //counter number
0, //matrix
75, //ibase
37, //oword
1774)); //cbase
m_counters14bit.push_back(new Greenpak4Counter(
14, //depth
false, //no FSM mode
false, //no wake-sleep powerdown
false, //no edge detector
false, //no PWM
3, //counter number
1, //matrix
76, //ibase
37, //oword
1799)); //cbase (datasheet has a typo, this is correct)
m_counters8bit.push_back(new Greenpak4Counter(
8, //depth
true, //we have FSM mode
false, //no wake-sleep powerdown
false, //no edge detector
false, //no PWM
4, //counter number
1, //matrix
77, //ibase
38, //oword,
1820)); //cbase
m_counters8bit.push_back(new Greenpak4Counter(
8, //depth
false, //no FSM mode
false, //no wake-sleep powerdown
false, //no edge detector
false, //no PWM
5, //counter number
0, //matrix
78, //ibase
38, //oword,
1838)); //cbase
m_counters8bit.push_back(new Greenpak4Counter(
8, //depth
false, //no FSM mode
false, //no wake-sleep powerdown
false, //no edge detector
false, //no PWM
6, //counter number
0, //matrix
79, //ibase
39, //oword,
1852)); //cbase
m_counters8bit.push_back(new Greenpak4Counter(
8, //depth
false, //no FSM mode
false, //no wake-sleep powerdown
false, //no edge detector
false, //no PWM
7, //counter number
1, //matrix (datasheet has a typo, this is correct)
80, //ibase
39, //oword,
1866)); //cbase
m_counters8bit.push_back(new Greenpak4Counter(
8, //depth
false, //no FSM mode
false, //no wake-sleep powerdown
false, //no edge detector
true, //PWM mode
8, //counter number
1, //matrix
81, //ibase
40, //oword,
1880)); //cbase
m_counters8bit.push_back(new Greenpak4Counter(
8, //depth
false, //no FSM mode
false, //no wake-sleep powerdown
false, //no edge detector
true, //PWM mode
9, //counter number
0, //matrix
80, //ibase
40, //oword,
1895)); //cbase
//TODO: Slave SPI
//The DACs
m_dacs.push_back(new Greenpak4DAC(this, 844, 840, 843, 840, 0));
m_dacs.push_back(new Greenpak4DAC(this, 823, 834, 883, 840, 1));
//Bandgap reference
m_bandgap = new Greenpak4Bandgap(this, 0, 0, 41, 923);
//Voltage references for comparators
m_vrefs.push_back(new Greenpak4VoltageReference(this, 0, 1));
m_vrefs.push_back(new Greenpak4VoltageReference(this, 1, 2));
m_vrefs.push_back(new Greenpak4VoltageReference(this, 2, 1));
m_vrefs.push_back(new Greenpak4VoltageReference(this, 3, 2));
m_vrefs.push_back(new Greenpak4VoltageReference(this, 4));
m_vrefs.push_back(new Greenpak4VoltageReference(this, 5));
//Extra voltage references for the DACs (always 1.0V but having them declared as GP_VREF makes HDL cleaner)
m_vrefs.push_back(new Greenpak4VoltageReference(this, 6));
m_vrefs.push_back(new Greenpak4VoltageReference(this, 7));
//Analog comparators
//TODO speed doubler for ACMP5? Need to double check latest datasheet, this may have been changed
m_acmps.push_back(new Greenpak4Comparator(this, 0, 0, 69, 33, 832, 852, 853, 855, 934, 892));
m_acmps.push_back(new Greenpak4Comparator(this, 1, 1, 70, 33, 831, 861, 857, 859, 932, 897));
m_acmps.push_back(new Greenpak4Comparator(this, 2, 1, 71, 34, 0, 862, 864, 863, 930, 902));
m_acmps.push_back(new Greenpak4Comparator(this, 3, 1, 72, 35, 0, 866, 867, 869, 928, 907));
m_acmps.push_back(new Greenpak4Comparator(this, 4, 0, 70, 34, 0, 875, 871, 873, 926, 912));
m_acmps.push_back(new Greenpak4Comparator(this, 5, 0, 71, 35, 0, 880, 0, 0, 924, 917));
m_pga = new Greenpak4PGA(this, 815);
//Analog buffer
m_abuf = new Greenpak4Abuf(this);
//Comparator input routing
auto pin3 = m_iobs[3]->GetOutput("OUT");
auto pin4 = m_iobs[4]->GetOutput("OUT");
auto pin6 = m_iobs[6]->GetOutput("OUT");
auto pin12 = m_iobs[12]->GetOutput("OUT");
auto pin13 = m_iobs[13]->GetOutput("OUT");
auto pin15 = m_iobs[15]->GetOutput("OUT");
auto vdd = m_constantOne->GetOutput("OUT");
auto pga = m_pga->GetOutput("VOUT");
auto pin6_buf = m_abuf->GetOutput("OUT");
m_acmps[0]->AddInputMuxEntry(pin6, 0);
m_acmps[0]->AddInputMuxEntry(pin6_buf, 1);
m_acmps[0]->AddInputMuxEntry(vdd, 2);
m_acmps[1]->AddInputMuxEntry(pin12, 0);
m_acmps[1]->AddInputMuxEntry(pga, 1);
m_acmps[1]->AddInputMuxEntry(pin6, 2);
m_acmps[1]->AddInputMuxEntry(pin6_buf, 2);
m_acmps[1]->AddInputMuxEntry(vdd, 2);
m_acmps[2]->AddInputMuxEntry(pin13, 0);
m_acmps[2]->AddInputMuxEntry(pin6, 1);
m_acmps[2]->AddInputMuxEntry(pin6_buf, 1);
m_acmps[2]->AddInputMuxEntry(vdd, 1);
m_acmps[3]->AddInputMuxEntry(pin15, 0);
m_acmps[3]->AddInputMuxEntry(pin13, 1);
m_acmps[3]->AddInputMuxEntry(pin6, 2);
m_acmps[3]->AddInputMuxEntry(pin6_buf, 2);
m_acmps[3]->AddInputMuxEntry(vdd, 2);
m_acmps[4]->AddInputMuxEntry(pin3, 0);
m_acmps[4]->AddInputMuxEntry(pin15, 1);
m_acmps[4]->AddInputMuxEntry(pin6, 2);
m_acmps[4]->AddInputMuxEntry(pin6_buf, 2);
m_acmps[4]->AddInputMuxEntry(vdd, 2);
m_acmps[5]->AddInputMuxEntry(pin4, 0);
//TODO: Reserved bits
//TODO: Vdd bypass
//Power-on reset
m_por = new Greenpak4PowerOnReset(this, 0, -1, 62, 2009);
//TODO: IO pad precharge? what does this involve?
//System reset
m_sysrst = new Greenpak4SystemReset(this, 0, 24, -1, 2018);

//Total length of our bitstream
m_bitlen = 1024;

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