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SAFE (with string domains)


This is the top-level directory for collaboration between the University of Melbourne and Oracle Labs on security verification (ARC linkage project LP140100437).

This repository contains the string abstract domains we currently implemented in SAFE in this folder, i.e.:

File Description
AbsString.scala Base class for all the abstract string domains
AbsStringAutomata.scala DFA domain (to be implemented)
AbsStringCharIncl.scala Character Inclusion (CI) domain
AbsStringConst.scala Constant String (CS) domain
AbsStringHash.scala String Hash domain, see [1]
AbsStringJSAI.scala JSAI default string domain, see [2]
AbsStringNumOth.scala Numeric/Other domain, used by SAFE
AbsStringNumSplOth.scala Numeric/Special/Other domain, used by JSAI
AbsStringPrefSuff.scala Prefix-Suffix (PS) domain
AbsStringProd.scala Direct product of domains
AbsStringSAFE.scala SAFE default string domain
AbsStringSet.scala String Set domain, see [1]


This distribution of the SAFE framework tries to be as self-contained as possible, bundled with Scala 2.10.6 and all other libraries it depends on in the lib directory. To build and run SAFE, these are required:


Building and testing SAFE (in sbt):

# launch SBT with Java 7 runtime
sbt -java-home /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle
 # set proxy for SBT to download software packages -Dhttps.proxyPort=80
# compiling in sbt should work by just using:
> compile
# if there are problems with the ant compile task that `compile` depends on, try:
> antRun clean compile
> antRun compile

Running SAFE analysis using the `neosafe` command line tool :  
# default analysis
bin/neosafe foo.js

# HTML (DOM-enabled) analysis
bin/neosafe --html foo.html

# configure string domains
bin/neosafe --max-strset-size 32 --strdom=ss,ci,no foo.js

# show help
% ~/work/safe/bin/neosafe --help
Guessing JS_HOME=/home/aljordan/work/safe
  -b, --benchmark                benchmark default settings (KAIST-lsa/regex)
  -c, --cfgdump
      --debug-after  <arg>       start debug after a certain iteration
  -d, --dom                      dom mode
  -e, --exitdump
      --heap-verbose  <arg>
  -h, --html  <arg>              html file for analysis
  -j, --jquery                   enable jQuery model
  -l, --max-iter  <arg>          stop after n iterations max
  -m, --max-strset-size  <arg>   max string set size
  -n, --no-imprecision-log       do not ouput imprecision logging
      --no-imprecision-stop      do not stop on catastrophic imprecision
  -q, --quiet                    less debug output
  -s, --stats                    dump full statistics
      --strdom  <arg>            enable advanced string domains
      --test                     expose abstract types for testing
      --timeout  <arg>           timeout in seconds
  -t, --trace                    trace output for AI semantics
      --help                     Show help message

Running Benchmarks

See README in the benchmarks directory.


[1] Magnus Madsen and Esben Andreasen| String analysis for dynamic field access. In A| Cohen, editor, Compiler Construction, volume 8409 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 197–217| Springer, 2014.

[2] Vineeth Kashyap, Kyle Dewey, Ethan A| Kuefner, John Wagner, Kevin Gibbons, John Sarracino, Ben Wiedermann, and Ben Hardekopf| JSAI: A static analysis platform for JavaScript| In Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Foundations of Software Engineering, pages 121–132| ACM Publ., 2014.


Scalable Analysis Framework for ECMAScript







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  • JavaScript 30.8%
  • C++ 30.5%
  • HTML 16.0%
  • Scala 8.1%
  • Objective-J 5.8%
  • CSS 4.6%
  • Other 4.2%