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Open code blocks by clicking the “code”-buttons on the right hand side.

if(!require("pacman")) install.packages("pacman")

p_load(viridis, tidyverse, userfriendlyscience, MASS, BayesFactor, car, mvtnorm, Rcpp, TOSTER, devtools, yarrr, dplyr, RColorBrewer, sm, hypergeo, nlme, pwr, lme4, broom, papaja)

Preprocessing the analysis data

The code block loads data and creates the relevant variables.

lmi <- read_csv("./sms-persuasion-data.csv")

# Recruitment wave
names(lmi)[1] <- "id"
lmi <- lmi %>% dplyr::mutate(batch = factor(ifelse(id < 1000, "1", 
                                            ifelse (id > 1000 & id < 2000, "2", 
                                            ifelse (id >=9000 & id  <= 9026, "1",
lmi$gender <- factor(lmi$q0005, levels=c(1,2), labels=c("Boy","Girl"))

lmi <- lmi %>% dplyr::mutate(girl = factor(ifelse(gender == "Girl", "1",
                                           ifelse(gender == "Boy", "0", NA))))

# SMS-group as a FACTOR:
lmi$SMSg <- factor(lmi$SMS_group, levels=c(1,2,3,4), labels=c("Reason","Succinct","No SMS","Failed to send"))

lmi$SMSg2 <- factor(lmi$SMS_group, levels=c(1,2), labels=c("Reason","Succinct"))

lmi$SMSg3 <- factor(lmi$SMS_group, levels=c(1,2,3), labels=c("Reason","Succinct","Opt out"))

lmi$SMSg4 <- factor(lmi$SMS_group_optinvsoptout, levels=c(1,2), labels=c("Opt in","Opt out"))

lmi$SMSgall <- factor(lmi$SMS_group, levels=c(1,2,3,4), labels=c("Reason", "Succinct", "Opt out", "Send failed"))


This section presents supplementary information on the methods section.

Interpreting Bayes Factors

In Bayesian philosophy, probabilities are conceived as quantified beliefs, instead of hypothetical long-run frequencies. A Bayes Factor BF10 (BF01) indicates how much prior odds should be shifted towards the alternative (null) hypothesis, in the light of the data: BF10 = \(\frac {p(data, given H1)} {p(data, given H0)}\). When prior odds \(\frac {p(H1)} {p(H0)}\) are multiplied by the BF, it results as the posterior odds. As an example, take a modestly skeptical scientist, who holds 1:3 odds against the alternative hypothesis, corresponding to a 25% posterior probability. After observing data that indicate a BF10 of 15 (or a BF01 of 1/15), the scientist should shift his or her prior odds to become \(\frac {1} {3} * \frac {15} {1}\) = 15:3 or 5:1, now favoring the alternative hypothesis with a posterior probability of \(\frac {5} {6}\) = 83%.

Although considered sufficient in some contexts (e.g. FMRI-studies, where data collection is extremely costly), we share Etz and Vandekerckhove’s* concern about a BF of 3 not indicating much evidence. A BF10 of three would lead a scientist from 1:1 odds (or 50% probability) to 3:1 odds (or 75% probability); still with the same probability of erring as drawing a heart from a deck of cards.

  • Etz A, Vandekerckhove J. A Bayesian Perspective on the Reproducibility Project: Psychology. PLOS ONE. 2016 Feb 26;11(2):e0149794.

Study design

Presented below are analyses regarding the study design, more specifically: statistical power, type M and type S error probabilities, the v-statistic.

Statistical Power

Our final sample size was unknown, as well as (in the absence of similar studies) the true effect size, so sample size planning according to the expected effect was out of the question. Our aim was to collect as many participants as possible during the available time during the two recruitment waves. We defined a clinically significant effect size by calculating, how big an effect would bring a person from 9.5 hours of daily data to reach the cutoff of 10 hours. This was defined as following\(^{(1)}\): \[d=\frac{M1 - M2} {\sqrt{\frac {s_1^2+s_2^2} {2}}}\] with standard deviations estimated from feasibility study\(^{(2)}\) data to be 72 minutes for both groups, resulting in a d=0.42. For our purposes, we decided to consider effect sizes between -0.3 and 0.3 as equivalent to zero.

\(^{(1)}\) Cohen J. A power primer. Psychol Bull. 1992 Jul;112(1):155-9.
\(^{(2)}\) Hankonen N, Heino MTJ, Hynynen S-T, Laine H, Araujo-Soares V, Sniehotta FF, et al. Randomised controlled feasibility study of a school-based multi-level intervention to increase physical activity and decrease sedentary behaviour among vocational school students. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act. Available from: http://ijbnpa.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12966-017-0484-0

xax <- seq(from = 0.01, to = 1, by = 0.01)

graafi <- pwr.t.test(n = (133 + 129)/2, d = xax, sig.level = 0.05, power = NULL, type = "two.sample", alternative = "two.sided")

qplot(xax, graafi$power) +
    geom_point() + 
    geom_line() +
    xlab("True (unknown) effect size d") +
    ylab("Power") +
    scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 1, .05), minor_breaks = seq(0 , 1, .05))+
    theme(axis.text=element_text(size=12), axis.title=element_text(size=14,face="bold")) +
    scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 1, .1), minor_breaks = seq(0 , 1, .1), limits = c(0, 1))+

Analysis regarding statistical power is presented in the figure above, holding alpha constant at 0.05 and sample size at achieved levels. As seen from the figure, we had 90% power to discover an effect of size d=0.39, 80% to detect d=0.3, 60% to detect d=0.27 and 40% to discover an effect of d=0.21. Thus, type 2 error probabilities were small for effects near our defined minimal effect size of interest, but high for small effects.

Type S and Type M errors

Gelman and Carlin (54) propose going beyond type 1 and type 2 errors by assessing the risks of observing a result of the wrong sign (“type S error”) and of an overstated magnitude (exaggeration ratio; “type M error”). The underlying philosophy relates to the fact that, should a low-powered design produce a “significant” result, the observed effect size is very likely to be unstable, i.e. of the wrong sign and of an overstated magnitude. This, in turn is a result of the tautology that if an effect size is large by chance, it is also more likely to observe p < alpha.

The reference is:

Gelman, A., & Carlin, J. (2014). Beyond Power Calculations Assessing Type S (Sign) and Type M (Magnitude) Errors. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 9(6), 641-651. http://doi.org/10.1177/1745691614551642

retrodesign <- function(A, s, alpha=.05, df=Inf, n.sims=10000){
  z <- qt(1-alpha/2, df)
  p.hi <- 1 - pt(z-A/s, df)
  p.lo <- pt(-z-A/s, df)
  power <- p.hi + p.lo
  typeS <- p.lo/power
  estimate <- A + s*rt(n.sims,df)
  significant <- abs(estimate) > s*z
  exaggeration <- mean(abs(estimate)[significant])/A
  return(list(power=power, typeS=typeS, exaggeration=exaggeration))

Note: standard error formula for d was acquired from slide 9 (on p. 5) of this Cambell Collaboration document.

## Create a vector of possible effect sizes for the x-axis:
xax <- seq(from = 0.05, to = 2, by = 0.05)

## Calculate the SE of d in this particular case:
n1 <- 133
n2 <- 129
sed <- sqrt((n1 + n2)/(n1 * n2) + (xax^2)/(2 * (n1 + n2)))

retroPow <- (retrodesign(xax, sed)$power)

# qplot(xax, retroPow) + geom_point() + geom_line() + xlab('True (unknown)
# effect size d') + ylab('Power') + scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 1,
# .05), minor_breaks = seq(0 , 1, .05))+
# theme(axis.text=element_text(size=12),
# axis.title=element_text(size=14,face='bold')) + scale_x_continuous(breaks
# = seq(0, 1, .1), minor_breaks = seq(0 , 1, .1), limits = c(0, 1))+
# theme_bw()

Exaggeration ratio (type M error)

Figure below shows our expected exaggeration ratio for different hypothetical true effect sizes.

retroExg <- (retrodesign(xax, sed)$exaggeration)

qplot(xax, retroExg) + 
    ylim(0,30) +
    xlim(0, 1) +
    geom_point() + 
    geom_line() +
    xlab("True effect size") +
    ylab("Expected type M error (exaggeration ratio)") +
    scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 30, 1), minor_breaks = seq(0 , 30, 1))+
    theme(axis.text=element_text(size=12), axis.title=element_text(size=14,face="bold")) +

This figure shows how, given a detected nonzero true effect, we are expected to observe a grossly exaggerated estimate for very small (\(d = 0.1\)) effects. Even for the effects of interest to us, a threefold exaggeration in size would be expected.

Probability of wrong sign (type S error)

As can be seen from the figure below, our type S error rate remains very small, even for very small effect sizes. Should we detect an effect, we could thus be relatively confident with its sign.

retroS <- (retrodesign(xax, sed)$typeS)

qplot(xax, retroS) + 
    ylim(0,40) +
    xlim(0, 1) +
    geom_point() + 
    geom_line() +
    xlab("True effect size") +
    ylab("Expected type S error: p(wrong sign)") +
    scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 0.2, .025), minor_breaks = seq(0 , 0.2, .025))+
    theme(axis.text=element_text(size=12), axis.title=element_text(size=14,face="bold"))+

Evaluating the v-statistic

The “v-statistic” (55) is an indication of how accurately data estimates corresponding population parameter values. A v of 0.50 represents random guessing accuracy. Cohen (56) suggests r=0.1 (and thus, r2=0.01) as the lower limit of a “small effect”.

Code below is adapted from Daniel Lakens’ blog.

# Lakens:
#'Below, I'm vectorizing the function so that I can plot curves.
# The rest is unchanged from the vstat function by Stober-Davis & Dana. If
# you want to use R unbiased, remove the # before the Rsq adjustment
# calculation below'
vstat <- Vectorize(function(n, p, Rsq) {
    Rsq = Re(1 - ((n - 2)/(n - p)) * (1 - Rsq) * hypergeo(1, 1, (n - p + 2) * 
        0.5, 1 - Rsq))
    if (Rsq <= 0) {
        Rsq = 0.0001
    r = ((p - 1) * (1 - Rsq))/((n - p) * Rsq)
    g = min(r, 1)
    if (g < 0.5001 && g > 0.4999) {
        g = 0.5001
    z = (g - sqrt(g - g^2))/(2 * g - 1)
    alpha = acos((1 - z)/sqrt(1 - 2 * z * (1 - z)))
    v = Re((((2 * cos(alpha) * gamma((p + 2)/2))/(sqrt(pi) * gamma((p + 1)/2))) * 
        (hypergeo(0.5, (1 - p)/2, 3/2, cos(alpha)^2) - sin(alpha)^(p - 1))))

## Plot it:
curve(vstat(Rsq = x, n = 133 + 129 + 83 + 7, p = 2), 0.01, 0.25, type = "l", 
    col = "purple", ylim = c(0, 1), xlab = "R-squared when Estimating 2 Parameters", 
    lty = 1, ylab = "v-statistic")
par(new = TRUE)
curve(vstat(Rsq = x, n = 133 + 129, p = 2), 0.01, 0.25, type = "l", col = "green", 
    ylim = c(0, 1), xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "", lty = 2)
par(new = TRUE)

# Horizontal line at 0.5 cut-off
abline(h = 0.5, col = "azure4", lty = 5)
# Legend
legend(0.05, 0.4, c("Reminder (n=262) v. no reminder (n=90)", "Reason (n=133) v. Succinct (n=129)"), 
    lty = c(1, 2), lwd = c(2.5, 2.5), col = c("purple", "green"))

The figure shows the v-statistic when estimating two parameters (two medians, in our case), where 0.5 represents guessing. Figure reveals our sample size was inadequate for reliably detecting small effects. It illustrates that our design for comparison of two medians only starts superseding random guessing near \(r^{2} = 0.03\), and approaches 0.8 at \(r^{2} \approx 0.10\) (a “medium” effect by Cohen’s indices). This illustrates the fact that–if the effect is small instead of zero–to make reliable estimates, one needs much larger sample sizes than what we were able to gather for this research. For “medium”-sized effects, our design was satisfactory.


This section presents supplementary information on the results section.

Implementation measures

These results relate to the short questionnaire, where we asked the participants whether they read the messages, discussed them with peers and were satisfied with them.

Reading the messages

reading <- lmi %>% dplyr::select(SMS_read, SMSg2) %>% 
    mutate(SMS_read = factor(SMS_read))

levels(reading$SMS_read) <- c("Not on a single morning", "On a single morning", "On 2-3 mornings", "On 4-5 mornings", "Every morning")

names(reading$SMS_read) <- "I opened the SMS and read it on the morning it was sent..."

reading <- reading %>% filter(complete.cases(.))

ggplot(reading) +
  aes(x = SMSg2, fill = factor(SMS_read)) +
  geom_bar(position = "fill") +
  labs(title = "I opened the SMS and read it on the morning it was sent...", x = "", y = "Proportion of respondents") +
  theme_apa() +
  scale_fill_viridis(name = "", end = 0.90, discrete = TRUE)

## Old plot attempt:
# par(mar=c(2, 1, 3, 3))    # Sets the bottom, left, top and right margins
# layout(matrix(1:2, 2, 1, byrow=TRUE), heights=c(1, 0.2))
# spineplot(SMS_read ~ SMSg2, data = reading, col = (viridis(5)), ylab = "%", yaxt="n", xlab="", yaxlabels = "", main = "I opened the SMS and read it on the morning it was sent...")
# par(mar=c(0, 1, 0, 1)) # Reduce plot margins
# plot.new()
# legend(x = "center", legend = c(levels(reading$SMS_read)), fill = viridis(5), cex = 0.75, box.lty = 0, ncol = 2)

Test for difference between groups

chisq.test(lmi$SMS_read, lmi$SMSg2)
##  Pearson's Chi-squared test
## data:  lmi$SMS_read and lmi$SMSg2
## X-squared = 1.3564, df = 4, p-value = 0.8517
# Create data matrix for Bayesian contingency tables:
table.readbf <- table(data.frame(lmi$SMS_read, lmi$SMSg2))

# Bayes factor for the contingency tables with default prior concentration:

readbf <- contingencyTableBF(table.readbf, sampleType = "poisson")
cat(c("Bayes Factor BF10:", round(extractBF(readbf)$bf, 5)))
## Bayes Factor BF10: 0.02846
# Create a vector of different prior concentrations:
priorWidths <- c(seq(1, 1.25, by = 0.001), seq(1.25, 2, by = 0.01))

# Save the BFs calculated w/ each concentration:
bayesFactors <- sapply(priorWidths, function(ownprior) {
    extractBF(contingencyTableBF(table.readbf, sampleType = "poisson", priorConcentration = ownprior))$bf

# Make a data frame for ggplot
plotdf <- data.frame(priorWidths, bayesFactors)

# Plot BFs with different priors:
plot1 <- ggplot(data = plotdf, aes(x = priorWidths, y = bayesFactors, group = 1)) + 
    ylim(0, max(bayesFactors)) +
    xlim(1, 2) +
    geom_line() +
    geom_hline(yintercept = 0, colour = "azure4") +
    xlab("Prior Width") +
    ylab("BF10") +

plot2 <- plot1 + geom_hline(yintercept = 1/10, linetype = "dashed", colour = "darkgrey") 

plot2 + geom_hline(yintercept = 10, linetype = "dashed", colour = "darkgrey") 

Discussing the messages

discussing <- lmi %>% dplyr::select(SMS_contam, SMSg2) %>% 
    mutate(SMS_contam = factor(SMS_contam))

levels(discussing$SMS_contam) <- c("Not once", "Once", "2-3 times", "4-5 times", "More often")

names(discussing$SMS_contam) <- "I discussed the content of the messages with my peers at school..."

discussing <- discussing %>% filter(complete.cases(.))

ggplot(discussing) +
  aes(x = SMSg2, fill = factor(SMS_contam)) +
  geom_bar(position = "fill") +
  labs(title = "I discussed the content of the messages with my peers at school...", x = "", y = "Proportion of respondents") +
  theme_apa() +
  scale_fill_viridis(name = "", end = 0.9, discrete = TRUE, direction = -1)

## Old plot: 
# par(mar=c(2, 1, 4, 3))    # Sets the bottom, left, top and right margins
# layout(matrix(1:2, 2, 1, byrow=TRUE), heights=c(1, 0.2))
# spineplot(SMS_contam ~ SMSg2, data = discussing, col = rev(viridis(5)), ylab = "%", yaxt="n", xlab="", yaxlabels = "", main = "I discussed the content of the messages \n  with my peers at school...")
# par(mar=c(0, 1, 0, 1)) # Reduce plot margins
# plot.new()
# legend(x = "center", legend = c(levels(discussing$SMS_contam)), fill = rev(viridis(5)), cex = 0.75, box.lty = 0, ncol = 2)

Test for differences in discussion

chisq.test(lmi$SMS_contam, lmi$SMSg2)
##  Pearson's Chi-squared test
## data:  lmi$SMS_contam and lmi$SMSg2
## X-squared = 2.5666, df = 4, p-value = 0.6327
# Create data matrix for Bayesian contingency tables:
table.contambf <- table(data.frame(lmi$SMS_contam, lmi$SMSg2))

# Bayes factor for the contingency tables with default prior concentration:

contambf <- contingencyTableBF(table.contambf, sampleType = "poisson")

cat(c("Bayes Factor BF10:", round(extractBF(contambf)$bf, 5)))
## Bayes Factor BF10: 0.01093
# Create a vector of different prior concentrations:
priorWidths <- c(seq(1, 1.25, by = 0.001), seq(1.25, 2, by = 0.01))

# Save the BFs calculated w/ each concentration:
bayesFactors <- sapply(priorWidths, function(ownprior) {
    extractBF(contingencyTableBF(table.contambf, sampleType = "poisson", priorConcentration = ownprior))$bf

# Make a data frame for ggplot
plotdf <- data.frame(priorWidths, bayesFactors)

# Plot BFs with different priors:
plot1 <- ggplot(data = plotdf, aes(x = priorWidths, y = bayesFactors, group = 1)) + 
    ylim(0, max(bayesFactors)) +
    xlim(1, 2) +
    geom_line() +
    geom_hline(yintercept = 0, colour = "azure4") +
    xlab("Prior Width") +
    ylab("BF10") +

plot2 <- plot1 + geom_hline(yintercept = 1/10, linetype = "dashed", colour = "darkgrey") 

plot2 + geom_hline(yintercept = 10, linetype = "dashed", colour = "darkgrey") 

Interim conclusion:

The distributions in answers to opening and reading the SMS, discussing the messages with peers or being satisfied with the messages did not differ among the reason and succinct groups (χ2(4)=1.356, 2.566 and 3.903 respectively; all p-values > 0.4). All Bayes Factors indicated strong support for the null.

Satisfaction with the messages

lmi$satisf <- "I was satisfied with the content of the messages"

satisfaction <- lmi %>% dplyr::select(SMS_satisf, SMSg2) %>% 
    mutate(SMS_satisf = factor(SMS_satisf))

levels(satisfaction$SMS_satisf) <- c("Completely disagree", "Somewhat disagree", "Do not agree nor disagree", "Somewhat agree", "Completely agree")

satisfaction <- satisfaction %>% filter(complete.cases(.))

ggplot(satisfaction) +
  aes(x = SMSg2, fill = factor(SMS_satisf)) +
  geom_bar(position = "fill") +
  labs(title = "I was satisfied with the content of the messages...", x = "", y = "Proportion of respondents") +
  theme_apa() +
  scale_fill_viridis(name = "", end = 0.90, discrete = TRUE)

## Previous attempt at the plot: 
# par(mar=c(2, 1, 3, 3))    # Sets the bottom, left, top and right margins
# layout(matrix(1:2, 2, 1, byrow=TRUE), heights=c(1, 0.2))
# spineplot(SMS_satisf ~ SMSg2, data = satisfaction, col = viridis(5), ylab = "%", yaxt="n", xlab="", yaxlabels = "", main = "I was satisfied with the content of the messages...")
# par(mar=c(0, 1, 0, 1)) # Reduce plot margins
# plot.new()
# legend(x = "center", legend = c(levels(satisfaction$SMS_satisf)), fill = brewer.pal(5, "Spectral"), cex = 0.75, box.lty = 0, ncol = 2)

Test for differences in satisfaction:

chisq.test(lmi$SMS_satisf, lmi$SMSg2)
##  Pearson's Chi-squared test
## data:  lmi$SMS_satisf and lmi$SMSg2
## X-squared = 3.9027, df = 4, p-value = 0.4193
# Create data matrix for Bayesian contingency tables:
table.satisfbf <- table(data.frame(lmi$SMS_satisf, lmi$SMSg2))

# Bayes factor for the contingency tables with default prior concentration:

satisfbf <- contingencyTableBF(table.satisfbf, sampleType = "poisson")

cat(c("Bayes Factor BF10:", round(extractBF(satisfbf)$bf, 5)))
## Bayes Factor BF10: 0.03161
# Create a vector of different prior concentrations:
priorWidths <- c(seq(1, 1.25, by = 0.001), seq(1.25, 2, by = 0.01))

# Save the BFs calculated w/ each concentration:
bayesFactors <- sapply(priorWidths, function(ownprior) {
    extractBF(contingencyTableBF(table.satisfbf, sampleType = "poisson", priorConcentration = ownprior))$bf

# Make a data frame for ggplot
plotdf <- data.frame(priorWidths, bayesFactors)

# Plot BFs with different priors:
plot1 <- ggplot(data = plotdf, aes(x = priorWidths, y = bayesFactors, group = 1)) + 
    ylim(0, max(bayesFactors)) +
    xlim(1, 2) +
    geom_line() +
    geom_hline(yintercept = 0, colour = "azure4") +
    xlab("Prior Width") +
    ylab("BF10") +

plot2 <- plot1 + geom_hline(yintercept = 1/10, linetype = "dashed", colour = "darkgrey") 

plot2 + geom_hline(yintercept = 10, linetype = "dashed", colour = "darkgrey") 

Interim conclusion:

The messages were evaluated positively. Only 3.5% of the participants indicated disagreement with the statement “I was satisfied with the content of the messages”.

Open comments did not reveal unforeseen negative effects. In addition, 13% (9 out of 70) of participants who answered the question explicitly added, that remembering to wear the device was due to receiving the messages.

Kernel density plots for total wear times

(Code to set up the modified function)

# Changing the sm density compare function to allow different color of the band of equality. Copied from https://web.archive.org/web/20170222214214/https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help//2009-March/416920.html.

sm.density.compare2 <- function (x, group, h, model = "none", bandcol =
                                  'cyan', lwd = par("lwd"), usePolyg = NULL, asp=NA, 
                                xlab=opt$xlab, ylab=opt$ylab, ...) 
  if (!is.vector(x)) 
    stop("sm.density.compare can handle only 1-d data")
  opt <- sm.options(list(...))
  sm:::replace.na(opt, ngrid, 50)                 
  ## These all changed from replace.na() --> sm:::
  sm:::replace.na(opt, display, "line")
  sm:::replace.na(opt, xlab, deparse(substitute(x)))
  sm:::replace.na(opt, ylab, "Density")
  sm:::replace.na(opt, xlim, c(min(x) - diff(range(x))/4, max(x) + 
  sm:::replace.na(opt, eval.points, seq(opt$xlim[1], opt$xlim[2], 
                                        length = opt$ngrid))
  if (is.na(opt$band)) {
    if (model == "none") 
      opt$band <- FALSE
    else opt$band <- TRUE
  if ((model == "none") && opt$band) 
    opt$band <- FALSE
  band <- opt$band
  ngrid <- opt$ngrid
  xlim <- opt$xlim
  nboot <- opt$nboot
  y <- x
  if (is.na(opt$test)) {
    if (model == "none") 
      opt$test <- FALSE
    else opt$test <- TRUE
  if ((model == "none") && opt$test) 
    opt$test <- FALSE
  test <- opt$test
  if (opt$display %in% "none") 
    band <- FALSE
  fact <- factor(group)
  fact.levels <- levels(fact)
  nlev <- length(fact.levels)
  ni <- table(fact)
  if (band & (nlev > 2)) {
    cat("Reference band available to compare two groups only.", 
    band <- FALSE
  if (length(opt$lty) < nlev) 
    opt$lty <- 1:nlev
  if (length(opt$col) < nlev) 
    opt$col <- 2:(nlev + 1)
  if (missing(h)) 
    h <- h.select(x, y = NA, group = group, ...)
  opt$band <- band
  opt$test <- test
  estimate <- matrix(0, ncol = opt$ngrid, nrow = nlev)
  se <- matrix(0, ncol = opt$ngrid, nrow = nlev)
  for (i in 1:nlev) {
    sm <- sm.density(y[fact == fact.levels[i]], h = h, display = "none", 
                     eval.points = opt$eval.points)
    estimate[i, ] <- sm$estimate
    se[i, ] <- sm$se
  eval.points <- sm$eval.points
  if (!(opt$display %in% "none" | band)) {
    plot(xlim, c(0, 1.1 * max(as.vector(estimate))), xlab = opt$xlab, 
         ylab = opt$ylab, type = "n")
    #for (i in 1:nlev) lines(eval.points, estimate[i, ], lty = opt$lty[i], 
    #    col = opt$col[i])
    for (i in 1:nlev) lines(eval.points, estimate[i, ], lty =
                              opt$lty[i],   ## lwd hacked in
                            col = opt$col[i], lwd = lwd[i])
  est <- NULL
  p <- NULL
  if (model == "equal" & test) {
    if (nlev == 2) {
      ts <- sum((estimate[1, ] - estimate[2, ])^2)
    else {
      sm.mean <- sm.density(y, h = h, xlim = opt$xlim, 
                            ngrid = opt$ngrid, display = "none")$estimate
      ts <- 0
      for (i in 1:nlev) ts <- ts + ni[i] * sum((estimate[i, 
                                                         ] - sm.mean)^2)
    p <- 0
    est.star <- matrix(0, ncol = opt$ngrid, nrow = nlev)
    for (iboot in 1:nboot) {
      ind <- (1:length(y))
      for (i in 1:nlev) {
        indi <- sample((1:length(ind)), ni[i])
        est.star[i, ] <- sm.density(y[ind[indi]], h = h, 
                                    ngrid = opt$ngrid, xlim = opt$xlim, display =
        ind <- ind[-indi]
      if (nlev == 2) {
        ts.star <- sum((est.star[1, ] - est.star[2, ])^2)
      else {
        sm.mean <- sm.density(y, h = h, xlim = opt$xlim, 
                              ngrid = opt$ngrid, display = "none")$estimate
        ts.star <- 0
        for (i in 1:nlev) {
          ts.star <- ts.star + ni[i] * sum((est.star[i, 
                                                     ] - sm.mean)^2)
      if (ts.star > ts) 
        p <- p + 1
      if (opt$verbose > 1) {
        cat(" ")
    p <- p/nboot
    cat("\nTest of equal densities:  p-value = ", round(p, 
                                                        3), "\n")
    est <- list(p = p, h = h)
  if (model == "equal" & band) {
    av <- (sqrt(estimate[1, ]) + sqrt(estimate[2, ]))/2
    se <- sqrt(se[1, ]^2 + se[2, ]^2)
    upper <- (av + se)^2
    lower <- pmax(av - se, 0)^2
    plot(xlim, c(0, 1.1 * max(as.vector(estimate), upper)), 
         xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, type = "n", asp=asp, ...)     
    ## ... and asp added; was opt$xlab and opt$ylab
    polygon(c(eval.points, rev(eval.points)), c(upper, rev(lower)), 
            col = bandcol, border = 0)                                      
    ## was col = "cyan"
    if (is.null(usePolyg)) {
      lines(eval.points, estimate[1, ], lty = opt$lty[1], col =
              opt$col[1], lwd = lwd[1])
      lines(eval.points, estimate[2, ], lty = opt$lty[2], col =
              opt$col[2], lwd = lwd[2])
    else {
      polygon(eval.points, estimate[1, ], lty = opt$lty[1], col =
                opt$col[1], lwd = lwd[1])
      polygon(eval.points, estimate[2, ], lty = opt$lty[2], col =
                opt$col[2], lwd = lwd[2])
    est <- list(p = p, upper = upper, lower = lower, h = h)

This section shows density plots comparing the reason and succinct message groups, as well as the participants who opted in vs. opted out.

\(\\\) \(\\\)

SMS types

Compare the effect of SMS types on total wear time

Total wear time in minutes (dashed line for the reason condition, solid for succinct). Grey band around the kernel density plots refers to 95% likelihood of containing the true density plot, if the two lines were generated by data from the same distribution.


lmix <- lmi %>% dplyr::select(H_Weartime.SUM, SMSg2) %>% filter(complete.cases(.))

##  H_Weartime.SUM        SMSg2    
##  Min.   : 370.9   Reason  :133  
##  1st Qu.:3531.1   Succinct:129  
##  Median :4859.1                 
##  Mean   :4515.1                 
##  3rd Qu.:5807.8                 
##  Max.   :7442.5
set.seed(100) # set random number generator for replicable results.

sm.density.compare2(lmix$H_Weartime.SUM, lmix$SMSg2, xlab="Minutes", col=c(1,2), lty=c(2,1), bandcol='LightGray', model="equal", lwd=(c(2,2)), xlim=c(0,8000))
## Test of equal densities:  p-value =  0.28


legend("topleft", inset=.05, levels(lmi$SMSg2), fill=colfill)
MeanR <- mean(lmi$H_Weartime.SUM[which(lmi$SMS_group=="1")], na.rm=T)
MeanS <- mean(lmi$H_Weartime.SUM[which(lmi$SMS_group=="2")], na.rm=T)
MediR <- median(lmi$H_Weartime.SUM[which(lmi$SMS_group=="1")], na.rm=T)
MediS <- median(lmi$H_Weartime.SUM[which(lmi$SMS_group=="2")], na.rm=T)
SdR <- sd(lmi$H_Weartime.SUM[which(lmi$SMS_group=="1")], na.rm=T)
SdS <- sd(lmi$H_Weartime.SUM[which(lmi$SMS_group=="2")], na.rm=T)
legend("bottom", legend = c(paste("Mean (sd) Reason:", sep=""),
                                 paste(round(MeanR, 2), " (", round(SdR, 2),")", "; n=", sum(!is.na(lmi$H_Weartime.SUM[which(lmi$SMS_group=="1")])), sep=""),
                                 paste(" "),
                                 paste("Mean (sd) Succinct:", sep=""),
                                 paste(round(MeanS, 2), " (", round(SdS, 2),")", "; n=", sum(!is.na(lmi$H_Weartime.SUM[which(lmi$SMS_group=="2")])), sep="")), 
       bty = "n", cex=0.5)

Opt in vs. opt out

Compare the wear times between those who received messages, and those who did not

Figure with text:

lmix <- lmi %>% dplyr::select(H_Weartime.SUM, SMSg4) %>% filter(complete.cases(.))

##  H_Weartime.SUM       SMSg4    
##  Min.   : 370.9   Opt in :262  
##  1st Qu.:3463.5   Opt out: 83  
##  Median :4915.3                
##  Mean   :4514.7                
##  3rd Qu.:5810.0                
##  Max.   :7442.5
set.seed(100) # set random number generator for replicable results.

sm.density.compare2(lmix$H_Weartime.SUM, lmix$SMSg4, xlab="Minutes", col=c(1,2), lty=c(2,1), bandcol='LightGray', model="equal", lwd=(c(2,2)), xlim=c(0,8000))
## Test of equal densities:  p-value =  0.35


legend("topleft", inset=.05, levels(lmi$SMSg4), fill=colfill)
MeanR <- mean(lmi$H_Weartime.SUM[which(lmi$SMSg4=="Opt in")], na.rm=T)
MeanS <- mean(lmi$H_Weartime.SUM[which(lmi$SMSg4=="Opt out")], na.rm=T)
MediR <- median(lmi$H_Weartime.SUM[which(lmi$SMSg4=="Opt in")], na.rm=T)
MediS <- median(lmi$H_Weartime.SUM[which(lmi$SMSg4=="Opt out")], na.rm=T)
SdR <- sd(lmi$H_Weartime.SUM[which(lmi$SMSg4=="Opt in")], na.rm=T)
SdS <- sd(lmi$H_Weartime.SUM[which(lmi$SMSg4=="Opt out")], na.rm=T)
legend("bottom", legend = c(paste("Mean (sd) Opt in:", sep=""),
                                 paste(round(MeanR, 2), " (", round(SdR, 2),")", "; n=", sum(!is.na(lmi$H_Weartime.SUM[which(lmi$SMSg4=="Opt in")])), sep=""),
                                 paste(" "),
                                 paste("Mean (sd) Opt out:", sep=""),
                                 paste(round(MeanS, 2), " (", round(SdS, 2),")", "; n=", sum(!is.na(lmi$H_Weartime.SUM[which(lmi$SMSg4=="Opt out")])), sep="")), 
       bty = "n", cex=0.5)

Figure without text for BMC Public Health:

lmix <- lmi %>% dplyr::select(H_Weartime.SUM, SMSg4) %>% filter(complete.cases(.))

##  H_Weartime.SUM       SMSg4    
##  Min.   : 370.9   Opt in :262  
##  1st Qu.:3463.5   Opt out: 83  
##  Median :4915.3                
##  Mean   :4514.7                
##  3rd Qu.:5810.0                
##  Max.   :7442.5
set.seed(100) # set random number generator for replicable results.

sm.density.compare2(lmix$H_Weartime.SUM, lmix$SMSg4, xlab="Minutes", col=c(1,2), lty=c(2,1), bandcol='LightGray', model="equal", lwd=(c(2,2)), xlim=c(0,8000))
## Test of equal densities:  p-value =  0.35


legend("topleft", inset=.05, levels(lmi$SMSg4), fill=colfill)

Weartime minutes (Mann-Whitney U-tests)

# Mann-Whitney U-test
reasonsucc <- wilcox.test(lmi$H_Weartime.SUM ~ lmi$SMSg2, exact = TRUE, conf.int = TRUE, conf.level = 0.95, alternative = "two.sided")

Reason vs. succinct message

W-statistic: 8860
Confidence interval: -280.9, 447.2
p-value: 0.647

schools <- wilcox.test(lmi$H_Weartime.SUM ~ lmi$iv, exact = TRUE, conf.int = TRUE, conf.level = 0.95, alternative = "two.sided")


W-statistic: 17398.5
Confidence interval: -1.6, 619.6
p-value: 0.051

waves <- wilcox.test(lmi$H_Weartime.SUM ~ lmi$batch, exact = TRUE, conf.int = TRUE, conf.level = 0.95, alternative = "two.sided")


W-statistic: 17310.5
Confidence interval: -19, 586.3
p-value: 0.067

optin <- wilcox.test(lmi$H_Weartime.SUM ~ lmi$SMSg4, exact = TRUE, conf.int = TRUE, conf.level = 0.95, alternative = "two.sided")

Opting in for the reminders

W-statistic: 10642.5
Confidence interval: -424, 305
p-value: 0.771

Weartime (ANOVA, MANOVA)


Means and the total wear time distributions of the three groups. Error bars indicate 95% confidence intervals. No differences are detected.

lmi_for_anovaplot <- lmi %>% dplyr::select(Minutes = H_Weartime.SUM, Group = SMSg3)

anovaplot_minutes <- userfriendlyscience::oneway(y=lmi_for_anovaplot$Minutes,
       means=TRUE, posthoc="holm", plot=TRUE, levene=TRUE)


## ### Oneway Anova for y=Minutes and x=Group (groups: Reason (n=133), Succinct (n=135), Opt out (n=83))
## Omega squared: 95% CI = [NA; 0], point estimate = -.01
## Eta Squared: 95% CI = [0; 0], point estimate = 0
##                                           SS  Df         MS    F    p
## Between groups (error + effect)    320392.32   2  160196.16 0.06 .942
## Within groups (error only)      923850181.99 342 2701316.32          
## ### Means for y (Minutes) separate for each level of x (Group):
## Group = Reason (n=133):
##     n mean   sd median  se
##   133 4550 1642   4909 142
## Group = Succinct (n=135):
##     n mean   sd median  se
##   129 4480 1616   4808 142
## Group = Opt out (n=83):
##    n mean   sd median  se
##   83 4513 1688   5067 185
## ### Levene's test for homogeneity of variance:
## F[2, 342] = 0.93, p = .396.
## ### Post hoc test: holm
##                  Reason (n=133) Succinct (n=135)
## Succinct (n=135) 1                              
## Opt out (n=83)   1              1


Check correlations between outcome variables

lapply(c("pearson", "kendall", "spearman"), function(x) {cor(lmi$H_Weartime.SUM, lmi$H_DaysWornN_over10h, use = "pairwise.complete.obs", method = x)})
## [[1]]
## [1] 0.9485561
## [[2]]
## [1] 0.8104757
## [[3]]
## [1] 0.9267793

Reason vs. succinct

Y <- cbind(lmi$H_Weartime.SUM, lmi$H_DaysWornN_over10h)
fit <- manova(Y ~ lmi$SMSg2)
summary(fit, test="Pillai")
##            Df   Pillai approx F num Df den Df Pr(>F)
## lmi$SMSg2   1 0.014226   1.8688      2    259 0.1564
## Residuals 260

Reason vs. succinct vs. opt out

Y <- cbind(lmi$H_Weartime.SUM, lmi$H_DaysWornN_over10h)
fit <- manova(Y ~ lmi$SMSg3)
lapply(c("Pillai", "Wilks", "Hotelling-Lawley", "Roy"), function(x) {summary(fit, test=x)})
## [[1]]
##            Df  Pillai approx F num Df den Df  Pr(>F)  
## lmi$SMSg3   2 0.02684   2.3261      4    684 0.05503 .
## Residuals 342                                         
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## [[2]]
##            Df   Wilks approx F num Df den Df  Pr(>F)  
## lmi$SMSg3   2 0.97316   2.3348      4    682 0.05426 .
## Residuals 342                                         
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## [[3]]
##            Df Hotelling-Lawley approx F num Df den Df Pr(>F)  
## lmi$SMSg3   2          0.02757   2.3434      4    680 0.0535 .
## Residuals 342                                                 
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## [[4]]
##            Df      Roy approx F num Df den Df   Pr(>F)   
## lmi$SMSg3   2 0.027376   4.6813      2    342 0.009869 **
## Residuals 342                                            
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Type 3 sums of squares

fitIII <- lm(cbind(H_Weartime.SUM, H_DaysWornN_over10h) ~ SMSg3, data=lmi)
ManRes <- Manova(fitIII, type="III")
summary(ManRes, multivariate=TRUE)
## Type III MANOVA Tests:
## Sum of squares and products for error:
##                     H_Weartime.SUM H_DaysWornN_over10h
## H_Weartime.SUM           923850182         1064286.630
## H_DaysWornN_over10h        1064287            1357.752
## ------------------------------------------
## Term: (Intercept) 
## Sum of squares and products for the hypothesis:
##                     H_Weartime.SUM H_DaysWornN_over10h
## H_Weartime.SUM          2752913824         2866230.000
## H_DaysWornN_over10h        2866230            2984.211
## Multivariate Tests: (Intercept)
##                  Df test stat approx F num Df den Df
## Pillai            1  0.763968 551.8597      2    341
## Wilks             1  0.236032 551.8597      2    341
## Hotelling-Lawley  1  3.236714 551.8597      2    341
## Roy               1  3.236714 551.8597      2    341
##                                  Pr(>F)    
## Pillai           < 0.000000000000000222 ***
## Wilks            < 0.000000000000000222 ***
## Hotelling-Lawley < 0.000000000000000222 ***
## Roy              < 0.000000000000000222 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## ------------------------------------------
## Term: SMSg3 
## Sum of squares and products for the hypothesis:
##                     H_Weartime.SUM H_DaysWornN_over10h
## H_Weartime.SUM         320392.3213         -340.170252
## H_DaysWornN_over10h      -340.1703            2.375795
## Multivariate Tests: SMSg3
##                  Df test stat approx F num Df den Df    Pr(>F)   
## Pillai            2 0.0268404 2.326071      4    684 0.0550310 . 
## Wilks             2 0.9731648 2.334803      4    682 0.0542588 . 
## Hotelling-Lawley  2 0.0275699 2.343444      4    680 0.0535048 . 
## Roy               2 0.0273761 4.681316      2    342 0.0098687 **
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

(On Roy’s largest root: “Because it is a maximum, it can behave differently from the other three test statistics. In instances where the other three are not significant and Roy’s is significant, the effect should be considered insignificant.” source)

Some might be tempted to interpret a “trend towards significance” from the MANOVA result, p=0.054. This would be an unjustified conclusion, as p-values are random variables and the only question is whether or not we are studying real phenomena or not – if we are, p-values near zero are always more likely than those near 0.05 (Murdoch, Tsai, & Adcock, 2008). Even if the arbitrary threshold of 0.05 would have been reached, it would have still been weak evidence; at best p=0.05 can indicate, that the H1 is two and a half times more likely than H0 (BF10=2.45 in the optimal case; see (Berger & Sellke, 1987), but also (Mayo & Morey, 2017)).

Berger, J., & Sellke, T. (1987). Testing a Point Null Hypothesis: The Irreconcilability of P Values and Evidence. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 82(397), 112-122. doi:10.2307/2289131

Mayo, D., & Morey, R. D. (2017). A Poor Prognosis for the Diagnostic Screening Critique of Statistical Tests. Open Science Framework. https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/PS38B

Murdoch, D. J., Tsai, Y-L. & Adcock, J. (2008) P-Values are Random Variables, The American Statistician, 62:3, 242-245, DOI: 10.1198/000313008X332421

Equivalence testing (TOST)

This section describes the results of equivalence testing; more specifically, the “two one-sided tests” (TOST) approach. This is the reference:

Lakens, Daniel. “Equivalence Tests: A Practical Primer for t Tests, Correlations, and Meta-Analyses.” Social Psychological and Personality Science 8, no. 4 (May 1, 2017): 355-62. https://doi.org/10.1177/1948550617697177.

\(\\\) \(\\\)

Minutes; Reason vs. succinct

lmi.tost <- lmi %>% dplyr::select(H_Weartime.SUM, 
                           SMSgall) %>%

m.minutes <- lmi.tost %>% dplyr::group_by(factor(SMSgall)) %>% 
    summarise(mean = mean(H_Weartime.SUM), 
              sd = sd(H_Weartime.SUM),
              n = n())

## # A tibble: 4 x 4
##   `factor(SMSgall)`  mean    sd     n
##   <fct>             <dbl> <dbl> <int>
## 1 Reason             4550  1642   133
## 2 Succinct           4480  1616   129
## 3 Opt out            4513  1688    83
## 4 Send failed        5086  1125     7
TOSTtwo(m1 = m.minutes$mean[1], m2 = m.minutes$mean[2], sd1 = m.minutes$sd[1], sd2 = m.minutes$sd[2], n1=m.minutes$n[1], n2=m.minutes$n[2], low_eqbound_d = -0.3, high_eqbound_d = 0.3, alpha = 0.05, var.equal=FALSE)

## Using alpha = 0.05 Welch's t-test was non-significant, t(259.9443) = 0.3473495, p = 0.7286099
## Using alpha = 0.05 the equivalence test based on Welch's t-test  was significant, t(259.9443) = -2.080627, p = 0.01922372TOST results:
##   t-value 1   p-value 1 t-value 2  p-value 2       df
## 1  2.775326 0.002957576 -2.080627 0.01922372 259.9443
## Equivalence bounds (Cohen's d):
##   low bound d high bound d
## 1        -0.3          0.3
## Equivalence bounds (raw scores):
##   low bound raw high bound raw
## 1     -488.7433       488.7433
## TOST confidence interval:
##   Lower Limit 90% CI raw Upper Limit 90% CI raw
## 1              -262.3674               402.2079

The graph above indicates that the effect of SMS type on total wear minutes was statistically significantly closer to zero than |0.3|.

Minutes; Opt in vs. opt out

lmi.tost <- lmi %>% dplyr::select(H_Weartime.SUM, 
                           SMSg4) %>% 

m.minutes <- lmi.tost %>% dplyr::group_by(factor(SMSg4)) %>% 
    summarise(mean = mean(H_Weartime.SUM), 
              sd = sd(H_Weartime.SUM),
              n = n())

## # A tibble: 2 x 4
##   `factor(SMSg4)`  mean    sd     n
##   <fct>           <dbl> <dbl> <int>
## 1 Opt in           4515  1627   262
## 2 Opt out          4513  1688    83
TOSTtwo(m1 = m.minutes$mean[1], m2 = m.minutes$mean[2], sd1 = m.minutes$sd[1], sd2 = m.minutes$sd[2], n1=m.minutes$n[1], n2=m.minutes$n[2], low_eqbound_d = -0.3, high_eqbound_d = 0.3, alpha = 0.05, var.equal=FALSE)

## Using alpha = 0.05 Welch's t-test was non-significant, t(133.7121) = 0.009405577, p = 0.9925096
## Using alpha = 0.05 the equivalence test based on Welch's t-test  was significant, t(133.7121) = -2.349858, p = 0.01012196TOST results:
##   t-value 1   p-value 1 t-value 2  p-value 2       df
## 1   2.36867 0.009641681 -2.349858 0.01012196 133.7121
## Equivalence bounds (Cohen's d):
##   low bound d high bound d
## 1        -0.3          0.3
## Equivalence bounds (raw scores):
##   low bound raw high bound raw
## 1     -497.2556       497.2556
## TOST confidence interval:
##   Lower Limit 90% CI raw Upper Limit 90% CI raw
## 1              -347.1176               351.0824

The effect of opting in / out on total wear time minutes was statistically significantly closer to zero than |0.3|.

Days w/ valid data; Reason vs. succinct

lmi.tost <- lmi %>% dplyr::select(H_Weartime.SUM, 
                           SMSgall) %>%

m.minutes <- lmi.tost %>% dplyr::group_by(factor(SMSgall)) %>% 
    summarise(mean = mean(H_DaysWornN_over10h), 
              sd = sd(H_DaysWornN_over10h),
              n = n())

## # A tibble: 4 x 4
##   `factor(SMSgall)`  mean    sd     n
##   <fct>             <dbl> <dbl> <int>
## 1 Reason             4.74  2.04   133
## 2 Succinct           4.81  1.91   129
## 3 Opt out            4.95  2.04    83
## 4 Send failed        5.71  1.50     7
TOSTtwo(m1 = m.minutes$mean[1], m2 = m.minutes$mean[2], sd1 = m.minutes$sd[1], sd2 = m.minutes$sd[2], n1=m.minutes$n[1], n2=m.minutes$n[2], low_eqbound_d = -0.3, high_eqbound_d = 0.3, alpha = 0.05, var.equal=FALSE)

## Using alpha = 0.05 Welch's t-test was non-significant, t(259.6946) = -0.2839437, p = 0.7766798
## Using alpha = 0.05 the equivalence test based on Welch's t-test  was significant, t(259.6946) = 2.144939, p = 0.0164428TOST results:
##   t-value 1 p-value 1 t-value 2   p-value 2       df
## 1  2.144939 0.0164428 -2.712826 0.003558599 259.6946
## Equivalence bounds (Cohen's d):
##   low bound d high bound d
## 1        -0.3          0.3
## Equivalence bounds (raw scores):
##   low bound raw high bound raw
## 1    -0.5933077      0.5933077
## TOST confidence interval:
##   Lower Limit 90% CI raw Upper Limit 90% CI raw
## 1             -0.4725893              0.3338704

The effect of SMS type on days with equal to or less than 10 hours of recorded data was statistically significantly closer to zero than |0.3|.

Days w/ valid data; Opt in vs. opt out

lmi.tost <- lmi %>% dplyr::select(H_Weartime.SUM, 
                           SMSg4) %>% 

m.minutes <- lmi.tost %>% dplyr::group_by(factor(SMSg4)) %>% 
    summarise(mean = mean(H_DaysWornN_over10h), 
              sd = sd(H_DaysWornN_over10h),
              n = n())

## # A tibble: 2 x 4
##   `factor(SMSg4)`  mean    sd     n
##   <fct>           <dbl> <dbl> <int>
## 1 Opt in           4.77  1.98   262
## 2 Opt out          4.95  2.04    83
TOSTtwo(m1 = m.minutes$mean[1], m2 = m.minutes$mean[2], sd1 = m.minutes$sd[1], sd2 = m.minutes$sd[2], n1=m.minutes$n[1], n2=m.minutes$n[2], low_eqbound_d = -0.3, high_eqbound_d = 0.30, alpha = 0.05, var.equal=FALSE)

## Using alpha = 0.05 Welch's t-test was non-significant, t(134.4491) = -0.7102073, p = 0.4788056
## Using alpha = 0.05 the equivalence test based on Welch's t-test  was non-significant, t(134.4491) = 1.653155, p = 0.0503163TOST results:
##   t-value 1 p-value 1 t-value 2   p-value 2       df
## 1  1.653155 0.0503163 -3.073569 0.001280832 134.4491
## Equivalence bounds (Cohen's d):
##   low bound d high bound d
## 1        -0.3          0.3
## Equivalence bounds (raw scores):
##   low bound raw high bound raw
## 1    -0.6016989      0.6016989
## TOST confidence interval:
##   Lower Limit 90% CI raw Upper Limit 90% CI raw
## 1             -0.6024911              0.2408613

The effect of opting to receive reminders on days with equal to or less than 10 hours of recorded data was statistically significantly smaller than 0.3, but we could not reject the hypothesis that the effect was higher than -0.3.

Heterogeneity among clusters

Here we present the weartimes among different educational groups, i.e. the clusters participants were nested in.

lmi.tracks <- lmi %>% dplyr::select(H_Weartime.SUM, q0008, SMSg3, girl) %>% 
    mutate(track = ifelse(q0008 == 1, "1", 
                    ifelse(q0008 == 2, "2", NA)),
           track = factor(track),
           track.grp = paste0(track, SMSg3),
           track.grp = factor(track.grp)) %>% 
    filter(q0008 == 1 | q0008 == 2) %>% 

sm.density.compare2(lmi.tracks$H_Weartime.SUM, lmi.tracks$track.grp, xlab="Minutes", col=c(1,2,3,4,5,6), lty=c(2,1), bandcol='LightGray', model="equal", lwd=(c(2,2)), xlim=c(0,8000))
## Reference band available to compare two groups only.

## Test of equal densities:  p-value =  0
# lmi.tracks %>% group_by(track.grp) %>% 
#     summarise(mean = mean(H_Weartime.SUM, na.rm = T), n = n(), percent.girl = mean(girl==1))

lmi.tracks %>% group_by(track.grp) %>% 
    summarise(mean = mean(H_Weartime.SUM, na.rm = T), n = n())
## # A tibble: 6 x 3
##   track.grp          mean     n
##   <fct>             <dbl> <int>
## 1 1Opt out (n=83)    5087    36
## 2 1Reason (n=133)    4950    41
## 3 1Succinct (n=135)  4976    38
## 4 2Opt out (n=83)    3965    40
## 5 2Reason (n=133)    4494    84
## 6 2Succinct (n=135)  4232    87

1 and 2 in front of groups indicate educational tracks. The analysis above points out, that students opting out in one of the main tracks wore the accelerometer less than others. This might be due to e.g. social dynamics.

There are differences in wear times between tracks and group allocation. The Differences remain, when the poorly performing group is removed, as shown here:

lmi.tracks2 <- lmi.tracks %>% filter(track.grp != "2Opt out (n=83)")

sm.density.compare2(lmi.tracks2$H_Weartime.SUM, lmi.tracks2$track.grp, xlab="Minutes", col=c(1,2,3,4,5), lty=c(2,1), bandcol='LightGray', model="equal", lwd=(c(2,2)), xlim=c(0,8000))
## Reference band available to compare two groups only.

## Test of equal densities:  p-value =  0

It seems like educational track is a good determinant of wear time. Here is track 1 groups only:

lmi.tracks3 <- lmi.tracks %>% filter(track.grp != "2Opt out (n=83)", track.grp != "2Reason (n=133)", track.grp != "2Succinct (n=135)")

sm.density.compare2(lmi.tracks3$H_Weartime.SUM, lmi.tracks3$track.grp, xlab="Minutes", col=c(1,2,3,4,5), lty=c(2,1), bandcol='LightGray', model="equal", lwd=(c(2,2)), xlim=c(0,8000))
## Reference band available to compare two groups only.

## Test of equal densities:  p-value =  0.53

Same for track 2, after removing the small outlier group:

lmi.tracks4 <- lmi.tracks %>% filter(track.grp != "1Opt out (n=83)", track.grp != "1Reason (n=133)", track.grp != "1Succinct (n=135)", track.grp != "2Opt out (n=83)")

sm.density.compare2(lmi.tracks4$H_Weartime.SUM, lmi.tracks4$track.grp, xlab="Minutes", col=c(1,2,3,4,5), lty=c(2,1), bandcol='LightGray', model="equal", lwd=(c(2,2)), xlim=c(0,8000))
## Test of equal densities:  p-value =  0.21

Gender differences

There was no a priori reason to expect a difference between girls and boys, so testing for them is likely to have low power and result in alpha inflation. We nevertheless include ANOVA results and plot the raw data to satisfy a reviewer query.

The results show no differences in either weartime minutes or number of days with satisfactory amount of data.

lmi.gendertest <- lmi %>% dplyr::select(girl, SMSg, SMSg2, SMSg3, SMSg4, SMSgall, H_Weartime.SUM, H_DaysWornN_over10h) %>% 
  dplyr::mutate(genderGroup = paste0(girl, SMSg),
                genderGroup = ifelse(stringr::str_detect(lmi.gendertest$genderGroup, "Failed"), NA, genderGroup), # Make the 7 "failed to send" cases NA
                genderGroup = ifelse(stringr::str_detect(lmi.gendertest$genderGroup, "NA"), NA, genderGroup), # Make all cells containing NA (e.g. "NANA"), NA
                genderGroup = stringr::str_replace(lmi.gendertest$genderGroup, "0", "boy_"), # replace 0 with boy
                genderGroup = stringr::str_replace(lmi.gendertest$genderGroup, "1", "girl_")) # replace 1 with girl

lmi.gendertest$genderGroup %>% table()
## .
##    boy_No SMS    boy_Reason  boy_Succinct   girl_No SMS   girl_Reason 
##            68            91            92            26            38 
## girl_Succinct 
##            40
# lmi.gendertest %>% dplyr::group_by(girl, SMSg2) %>% dplyr::summarise(mean = mean(H_Weartime.SUM, na.rm = TRUE), n = n()) %>% na.omit()
# lmi.gendertest %>% dplyr::group_by(girl, SMSg3) %>% dplyr::summarise(mean = mean(H_Weartime.SUM, na.rm = TRUE), n = n()) %>% na.omit()
# lmi.gendertest %>% dplyr::group_by(girl, SMSg4) %>% dplyr::summarise(mean = mean(H_Weartime.SUM, na.rm = TRUE), n = n()) %>% na.omit()
# lmi.gendertest %>% dplyr::group_by(girl, SMSgall) %>% dplyr::summarise(mean = mean(H_Weartime.SUM, na.rm = TRUE), n = n()) %>% na.omit()

# sm.density.compare2(lmi.gendertest$H_Weartime.SUM, lmi.gendertest$genderGroup, xlab="Minutes", col=c(1,2,3,4,5,6), lty=c(2,1), bandcol='LightGray', model="equal", lwd=(c(2,2)), xlim=c(0,8000))

anovaplot_genderMinutes <- userfriendlyscience::oneway(y=lmi.gendertest$H_Weartime.SUM,
       means=TRUE, posthoc="holm", plot=TRUE, levene=TRUE)


## ### Oneway Anova for y=H_Weartime.SUM and x=genderGroup (groups: boy_No SMS, boy_Reason, boy_Succinct, girl_No SMS, girl_Reason, girl_Succinct)
## Omega squared: 95% CI = [NA; .05], point estimate = .01
## Eta Squared: 95% CI = [0; .04], point estimate = .02
##                                           SS  Df         MS    F   p
## Between groups (error + effect)  20145764.84   5 4029152.97 1.53 .18
## Within groups (error only)      863027149.64 328 2631180.33         
## ### Means for y (H_Weartime.SUM) separate for each level of x (genderGroup):
## genderGroup = boy_No SMS:
##    n mean   sd median  se
##   56 4541 1555   4955 208
## genderGroup = boy_Reason:
##    n mean   sd median  se
##   89 4417 1712   4631 181
## genderGroup = boy_Succinct:
##    n mean   sd median  se
##   88 4445 1742   4906 186
## genderGroup = girl_No SMS:
##    n mean   sd median  se
##   26 4384 1968   5243 386
## genderGroup = girl_Reason:
##    n mean   sd median  se
##   37 5226 1155   5491 190
## genderGroup = girl_Succinct:
##    n mean   sd median  se
##   38 4549 1309   4804 212
## ### Levene's test for homogeneity of variance:
## F[5, 328] = 4.12, p = .001.
## ### Post hoc test: holm
##               boy_No SMS boy_Reason boy_Succinct girl_No SMS girl_Reason
## boy_Reason    1.000                                                     
## boy_Succinct  1.000      1.000                                          
## girl_No SMS   1.000      1.000      1.000                               
## girl_Reason   .564       .169       .204         .564                   
## girl_Succinct 1.000      1.000      1.000        1.000       .789
anovaplot_genderDays <- userfriendlyscience::oneway(y=lmi.gendertest$H_DaysWornN_over10h,
       means=TRUE, posthoc="holm", plot=TRUE, levene=TRUE)


## ### Oneway Anova for y=H_DaysWornN_over10h and x=genderGroup (groups: boy_No SMS, boy_Reason, boy_Succinct, girl_No SMS, girl_Reason, girl_Succinct)
## Omega squared: 95% CI = [NA; .06], point estimate = .01
## Eta Squared: 95% CI = [0; .05], point estimate = .03
##                                      SS  Df    MS    F    p
## Between groups (error + effect)   50.69   5 10.14 2.05 .071
## Within groups (error only)      1726.63 349  4.95          
## ### Means for y (H_DaysWornN_over10h) separate for each level of x (genderGroup):
## genderGroup = boy_No SMS:
##    n mean  sd median   se
##   68  4.1 2.6      5 0.32
## genderGroup = boy_Reason:
##    n mean  sd median   se
##   91  4.4 2.2      5 0.23
## genderGroup = boy_Succinct:
##    n mean  sd median   se
##   92  4.6 2.2      5 0.23
## genderGroup = girl_No SMS:
##    n mean  sd median   se
##   26  4.8 2.3    5.5 0.45
## genderGroup = girl_Reason:
##    n mean  sd median   se
##   38  5.5 1.8      6 0.28
## genderGroup = girl_Succinct:
##    n mean  sd median   se
##   40  4.6 1.9      5 0.31
## ### Levene's test for homogeneity of variance:
## F[5, 349] = 3.4, p = .005.
## ### Post hoc test: holm
##               boy_No SMS boy_Reason boy_Succinct girl_No SMS girl_Reason
## boy_Reason    1.000                                                     
## boy_Succinct  1.000      1.000                                          
## girl_No SMS   1.000      1.000      1.000                               
## girl_Reason   .035       .159       .442         1.000                  
## girl_Succinct 1.000      1.000      1.000        1.000       .807

Bayesian ANOVA

Bayes Factors allowed us to quantify evidence for the null effect. The BF01 of 12.05 from testing equality of weartime means between the three arms (i.e. the Bayesian ANOVA below) is enough to move an impartial observer with 1:1 prior odds to a 7.7% subjective posterior probability of an effect. Equally, a person who had high prior confidence (10 to 1 prior odds, translating to 91% probability) in the arms showing differences in weartimes, should become impartial and be moved to 54.6% probability in favor of an effect - provided that the proponent would agree with our methodology to test the hypothesis. (See above, “Interpreting Bayes Factors”, for more information.)

(NOTE: the prior robustness graph below is with BF01 instead of BF10 – i.e. representing support for the null against the alternative hypothesis):

summary(aov(lmi$H_Weartime.SUM ~ lmi$SMSg3))

weartime.fullobs <- data.frame(lmi$H_Weartime.SUM, lmi$SMSg3)
weartime.fullobs <- weartime.fullobs[complete.cases(weartime.fullobs), ]

#These are equivalent:
# weartimeBf <- anovaBF(lmi.H_Weartime.SUM ~ lmi.SMSg3, data = weartime.fullobs, whichRandom = weartime.fullobs$lmi.H_Weartime.SUM)

weartimeBf <- anovaBF(lmi.H_Weartime.SUM ~ lmi.SMSg3, data = weartime.fullobs, rscaleFixed = 0.3)

cat(c("BF10", extractBF(weartimeBf)$bf %>% round(5)))

cat(c("BF01", extractBF(1/weartimeBf)$bf %>% round(5)))

# Create a vector of different prior concentrations:
priorWidths <- c(seq(0.01, 2, by = 0.01))

# Save the BFs calculated w/ each concentration:
bayesFactors <- sapply(priorWidths, function(ownprior) {
    extractBF(weartimeBf <- anovaBF(lmi.H_Weartime.SUM ~ lmi.SMSg3, data = weartime.fullobs, rscaleFixed = ownprior))$bf

bayesFactors2 <- 1/bayesFactors

# Make a data frame for ggplot
plotdf <- data.frame(priorWidths, bayesFactors2)

# Plot results with different priors:
plot1 <- ggplot(data = plotdf, aes(x = priorWidths, y = bayesFactors2, group = 1)) + 
    ylim(0, max(bayesFactors2)) +
    xlim(min(priorWidths), max(priorWidths)) +
    geom_line() +
    geom_hline(yintercept = 0, colour = "azure4") +
    xlab("Prior Width") +
    ylab("BF01") +

# Dashed line for BF10 = 1/10, indicating strong evidence for null.
plot2 <- plot1 + geom_hline(yintercept = 1/10, linetype = "dashed", colour = "darkgrey") 

plot2 + geom_hline(yintercept = 10, linetype = "dashed", colour = "darkgrey") 
plot2 + geom_hline(yintercept = 10, linetype = "dashed", colour = "darkgrey") 

Grouping order: reason > succinct > opt out

Note that this could be considered not the end of the analysis. The null model can be false in ways not consistent with H1 (see here). The code that follows is also adapted from the link.

The number of possible orderings in this case is 3!/(3-2)! = 6. Thus, prior odds are 1/6.

Start by sampling from the posterior.

weartimeBf <- anovaBF(lmi.H_Weartime.SUM ~ lmi.SMSg3, data = weartime.fullobs)
samples <- posterior(weartimeBf, iterations = 10000)

Check the proportion of samples where Reason > Succinct > Opt out.

consistent <- (samples[, "lmi.SMSg3-Reason (n=133)"] > samples[, "lmi.SMSg3-Succinct (n=135)"]) &
  (samples[, "lmi.SMSg3-Succinct (n=135)"] > samples[, "lmi.SMSg3-Opt out (n=83)"])
N_consistent <- sum(consistent)

cat(c("Posterior probability of the order reason > succinct > opt out:", N_consistent / 10000))
## Posterior probability of the order reason > succinct > opt out: 0.2068

Now, the posterior restriction for the full (all means unequal) model is 0.2068 divided by 1. Bayes factor is:

bf_restriction_against_full = (N_consistent / 10000) / (1 / 6)
## [1] 1.2408

The data are not sensitive enough to say anything about the specified order against the full (all means unequal) model. The evidence doesn’t give a boost to order prediction, because p(prediction is true) is low and/or riskiness of prediction is low.

## Convert bf1 to a number so that we can multiply it
bf_full_against_null <- as.vector(weartimeBf)

## Use transitivity to compute desired Bayes factor
bf_restriction_against_null <- bf_restriction_against_full * bf_full_against_null

cat(c("The BF10 of the order against null is", round(bf_restriction_against_null, 4), "and the BF01 is", round(1/bf_restriction_against_null, 4)))
## The BF10 of the order against null is 0.0427 and the BF01 is 23.3965

The analysis indicates the null model is more likely than a model where any means are unequal, by a Bayes Factor of about 23.


Measurement days of >10 hours of valid data gathered by group. Horizontal lines represent means, boxes Bayesian 95% Highest Density Intervals (with flat priors).

pirateplot(formula = H_DaysWornN_over10h ~ SMSg3,
           data = lmi,
           xlab = "",
           ylab = ">10h Measurement days",
           pal = "up",
           point.o = .25,
           avg.line.o = 1,
           bean.b.o = .2,
           inf.f.col = "grey", # Inf fill col
           inf.b.col = "black", # Inf border col
           inf.f.o = .5,
           inf.b.o = .5,
           point.cex = 1,
           jitter.val = .07,
           gl.col = 'white',
           hdi.iter = 100000

Previous plot with CI instead of HDI:

pirateplot(formula = H_DaysWornN_over10h ~ SMSg3,
           data = lmi,
           xlab = "",
           ylab = ">10h Measurement days",
           pal = "up",
           point.o = .25,
           avg.line.o = 1,
           bean.b.o = .2,
           inf.f.col = "grey", # Inf fill col
           inf.b.col = "black", # Inf border col
           inf.f.o = .5,
           inf.b.o = .5,
           point.cex = 1,
           jitter.val = .07,
           gl.col = 'white',
           inf.method = "ci"

\(\chi^2\)-tests and Bayes Factors for wear days

This section presents the main results for differences in wear days between the reason- and succinct arms, as well as between those who were sent messages to and those who were not.

\(\chi^2\) weardays; was sent messages to v. was not

lmi$SMS_group_receiveornot <- NA
lmi$SMS_group_receiveornot[lmi$SMS_group==1] <- "1"
lmi$SMS_group_receiveornot[lmi$SMS_group==2] <- "1"
lmi$SMS_group_receiveornot[lmi$SMS_group==3] <- "2"
lmi$SMS_group_receiveornot[lmi$SMS_group==4] <- "2"
cat(c("group sizes:", table(lmi$SMS_group_receiveornot)[[1]], "received,", table(lmi$SMS_group_receiveornot)[[2]], "did not."))
## group sizes: 273 received, 102 did not.
chisq.test(lmi$H_DaysWornN_over10h, lmi$SMS_group_receiveornot)
##  Pearson's Chi-squared test
## data:  lmi$H_DaysWornN_over10h and lmi$SMS_group_receiveornot
## X-squared = 8.344, df = 7, p-value = 0.3032

BF weardays, was sent messages to v. was not

# Create data matrix for Bayesian contingency tables:
table.dayswornbf <- table(data.frame(lmi$H_DaysWornN_over10h, lmi$SMS_group_receiveornot))

# Bayes factor for the contingency tables with default prior concentration:
dayswornbf <- contingencyTableBF(table.dayswornbf, sampleType = "poisson")

cat(c("BF10:", extractBF(dayswornbf)$bf %>% round(4)))
## BF10: 0.0287
## Bayes factor analysis
## --------------
## [1] Indep. (a=1) : 34.79439 ±0%
## Against denominator:
##   Alternative, non-independence, a = 1 
## ---
## Bayes factor type: BFcontingencyTable, poisson
# Create a vector of different prior concentrations:
priorWidths <- c(seq(1, 1.25, by = 0.001), seq(1.25, 2, by = 0.01))

# Save the BFs calculated w/ each concentration:
bayesFactors <- sapply(priorWidths, function(ownprior) {
    extractBF(contingencyTableBF(table.dayswornbf, sampleType = "poisson", priorConcentration = ownprior))$bf

bayesFactors2 <- 1/bayesFactors
# Make a data frame for ggplot
plotdf <- data.frame(priorWidths, bayesFactors2)

# Plot BFs with different priors:
plot1 <- ggplot(data = plotdf, aes(x = priorWidths, y = bayesFactors2, group = 1)) + 
    ylim(0, max(bayesFactors2)) +
    xlim(1, 2) +
    geom_line() +
    geom_hline(yintercept = 0, colour = "azure4") +
    xlab("Prior Width") +
    ylab("BF01") +

# Dashed line for BF01 = 1/10, indicating strong evidence for alternative.
plot2 <- plot1 + geom_hline(yintercept = 1/10, linetype = "dashed", colour = "darkgrey") 

# Dashed line for BF01 = 10, indicating strong evidence for null.
plot2 + geom_hline(yintercept = 10, linetype = "dashed", colour = "darkgrey") 

\(\chi^2\) Weardays; Reason v. Succinct

chisq.test(lmi$H_DaysWornN_over10h, lmi$SMSg2)
##  Pearson's Chi-squared test
## data:  lmi$H_DaysWornN_over10h and lmi$SMSg2
## X-squared = 7.8931, df = 7, p-value = 0.3421

BF Weardays; Reason v. Succinct

# Create data matrix for Bayesian contingency tables:
table.dayswornbf <- table(data.frame(lmi$H_DaysWornN_over10h, lmi$SMSg2))

# Bayes factor for the contingency tables with default prior concentration:
dayswornbf <- contingencyTableBF(table.dayswornbf, sampleType = "poisson")
## [1] 0.143689
cat(c("BF10:", extractBF(dayswornbf)$bf %>% round(4)))
## BF10: 0.1437
## Bayes factor analysis
## --------------
## [1] Indep. (a=1) : 6.959475 ±0%
## Against denominator:
##   Alternative, non-independence, a = 1 
## ---
## Bayes factor type: BFcontingencyTable, poisson
# Create a vector of different prior concentrations:
priorWidths <- c(seq(1, 1.25, by = 0.001), seq(1.25, 2, by = 0.01))

# Save the BFs calculated w/ each concentration:
bayesFactors <- sapply(priorWidths, function(ownprior) {
    extractBF(contingencyTableBF(table.dayswornbf, sampleType = "poisson", priorConcentration = ownprior))$bf

bayesFactors2 <- 1/bayesFactors
# Make a data frame for ggplot
plotdf <- data.frame(priorWidths, bayesFactors)

# Plot BFs with different priors:
plot1 <- ggplot(data = plotdf, aes(x = priorWidths, y = bayesFactors2, group = 1)) + 
    ylim(0, max(bayesFactors2)) +
    xlim(1, 2) +
    geom_line() +
    geom_hline(yintercept = 0, colour = "azure4") +
    xlab("Prior Width") +
    ylab("BF01") +

# Dashed line for BF01 = 1/10, indicating strong evidence for alternative.
plot2 <- plot1 + geom_hline(yintercept = 1/10, linetype = "dashed", colour = "darkgrey") 

# Dashed line for BF01 = 10, indicating strong evidence for null.
plot2 + geom_hline(yintercept = 10, linetype = "dashed", colour = "darkgrey") 

Dose dependence

Self-reported opening and reading of messages. Y-axis is total wear time. Boxes represent 95% HDIs for the means, solid lines connect means and dashed lines connect medians. Participants who opted out of reminders are aggregated with those who indicated not having opened the messages even once. Participants who received messages, but did not answer the question on message reading, are excluded.

dosedf <- lmi %>% 
    dplyr::select(SMS_read, SMSgall, H_Weartime.SUM) %>% 
    rename(weartime = H_Weartime.SUM) %>% 
    mutate(grouping = ifelse(SMS_read == 1, "0 (n=94)",
                        ifelse(SMS_read == 2, "1 (n=11)",
                        ifelse(SMS_read == 3, "2-3 (n=29)",       
                        ifelse(SMS_read == 4, "4-5 (n=27)",
                        ifelse(SMS_read == 5, "6 (n=121)", NA))))))

dosedf$grouping[dosedf$SMSgall == "Opt out"] <- "0 (n=94)"

dosedf <- dosedf %>% dplyr::select(weartime, grouping) %>% 

##   0 (n=94)   1 (n=11) 2-3 (n=29) 4-5 (n=27)  6 (n=121) 
##         94         11         29         27        121
dosedf <- dosedf %>% mutate(grouping = factor(grouping))

levels(dosedf$grouping) <- c("Not on a single \n morning (n=94)",
                           "On a single \n morning (n=11)",
                           "On 2-3 \n mornings (n=29)",
                           "On 4-5 \n mornings (n=27)",
                           "Every morning \n (n=121)")

means <- dosedf %>% dplyr::group_by(grouping) %>% 
    summarise(mean = mean(weartime, na.rm = T))

means <- means$mean

medians <- dosedf %>% dplyr::group_by(grouping) %>% 
    summarise(median = median(weartime, na.rm = T))

medians <- medians$median

pirateplot(formula = weartime ~ grouping,
           data = dosedf,
           xlab = "",
           ylab = "",
           cex.lab = 0.57,
           cex.names = 0.7,
           pal = "up",
           point.o = .25,
           avg.line.o = 0,
           avg.line.fun = median,
           bean.b.o = .2,
           inf.f.col = "grey", # Inf fill col
           inf.b.col = "black", # Inf border col
           inf.f.o = 0.2,
           inf.b.o = 0.3,
           point.cex = 1,
           jitter.val = .07,
           gl.col = 'white',
           hdi.iter = 10000
points(x = 1:5, y = means, type = "b", pch = 20)
points(x = 1:5, y = medians, type = "b", pch = 1, lty = "dashed", cex = 0.8)

Alternative explanations, speculations and rational theory defense

We must be careful not read too much into potential explanations (such as the hidden moderators-argument) for why an effect was not detected here [1]. In the light of the recent" "“crisis of confidence in the psychological sciences” [2, 3], it is concerning that only a single direct replication of the xerox machine study has been published. The lack of direct replication and the mixed results from conceptual replications point to a more specific question in the context of current research: when is it rational to defend a theory by coming up with additional auxiliary hypotheses or rejecting the protocol of a falsifying experiment (falsification and corroboration being continuous measures, defined by the strictness of the test). Meehl [4] argues, from a neo-Popperian framework, for the Lakatos principle: it is rational to defend a (seasoned) theory when it has accumulated an impressive track record of strong successes.

As measured by Bayes Factors, even without accounting for possible publication bias, the Langer, Blank and Chanowitz study does not reach the criterion for strong evidence (see data at https://osf.io/7y25w/). It would thus be quite a leap to consider the Langer, Blank and Chanowitz theory (much less the stronger formulation by Cialdini and others) having accumulated enough credit by strong successes to justify much speculation about e.g. moderating factors.

We encourage readers, who wishes to speculate on the findings based on dual process theories, to be aware of the related assumptions, which cannot be tested with the current data [5-9].

  1. Westfall, J., & Yarkoni, T. (2016). Statistically Controlling for Confounding Constructs Is Harder than You Think. PLOS ONE, 11(3), e0152719. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0152719
  2. Earp, B. D., & Trafimow, D. (2015). Replication, falsification, and the crisis of confidence in social psychology. Quantitative Psychology and Measurement, 6, 621. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00621
  3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Replication_crisis
  4. Meehl, P. E. (1990). Appraising and amending theories: The strategy of Lakatosian defense and two principles that warrant it. Psychological Inquiry, 1(2), 108-141.
  5. Kruglanski AW. Only One? The Default Interventionist Perspective as a Unimodel – Commentary on Evans & Stanovich (2013). Perspect Psychol Sci. 2013;8:242-7.
  6. Keren G. A tale of two systems: A scientific advance or a theoretical stone soup? Commentary on Evans & Stanovich (2013). Perspect Psychol Sci. 2013;8:257-262.
  7. Bellini-Leite SC. Dual Process Theory: Systems, Types, Minds, Modes, Kinds or Metaphors? A Critical Review. Rev Philos Psychol. 2018;9:213-25.
  8. Evans JSBT, Stanovich KE. Dual-Process Theories of Higher Cognition: Advancing the Debate. Perspect Psychol Sci. 2013;8:223-41.
  9. Mugg J. The dual-process turn: How recent defenses of dual-process theories of reasoning fail. Philos Psychol. 2016;29:300-9.

Additional analyses

\(\chi^2\) and BF Weardays; Opt in v. opt out

(Note: this is basically the same analysis as the one comparing participants for whom the messages were sent vs. for whom they were not.)

chisq.test(lmi$H_DaysWornN_over10h, lmi$SMSg4)
##  Pearson's Chi-squared test
## data:  lmi$H_DaysWornN_over10h and lmi$SMSg4
## X-squared = 8.9596, df = 7, p-value = 0.2556
# Create data matrix for Bayesian contingency tables:
table.dayswornbf <- table(data.frame(lmi$H_DaysWornN_over10h, lmi$SMSg4))

# Bayes factor for the contingency tables with default prior concentration:
dayswornbf <- contingencyTableBF(table.dayswornbf, sampleType = "poisson")

cat(c("BF10:", extractBF(dayswornbf)$bf %>% round(4)))
## BF10: 0.0386
## Bayes factor analysis
## --------------
## [1] Indep. (a=1) : 25.87487 ±0%
## Against denominator:
##   Alternative, non-independence, a = 1 
## ---
## Bayes factor type: BFcontingencyTable, poisson
# Create a vector of different prior concentrations:
priorWidths <- c(seq(1, 1.25, by = 0.001), seq(1.25, 2, by = 0.01))

# Save the BFs calculated w/ each concentration:
bayesFactors <- sapply(priorWidths, function(ownprior) {
    extractBF(contingencyTableBF(table.dayswornbf, sampleType = "poisson", priorConcentration = ownprior))$bf

bayesFactors2 <- 1/bayesFactors
# Make a data frame for ggplot
plotdf <- data.frame(priorWidths, bayesFactors2)

# Plot BFs with different priors:
plot1 <- ggplot(data = plotdf, aes(x = priorWidths, y = bayesFactors2, group = 1)) + 
    ylim(0, max(bayesFactors2)) +
    xlim(1, 2) +
    geom_line() +
    geom_hline(yintercept = 0, colour = "azure4") +
    xlab("Prior Width") +
    ylab("BF01") +

# Dashed line for BF01 = 1/10, indicating strong evidence for alternative.
plot2 <- plot1 + geom_hline(yintercept = 1/10, linetype = "dashed", colour = "darkgrey") 

# Dashed line for BF01 = 10, indicating strong evidence for null.
plot2 + geom_hline(yintercept = 10, linetype = "dashed", colour = "darkgrey") 

Other exploratory analyses:

In addition, we investigated all bivariate correlations between wear time and questionnaire measures, as well as bioimpedance results, in the hope of creating hypotheses for falsification with new data. We discovered only low, presumably spurious, correlations. All of these were of order tau < 0.15. “Significant” items included doing PA because others say one should do so, self-reported sitting during class and using memory cues to carry out PA plans.

Session information

The code block shows all installed packages and the session information of the computer this was run on.

##  setting  value                       
##  version  R version 3.5.0 (2018-04-23)
##  system   x86_64, mingw32             
##  ui       RStudio (1.1.453)           
##  language (EN)                        
##  collate  Finnish_Finland.1252        
##  tz       Europe/Helsinki             
##  date     2018-08-01                  
##  package             * version    date      
##  abind                 1.4-5      2016-07-21
##  assertthat            0.2.0      2017-04-11
##  backports             1.1.2      2017-12-13
##  base                * 3.5.0      2018-04-23
##  BayesFactor         * 0.9.12-4.2 2018-05-19
##  BiasedUrn             1.07       2015-12-28
##  bindr                 0.1.1      2018-03-13
##  bindrcpp            * 0.2.2      2018-03-29
##  brew                  1.0-6      2011-04-13
##  broom               * 0.4.4      2018-03-29
##  car                 * 3.0-0      2018-04-02
##  carData             * 3.0-1      2018-03-28
##  cellranger            1.1.0      2016-07-27
##  circlize            * 0.4.4      2018-06-10
##  cli                   1.0.0      2017-11-05
##  coda                * 0.19-1     2016-12-08
##  codetools             0.2-15     2016-10-05
##  colorspace            1.3-2      2016-12-14
##  compiler              3.5.0      2018-04-23
##  contfrac              1.1-12     2018-05-17
##  crayon                1.3.4      2017-09-16
##  curl                  3.2        2018-03-28
##  data.table            1.11.4     2018-05-27
##  data.tree             0.7.6      2018-06-16
##  datasets            * 3.5.0      2018-04-23
##  deSolve               1.21       2018-05-09
##  devtools            * 1.13.6     2018-06-27
##  DiagrammeR            1.0.0      2018-03-01
##  digest                0.6.15     2018-01-28
##  diptest               0.75-7     2016-12-05
##  downloader            0.4        2015-07-09
##  dplyr               * 0.7.6      2018-06-29
##  elliptic              1.3-7      2016-05-26
##  evaluate              0.10.1     2017-06-24
##  fBasics               3042.89    2017-11-17
##  forcats             * 0.3.0      2018-02-19
##  foreign               0.8-70     2017-11-28
##  GGally                1.4.0      2018-05-17
##  ggplot2             * 2018-06-30
##  ggrepel               0.8.0      2018-05-09
##  ggridges              0.5.0      2018-04-05
##  GlobalOptions         0.1.0      2018-06-09
##  glue                  1.2.0      2017-10-29
##  GPArotation           2014.11-1  2014-11-25
##  graphics            * 3.5.0      2018-04-23
##  grDevices           * 3.5.0      2018-04-23
##  grid                  3.5.0      2018-04-23
##  gridExtra             2.3        2017-09-09
##  gtable                0.2.0      2016-02-26
##  gtools                3.8.1      2018-06-26
##  haven                 1.1.2      2018-06-27
##  hms                   0.4.2      2018-03-10
##  htmltools             0.3.6      2017-04-28
##  htmlwidgets           1.2        2018-04-19
##  httr                  1.3.1      2017-08-20
##  hypergeo            * 1.2-13     2016-04-07
##  igraph                1.2.1      2018-03-10
##  influenceR            0.1.0      2015-09-03
##  jpeg                * 0.1-8      2014-01-23
##  jsonlite              1.5        2017-06-01
##  knitr                 1.20       2018-02-20
##  labeling              0.3        2014-08-23
##  lattice               0.20-35    2017-03-25
##  lavaan                0.6-1      2018-05-22
##  lazyeval              0.2.1      2017-10-29
##  lme4                * 1.1-17     2018-04-03
##  lubridate             1.7.4      2018-04-11
##  magrittr              1.5        2014-11-22
##  MASS                * 7.3-50     2018-04-30
##  Matrix              * 1.2-14     2018-04-13
##  MatrixModels          0.4-1      2015-08-22
##  MBESS                 4.4.3      2018-01-10
##  memoise               1.1.0      2017-04-21
##  methods             * 3.5.0      2018-04-23
##  minpack.lm            1.2-1      2016-11-20
##  minqa                 1.2.4      2014-10-09
##  mnormt                1.5-5      2016-10-15
##  modelr                0.1.2      2018-05-11
##  munsell               0.5.0      2018-06-12
##  mvtnorm             * 1.0-8      2018-05-31
##  nlme                * 3.1-137    2018-04-07
##  nloptr                1.0.4      2017-08-22
##  openxlsx              4.1.0      2018-05-26
##  pacman              * 0.4.6      2017-05-14
##  pander                0.6.1      2017-08-06
##  papaja              * 2018-03-04
##  parallel              3.5.0      2018-04-23
##  pbapply               1.3-4      2018-01-10
##  pbivnorm              0.6.0      2015-01-23
##  pillar                1.2.3      2018-05-25
##  pkgconfig             2.0.1      2017-03-21
##  plyr                  1.8.4      2016-06-08
##  psych                 1.8.4      2018-05-06
##  purrr               * 0.2.5      2018-05-29
##  pwr                 * 1.2-2      2018-03-03
##  R6                    2.2.2      2017-06-17
##  RColorBrewer        * 1.1-2      2014-12-07
##  Rcpp                * 0.12.17    2018-05-18
##  readr               * 1.1.1      2017-05-16
##  readxl                1.1.0      2018-04-20
##  reshape               0.8.7      2017-08-06
##  reshape2              1.4.3      2017-12-11
##  rgexf                 0.15.3     2015-03-24
##  rio                   0.5.10     2018-03-29
##  rlang                 0.2.1      2018-05-30
##  rmarkdown             1.10       2018-06-11
##  Rook                  1.1-1      2014-10-20
##  rprojroot             1.3-2      2018-01-03
##  rstudioapi            0.7        2017-09-07
##  rvest                 0.3.2      2016-06-17
##  scales                0.5.0      2017-08-24
##  SCRT                  1.2.2      2018-03-07
##  shape                 1.4.4      2018-02-07
##  sm                  * 2.2-5.5    2018-05-06
##  spatial               7.3-11     2015-08-30
##  splines               3.5.0      2018-04-23
##  stats               * 3.5.0      2018-04-23
##  stats4                3.5.0      2018-04-23
##  stringi               1.2.3      2018-06-12
##  stringr             * 1.3.1      2018-05-10
##  SuppDists             1.1-9.4    2016-09-23
##  tcltk                 3.5.0      2018-04-23
##  tibble              * 1.4.2      2018-01-22
##  tidyr               * 0.8.1      2018-05-18
##  tidyselect            0.2.4      2018-02-26
##  tidyverse           * 1.2.1      2017-11-14
##  timeDate              3043.102   2018-02-21
##  timeSeries            3042.102   2017-11-17
##  tinytex               0.5        2018-04-16
##  tools                 3.5.0      2018-04-23
##  TOSTER              * 0.3.3      2018-05-08
##  userfriendlyscience * 0.7.1      2018-05-02
##  utils               * 3.5.0      2018-04-23
##  viridis             * 0.5.1      2018-03-29
##  viridisLite         * 0.3.0      2018-02-01
##  visNetwork            2.0.4      2018-06-14
##  withr                 2.1.2      2018-03-15
##  XML                   3.98-1.11  2018-04-16
##  xml2                  1.2.0      2018-01-24
##  xtable                1.8-2      2016-02-05
##  yaml                  2.1.19     2018-05-01
##  yarrr               * 0.1.5      2017-04-19
##  zip                   1.0.0      2017-04-25
##  source                            
##  CRAN (R 3.5.0)                    
##  CRAN (R 3.5.0)                    
##  CRAN (R 3.5.0)                    
##  local                             
##  CRAN (R 3.5.0)                    
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##  local                             
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##  CRAN (R 3.5.0)                    
##  CRAN (R 3.5.0)                    
##  Github (tidyverse/ggplot2@348b26f)
##  CRAN (R 3.5.0)                    
##  CRAN (R 3.5.0)                    
##  CRAN (R 3.5.1)                    
##  CRAN (R 3.5.0)                    
##  CRAN (R 3.5.0)                    
##  local                             
##  local                             
##  local                             
##  CRAN (R 3.5.0)                    
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##  local                             
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##  CRAN (R 3.5.0)                    
##  CRAN (R 3.5.0)                    
##  Github (crsh/papaja@ae39c13)      
##  local                             
##  CRAN (R 3.5.0)                    
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