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base repository: jruby/jruby
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head repository: jruby/jruby
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compare: b70c8f5c16e9
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  • 5 commits
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  • 1 contributor

Commits on Jan 11, 2018

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion core/src/main/java/org/jruby/
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@@ -1604,7 +1604,7 @@ private static final int ASCGET(boolean acompat, byte[] sBytes, int s, int e, in

// rb_reg_regsub
static RubyString regsub19(ThreadContext context, RubyString str, RubyString src, Matcher matcher, Regex pattern) {
static RubyString regsub(ThreadContext context, RubyString str, RubyString src, Matcher matcher, Regex pattern) {
Ruby runtime = context.runtime;

RubyString val = null;
100 changes: 50 additions & 50 deletions core/src/main/java/org/jruby/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -2529,7 +2529,7 @@ private IRubyObject subBangIter(Ruby runtime, ThreadContext context, IRubyObject
Encoding enc = value.getEncoding();
final Matcher matcher = prepared.matcher(bytes, begin, range);

if (RubyRegexp.matcherSearch(runtime, matcher, begin, range, Option.NONE) >= 0) {
if (RubyRegexp.matcherSearch(context, matcher, begin, range, Option.NONE) >= 0) {
RubyMatchData match = RubyRegexp.createMatchData(context, this, matcher, pattern);
match.regexp = regexp;
@@ -2550,7 +2550,7 @@ private IRubyObject subBangIter(Ruby runtime, ThreadContext context, IRubyObject

return subBangCommon(context, mBeg, mEnd, repl, tuFlags | repl.flags);
return context.setBackRef(runtime.getNil());
return context.setBackRef(context.nil);

private IRubyObject subBangNoIter(Ruby runtime, ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, RubyString repl) {
@@ -2563,7 +2563,7 @@ private IRubyObject subBangNoIter(Ruby runtime, ThreadContext context, IRubyObje
final Matcher matcher = prepared.matcher(value.getUnsafeBytes(), begin, range);

if (RubyRegexp.matcherSearch(context, matcher, begin, range, Option.NONE) >= 0) {
repl = RubyRegexp.regsub19(context, repl, this, matcher, pattern);
repl = RubyRegexp.regsub(context, repl, this, matcher, pattern);
RubyMatchData match = RubyRegexp.createMatchData(context, this, matcher, pattern);
match.regexp = regexp;
@@ -2629,60 +2629,60 @@ private Encoding subBangVerifyEncoding(ThreadContext context, final RubyString r
return repl.value.getEncoding();

/** rb_str_gsub / rb_str_gsub_bang
public IRubyObject gsub(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, Block block) {
return gsub19(context, arg0, block);
public IRubyObject gsub19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, Block block) {
return gsub(context, arg0, block);

public IRubyObject gsub(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, Block block) {
return gsub19(context, arg0, arg1, block);
public IRubyObject gsub19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, Block block) {
return gsub(context, arg0, arg1, block);

public IRubyObject gsub_bang(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, Block block) {
return gsub_bang19(context, arg0, block);
public IRubyObject gsub_bang19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, Block block) {
return gsub_bang(context, arg0, block);

public IRubyObject gsub_bang(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, Block block) {
return gsub_bang19(context, arg0, arg1, block);
public IRubyObject gsub_bang19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, Block block) {
return gsub_bang(context, arg0, arg1, block);

@JRubyMethod(name = "gsub", reads = BACKREF, writes = BACKREF)
public IRubyObject gsub19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, Block block) {
public IRubyObject gsub(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, Block block) {
return block.isGiven() ? gsubCommon19(context, block, null, null, arg0, false, 0) : enumeratorize(context.runtime, this, "gsub", arg0);

@JRubyMethod(name = "gsub", reads = BACKREF, writes = BACKREF)
public IRubyObject gsub19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, Block block) {
return gsub19(context, arg0, arg1, block, false);
public IRubyObject gsub(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, Block block) {
return gsubImpl(context, arg0, arg1, block, false);

@JRubyMethod(name = "gsub!", reads = BACKREF, writes = BACKREF)
public IRubyObject gsub_bang19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, Block block) {
public IRubyObject gsub_bang(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, Block block) {
return block.isGiven() ? gsubCommon19(context, block, null, null, arg0, true, 0) : enumeratorize(context.runtime, this, "gsub!", arg0);

@JRubyMethod(name = "gsub!", reads = BACKREF, writes = BACKREF)
public IRubyObject gsub_bang19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, Block block) {
public IRubyObject gsub_bang(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, Block block) {
return gsub19(context, arg0, arg1, block, true);
return gsubImpl(context, arg0, arg1, block, true);

private IRubyObject gsub19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, Block block, final boolean bang) {
Ruby runtime = context.runtime;
IRubyObject tryHash = TypeConverter.convertToTypeWithCheck(context, arg1, runtime.getHash(), sites(context).to_hash_checked);
private IRubyObject gsubImpl(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1, Block block, final boolean bang) {
IRubyObject tryHash = TypeConverter.convertToTypeWithCheck(context, arg1, context.runtime.getHash(), sites(context).to_hash_checked);

final RubyHash hash;
final RubyString str;
final int tuFlags;
if (tryHash.isNil()) {
if (tryHash == context.nil) {
hash = null;
str = arg1.convertToString();
tuFlags = str.flags;
} else {
hash = (RubyHash)tryHash;
hash = (RubyHash) tryHash;
str = null;
tuFlags = hash.flags & TAINTED_F;
@@ -2729,7 +2729,7 @@ private IRubyObject gsubCommon19(ThreadContext context, Block block, RubyString
int endz = matcher.getEnd();

if (repl != null) { // string given
val = RubyRegexp.regsub19(context, repl, this, matcher, pattern);
val = RubyRegexp.regsub(context, repl, this, matcher, pattern);
} else {
final RubyString substr = makeShared(runtime, begz, endz - begz);
if (hash != null) { // hash given
@@ -2782,34 +2782,35 @@ private IRubyObject gsubCommon19(ThreadContext context, Block block, RubyString
/** rb_str_index_m
public IRubyObject index(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0) {
return index19(context, arg0);

public IRubyObject index(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1) {
return index19(context, arg0, arg1);

@JRubyMethod(name = "index", reads = BACKREF, writes = BACKREF)
public IRubyObject index19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0) {
return indexCommon19(context.runtime, context, arg0, 0);
public IRubyObject index(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0) {
return indexCommon19(context, arg0, 0);

@JRubyMethod(name = "index", reads = BACKREF, writes = BACKREF)
public IRubyObject index19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1) {
public IRubyObject index(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1) {
int pos = RubyNumeric.num2int(arg1);
Ruby runtime = context.runtime;
if (pos < 0) {
pos += strLength();
if (pos < 0) {
if (arg0 instanceof RubyRegexp) context.setBackRef(runtime.getNil());
return runtime.getNil();
if (arg0 instanceof RubyRegexp) context.setBackRef(context.nil);
return context.nil;
return indexCommon19(runtime, context, arg0, pos);
return indexCommon19(context, arg0, pos);

public IRubyObject index19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0) {
return index(context, arg0);

public IRubyObject index19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject arg0, IRubyObject arg1) {
return index(context, arg0, arg1);

private IRubyObject indexCommon19(Ruby runtime, ThreadContext context, IRubyObject sub, int pos) {
private IRubyObject indexCommon19(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject sub, int pos) {
if (sub instanceof RubyRegexp) {
if (pos > strLength()) return context.nil;
RubyRegexp regSub = (RubyRegexp) sub;
@@ -2825,12 +2826,12 @@ private IRubyObject indexCommon19(Ruby runtime, ThreadContext context, IRubyObje
pos = subLength(pos);
} else {
IRubyObject tmp = sub.checkStringType();
if (tmp.isNil()) throw runtime.newTypeError("type mismatch: " + sub.getMetaClass().getName() + " given");
if (tmp == context.nil) throw context.runtime.newTypeError("type mismatch: " + sub.getMetaClass().getName() + " given");
pos = StringSupport.index(this, (RubyString) tmp, pos, this.checkEncoding((RubyString) tmp));
pos = subLength(pos);

return pos == -1 ? runtime.getNil() : RubyFixnum.newFixnum(runtime, pos);
return pos == -1 ? context.nil : RubyFixnum.newFixnum(context.runtime, pos);

// MRI: rb_strseq_index
@@ -3020,7 +3021,7 @@ public final IRubyObject substr19(Ruby runtime, int beg, int len) {
if (beg + len > length) len = length - beg;
if (len <= 0) len = beg = 0;
return makeShared19(runtime, beg, len);
return makeShared(runtime, beg, len);
} else {
if (beg + len > length) len = length - beg;
return multibyteSubstr19(runtime, enc, len, beg, length);
@@ -3078,8 +3079,6 @@ private IRubyObject multibyteSubstr19(Ruby runtime, Encoding enc, int len, int b
/* rb_str_splice */
private IRubyObject replaceInternal(int beg, int len, RubyString repl) {
StringSupport.replaceInternal(beg, len, this, repl);

// TODO (nirvdrum 13-Jan-15) This should be part of the StringSupport definition but a general notion of tainted needs to emerge first.
return infectBy(repl);

@@ -5330,13 +5329,14 @@ private RubySymbol checkSpecialCasesIntern(ByteList value) {
return null;

@JRubyMethod(name = {"to_sym", "intern"})
public RubySymbol intern() {
return intern19();
return to_sym();

@JRubyMethod(name = {"to_sym", "intern"})
public RubySymbol intern19() {
return to_sym();
return intern();

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion core/src/main/java/org/jruby/runtime/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ public final class Frame {
private IRubyObject lastLine;

/** whether this frame has been captured into a binding **/
private boolean captured;
boolean captured;

/** A dummy frame **/
public static final Frame DUMMY = new Frame();