#!/bin/bash ################################################################################################# To execute this script run: # /bin/bash -c "$(curl -sL https://git.io/vMvoB)" ################################################################################################ set -u # Bug tracker URL BUG_TRACKER="https://github.com/fusion809/fedora-scripts/issues/new" # Messages for user printf '\e[1;35m%-0s\e[m' "Welcome to fusion809's shell script installer for Broadcom Wireless drivers on Fedora." printf "\n" printf '\e[1;32m%-0s\e[m' "If you experience any bugs please report them at $BUG_TRACKER." printf "\n" URL="https://download1.rpmfusion.org" # Determine the release of Fedora we're operating on. FEDORA_VERSION=$(lsb_release -a | grep 'Release' | cut -d ':' -f 2 | sed 's/\s//g') printf '\e[1;35m%-0s\e[m' "From what we can tell you are running Fedora ${FEDORA_VERSION}, if this is incorrect please report it at $BUG_TRACKER." printf "\n" # Define alias to save space later alias sdiy=`sudo dnf install -y` # Install RPMFusion repos printf '\e[1;35m%-0s\e[m' "Installing RPMFusion repos..." printf "\n" sdiy $URL/nonfree/fedora/rpmfusion-nonfree-release-${FEDORA_VERSION}.noarch.rpm $URL/free/fedora/rpmfusion-free-release-${FEDORA_VERSION}.noarch.rpm # Upgrade packages printf '\e[1;35m%-0s\e[m' "Updating all installed packages..." printf "\n" sudo dnf update -y # Install broadcom-wl printf '\e[1;35m%-0s\e[m' "Installing broadcom-wl and kernel-devel..." printf "\n" sdiy broadcom-wl kernel-devel # modprobe broadcom-wl printf '\e[1;35m%-0s\e[m' 'Probing the wl module...' printf "\n" sudo akmods --force --kernel `uname -r` --akmod wl sudo modprobe -a wl || printf '\e[1;31m%-0s\e[m' "modprobe failed. Please report this at :$BUG_TRACKER." && printf "\n"