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base repository: jruby/jruby
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base: 7b755ba55a9c
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head repository: jruby/jruby
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compare: a698e782b375
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  • 3 commits
  • 9 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Dec 23, 2016

  1. Copy the full SHA
    1f211fd View commit details
  2. Copy the full SHA
    bc41c32 View commit details
  3. Copy the full SHA
    a698e78 View commit details
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -47,10 +47,12 @@
import org.joni.WarnCallback;
import org.joni.exception.JOniException;
import org.jruby.truffle.RubyContext;
import org.jruby.truffle.core.rope.CodeRange;
import org.jruby.truffle.core.rope.Rope;
import org.jruby.truffle.core.rope.RopeConstants;
import org.jruby.truffle.core.rope.RopeOperations;
import org.jruby.truffle.core.string.ByteList;
import org.jruby.truffle.core.string.ByteListKey;
import org.jruby.truffle.core.string.EncodingUtils;
import org.jruby.truffle.core.string.StringOperations;
import org.jruby.truffle.core.string.StringSupport;
import org.jruby.truffle.parser.ReOptions;
import org.jruby.truffle.collections.WeakValuedMap;
@@ -59,14 +61,12 @@
import java.util.Iterator;

import static org.jruby.truffle.core.rope.CodeRange.CR_7BIT;
import static org.jruby.truffle.core.rope.CodeRange.CR_BROKEN;
import static org.jruby.truffle.core.string.StringSupport.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY;
import static org.jruby.truffle.core.string.StringSupport.codeRangeScan;

public class ClassicRegexp implements ReOptions {
private final RubyContext context;
private Regex pattern;
private ByteList str = ByteList.EMPTY_BYTELIST;
private Rope str = RopeConstants.EMPTY_UTF8_ROPE;
private RegexpOptions options;

public void setLiteral() {
@@ -153,20 +153,20 @@ public Integer run(Object context, Matcher matcher) throws InterruptedException
this.options = new RegexpOptions();

private ClassicRegexp(RubyContext context, ByteList str, RegexpOptions options) {
private ClassicRegexp(RubyContext context, Rope str, RegexpOptions options) {

regexpInitialize(str, str.getEncoding(), options);

// used only by the compiler/interpreter (will set the literal flag)
public static ClassicRegexp newRegexp(RubyContext runtime, ByteList pattern, int options) {
public static ClassicRegexp newRegexp(RubyContext runtime, Rope pattern, int options) {
return newRegexp(runtime, pattern, RegexpOptions.fromEmbeddedOptions(options));

// used only by the compiler/interpreter (will set the literal flag)
public static ClassicRegexp newRegexp(RubyContext runtime, ByteList pattern, RegexpOptions options) {
public static ClassicRegexp newRegexp(RubyContext runtime, Rope pattern, RegexpOptions options) {
//try {
return new ClassicRegexp(runtime, pattern, (RegexpOptions)options.clone());
//} catch (RaiseException re) {
@@ -179,23 +179,23 @@ public static ClassicRegexp newRegexp(RubyContext runtime, ByteList pattern, Reg
* error as opposed to any non-literal regexp creation which may raise a syntax error but will not
* have this extra source info in the error message
public static ClassicRegexp newRegexpParser(RubyContext runtime, ByteList pattern, RegexpOptions options) {
public static ClassicRegexp newRegexpParser(RubyContext runtime, Rope pattern, RegexpOptions options) {
return new ClassicRegexp(runtime, pattern, (RegexpOptions)options.clone());

private static void preprocessLight(RubyContext context, ByteList str, Encoding enc, Encoding[]fixedEnc, RegexpSupport.ErrorMode mode) {
private static void preprocessLight(RubyContext context, Rope str, Encoding enc, Encoding[]fixedEnc, RegexpSupport.ErrorMode mode) {
if (enc.isAsciiCompatible()) {
fixedEnc[0] = null;
} else {
fixedEnc[0] = enc;

boolean hasProperty = unescapeNonAscii(context, null, str.getUnsafeBytes(), str.getBegin(), str.getBegin() + str.getRealSize(), enc, fixedEnc, str, mode);
boolean hasProperty = unescapeNonAscii(context, null, str.getBytes(), 0, str.byteLength(), enc, fixedEnc, str, mode);
if (hasProperty && fixedEnc[0] == null) fixedEnc[0] = enc;

public static boolean unescapeNonAscii(RubyContext context, ByteList to, byte[] bytes, int p, int end, Encoding enc, Encoding[] encp, ByteList str, RegexpSupport.ErrorMode mode) {
public static boolean unescapeNonAscii(RubyContext context, ByteList to, byte[] bytes, int p, int end, Encoding enc, Encoding[] encp, Rope str, RegexpSupport.ErrorMode mode) {
boolean hasProperty = false;
byte[] buf = null;

@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ public static boolean unescapeNonAscii(RubyContext context, ByteList to, byte[]
return hasProperty;

private static int unescapeUnicodeBmp(RubyContext context, ByteList to, byte[] bytes, int p, int end, Encoding[] encp, ByteList str, RegexpSupport.ErrorMode mode) {
private static int unescapeUnicodeBmp(RubyContext context, ByteList to, byte[] bytes, int p, int end, Encoding[] encp, Rope str, RegexpSupport.ErrorMode mode) {
if (p + 4 > end) raisePreprocessError(context, str, "invalid Unicode escape", mode);
int code = StringSupport.scanHex(bytes, p, 4);
int len = StringSupport.hexLength(bytes, p, 4);
@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ private static int unescapeUnicodeBmp(RubyContext context, ByteList to, byte[] b
return p + 4;

private static int unescapeUnicodeList(RubyContext context, ByteList to, byte[]bytes, int p, int end, Encoding[]encp, ByteList str, RegexpSupport.ErrorMode mode) {
private static int unescapeUnicodeList(RubyContext context, ByteList to, byte[]bytes, int p, int end, Encoding[]encp, Rope str, RegexpSupport.ErrorMode mode) {
while (p < end && ASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE.isSpace(bytes[p] & 0xff)) p++;

boolean hasUnicode = false;
@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ private static int unescapeUnicodeList(RubyContext context, ByteList to, byte[]b
return p;

private static void appendUtf8(RubyContext context, ByteList to, int code, Encoding[] enc, ByteList str, RegexpSupport.ErrorMode mode) {
private static void appendUtf8(RubyContext context, ByteList to, int code, Encoding[] enc, Rope str, RegexpSupport.ErrorMode mode) {
checkUnicodeRange(context, code, str, mode);

if (code < 0x80) {
@@ -363,14 +363,14 @@ public static int utf8Decode(RubyContext context, byte[]to, int p, int code) {
throw new org.jruby.truffle.language.control.RaiseException(context.getCoreExceptions().rangeError("pack(U): value out of range", null));

private static void checkUnicodeRange(RubyContext context, int code, ByteList str, RegexpSupport.ErrorMode mode) {
private static void checkUnicodeRange(RubyContext context, int code, Rope str, RegexpSupport.ErrorMode mode) {
// Unicode is can be only 21 bits long, int is enough
if ((0xd800 <= code && code <= 0xdfff) /* Surrogates */ || 0x10ffff < code) {
raisePreprocessError(context, str, "invalid Unicode range", mode);

private static int unescapeEscapedNonAscii(RubyContext context, ByteList to, byte[]bytes, int p, int end, Encoding enc, Encoding[]encp, ByteList str, RegexpSupport.ErrorMode mode) {
private static int unescapeEscapedNonAscii(RubyContext context, ByteList to, byte[]bytes, int p, int end, Encoding enc, Encoding[]encp, Rope str, RegexpSupport.ErrorMode mode) {
byte[]chBuf = new byte[enc.maxLength()];
int chLen = 0;

@@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ private static int unescapeEscapedNonAscii(RubyContext context, ByteList to, byt
return p;

public static int raisePreprocessError(RubyContext context, ByteList str, String err, RegexpSupport.ErrorMode mode) {
public static int raisePreprocessError(RubyContext context, Rope str, String err, RegexpSupport.ErrorMode mode) {
switch (mode) {
case RAISE:
throw new org.jruby.truffle.language.control.RaiseException(context.getCoreExceptions().regexpError(err, null));
@@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ public static int raisePreprocessError(RubyContext context, ByteList str, String

public static int readEscapedByte(RubyContext context, byte[] to, int toP, byte[] bytes, int p, int end, ByteList str, RegexpSupport.ErrorMode mode) {
public static int readEscapedByte(RubyContext context, byte[] to, int toP, byte[] bytes, int p, int end, Rope str, RegexpSupport.ErrorMode mode) {
if (p == end || bytes[p++] != (byte)'\\') raisePreprocessError(context, str, "too short escaped multibyte character", mode);

boolean metaPrefix = false, ctrlPrefix = false;
@@ -490,12 +490,12 @@ public static int readEscapedByte(RubyContext context, byte[] to, int toP, byte[
} // while

public static void preprocessCheck(RubyContext runtime, ByteList bytes) {
public static void preprocessCheck(RubyContext runtime, Rope bytes) {
preprocess(runtime, bytes, bytes.getEncoding(), new Encoding[]{null}, RegexpSupport.ErrorMode.RAISE);

public static ByteList preprocess(RubyContext runtime, ByteList str, Encoding enc, Encoding[] fixedEnc, RegexpSupport.ErrorMode mode) {
ByteList to = new ByteList(str.getRealSize());
public static ByteList preprocess(RubyContext runtime, Rope str, Encoding enc, Encoding[] fixedEnc, RegexpSupport.ErrorMode mode) {
ByteList to = new ByteList(str.byteLength());

if (enc.isAsciiCompatible()) {
fixedEnc[0] = null;
@@ -504,24 +504,24 @@ public static ByteList preprocess(RubyContext runtime, ByteList str, Encoding en

boolean hasProperty = unescapeNonAscii(runtime, to, str.getUnsafeBytes(), str.getBegin(), str.getBegin() + str.getRealSize(), enc, fixedEnc, str, mode);
boolean hasProperty = unescapeNonAscii(runtime, to, str.getBytes(), 0, str.byteLength(), enc, fixedEnc, str, mode);
if (hasProperty && fixedEnc[0] == null) fixedEnc[0] = enc;
if (fixedEnc[0] != null) to.setEncoding(fixedEnc[0]);
return to;

public static ByteList preprocessDRegexp(RubyContext context, ByteList[] strings, RegexpOptions options) {
public static ByteList preprocessDRegexp(RubyContext context, Rope[] strings, RegexpOptions options) {
ByteList string = null;
Encoding regexpEnc = null;

for (int i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) {
ByteList str = strings[i];
Rope str = strings[i];
final Encoding[] encodingHolder = new Encoding[]{null};
regexpEnc = processDRegexpElement(context, options, regexpEnc, encodingHolder, str);
if (string == null) {
string = str.dup();
string = RopeOperations.getByteListReadOnly(str);
} else {

@@ -530,11 +530,11 @@ public static ByteList preprocessDRegexp(RubyContext context, ByteList[] strings
return string;

private static Encoding processDRegexpElement(RubyContext context, RegexpOptions options, Encoding regexpEnc, Encoding[] fixedEnc, ByteList str) {
private static Encoding processDRegexpElement(RubyContext context, RegexpOptions options, Encoding regexpEnc, Encoding[] fixedEnc, Rope str) {
Encoding strEnc = str.getEncoding();

if (options.isEncodingNone() && strEnc != ASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE) {
if (scanForCodeRange(str) != CR_7BIT) {
if (str.getCodeRange() != CR_7BIT) {
throw new org.jruby.truffle.language.control.RaiseException(context.getCoreExceptions().regexpError("/.../n has a non escaped non ASCII character in non ASCII-8BIT script", null));
strEnc = ASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE;
@@ -554,25 +554,14 @@ private static Encoding processDRegexpElement(RubyContext context, RegexpOptions
return regexpEnc;

private static CodeRange scanForCodeRange(ByteList str) {
CodeRange cr;
Encoding enc = str.getEncoding();
if (enc.minLength() > 1 && enc.isDummy()) {
} else {
cr = codeRangeScan(EncodingUtils.getActualEncoding(enc, str), str);
return cr;

/** rb_reg_quote
private static final int QUOTED_V = 11;
public static ByteList quote19(ByteList bs, boolean asciiOnly) {
int p = bs.getBegin();
int end = p + bs.getRealSize();
byte[] bytes = bs.getUnsafeBytes();
public static Rope quote19(Rope bs, boolean asciiOnly) {
int p = 0;
int end = bs.byteLength();
byte[] bytes = bs.getBytes();
Encoding enc = bs.getEncoding();

metaFound: do {
@@ -604,18 +593,16 @@ public static ByteList quote19(ByteList bs, boolean asciiOnly) {
p += cl;
if (asciiOnly) {
ByteList tmp = bs.shallowDup();
return tmp;
return bs.withEncoding(USASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE, CR_7BIT);
return bs;
} while (false);

ByteList result = new ByteList(end * 2);
result.setEncoding(asciiOnly ? USASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE : bs.getEncoding());
byte[]obytes = result.getUnsafeBytes();
int op = p - bs.getBegin();
System.arraycopy(bytes, bs.getBegin(), obytes, 0, op);
int op = p;
System.arraycopy(bytes, 0, obytes, 0, op);

while (p < end) {
final int c;
@@ -671,11 +658,11 @@ public static ByteList quote19(ByteList bs, boolean asciiOnly) {

return result;
return StringOperations.ropeFromByteList(result);

// rb_reg_initialize
public ClassicRegexp regexpInitialize(ByteList bytes, Encoding enc, RegexpOptions options) {
public ClassicRegexp regexpInitialize(Rope bytes, Encoding enc, RegexpOptions options) {
this.options = options;

@@ -718,9 +705,9 @@ public static void appendOptions(ByteList to, RegexpOptions options) {
public ByteList toByteList() {
RegexpOptions newOptions = (RegexpOptions)options.clone();
int p = str.getBegin();
int len = str.getRealSize();
byte[] bytes = str.getUnsafeBytes();
int p = 0;
int len = str.byteLength();
byte[] bytes = str.getBytes();

ByteList result = new ByteList(len);
@@ -777,8 +764,8 @@ public ByteList toByteList() {

if (err) {
newOptions = options;
p = str.getBegin();
len = str.getRealSize();
p = 0;
len = str.byteLength();

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -47,10 +47,10 @@ public Object execute(VirtualFrame frame) {

private DynamicObject createRegexp(DynamicObject[] parts) {
final ByteList[] strings = new ByteList[children.length];
final Rope[] strings = new Rope[children.length];

for (int n = 0; n < children.length; n++) {
strings[n] = StringOperations.getByteListReadOnly(parts[n]);
strings[n] = StringOperations.rope(parts[n]);

final ByteList preprocessed = ClassicRegexp.preprocessDRegexp(getContext(), strings, options);
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -34,7 +34,6 @@
import org.jruby.truffle.core.cast.TaintResultNode;
import org.jruby.truffle.core.cast.ToIntNode;
import org.jruby.truffle.core.rope.Rope;
import org.jruby.truffle.core.string.ByteList;
import org.jruby.truffle.core.string.StringGuards;
import org.jruby.truffle.core.string.StringOperations;
import org.jruby.truffle.core.string.StringSupport;
@@ -86,13 +85,13 @@ public static Object end(RubyContext context, DynamicObject matchData, int index
return e;

private static void updatePairs(ByteList source, Encoding encoding, Pair[] pairs) {
private static void updatePairs(Rope source, Encoding encoding, Pair[] pairs) {
// Taken from org.jruby.RubyMatchData

int length = pairs.length;
byte[]bytes = source.getUnsafeBytes();
int p = source.getBegin();
byte[]bytes = source.getBytes();
int p = 0;
int s = p;
int c = 0;

@@ -104,7 +103,7 @@ private static void updatePairs(ByteList source, Encoding encoding, Pair[] pairs

private static Region getCharOffsetsManyRegs(DynamicObject matchData, ByteList source, Encoding encoding) {
private static Region getCharOffsetsManyRegs(DynamicObject matchData, Rope source, Encoding encoding) {
// Taken from org.jruby.RubyMatchData
final Region regs = Layouts.MATCH_DATA.getRegion(matchData);
int numRegs = regs.numRegs;
@@ -162,7 +161,7 @@ public static Region getCharOffsets(DynamicObject matchData) {

private static Region createCharOffsets(DynamicObject matchData) {
final ByteList source = StringOperations.getByteListReadOnly(Layouts.MATCH_DATA.getSource(matchData));
final Rope source = StringOperations.rope(Layouts.MATCH_DATA.getSource(matchData));
final Encoding enc = source.getEncoding();
final Region charOffsets = getCharOffsetsManyRegs(matchData, source, enc);
Layouts.MATCH_DATA.setCharOffsets(matchData, charOffsets);