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base repository: m-labs/migen
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base: 5630b7c81422
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head repository: m-labs/migen
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compare: 64341a60e5ec
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  • 2 commits
  • 2 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Jul 2, 2016

  1. Copy the full SHA
    ebac564 View commit details
  2. Copy the full SHA
    64341a6 View commit details
Showing with 45 additions and 23 deletions.
  1. +38 −16 migen/build/lattice/
  2. +7 −7 migen/build/platforms/
54 changes: 38 additions & 16 deletions migen/build/lattice/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# This file is Copyright (c) 2015 William D. Jones <>
# This file is Copyright (c) 2016 William D. Jones <>
# License: BSD

import os
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@

from import *
from import tools
from import common

def _format_constraint(c):
@@ -41,13 +40,15 @@ def _build_yosys(device, sources, vincpaths, build_name):
for filename, language, library in sources:
ys_contents += "read_{}{} {}\n".format(language, incflags, filename)

ys_contents += """synth_ice40 -top top -blif {build_name}.blif""".format(build_name=build_name)
ys_contents += """synth_ice40 -top top -blif {build_name}.blif""".format(

ys_name = build_name + ".ys"
tools.write_to_file(ys_name, ys_contents)

def _run_icestorm(build_name, source, yosys_opt, pnr_opt, icepack_opt):
def _run_icestorm(build_name, source, yosys_opt, pnr_opt,
icetime_opt, icepack_opt):
if sys.platform == "win32" or sys.platform == "cygwin":
source_cmd = "call "
script_ext = ".bat"
@@ -62,15 +63,18 @@ def _run_icestorm(build_name, source, yosys_opt, pnr_opt, icepack_opt):
fail_stmt = ""

build_script_contents += """
yosys {yosys_opt} {build_name}.ys
yosys {yosys_opt} -l {build_name}.rpt {build_name}.ys{fail_stmt}
arachne-pnr {pnr_opt} -p {build_name}.pcf {build_name}.blif -o {build_name}.txt{fail_stmt}
icetime {icetime_opt} -t -p {build_name}.pcf -r {build_name}.tim {build_name}.txt{fail_stmt}
icepack {icepack_opt} {build_name}.txt {build_name}.bin{fail_stmt}
build_script_contents = build_script_contents.format(build_name=build_name,
build_script_contents = build_script_contents.format(
yosys_opt=yosys_opt, pnr_opt=pnr_opt, icepack_opt=icepack_opt,
icetime_opt=icetime_opt, fail_stmt=fail_stmt)
build_script_file = "build_" + build_name + script_ext
tools.write_to_file(build_script_file, build_script_contents, force_unix=False)
tools.write_to_file(build_script_file, build_script_contents,
command = shell + [build_script_file]
r =
if r != 0:
@@ -80,12 +84,14 @@ def _run_icestorm(build_name, source, yosys_opt, pnr_opt, icepack_opt):
class LatticeIceStormToolchain:
def __init__(self):
self.yosys_opt = "-q"
self.pnr_opt = ""
self.pnr_opt = "-q"
self.icetime_opt = ""
self.icepack_opt = ""
self.freq_constraints = dict()

# platform.device should be of the form "ice40-{1k,8k}-{tq144, etc}""
def build(self, platform, fragment, build_dir="build", build_name="top",
cwd = os.getcwd()
@@ -99,14 +105,20 @@ def build(self, platform, fragment, build_dir="build", build_name="top",
v_file = build_name + ".v"
sources = platform.sources | {(v_file, "verilog", "work")}
_build_yosys(platform.device, sources, platform.verilog_include_paths, build_name)
_build_yosys(platform.device, sources, platform.verilog_include_paths,

tools.write_to_file(build_name + ".pcf", _build_pcf(named_sc, named_pc))
tools.write_to_file(build_name + ".pcf",
_build_pcf(named_sc, named_pc))
if run:
(family, size, package) = self.parse_device_string(platform.device)
new_pnr_opts = self.pnr_opt + " -d " + size + " -P " + package
_run_icestorm(build_name, False, self.yosys_opt, new_pnr_opts,
pnr_opt = self.pnr_opt + " -d " + size + " -P " + package
# TODO: PNR will probably eventually support LP devices.
icetime_opt = self.icetime_opt + " -P " + package + \
" -d " + "hx" + size + " -c " + \
str(max(self.freq_constraints.values(), default=0.0))
_run_icestorm(build_name, False, self.yosys_opt, pnr_opt,
icetime_opt, self.icepack_opt)


@@ -122,5 +134,15 @@ def parse_device_string(self, device_str):
raise ValueError("Invalid device package")
return (family, size, package)

# icetime can only handle a single global constraint. Pending more
# finely-tuned analysis features in arachne-pnr and IceStorm, save
# all the constraints in a dictionary and test against the fastest clk.
# Though imprecise, if the global design satisfies the fastest clock,
# we can be sure all other constraints are satisfied.
def add_period_constraint(self, platform, clk, period):
new_freq = 1000.0/period

if clk not in self.freq_constraints.keys():
self.freq_constraints[clk] = new_freq
raise ConstraintError("Period constraint already added to signal.")
14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions migen/build/platforms/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -11,13 +11,13 @@
("user_led", 4, Pins("95"), IOStandard("LVCMOS33")),

("serial", 0,
Subsignal("rx", Pins("38")),
Subsignal("tx", Pins("39"), Misc("PULLUP")),
Subsignal("rts", Pins("40"), Misc("PULLUP")),
Subsignal("cts", Pins("41"), Misc("PULLUP")),
Subsignal("dtr", Pins("43"), Misc("PULLUP")),
Subsignal("dsr", Pins("44"), Misc("PULLUP")),
Subsignal("dcd", Pins("45"), Misc("PULLUP")),
Subsignal("rx", Pins("9")),
Subsignal("tx", Pins("8"), Misc("PULLUP")),
Subsignal("rts", Pins("7"), Misc("PULLUP")),
Subsignal("cts", Pins("4"), Misc("PULLUP")),
Subsignal("dtr", Pins("3"), Misc("PULLUP")),
Subsignal("dsr", Pins("2"), Misc("PULLUP")),
Subsignal("dcd", Pins("1"), Misc("PULLUP")),