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Script/Backpan: overhaul
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mickeyn committed Jul 3, 2016
1 parent ab0cc3b commit 1175923
Showing 1 changed file with 202 additions and 40 deletions.
242 changes: 202 additions & 40 deletions lib/MetaCPAN/Script/
Expand Up @@ -3,66 +3,228 @@ package MetaCPAN::Script::Backpan;
use strict;
use warnings;

use BackPAN::Index;
use Moose;

use Log::Contextual qw( :log :dlog );
use BackPAN::Index;
use MetaCPAN::Types qw( Bool HashRef Str );

with 'MetaCPAN::Role::Script', 'MooseX::Getopt::Dashes';

has distribution => (
is => 'ro',
isa => Str,
documentation => 'work on given distribution',

has undo => (
is => 'ro',
isa => Bool,
default => 0,
documentation => 'mark releases as status=cpan',

has files_only => (
is => 'ro',
isa => Bool,
default => 0,
documentation => 'only update the "file" index',

has _cpan_files_list => (
is => 'ro',
isa => HashRef,
lazy => 1,
builder => '_build_cpan_files_list',

has _release_status => (
is => 'ro',
isa => HashRef,
default => sub { +{} },

has _bulk => (
is => 'ro',
isa => HashRef,
default => sub { +{} },

sub _build_cpan_files_list {
my $self = shift;
my $ls = $self->cpan->file(qw(indices find-ls.gz));
unless ( -e $ls ) {
log_error {"File $ls does not exist"};
log_info {"Reading $ls"};
my $cpan = {};
open my $fh, "<:gzip", $ls;
while (<$fh>) {
my $path = ( split(/\s+/) )[-1];
next unless ( $path =~ /^authors\/id\/\w+\/\w+\/(\w+)\/(.*)$/ );
$cpan->{$1}{$2} = 1;
close $fh;
return $cpan;

sub run {
my $self = shift;

my $backpan = BackPAN::Index->new( debug => 0 );
my $releases = $backpan->releases();
$self->es->trace_calls(1) if $ENV{DEBUG};

my @search;
while ( my $release = $releases->next ) {
push @search,
and => [
{ term => { 'author' => $release->cpanid } },
{ term => { 'name' => $release->distvname } },
{ not => { term => { status => 'backpan' } } },
if ( scalar @search >= 5000 ) {
@search = ();

$self->update_releases() unless $self->files_only;


$_->flush for values %{ $self->_bulk };

sub build_release_status_map {
my $self = shift;

log_info {"find_releases"};

my $scroll = $self->es->scroll_helper(
size => 500,
scroll => '5m',
index => 'cpan_v1',
type => 'release',
fields => [ 'author', 'archive', 'name' ],
body => $self->_get_release_query,

while ( my $release = $scroll->next ) {
my $author = $release->{fields}{author}[0];
my $archive = $release->{fields}{archive}[0];
my $name = $release->{fields}{name}[0];
next unless $name; # bypass some broken releases

$self->_release_status->{$author}{$name} = [
or exists $self->_cpan_files_list->{$author}{$archive}
? 'cpan'
: 'backpan',

sub _get_release_query {
my $self = shift;

unless ( $self->undo ) {
return +{
query => {
not => { term => { status => 'backpan' } }

return +{
query => {
bool => {
must => [
{ term => { status => 'backpan' } },
? {
term => { distribution => $self->distribution }
: ()

sub update_releases {
my $self = shift;

log_info {"update_releases"};

$self->_bulk->{release} ||= $self->es->bulk_helper(
index => 'cpan_v1',
type => 'release',
max_count => 250,
timeout => '5m',

for my $author ( keys %{ $self->_release_status } ) {

# value = [ status, _id ]
for ( values %{ $self->_release_status->{$author} } ) {
id => $_->[1],
doc => {
status => $_->[0],

sub update_files {
my $self = shift;

for my $author ( keys %{ $self->_release_status } ) {
my @releases = keys %{ $self->_release_status->{$author} };
while ( my @chunk = splice @releases, 0, 1000 ) {
$self->update_files_author( $author, \@chunk );
$self->update_status(@search) if @search;

sub update_status {
my $self = shift;
my @search = @_;
sub update_files_author {
my $self = shift;
my $author = shift;
my $author_releases = shift;

my $es = $self->es;
$es->trace_calls(1) if $ENV{DEBUG};
log_info { "update_files: " . $author };

my $scroll = $es->scroll_helper(
my $scroll = $self->es->scroll_helper(
size => 500,
scroll => '2m',
scroll => '5m',
index => 'cpan_v1',
type => 'release',
fields => [ 'author', 'name' ],
type => 'file',
fields => ['release'],
body => {
query => {
filtered => {
query => { match_all => {} },
filter => {
or => \@search,
bool => {
must => [
{ term => { author => $author } },
{ terms => { release => $author_releases } }

while ( my $release = $scroll->next ) {
index => 'cpan_v1',
type => 'release',
id => $release->{_id},
doc => { status => 'backpan' }
$self->_bulk->{file} ||= $self->es->bulk_helper(
index => 'cpan_v1',
type => 'file',
max_count => 250,
timeout => '5m',
my $bulk = $self->_bulk->{file};

while ( my $file = $scroll->next ) {
my $release = $file->{fields}{release}[0];
id => $file->{_id},
doc => {
status => $self->_release_status->{$author}{$release}[0]
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