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[Truffle] Cleanup, refactor and improve JRuby build with mx.
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* mx build when already built takes 2s now.
* Clearer dependencies and less dirty tricks.
eregon committed Jul 22, 2016
1 parent 26dbfa6 commit ccdfa15
Showing 2 changed files with 160 additions and 185 deletions.
273 changes: 124 additions & 149 deletions mx.jruby/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -20,220 +20,195 @@

_suite = mx.suite('jruby')

def jt(args, suite=None, nonZeroIsFatal=True, out=None, err=None, timeout=None, env=None, cwd=None):
rubyDir = _suite.dir
jt = os.path.join(rubyDir, 'tool', 'jt.rb')
return['ruby', jt] + args, nonZeroIsFatal=nonZeroIsFatal, out=out, err=err, timeout=timeout, env=env, cwd=cwd)
TimeStampFile = mx.TimeStampFile
join = os.path.join

FNULL = open(os.devnull, 'w')
# Project and BuildTask classes

class BackgroundServerTask:
def __init__(self, args):
self.args = args

def __enter__(self):
preexec_fn, creationflags = mx._get_new_progress_group_args()
if mx._opts.verbose:
mx.log(' '.join(['(background)'] + map(pipes.quote, self.args)))
self.process = subprocess.Popen(self.args, preexec_fn=preexec_fn, creationflags=creationflags, stdout=FNULL, stderr=FNULL)
mx._addSubprocess(self.process, self.args)

def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):

def is_running(self):
return self.process.poll() is None

class BackgroundJT(BackgroundServerTask):
def __init__(self, args):
rubyDir = _suite.dir
jt = os.path.join(rubyDir, 'tool', 'jt.rb')
BackgroundServerTask.__init__(self, ['ruby', jt] + args)

class MavenProject(mx.Project):
class ArchiveProject(mx.Project):
def __init__(self, suite, name, deps, workingSets, theLicense, **args):
mx.Project.__init__(self, suite, name, "", [], deps, workingSets, _suite.dir, theLicense)
self.javaCompliance = "1.7" = hasattr(args, 'build')
self.prefix = args['prefix']
assert 'prefix' in args

def source_dirs(self):
return []
def getBuildTask(self, args):
return ArchiveBuildTask(self, args)

def output_dir(self, relative=False):
dir = os.path.join(_suite.dir, self.prefix)
return dir.rstrip('/')
def isNativeProject(self):
return True # for archiving purposes

def source_gen_dir(self):
return None
def getOutput(self):
return '.'

def getOutput(self, replaceVar=False):
return os.path.join(_suite.dir, "target")
def getResults(self):
result = []
output_dir = join(_suite.dir, self.prefix)
for root, _, files in os.walk(output_dir):
for name in files:
path = join(root, name)
return result

def getResults(self, replaceVar=False):
return mx.Project.getResults(self, replaceVar=replaceVar)
class ArchiveBuildTask(mx.BuildTask):
def __init__(self, project, args):
mx.BuildTask.__init__(self, project, args, 1)

def getBuildTask(self, args):
return MavenBuildTask(self, args, None, None)
def __str__(self):
return 'Archive {}'.format(self.subject)

def isJavaProject(self):
return True
def needsBuild(self, newestInput):
return (False, 'Files are already on disk')

def archive_prefix(self):
return self.prefix
def newestOutput(self):
return TimeStampFile.newest(self.subject.getResults())

def annotation_processors(self):
return []
def build(self):

def find_classes_with_matching_source_line(self, pkgRoot, function, includeInnerClasses=False):
return dict()
def clean(self, forBuild=False):

class MavenBuildTask(mx.BuildTask):
def __init__(self, project, args, vmbuild, vm):
mx.BuildTask.__init__(self, project, args, 1)
self.vm = vm
self.vmbuild = vmbuild
class LicensesProject(ArchiveProject):
license_files = ['BSDL', 'COPYING', 'LICENSE.RUBY']

def getResults(self):
return [join(_suite.dir, f) for f in self.license_files]

# Call to Maven to build everything

class MavenProject(mx.Project):
def __init__(self, suite, name, deps, workingSets, theLicense, **args):
mx.Project.__init__(self, suite, name, "", [], deps, workingSets, _suite.dir, theLicense)
self.javaCompliance = "1.8"

def isArchiveProject(self):
return False

def getBuildTask(self, args):
return MavenBuildTask(self, args)

class MavenBuildTask(ArchiveBuildTask):
def __str__(self):
return 'Building Maven for {}'.format(self.subject)

def needsBuild(self, newestInput):
return (True, 'Let us re-build everytime')
sup = mx.BuildTask.needsBuild(self, newestInput)
if sup[0]:
return sup

jar = self.newestOutput()

if not jar.exists():
return (True, 'no jar yet')

jni_libs = join(_suite.dir, 'lib', 'jni')
if not os.path.exists(jni_libs) or not os.listdir(jni_libs):
return (True, jni_libs)

for directory in
for root, _, files in os.walk(directory):
for name in files:
#if name.endswith('.java'):
source = join(root, name)
if TimeStampFile(source).isNewerThan(jar):
return (True, source)

return (False, 'all files are up to date')

def newestOutput(self):
return None
return TimeStampFile(self.subject.jar)

def build(self):
if not
mx.log("...skip build of {}".format(self.subject))
mx.log('...perform build of {}'.format(self.subject))

rubyDir = _suite.dir
mavenDir = os.path.join(rubyDir, 'mxbuild', 'mvn')
cwd = _suite.dir
mavenDir = join(cwd, 'mxbuild', 'mvn')

# HACK: since the maven executable plugin does not configure the
# java executable that is used we unfortunately need to append it to the PATH
javaHome = os.getenv('JAVA_HOME')
if javaHome:
os.environ["PATH"] = os.environ["JAVA_HOME"] + '/bin' + os.pathsep + os.environ["PATH"]
mx.logv('Setting PATH to {}'.format(os.environ["PATH"]))

mx.logv('Setting PATH to {}'.format(os.environ["PATH"]))
mx.logv('Calling java -version')['java', '-version'])

# Truffle version

truffle = mx.suite('truffle')
truffle_commit =
maven_version_arg = '-Dtruffle.version=' + truffle_commit
maven_repo_arg = '-Dmaven.repo.local=' + mavenDir

mx.run_mx(['maven-install', '--repo', mavenDir, '--only', 'TRUFFLE_API,TRUFFLE_DEBUG,TRUFFLE_DSL_PROCESSOR,TRUFFLE_TCK'], suite=truffle)

open(os.path.join(rubyDir, 'VERSION'), 'w').write('graal-vm\n')
for name in ['truffle-api', 'truffle-debug', 'truffle-dsl-processor', 'truffle-tck']:
jar_path = join(mavenDir, 'com', 'oracle', 'truffle', name, truffle_commit, "%s-%s.jar" % (name, truffle_commit))
if not os.path.exists(jar_path):
mx.run_mx(['maven-install', '--repo', mavenDir, '--only', 'TRUFFLE_API,TRUFFLE_DEBUG,TRUFFLE_DSL_PROCESSOR,TRUFFLE_TCK'], suite=truffle)

with open(join(cwd, 'VERSION'), 'w') as f:

# Build jruby-truffle

env = os.environ.copy()
env['JRUBY_BUILD_MORE_QUIET'] = 'true'

mx.run_maven(['-q', '--version', maven_repo_arg], nonZeroIsFatal=False, cwd=rubyDir, env=env)
mx.run_maven(['--version', maven_repo_arg], nonZeroIsFatal=False, cwd=cwd, env=env)

mx.log('Building without tests')

mx.run_maven(['-q', '-DskipTests', maven_version_arg, maven_repo_arg], cwd=rubyDir, env=env)
mx.run_maven(['-q', '-DskipTests', maven_version_arg, maven_repo_arg], cwd=cwd, env=env)

mx.log('Building complete version')
mx.run_maven(['-q', '-Pcomplete', '-DskipTests', maven_version_arg, maven_repo_arg], cwd=cwd, env=env)

mx.logv('Removing extra files from jar')['zip', '-q', '-d', 'maven/jruby-complete/target/jruby-complete-graal-vm.jar', 'META-INF/jruby.home/lib/*'], cwd=cwd)

mx.run_maven(['-q', '-Pcomplete', '-DskipTests', maven_version_arg, maven_repo_arg], cwd=rubyDir, env=env)['zip', '-d', 'maven/jruby-complete/target/jruby-complete-graal-vm.jar', 'META-INF/jruby.home/lib/*'], cwd=rubyDir)['bin/jruby', 'bin/gem', 'install', 'bundler', '-v', '1.10.6'], cwd=rubyDir)['bin/jruby', 'bin/gem', 'install', 'bundler', '-v', '1.10.6'], cwd=cwd)

mx.log('...finished build of {}'.format(self.subject))

def clean(self, forBuild=False):
if forBuild:
rubyDir = _suite.dir
mx.run_maven(['-q', 'clean'], nonZeroIsFatal=False, cwd=rubyDir)

class LicensesProject(mx.Project):
def __init__(self, suite, name, deps, workingSets, theLicense, **args):
mx.Project.__init__(self, suite, name, "", [], deps, workingSets, _suite.dir, theLicense)
self.javaCompliance = "1.7" = hasattr(args, 'build')
self.prefix = args['prefix']

def source_dirs(self):
return []

def output_dir(self, relative=False):
dir = os.path.join(_suite.dir, self.prefix)
return dir.rstrip('/')

def source_gen_dir(self):
return None
mx.run_maven(['-q', 'clean'], nonZeroIsFatal=False, cwd=_suite.dir)
jar = self.newestOutput()
if jar.exists():

def getOutput(self, replaceVar=False):
return os.path.join(_suite.dir, "target")
# Utilities

def getResults(self, replaceVar=False):
return mx.Project.getResults(self, replaceVar=replaceVar)

def getBuildTask(self, args):
return LicensesBuildTask(self, args, None, None)

def isJavaProject(self):
return True

def archive_prefix(self):
return self.prefix

def annotation_processors(self):
return []

def find_classes_with_matching_source_line(self, pkgRoot, function, includeInnerClasses=False):
return dict()
def jt(args, suite=None, nonZeroIsFatal=True, out=None, err=None, timeout=None, env=None, cwd=None):
rubyDir = _suite.dir
jt = join(rubyDir, 'tool', 'jt.rb')
return['ruby', jt] + args, nonZeroIsFatal=nonZeroIsFatal, out=out, err=err, timeout=timeout, env=env, cwd=cwd)

class LicensesBuildTask(mx.BuildTask):
def __init__(self, project, args, vmbuild, vm):
mx.BuildTask.__init__(self, project, args, 1)
self.vm = vm
self.vmbuild = vmbuild
class BackgroundServerTask:
FNULL = open(os.devnull, 'w')

def __str__(self):
return 'Building licences for {}'.format(self.subject)
def __init__(self, args):
self.args = args

def needsBuild(self, newestInput):
return (True, 'Let us re-build everytime')
def __enter__(self):
preexec_fn, creationflags = mx._get_new_progress_group_args()
if mx._opts.verbose:
mx.log(' '.join(['(background)'] + map(pipes.quote, self.args)))
self.process = subprocess.Popen(self.args, preexec_fn=preexec_fn, creationflags=creationflags, stdout=FNULL, stderr=FNULL)
mx._addSubprocess(self.process, self.args)

def newestOutput(self):
return None
def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):

def build(self):
if not
mx.log("...skip build of {}".format(self.subject))
mx.log('...perform build of {}'.format(self.subject))
def is_running(self):
return self.process.poll() is None

class BackgroundJT(BackgroundServerTask):
def __init__(self, args):
rubyDir = _suite.dir
licenses_dir = os.path.join(rubyDir, 'licenses')
if not os.path.exists(licenses_dir):
for f in ['BSDL', 'COPYING', 'LICENSE.RUBY']:
shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(rubyDir, f), os.path.join(licenses_dir, f))

mx.log('...finished build of {}'.format(self.subject))
jt = join(rubyDir, 'tool', 'jt.rb')
BackgroundServerTask.__init__(self, ['ruby', jt] + args)

def clean(self, forBuild=False):
if forBuild:
rubyDir = _suite.dir
licenses_dir = os.path.join(rubyDir, 'licenses')
if os.path.exists(licenses_dir):

class RubyBenchmarkSuite(mx_benchmark.BenchmarkSuite):
def group(self):
@@ -577,10 +552,10 @@ def benchmarks(self):
jt(['where', 'repos', 'all-ruby-benchmarks'], out=out)
all_ruby_benchmarks =
benchmarks = []
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.join(all_ruby_benchmarks, 'micro')):
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(join(all_ruby_benchmarks, 'micro')):
for name in files:
if name.endswith('.rb'):
benchmark_file = os.path.join(root, name)[len(all_ruby_benchmarks)+1:]
benchmark_file = join(root, name)[len(all_ruby_benchmarks)+1:]
out = mx.OutputCapture()
jt(['benchmark', 'list', benchmark_file], out=out)
benchmarks.extend([benchmark_file + ':' + b.strip() for b in'\n') if len(b.strip()) > 0])
72 changes: 36 additions & 36 deletions mx.jruby/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -17,76 +17,80 @@
"name": "truffle",
"version": "47033f56665100fd5f7cbafd96d6c3112329f517",
"urls": [
{"url": "",
"kind": "git"},
{"url": "", "kind": "git"},
{"url": "", "kind": "binary"},

"licenses": {
"EPL": {
"name": "EPL",
"url": "",

"libraries": {

# ------------- Libraries -------------

"path": "maven/jruby-complete/target/jruby-complete-graal-vm.jar",
"sha1": "NOCHECK",
"license": "EPL"

"path": "lib/jruby-truffle.jar",
"sha1": "NOCHECK",
"license": "EPL"

"projects": {

# ------------- Projects -------------

"jruby-ruby": {
"subDir": "lib/ruby",
"jruby-maven": {
"class": "MavenProject",
"build": "true",
"prefix": "lib/ruby/",
"watch": ["core/src", "truffle/src"],
"jar": "maven/jruby-complete/target/jruby-complete-graal-vm.jar",
"dependencies": [

# Depends on jruby-maven extracting jni libs in lib/jni
"jruby-lib-jni": {
"subDir": "lib/jni",
"class": "MavenProject",
"prefix": "lib/jni/",
"dependencies": [
"class": "ArchiveProject",
"prefix": "lib/jni",

"jruby-lib-ruby": {
"class": "ArchiveProject",
"prefix": "lib/ruby",

"jruby-licences": {
"subDir": "licenses",
"class": "LicensesProject",
"build": "true",
"prefix": "licenses",
"dependencies": [
"licenses": {
"EPL": {
"name": "EPL",
"url": "",
"prefix": ".",

"distributions": {

# ------------- Distributions -------------

"RUBY": {
"mainClass": "org.jruby.Main",
"dependencies": [
# "jruby-maven",
"exclude": [
@@ -99,22 +103,18 @@
"description": "JRuby+Truffle",
"license": "EPL"

# Set of extra files to extract to run Ruby
"native": True, # Not Java
"relpath": True,
"dependencies": [
"exclude": [
"distDependencies": [
"description": "JRuby+Truffle Native Libs",
"license": "EPL"


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