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kodi: 17.4 -> 17.6 and move to cmake
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ffmpeg is now built as a separate derivation using the kodi makefile to avoid
having to rebuild ffmpeg every time kodi is changed.

Additionally, due to the far superior cmake output a number of dependencies were
identified that have been added as well.

(cherry picked from commit 737558b)
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peterhoeg committed Nov 19, 2017
1 parent 0ebba6b commit ebb7e37
Showing 1 changed file with 142 additions and 80 deletions.
222 changes: 142 additions & 80 deletions pkgs/applications/video/kodi/default.nix
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
{ stdenv, lib, fetchurl, makeWrapper
{ stdenv, lib, fetchFromGitHub, fetchurl, autoconf, automake, libtool, makeWrapper
, pkgconfig, cmake, gnumake, yasm, python2
, boost, avahi, libdvdcss, libdvdnav, libdvdread, lame, autoreconfHook
, libgcrypt, libgpgerror, libunistring
, boost, avahi, lame, autoreconfHook
, gettext, pcre-cpp, yajl, fribidi, which
, openssl, gperf, tinyxml2, taglib, libssh, swig, jre
, libX11, xproto, inputproto, libxml2
Expand All @@ -16,133 +17,194 @@
, sqlite, mysql, nasm, gnutls, libva, wayland
, curl, bzip2, zip, unzip, glxinfo, xdpyinfo
, libcec, libcec_platform, dcadec, libuuid
, libcrossguid
, dbus_libs ? null, dbusSupport ? true
, udev, udevSupport ? true
, libusb ? null, usbSupport ? false
, samba ? null, sambaSupport ? true
, libmicrohttpd, bash
# TODO: would be nice to have nfsSupport (needs libnfs library)
, rtmpdump ? null, rtmpSupport ? true
, libvdpau ? null, vdpauSupport ? true
, libpulseaudio ? null, pulseSupport ? true
, joystickSupport ? true
, libcrossguid, libmicrohttpd
, bluez, doxygen, giflib, glib, harfbuzz, lcms2, libidn, libpthreadstubs, libtasn1, libXdmcp
, libplist, p11_kit, zlib
, dbusSupport ? true, dbus_libs ? null
, joystickSupport ? true, cwiid ? null
, nfsSupport ? true, libnfs ? null
, pulseSupport ? true, libpulseaudio ? null
, rtmpSupport ? true, rtmpdump ? null
, sambaSupport ? true, samba ? null
, udevSupport ? true, udev ? null
, usbSupport ? false, libusb ? null
, vdpauSupport ? true, libvdpau ? null

assert dbusSupport -> dbus_libs != null;
assert nfsSupport -> libnfs != null;
assert pulseSupport -> libpulseaudio != null;
assert rtmpSupport -> rtmpdump != null;
assert sambaSupport -> samba != null;
assert udevSupport -> udev != null;
assert usbSupport -> libusb != null && ! udevSupport; # libusb won't be used if udev is avaliable
assert sambaSupport -> samba != null;
assert vdpauSupport -> libvdpau != null;
assert pulseSupport -> libpulseaudio != null;
assert rtmpSupport -> rtmpdump != null;

# TODO for Kodi 18.0
# - cmake is no longer in project/cmake
# - maybe we can remove auto{conf,make} and libtool from inputs
# - check if dbus support PR has been merged and add dbus as a buildInput

kodi_version = "17.4";
kodiReleaseDate = "20171115";
kodiVersion = "17.6";
rel = "Krypton";
ffmpeg_3_1_9 = fetchurl {
url = "${rel}-${kodi_version}.tar.gz";
sha256 = "0rhjz505ljfg2jqbm3rd7qbcjq4vnp8h9a8vad8rjf84v3alglpa";

kodi_src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "xbmc";
repo = "xbmc";
rev = "${kodiVersion}-${rel}";
sha256 = "1pwmmbry7dajwdpmc1mdygjvxna4kl38h32d71g10yf3mdm5wmz3";
# Usage of kodi fork of libdvdnav and libdvdread is necessary for functional dvd playback:
libdvdnav_src = fetchurl {
url = "";
sha256 = "312b3d15bc448d24e92f4b2e7248409525eccc4e75776026d805478e51c5ef3d";

kodiDependency = { name, version, rev, sha256, ... } @attrs:
attrs' = builtins.removeAttrs attrs ["name" "version" "rev" "sha256"];
in stdenv.mkDerivation ({
name = "kodi-${lib.toLower name}-${version}";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "xbmc";
repo = name;
inherit rev sha256;
enableParallelBuilding = true;
} // attrs');

ffmpeg = kodiDependency rec {
name = "FFmpeg";
version = "3.1.11";
rev = "${version}-${rel}-17.5"; # TODO: change 17.5 back to ${kodiVersion}
sha256 = "0nc4sb6v1g3l11v9h5l9n44a8r40186rcbp2xg5c7vg6wcpjid13";
preConfigure = ''
cp ${kodi_src}/tools/depends/target/ffmpeg/{CMakeLists.txt,*.cmake} .
buildInputs = [ gnutls libidn libtasn1 p11_kit zlib ];
nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake nasm pkgconfig ];
libdvdread_src = fetchurl {
url = "";
sha256 = "e7179b2054163652596a56301c9f025515cb08c6d6310b42b897c3ad11c0199b";

# we should be able to build these externally and have kodi reference them as buildInputs.
# Doesn't work ATM though so we just use them for the src

libdvdcss = kodiDependency {
name = "libdvdcss";
version = "20160215";
rev = "2f12236bc1c92f73c21e973363f79eb300de603f";
sha256 = "198r0q73i55ga1dvyqq9nfcri0zq08b94hy8671lg14i3izx44dd";
buildInputs = [ libdvdread ];
nativeBuildInputs = [ autoreconfHook pkgconfig ];

libdvdnav = kodiDependency {
name = "libdvdnav";
version = "20170217";
rev = "981488f7f27554b103cca10c1fbeba027396c94a";
sha256 = "089pswc51l3avh95zl4cpsh7gh1innh7b2y4xgx840mcmy46ycr8";
buildInputs = [ libdvdread ];
nativeBuildInputs = [ autoreconfHook pkgconfig ];

libdvdread = kodiDependency {
name = "libdvdread";
version = "20160221";
rev = "17d99db97e7b8f23077b342369d3c22a6250affd";
sha256 = "1gr5aq1cjr3as9mnwrw29cxn4m6f6pfrxdahkdcjy70q3ldg90sl";
nativeBuildInputs = [ autoreconfHook pkgconfig ];

in stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
version = kodi_version;
name = "kodi-${version}";
name = "kodi-${kodiVersion}";

src = fetchurl {
url = "${version}-${rel}.tar.gz";
sha256 = "1p1lxkapynjbd85ns7m4jybl4k35kxzv7105xkh03hlz8kkqc23b";
src = kodi_src;

buildInputs = [
libxml2 gnutls yasm python2
gnutls libidn libtasn1 nasm p11_kit
libxml2 yasm python2
boost libmicrohttpd
gettext pcre-cpp yajl fribidi libva
openssl gperf tinyxml2 taglib libssh swig jre
libX11 xproto inputproto which
libXt libXmu libXext xextproto
libXinerama libXrandr randrproto
libXtst libXfixes fixesproto
libX11 xproto inputproto libXt libXmu libXext xextproto
libXinerama libXrandr randrproto libXtst libXfixes fixesproto
SDL SDL_image SDL_mixer alsaLib
mesa glew fontconfig freetype ftgl
libjpeg jasper libpng libtiff wayland
libjpeg jasper libpng libtiff libva wayland
libmpeg2 libsamplerate libmad
libogg libvorbis flac libxslt systemd
lzo libcdio libmodplug libass libbluray
sqlite mysql.lib nasm avahi libdvdcss lame
sqlite mysql.lib avahi lame
curl bzip2 zip unzip glxinfo xdpyinfo
libcec libcec_platform dcadec libuuid
libgcrypt libgpgerror libunistring
libcrossguid cwiid libplist
bluez giflib glib harfbuzz lcms2 libpthreadstubs libXdmcp
# libdvdcss libdvdnav libdvdread
++ lib.optional dbusSupport dbus_libs
++ lib.optional udevSupport udev
++ lib.optional usbSupport libusb
++ lib.optional sambaSupport samba
++ lib.optional vdpauSupport libvdpau
++ lib.optional pulseSupport libpulseaudio
++ lib.optional rtmpSupport rtmpdump
++ lib.optional joystickSupport SDL2;
++ lib.optional dbusSupport dbus_libs
++ lib.optionals joystickSupport [ cwiid SDL2 ]
++ lib.optional nfsSupport libnfs
++ lib.optional pulseSupport libpulseaudio
++ lib.optional rtmpSupport rtmpdump
++ lib.optional sambaSupport samba
++ lib.optional udevSupport udev
++ lib.optional usbSupport libusb
++ lib.optional vdpauSupport libvdpau;

nativeBuildInputs = [
autoreconfHook cmake gnumake makeWrapper pkgconfig
pkgconfig gnumake
autoconf automake libtool # still needed for some components. Check if that is the case with 18.0

dontUseCmakeConfigure = true;
cmakeFlags = [

enableParallelBuilding = true;

# 14 tests fail but the biggest issue is that every test takes 30 seconds -
# I'm guessing there is a thing waiting to time out
doCheck = false;

postPatch = ''
substituteInPlace xbmc/linux/LinuxTimezone.cpp \
--replace 'usr/share/zoneinfo' 'etc/zoneinfo'
substituteInPlace tools/depends/target/ffmpeg/ \
--replace "/bin/bash" "${bash}/bin/bash -ex"
cp ${ffmpeg_3_1_9} tools/depends/target/ffmpeg/ffmpeg-3.1.9-${rel}-${version}.tar.gz
ln -s ${libdvdcss.src} tools/depends/target/libdvdcss/libdvdcss-master.tar.gz
cp ${libdvdnav_src} tools/depends/target/libdvdnav/libdvdnav-master.tar.gz
cp ${libdvdread_src} tools/depends/target/libdvdread/libdvdread-master.tar.gz

preConfigure = ''
patchShebangs .
# tests here fail
sed -i '/TestSystemInfo.cpp/d' xbmc/utils/test/{Makefile,CMakeLists.txt}
# tests here trigger a segfault in kodi.bin
sed -i '/TestWebServer.cpp/d' xbmc/network/test/{Makefile,CMakeLists.txt}
cd project/cmake

enableParallelBuilding = true;

doCheck = true;

configureFlags = [ "--enable-libcec" ]
++ lib.optional (!sambaSupport) "--disable-samba"
++ lib.optional vdpauSupport "--enable-vdpau"
++ lib.optional pulseSupport "--enable-pulse"
++ lib.optional rtmpSupport "--enable-rtmp"
++ lib.optional joystickSupport "--enable-joystick";

postInstall = ''
for p in $(ls $out/bin/) ; do
wrapProgram $out/bin/$p \
--prefix PATH ":" "${lib.makeBinPath
[ python2 glxinfo xdpyinfo ]}" \
--prefix PATH ":" "${lib.makeBinPath [ python2 glxinfo xdpyinfo ]}" \
--prefix LD_LIBRARY_PATH ":" "${lib.makeLibraryPath
[ curl systemd libmad libvdpau libcec libcec_platform rtmpdump libass SDL2 ]}"
substituteInPlace $out/share/xsessions/kodi.desktop \
--replace kodi-standalone $out/bin/kodi-standalone

doInstallCheck = true;

installCheckPhase = "$out/bin/kodi --version";

meta = with stdenv.lib; {
homepage =;
description = "Media center";
license = licenses.gpl2;
platforms = platforms.linux;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ domenkozar titanous edwtjo ];
homepage =;
license = licenses.gpl2;
platforms = platforms.linux;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ domenkozar titanous edwtjo peterhoeg ];

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