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Change buildString to str, add types() in additiona to ids() for prop…
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or types and non-types for error strings.
enebo committed Mar 9, 2018
1 parent 6e76d1f commit b8bd2f1
Showing 17 changed files with 147 additions and 130 deletions.
56 changes: 27 additions & 29 deletions core/src/main/java/org/jruby/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -208,8 +208,9 @@
import static java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.insertArguments;
import static java.lang.invoke.MethodType.methodType;
import static org.jruby.internal.runtime.GlobalVariable.Scope.GLOBAL;
import static org.jruby.util.RubyStringBuilder.buildString;
import static org.jruby.util.RubyStringBuilder.str;
import static org.jruby.util.RubyStringBuilder.ids;
import static org.jruby.util.RubyStringBuilder.types;

* The Ruby object represents the top-level of a JRuby "instance" in a given VM.
@@ -1033,22 +1034,22 @@ public RubyClass defineClassUnder(String name, RubyClass superClass, ObjectAlloc
* A variation of defineClassUnder that allows passing in an array of
* supplementary call sites to improve dynamic invocation.
* @param name The name for the new class
* @param id The name for the new class as an ISO-8859_1 String (id-value)
* @param superClass The super class for the new class
* @param allocator An ObjectAllocator instance that can construct
* instances of the new class.
* @param parent The namespace under which to define the new class
* @param callSites The array of call sites to add
* @return The new class
public RubyClass defineClassUnder(String name, RubyClass superClass, ObjectAllocator allocator, RubyModule parent, CallSite[] callSites) {
IRubyObject classObj = parent.getConstantAt(name);
public RubyClass defineClassUnder(String id, RubyClass superClass, ObjectAllocator allocator, RubyModule parent, CallSite[] callSites) {
IRubyObject classObj = parent.getConstantAt(id);

if (classObj != null) {
if (!(classObj instanceof RubyClass)) throw newTypeError(buildString(this, newSymbol(name), " is not a class"));
if (!(classObj instanceof RubyClass)) throw newTypeError(str(this, ids(this, id), " is not a class"));
RubyClass klazz = (RubyClass)classObj;
if (klazz.getSuperClass().getRealClass() != superClass) {
throw newNameError(buildString(this, newSymbol(name), " is already defined"), name);
throw newNameError(str(this, ids(this, id), " is already defined"), id);
// If we define a class in Ruby, but later want to allow it to be defined in Java,
// the allocator needs to be updated
@@ -1061,15 +1062,14 @@ public RubyClass defineClassUnder(String name, RubyClass superClass, ObjectAlloc
boolean parentIsObject = parent == objectClass;

if (superClass == null) {
IRubyObject className = parentIsObject ?
newSymbol(name) :
parent.toRubyString(getCurrentContext()).append(newString("::")).append(ids(this, name));
warnings.warn(ID.NO_SUPER_CLASS, buildString(this, "no super class for `", className, "', Object assumed"));
IRubyObject className = parentIsObject ? ids(this, id) :
parent.toRubyString(getCurrentContext()).append(newString("::")).append(ids(this, id));
warnings.warn(ID.NO_SUPER_CLASS, str(this, "no super class for `", className, "', Object assumed"));

superClass = objectClass;

return RubyClass.newClass(this, superClass, name, allocator, parent, !parentIsObject, callSites);
return RubyClass.newClass(this, superClass, id, allocator, parent, !parentIsObject, callSites);

@@ -1102,12 +1102,10 @@ public RubyModule defineModuleUnder(String name, RubyModule parent) {
if (moduleObj != null ) {
if (moduleObj.isModule()) return (RubyModule)moduleObj;

ThreadContext context = getCurrentContext();
if (parentIsObject) {
throw newTypeError(buildString(this, moduleObj.getMetaClass().toRubyString(context), " is not a module"));
} else {
throw newTypeError(buildString(this, parent.toRubyString(context), "::", moduleObj.getMetaClass().toRubyString(context), " is not a module"));
RubyString typeName = parentIsObject ?
types(this, moduleObj.getMetaClass()) : types(this, parent, moduleObj.getMetaClass());

throw newTypeError(str(this, typeName, " is not a module"));

return RubyModule.newModule(this, name, parent, !parentIsObject);
@@ -1117,15 +1115,15 @@ public RubyModule defineModuleUnder(String name, RubyModule parent) {
* From Object, retrieve the named module. If it doesn't exist a
* new module is created.
* @param name The name of the module
* @param id The name of the module
* @returns The existing or new module
public RubyModule getOrCreateModule(String name) {
IRubyObject module = objectClass.getConstantAt(name);
public RubyModule getOrCreateModule(String id) {
IRubyObject module = objectClass.getConstantAt(id);
if (module == null) {
module = defineModule(name);
module = defineModule(id);
} else if (!module.isModule()) {
throw newTypeError(buildString(this, newSymbol(name), " is not a Module"));
throw newTypeError(str(this, ids(this, id), " is not a Module"));

return (RubyModule) module;
@@ -2863,7 +2861,7 @@ public PrintStream getOutputStream() {

public RubyModule getClassFromPath(final String path) {
if (path.length() == 0 || path.charAt(0) == '#') {
throw newTypeError(buildString(this, "can't retrieve anonymous class ", newSymbol(path)));
throw newTypeError(str(this, "can't retrieve anonymous class ", ids(this, path)));

RubyModule c = getObject();
@@ -2875,14 +2873,14 @@ public RubyModule getClassFromPath(final String path) {

if ( p < l && path.charAt(p) == ':' ) {
if ( ++p < l && path.charAt(p) != ':' ) {
throw newTypeError(buildString(this, "undefined class/module ", newSymbol(str)));
throw newTypeError(str(this, "undefined class/module ", ids(this, str)));
pbeg = ++p;

IRubyObject cc = c.getConstant(str);
if ( ! ( cc instanceof RubyModule ) ) {
throw newTypeError(buildString(this, newSymbol(path), " does not refer to class/module"));
throw newTypeError(str(this, ids(this, path), " does not refer to class/module"));
c = (RubyModule) cc;
@@ -3591,7 +3589,7 @@ public RaiseException newArgumentError(int got, int expected) {

public RaiseException newArgumentError(String name, int got, int expected) {
return newRaiseException(getArgumentError(), buildString(this, "wrong number of arguments calling `", newSymbol(name), ("` (" + got + " for " + expected + ")")));
return newRaiseException(getArgumentError(), str(this, "wrong number of arguments calling `", ids(this, name), ("` (" + got + " for " + expected + ")")));

public RaiseException newErrnoEBADFError() {
@@ -4094,12 +4092,12 @@ public RaiseException newFrozenError(String objectType) {

public RaiseException newFrozenError(RubyString type) {
return newRaiseException(getRuntimeError(), buildString(this, "can't modify frozen ", ids(this, type)));
return newRaiseException(getRuntimeError(), str(this, "can't modify frozen ", ids(this, type)));

public RaiseException newFrozenError(String objectType, boolean runtimeError) {
// TODO: Should frozen error have its own distinct class? If not should more share?
return newRaiseException(getRuntimeError(), buildString(this, "can't modify frozen ", ids(this, objectType)));
return newRaiseException(getRuntimeError(), str(this, "can't modify frozen ", ids(this, objectType)));

public RaiseException newSystemStackError(String message) {
@@ -4148,7 +4146,7 @@ public RaiseException newTypeError(IRubyObject receivedObject, RubyModule expect

public RaiseException newTypeError(IRubyObject receivedObject, String expectedType) {
return newRaiseException(getTypeError(),
buildString(this, "wrong argument type ",
str(this, "wrong argument type ",
" (expected ", ids(this, expectedType), ")"));
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions core/src/main/java/org/jruby/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -88,7 +88,8 @@
import static org.jruby.runtime.Helpers.hashEnd;
import static org.jruby.runtime.Helpers.murmurCombine;
import static org.jruby.runtime.Visibility.PRIVATE;
import static org.jruby.util.RubyStringBuilder.buildString;
import static org.jruby.util.RubyStringBuilder.str;
import static org.jruby.util.RubyStringBuilder.types;

* The implementation of the built-in class Array in Ruby.
@@ -2361,7 +2362,7 @@ private int bsearch_index_internal(ThreadContext context, Block block) {
case -1: smaller = false;
} else {
throw runtime.newTypeError(buildString(runtime, "wrong argument type ", v.getType().toRubyString(context), " (must be numeric, true, false or nil"));
throw runtime.newTypeError(str(runtime, "wrong argument type ", types(runtime, v.getType()), " (must be numeric, true, false or nil"));
if (smaller) {
high = mid;
@@ -4744,7 +4745,7 @@ public RubyString pack(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject obj, IRubyObject maybe
if (!opts.isNil()) {
buffer = ArgsUtil.extractKeywordArg(context, "buffer", opts);
if (!buffer.isNil() && !(buffer instanceof RubyString)) {
throw runtime.newTypeError(buildString(runtime, "buffer must be String, not ", buffer.getType().toRubyString(context)));
throw runtime.newTypeError(str(runtime, "buffer must be String, not ", types(runtime, buffer.getType())));

28 changes: 14 additions & 14 deletions core/src/main/java/org/jruby/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -81,7 +81,9 @@
import static org.jruby.runtime.invokedynamic.MethodNames.OP_CMP;
import static org.jruby.runtime.invokedynamic.MethodNames.EQL;
import static org.jruby.runtime.invokedynamic.MethodNames.INSPECT;
import static org.jruby.util.RubyStringBuilder.buildString;
import static org.jruby.util.RubyStringBuilder.ids;
import static org.jruby.util.RubyStringBuilder.str;
import static org.jruby.util.RubyStringBuilder.types;
import static;

import org.jruby.runtime.ivars.VariableTableManager;
@@ -618,7 +620,7 @@ public final boolean respondsTo(String name) {
return, this, metaClass, respondName, mname).isTrue();
if ( arity.required() != 2 ) {
throw runtime.newArgumentError(buildString(runtime, runtime.newSymbol(respondName), " must accept 1 or 2 arguments (requires " + arity.getValue() + ")"));
throw runtime.newArgumentError(str(runtime, ids(runtime, respondName), " must accept 1 or 2 arguments (requires " + arity.getValue() + ")"));

@@ -682,7 +684,7 @@ public Class getJavaClass() {
public String asJavaString() {
IRubyObject str = checkStringType();
if (!str.isNil()) return ((RubyString) str).asJavaString();
throw getRuntime().newTypeError(buildString(getRuntime(), inspect(), " is not a string"));
throw getRuntime().newTypeError(str(getRuntime(), inspect(), " is not a string"));

/** rb_obj_as_string
@@ -753,7 +755,7 @@ public RubyInteger convertToInteger() {
IRubyObject result = TypeConverter.convertToType(context, this, runtime.getInteger(), sites.to_int_checked, true);

if (!(result instanceof RubyInteger)) {
throw getRuntime().newTypeError(buildString(runtime, getMetaClass().rubyName(), "#to_int should return Integer"));
throw getRuntime().newTypeError(str(runtime, types(runtime, getMetaClass()), "#to_int should return Integer"));

return (RubyInteger) result;
@@ -769,18 +771,17 @@ public RubyInteger convertToInteger(String convertMethod) {
if (convertMethod.equals("to_int")) return convertToInteger();

IRubyObject result;
Ruby runtime = getRuntime();
if (convertMethod.equals("to_i")) {
Ruby runtime = getRuntime();
ThreadContext context = runtime.getCurrentContext();
BasicObjectSites sites = sites(context);
result = TypeConverter.convertToType(context, this, runtime.getInteger(), sites.to_i_checked, true);
} else {
result = TypeConverter.convertToType(this, getRuntime().getInteger(), convertMethod, true);
result = TypeConverter.convertToType(this, runtime.getInteger(), convertMethod, true);

if (!(result instanceof RubyInteger)) {
Ruby runtime = getRuntime();
throw runtime.newTypeError(buildString(runtime, getMetaClass().rubyName(), "#", runtime.newSymbol(convertMethod), " should return Integer"));
throw runtime.newTypeError(str(runtime, types(runtime, getMetaClass()), "#", ids(runtime, convertMethod), " should return Integer"));

return (RubyInteger) result;
@@ -987,7 +988,7 @@ public IRubyObject rbClone(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject maybeOpts) {
if (!opts.isNil()) {
IRubyObject freeze = ((RubyHash) opts).fastARef(runtime.newSymbol("freeze"));
if (freeze != null && freeze != runtime.getTrue() && freeze != runtime.getFalse()) {
throw runtime.newArgumentError(buildString(runtime, "unexpected value for freeze: ", freeze.getType().rubyName()));
throw runtime.newArgumentError(str(runtime, "unexpected value for freeze: ", types(runtime, freeze.getType())));
if (freeze != null) {
kwfreeze = freeze.isTrue();
@@ -1001,9 +1002,8 @@ private IRubyObject rbCloneInternal(ThreadContext context, boolean freeze) {
Ruby runtime = context.runtime;

if (isSpecialObject()) {
if (!freeze) {
throw runtime.newArgumentError(buildString(runtime, "can't unfreeze ", getType().rubyName()));
if (!freeze) throw runtime.newArgumentError(str(runtime, "can't unfreeze ", types(runtime, getType())));

return this;

@@ -2488,7 +2488,7 @@ public RubyArray singleton_methods(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject[] args) {

public IRubyObject singleton_method(IRubyObject name) {
RubySymbol symbol = TypeConverter.checkID(name);
final String methodName = symbol.asJavaString();
final String methodName = symbol.getRawString();
final RubyClass klass = metaClass;
if (klass.isSingleton()) {
DynamicMethod method = klass.searchMethod(methodName);
@@ -2498,7 +2498,7 @@ public IRubyObject singleton_method(IRubyObject name) {
return newMethod;
throw getRuntime().newNameError(buildString(getRuntime(), "undefined method `", symbol, "' for `", inspect(), "'"), methodName);
throw getRuntime().newNameError(str(getRuntime(), "undefined method `", symbol, "' for `", inspect(), "'"), methodName);

/** rb_obj_method
13 changes: 7 additions & 6 deletions core/src/main/java/org/jruby/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -74,7 +74,8 @@
import static org.jruby.runtime.Helpers.invokedynamic;
import static org.jruby.runtime.invokedynamic.MethodNames.HASH;
import static org.jruby.util.Numeric.safe_mul;
import static org.jruby.util.RubyStringBuilder.buildString;
import static org.jruby.util.RubyStringBuilder.str;
import static org.jruby.util.RubyStringBuilder.types;

* complex.c as of revision: 20011
@@ -697,14 +698,14 @@ public IRubyObject op_equal(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject other) {
@JRubyMethod(name = "coerce")
public IRubyObject coerce(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject other) {
if (other instanceof RubyNumeric && f_real_p(context, (RubyNumeric) other)) {
if (other instanceof RubyNumeric && f_real_p(context, other)) {
return context.runtime.newArray(newComplexBang(context, getMetaClass(), (RubyNumeric) other), this);

Ruby runtime = context.runtime;
if (other instanceof RubyComplex) return runtime.newArray(other, this);
if (other instanceof RubyComplex) return context.runtime.newArray(other, this);

throw runtime.newTypeError(buildString(runtime, other.getMetaClass().toRubyString(context), " can't be coerced into ", getMetaClass().toRubyString(context)));
Ruby runtime = context.runtime;
throw runtime.newTypeError(str(runtime, types(runtime, other.getMetaClass()), " can't be coerced into ", types(runtime, getMetaClass())));

/** nucomp_abs
@@ -1119,7 +1120,7 @@ private static RubyNumeric convertString(ThreadContext context, final IRubyObjec
private static RubyNumeric str_to_c_strict(ThreadContext context, RubyString str) {
IRubyObject[] ary = str_to_c_internal(context, str);
if (ary[0] == context.nil || ary[1].convertToString().getByteList().length() > 0) {
throw context.runtime.newArgumentError(buildString(context.runtime, "invalid value for convert(): ", str.callMethod(context, "inspect")));
throw context.runtime.newArgumentError(str(context.runtime, "invalid value for convert(): ", str.callMethod(context, "inspect")));

return (RubyNumeric) ary[0]; // (RubyComplex)
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions core/src/main/java/org/jruby/
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@@ -44,13 +44,13 @@
import org.jruby.api.API;
import org.jruby.runtime.Helpers;
import org.jruby.runtime.JavaSites.IOSites;
import org.jruby.runtime.callsite.RespondToCallSite;
import org.jruby.util.IOChannel;
import org.jruby.util.StringSupport;

import static org.jruby.util.RubyStringBuilder.buildString;
import static org.jruby.util.RubyStringBuilder.str;
import static org.jruby.util.RubyStringBuilder.types;
import static;
import static;

@@ -885,10 +885,10 @@ public static IRubyObject newInstance(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, I
RubyClass klass = (RubyClass)recv;

if (block.isGiven()) {
IRubyObject className = klass.rubyName();
buildString(context.runtime, className, "::new() does not take block; use ", className, "::open() instead"));
IRubyObject className = types(context.runtime, klass);

str(context.runtime, className, "::new() does not take block; use ", className, "::open() instead"));

return klass.newInstance(context, args, block);

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