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Make new code path for likely literal keyword argument calls and fcal…
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is still outstanding).  However we implement keyword argument dispatch past
this point is still outstanding but the new create will be the point we do it
enebo committed Aug 10, 2017
1 parent ca55782 commit e6c47b8
Showing 3 changed files with 110 additions and 26 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion core/src/main/java/org/jruby/ast/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ public HashNode add(KeyValuePair<Node,Node> pair) {
containsVariableAssignment = true;

if (!(pair.getKey() instanceof SymbolNode)) hasOnlySymbolKeys = false;
if (!(pair.getKey() instanceof SymbolNode) || pair.getKey() == null) hasOnlySymbolKeys = false;


117 changes: 92 additions & 25 deletions core/src/main/java/org/jruby/ir/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@

import org.jcodings.specific.ASCIIEncoding;
import org.jcodings.specific.USASCIIEncoding;
import org.jruby.Ruby;
import org.jruby.RubyInstanceConfig;
@@ -629,13 +628,24 @@ protected Operand buildAttrAssignCallArgs(List<Operand> argsList, Node args, boo

protected Operand[] buildCallArgs(Node args) {
return buildCallArgsExcept(args, null);

* build each argument to a call but if we detect what appears to be a literal simple keyword argument
* signature we will pass that along to be excluded in the build here (we will build it separately).
* @param args for a call to be built
* @param excludeKeywordArg do not build the last one since it is a keyword arg
* @return the operands for the call.
protected Operand[] buildCallArgsExcept(Node args, Node excludeKeywordArg) {
switch (args.getNodeType()) {
return new Operand[] { new Splat(addResultInstr(new BuildSplatInstr(createTemporaryVariable(), build(args), false))) };
Node[] children = ((ListNode) args).children();
int numberOfArgs = children.length;
int numberOfArgs = children.length - (excludeKeywordArg != null ? 1 : 0);
Operand[] builtArgs = new Operand[numberOfArgs];
boolean hasAssignments = args.containsVariableAssignment();

@@ -1026,7 +1036,6 @@ private void receiveBreakException(Operand block, final CallInstr callInstr) {

public Operand buildCall(Variable result, CallNode callNode) {
Node callArgsNode = callNode.getArgsNode();
Node receiverNode = callNode.getReceiverNode();

// Frozen string optimization: check for "string".freeze
@@ -1063,18 +1072,22 @@ public Operand buildCall(Variable result, CallNode callNode) {
addInstr(new BNilInstr(lazyLabel, receiver));

Operand[] args = setupCallArgs(callArgsNode);
Operand block = setupCallClosure(callNode.getIterNode());

CallInstr callInstr = CallInstr.create(scope, result, callNode.getName(), receiver, args, block);
HashNode keywordArgs = getPossibleKeywordArgument(callNode.getArgsNode());

// This is to support the ugly with no block, which must see caller's frame
if ( callNode.getName().equals("new") &&
receiverNode instanceof ConstNode &&
((ConstNode)receiverNode).getName().equals("Proc")) {
CallInstr callInstr;
Operand block;
if (keywordArgs != null) {
Operand[] args = buildCallArgsExcept(callNode.getArgsNode(), keywordArgs);
List<KeyValuePair<Operand, Operand>> kwargs = buildKeywordArguments(keywordArgs);
block = setupCallClosure(callNode.getIterNode());
callInstr = CallInstr.createWithKwargs(scope, CallType.NORMAL, result, callNode.getName(), receiver, args, block, kwargs);
} else {
Operand[] args = setupCallArgs(callNode.getArgsNode());
block = setupCallClosure(callNode.getIterNode());
callInstr = CallInstr.create(scope, result, callNode.getName(), receiver, args, block);

determineIfProcNew(receiverNode, callNode.getName(), callInstr);
receiveBreakException(block, callInstr);

if (callNode.isLazy()) {
@@ -1087,6 +1100,47 @@ public Operand buildCall(Variable result, CallNode callNode) {
return result;

private List<KeyValuePair<Operand, Operand>> buildKeywordArguments(HashNode keywordArgs) {
List<KeyValuePair<Operand, Operand>> kwargs = new ArrayList<>();
for (KeyValuePair<Node, Node> pair: keywordArgs.getPairs()) {
kwargs.add(new KeyValuePair<Operand, Operand>((Symbol) build(pair.getKey()), build(pair.getValue())));
return kwargs;

private void determineIfProcNew(Node receiverNode, String name, CallInstr callInstr) {
// This is to support the ugly with no block, which must see caller's frame
if (name.equals("new") && receiverNode instanceof ConstNode && ((ConstNode)receiverNode).getName().equals("Proc")) {

* This will ignore complexity of a hash which contains restkwargs and only return simple
* last argument which happens to be all key symbol hashnode which is not empty
private HashNode getPossibleKeywordArgument(Node argsNode) {
// Block pass wraps itself around the main args list so don't hold that against it.
if (argsNode instanceof BlockPassNode) {
return null; //getPossibleKeywordArgument(((BlockPassNode) argsNode).getArgsNode());

if (argsNode instanceof ArrayNode) {
ArrayNode argsList = (ArrayNode) argsNode;

if (argsList.isEmpty()) return null;

Node lastNode = argsList.getLast();

if (lastNode instanceof HashNode) {
HashNode hash = (HashNode) lastNode;
if (hash.hasOnlySymbolKeys() && !hash.isEmpty()) return (HashNode) lastNode;

return null;

public Operand buildCase(CaseNode caseNode) {
// scan all cases to see if we have a homogeneous literal case/when
NodeType seenType = null;
@@ -2671,28 +2725,41 @@ public Operand buildFalse() {

public Operand buildFCall(Variable result, FCallNode fcallNode) {
Node callArgsNode = fcallNode.getArgsNode();
Operand[] args = setupCallArgs(callArgsNode);
Operand block = setupCallClosure(fcallNode.getIterNode());

if (result == null) result = createTemporaryVariable();

determineIfMaybeUsingMethod(fcallNode.getName(), args);

// We will stuff away the iters AST source into the closure in the hope we can convert
// this closure to a method.
if (fcallNode.getName().equals("define_method") && block instanceof WrappedIRClosure) {
IRClosure closure = ((WrappedIRClosure) block).getClosure();
HashNode keywordArgs = getPossibleKeywordArgument(fcallNode.getArgsNode());

// To convert to a method we need its variable scoping to appear like a normal method.
if (!closure.getFlags().contains(IRFlags.ACCESS_PARENTS_LOCAL_VARIABLES) &&
fcallNode.getIterNode() instanceof IterNode) {
closure.setSource((IterNode) fcallNode.getIterNode());
CallInstr callInstr;
Operand block;
if (keywordArgs != null) {
Operand[] args = buildCallArgsExcept(fcallNode.getArgsNode(), keywordArgs);
List<KeyValuePair<Operand, Operand>> kwargs = buildKeywordArguments(keywordArgs);
block = setupCallClosure(fcallNode.getIterNode());
callInstr = CallInstr.createWithKwargs(scope, CallType.FUNCTIONAL, result, fcallNode.getName(), buildSelf(), args, block, kwargs);
} else {
Operand[] args = setupCallArgs(callArgsNode);
block = setupCallClosure(fcallNode.getIterNode());
determineIfMaybeUsingMethod(fcallNode.getName(), args);

// We will stuff away the iters AST source into the closure in the hope we can convert
// this closure to a method.
if (fcallNode.getName().equals("define_method") && block instanceof WrappedIRClosure) {
IRClosure closure = ((WrappedIRClosure) block).getClosure();

// To convert to a method we need its variable scoping to appear like a normal method.
if (!closure.getFlags().contains(IRFlags.ACCESS_PARENTS_LOCAL_VARIABLES) &&
fcallNode.getIterNode() instanceof IterNode) {
closure.setSource((IterNode) fcallNode.getIterNode());

callInstr = CallInstr.create(scope, CallType.FUNCTIONAL, result, fcallNode.getName(), buildSelf(), args, block);

determineIfWeNeedLineNumber(fcallNode); // buildOperand for fcall was papered over by args operand building so we check once more.
CallInstr callInstr = CallInstr.create(scope, CallType.FUNCTIONAL, result, fcallNode.getName(), buildSelf(), args, block);
receiveBreakException(block, callInstr);

return result;

17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions core/src/main/java/org/jruby/ir/instructions/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -10,19 +10,36 @@
import org.jruby.runtime.CallType;
import org.jruby.util.KeyValuePair;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

* args field: [self, receiver, *args]
public class CallInstr extends CallBase implements ResultInstr {
protected transient Variable result;

public static CallInstr createWithKwargs(IRScope scope, CallType callType, Variable result, String name,
Operand receiver, Operand[] args, Operand closure,
List<KeyValuePair<Operand, Operand>> kwargs) {
// FIXME: This is obviously total nonsense but this will be on an optimized path and we will not be constructing
// a new hash like this unless the eventual caller needs an ordinary hash.
Operand[] newArgs = new Operand[args.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(args, 0, newArgs, 0, args.length);
newArgs[args.length] = new Hash(kwargs, true);

return create(scope, callType, result, name, receiver, newArgs, closure);

public static CallInstr create(IRScope scope, Variable result, String name, Operand receiver, Operand[] args, Operand closure) {
return create(scope, CallType.NORMAL, result, name, receiver, args, closure);

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