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base repository: azonenberg/yosys
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base: 8eb534854387
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head repository: azonenberg/yosys
Failed to load repositories. Confirm that selected head ref is valid, then try again.
compare: d527ed917475
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  • 3 commits
  • 2 files changed
  • 2 contributors

Commits on Aug 4, 2017

  1. Copy the full SHA
    1dc921d View commit details
  2. Copy the full SHA
    48b2b37 View commit details
  3. Copy the full SHA
    d527ed9 View commit details
Showing with 71 additions and 21 deletions.
  1. +5 −1 Makefile
  2. +66 −20 backends/smt2/
6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -57,12 +57,15 @@ VPATH := $(YOSYS_SRC)
CXXFLAGS := $(CXXFLAGS) -Wall -Wextra -ggdb -I. -I"$(YOSYS_SRC)" -MD -D_YOSYS_ -fPIC -I$(PREFIX)/include
LDLIBS := $(LDLIBS) -lstdc++ -lm

PKG_CONFIG ?= pkg-config
SED ?= sed
BISON ?= bison

ifeq (Darwin,$(findstring Darwin,$(shell uname)))
PLUGIN_LDFLAGS += -undefined dynamic_lookup

# homebrew search paths
ifneq ($(shell which brew),)
BREW_PREFIX := $(shell brew --prefix)/opt
@@ -80,6 +83,7 @@ LDFLAGS += -L$(PORT_PREFIX)/lib
export PATH := $(PORT_PREFIX)/bin:$(PATH)

LDFLAGS += -rdynamic
LDLIBS += -lrt
@@ -407,7 +411,7 @@ kernel/version_$(GIT_REV).cc: $(YOSYS_SRC)/Makefile

yosys-config: misc/
$(P) $(SED) -e 's#@CXXFLAGS@#$(subst -I. -I"$(YOSYS_SRC)",-I"$(DATDIR)/include",$(CXXFLAGS))#;' \
-e 's#@CXX@#$(CXX)#;' -e 's#@LDFLAGS@#$(LDFLAGS)#;' -e 's#@LDLIBS@#$(LDLIBS)#;' \
-e 's#@CXX@#$(CXX)#;' -e 's#@LDFLAGS@#$(LDFLAGS) $(PLUGIN_LDFLAGS)#;' -e 's#@LDLIBS@#$(LDLIBS)#;' \
-e 's#@BINDIR@#$(BINDIR)#;' -e 's#@DATDIR@#$(DATDIR)#;' < $< > yosys-config
$(Q) chmod +x yosys-config

86 changes: 66 additions & 20 deletions backends/smt2/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -45,6 +45,9 @@
topmod = None
noinfo = False
presat = False
smtcinit = False
smtctop = None
noinit = False
so = SmtOpts()

@@ -124,6 +127,16 @@ def usage():
--dump-smtc <constr_filename>
write trace as constraints file
write just the last state as initial constraint to smtc file
--smtc-top <old>[:<new>]
replace <old> with <new> in constraints dumped to smtc
file and only dump object below <old> in design hierarchy.
do not assume initial conditions in state 0
when using -g or -i, create a dump file for each
step. The character '%' is replaces in all dump
@@ -140,7 +153,8 @@ def usage():
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], so.shortopts + "t:igcm:", so.longopts +
["final-only", "assume-skipped=", "smtc=", "cex=", "aig=", "aig-noheader", "presat",
"dump-vcd=", "dump-vlogtb=", "vlogtb-top=", "dump-smtc=", "dump-all", "noinfo", "append="])
"dump-vcd=", "dump-vlogtb=", "vlogtb-top=", "dump-smtc=", "dump-all", "noinfo", "append=",
"smtc-init", "smtc-top=", "noinit"])

@@ -183,12 +197,22 @@ def usage():
vlogtbtop = a
elif o == "--dump-smtc":
outconstr = a
elif o == "--smtc-init":
smtcinit = True
elif o == "--smtc-top":
smtctop = a.split(":")
if len(smtctop) == 1:
assert len(smtctop) == 2
smtctop = tuple(smtctop)
elif o == "--dump-all":
dumpall = True
elif o == "--presat":
presat = True
elif o == "--noinfo":
noinfo = True
elif o == "--noinit":
noinit = True
elif o == "--append":
append_steps = int(a)
elif o == "-i":
@@ -826,34 +850,49 @@ def write_constr_trace(steps_start, steps_stop, index):
filename = outconstr.replace("%", index)
print_msg("Writing trace to constraints file: %s" % (filename))

constr_topmod = topmod
constr_state = "s@@step_idx@@"
constr_prefix = ""

if smtctop is not None:
for item in smtctop[0].split("."):
assert item in smt.modinfo[constr_topmod].cells
constr_state = "(|%s_h %s| %s)" % (constr_topmod, item, constr_state)
constr_topmod = smt.modinfo[constr_topmod].cells[item]
if smtctop[1] != "":
constr_prefix = smtctop[1] + "."

if smtcinit:
steps_start = steps_stop - 1

with open(filename, "w") as f:
primary_inputs = list()

for name in smt.modinfo[topmod].inputs:
width = smt.modinfo[topmod].wsize[name]
for name in smt.modinfo[constr_topmod].inputs:
width = smt.modinfo[constr_topmod].wsize[name]
primary_inputs.append((name, width))

if steps_start == 0:
if steps_start == 0 or smtcinit:
print("initial", file=f)
print("state %d" % steps_start, file=f)

regnames = sorted(smt.hiernets(topmod, regs_only=True))
regvals = smt.get_net_list(topmod, regnames, "s%d" % steps_start)
regnames = sorted(smt.hiernets(constr_topmod, regs_only=True))
regvals = smt.get_net_list(constr_topmod, regnames, constr_state.replace("@@step_idx@@", str(steps_start)))

for name, val in zip(regnames, regvals):
print("assume (= [%s] %s)" % (".".join(name), val), file=f)
print("assume (= [%s%s] %s)" % (constr_prefix, ".".join(name), val), file=f)

mems = sorted(smt.hiermems(topmod))
mems = sorted(smt.hiermems(constr_topmod))
for mempath in mems:
abits, width, rports, wports = smt.mem_info(topmod, mempath)
abits, width, rports, wports = smt.mem_info(constr_topmod, mempath)

addr_expr_list = list()
data_expr_list = list()
for i in range(steps_start, steps_stop):
for j in range(rports):
addr_expr_list.append(smt.mem_expr(topmod, "s%d" % i, mempath, "R%dA" % j))
data_expr_list.append(smt.mem_expr(topmod, "s%d" % i, mempath, "R%dD" % j))
addr_expr_list.append(smt.mem_expr(constr_topmod, constr_state.replace("@@step_idx@@", str(i)), mempath, "R%dA" % j))
data_expr_list.append(smt.mem_expr(constr_topmod, constr_state.replace("@@step_idx@@", str(i)), mempath, "R%dD" % j))

addr_list = smt.get_list(addr_expr_list)
data_list = smt.get_list(data_expr_list)
@@ -864,17 +903,18 @@ def write_constr_trace(steps_start, steps_stop, index):
addr_data[addr] = data

for addr, data in addr_data.items():
print("assume (= (select [%s] %s) %s)" % (".".join(mempath), addr, data), file=f)
print("assume (= (select [%s%s] %s) %s)" % (constr_prefix, ".".join(mempath), addr, data), file=f)

for k in range(steps_start, steps_stop):
print("", file=f)
print("state %d" % k, file=f)
if not smtcinit:
print("", file=f)
print("state %d" % k, file=f)

pi_names = [[name] for name, _ in sorted(primary_inputs)]
pi_values = smt.get_net_list(topmod, pi_names, "s%d" % k)
pi_values = smt.get_net_list(constr_topmod, pi_names, constr_state.replace("@@step_idx@@", str(k)))

for name, val in zip(pi_names, pi_values):
print("assume (= [%s] %s)" % (".".join(name), val), file=f)
print("assume (= [%s%s] %s)" % (constr_prefix, ".".join(name), val), file=f)

def write_trace(steps_start, steps_stop, index):
@@ -1034,8 +1074,11 @@ def get_cover_list(mod, base):
smt.write("(assert %s)" % get_constr_expr(constr_assumes, step))

if step == 0:
smt.write("(assert (|%s_i| s0))" % (topmod))
smt.write("(assert (|%s_is| s0))" % (topmod))
if noinit:
smt.write("(assert (not (|%s_is| s%d)))" % (topmod, step))
smt.write("(assert (|%s_i| s0))" % (topmod))
smt.write("(assert (|%s_is| s0))" % (topmod))

smt.write("(assert (|%s_t| s%d s%d))" % (topmod, step-1, step))
@@ -1114,8 +1157,11 @@ def get_cover_list(mod, base):
smt.write("(assert %s)" % get_constr_expr(constr_assumes, step))

if step == 0:
smt.write("(assert (|%s_i| s0))" % (topmod))
smt.write("(assert (|%s_is| s0))" % (topmod))
if noinit:
smt.write("(assert (not (|%s_is| s%d)))" % (topmod, step))
smt.write("(assert (|%s_i| s0))" % (topmod))
smt.write("(assert (|%s_is| s0))" % (topmod))

smt.write("(assert (|%s_t| s%d s%d))" % (topmod, step-1, step))