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A SMILES should match it's self as a SMARTS, this example did not. Th…
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…e reason was the stereochemistry ordering was read incorrectly due to how rings were handled in the SMARTS parser, to fix the nesting of the syntax tree needed to be changed.
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johnmay committed Aug 16, 2016
1 parent 67ffd0a commit d9a7de5
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Expand Up @@ -103,8 +103,6 @@ public class SmartsQueryVisitor implements SMARTSParserVisitor {
// current atoms with a ring identifier
private RingIdentifierAtom[] ringAtoms;

private Multimap<IAtom, RingIdentifierAtom> ringAtomLookup = HashMultimap.create(10, 2);

// query
private IQueryAtomContainer query;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -153,56 +151,63 @@ public Object visit(ASTRingIdentifier node, Object data) {
public Object visit(ASTAtom node, Object data) {
IQueryAtom atom = (IQueryAtom) node.jjtGetChild(0).jjtAccept(this, data);
for (int i = 1; i < node.jjtGetNumChildren(); i++) { // if there are ring identifiers
ASTRingIdentifier ringIdentifier = (ASTRingIdentifier) node.jjtGetChild(i);
RingIdentifierAtom ringIdAtom = (RingIdentifierAtom) ringIdentifier.jjtAccept(this, atom);
throw new IllegalStateException();
return atom;

// if there is already a RingIdentifierAtom, create a bond between
// them and add the bond to the query
int ringId = ringIdentifier.getRingId();
private void handleRingClosure(IQueryAtom atom, ASTRingIdentifier ringIdentifier) {
RingIdentifierAtom ringIdAtom = (RingIdentifierAtom) ringIdentifier.jjtAccept(this, atom);

// ring digit > 9 - expand capacity
if (ringId >= ringAtoms.length) ringAtoms = Arrays.copyOf(ringAtoms, 100);
// if there is already a RingIdentifierAtom, create a bond between
// them and add the bond to the query
int ringId = ringIdentifier.getRingId();

// Ring Open
if (ringAtoms[ringId] == null) {
ringAtoms[ringId] = ringIdAtom;
ringAtomLookup.put(atom, ringIdAtom);
// ring digit > 9 - expand capacity
if (ringId >= ringAtoms.length) ringAtoms = Arrays.copyOf(ringAtoms, 100);

// Ring Open
if (ringAtoms[ringId] == null) {
ringAtoms[ringId] = ringIdAtom;
if (neighbors.containsKey(atom)) {

// Ring Close
else {
IQueryBond ringBond;
// first check if the two bonds ma
if (ringAtoms[ringId].getRingBond() == null) {
if (ringIdAtom.getRingBond() == null) {
if (atom instanceof AromaticSymbolAtom
&& ringAtoms[ringId].getAtom() instanceof AromaticSymbolAtom) {
ringBond = new AromaticQueryBond(builder);
} else {
ringBond = new RingBond(builder);
// Ring Close
else {
IQueryBond ringBond;
// first check if the two bonds ma
if (ringAtoms[ringId].getRingBond() == null) {
if (ringIdAtom.getRingBond() == null) {
if (atom instanceof AromaticSymbolAtom
&& ringAtoms[ringId].getAtom() instanceof AromaticSymbolAtom) {
ringBond = new AromaticQueryBond(builder);
} else {
ringBond = ringIdAtom.getRingBond();
ringBond = new RingBond(builder);
} else {
// Here I assume the bond are always same. This should be checked by the parser already
ringBond = ringAtoms[ringId].getRingBond();
ringBond = ringIdAtom.getRingBond();
((IBond) ringBond).setAtoms(new IAtom[]{ringAtoms[ringId].getAtom(), atom});
query.addBond((IBond) ringBond);

// if the connected atoms was tracking neighbors, replace the
// placeholder reference
if (neighbors.containsKey(ringAtoms[ringId].getAtom())) {
List<IAtom> localNeighbors = neighbors.get(ringAtoms[ringId].getAtom());
localNeighbors.set(localNeighbors.indexOf(ringAtoms[ringId]), atom);

ringAtomLookup.remove(ringAtoms[ringId].getAtom(), ringIdAtom);
ringAtoms[ringId] = null;
} else {
// Here I assume the bond are always same. This should be checked by the parser already
ringBond = ringAtoms[ringId].getRingBond();
((IBond) ringBond).setAtoms(new IAtom[]{ringAtoms[ringId].getAtom(), atom});
query.addBond((IBond) ringBond);

// if the connected atoms was tracking neighbors, replace the
// placeholder reference
if (neighbors.containsKey(ringAtoms[ringId].getAtom())) {
List<IAtom> localNeighbors = neighbors.get(ringAtoms[ringId].getAtom());
localNeighbors.set(localNeighbors.indexOf(ringAtoms[ringId]), atom);
if (neighbors.containsKey(atom)) {

ringAtoms[ringId] = null;
return atom;

private final static ILoggingTool logger = LoggingToolFactory.createLoggingTool(SmartsQueryVisitor.class);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -360,17 +365,17 @@ public Object visit(ASTSmarts node, Object data) {
bond = null;

// first ATOM in expresion

if (tetrahedral.get(query.getAtomCount() - 1)) {
List<IAtom> localNeighbors = new ArrayList<IAtom>(query.getConnectedAtomsList(atom));
// placeholders for ring closure
for (RingIdentifierAtom ringIdAtom : ringAtomLookup.get(atom))
neighbors.put(atom, localNeighbors);

// now process the rest of the bonds/atoms
for (int i = 1; i < node.jjtGetNumChildren(); i++) {
Node child = node.jjtGetChild(i);
if (child instanceof ASTLowAndBond) {
Expand All @@ -390,9 +395,6 @@ public Object visit(ASTSmarts node, Object data) {
if (tetrahedral.get(query.getAtomCount() - 1)) {
List<IAtom> localNeighbors = new ArrayList<IAtom>(query.getConnectedAtomsList(newAtom));
// placeholders for ring closure
for (RingIdentifierAtom ringIdAtom : ringAtomLookup.get(newAtom))
neighbors.put(newAtom, localNeighbors);

Expand All @@ -401,6 +403,10 @@ public Object visit(ASTSmarts node, Object data) {
} else if (child instanceof ASTSmarts) { // another smarts
child.jjtAccept(this, new Object[]{atom, bond});
bond = null;
} else if (child instanceof ASTRingIdentifier) {
handleRingClosure(atom, (ASTRingIdentifier) child);
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unhandled node type: " + child.getClass());

Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -425,7 +425,7 @@ void SmartsExpression() #Smarts :
ringId.jjtAddChild(bond, 0);
atom.jjtAddChild(ringId, atom.jjtGetNumChildren());
atom = AtomExpression()
Expand Down
Expand Up @@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
import org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.IAtomContainer;
import org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.IChemObjectBuilder;
import org.openscience.cdk.interfaces.IReaction;
import org.openscience.cdk.isomorphism.Pattern;
import org.openscience.cdk.silent.SilentChemObjectBuilder;
import org.openscience.cdk.smiles.SmilesParser;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -182,6 +183,12 @@ public void mismatchedQueryMapsIgnored() throws Exception {

public void stereo_ring_closures() throws Exception {
Pattern ptrn = SmartsPattern.create("[C@@]1(O[C@@]([C@@]([C@]([C@]1(C)O)(C)O)(O)C)(O)C)(O)C");

IAtomContainer smi(String smi) throws Exception {
return new SmilesParser(bldr).parseSmiles(smi);
Expand Down

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