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Implement TCP timeouts.
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whitequark committed Sep 18, 2017
1 parent a04b324 commit 64a8270
Showing 3 changed files with 194 additions and 19 deletions.
15 changes: 7 additions & 8 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -46,23 +46,22 @@ The only supported internetworking protocol is IPv4.

The UDP protocol is supported over IPv4.

* UDP header checksum is always generated and validated.
* Header checksum is always generated and validated.
* In response to a packet arriving at a port without a listening socket,
an ICMP destination unreachable message is generated.

### TCP layer

The TCP protocol is supported over IPv4. Server and client sockets are supported.

* TCP header checksum is generated and validated.
* Header checksum is generated and validated.
* Maximum segment size is negotiated.
* Multiple packets will be transmitted without waiting for an acknowledgement.
* Lost packets will be retransmitted with exponential backoff, starting at
a fixed delay of 100 ms.
* Multiple packets are transmitted without waiting for an acknowledgement.
* Lost packets are retransmitted with exponential backoff, starting at a fixed delay of 100 ms.
* Sending keep-alive packets is supported, with a configurable interval.
* After arriving at the TIME-WAIT state, sockets will close after a fixed delay of 10 s.
* TCP urgent pointer is **not** supported; any urgent octets will be received alongside
data octets.
* Connection, retransmission and keep-alive timeouts are supported, with a configurable duration.
* After arriving at the TIME-WAIT state, sockets close after a fixed delay of 10 s.
* Urgent pointer is **not** supported; any urgent octets will be received alongside data octets.
* Reassembly of out-of-order segments is **not** supported.
* Silly window syndrome avoidance is **not** supported for either transmission or reception.
* Congestion control is **not** implemented.
189 changes: 178 additions & 11 deletions src/socket/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -173,6 +173,8 @@ pub struct TcpSocket<'a> {
timer: Timer,
rx_buffer: SocketBuffer<'a>,
tx_buffer: SocketBuffer<'a>,
/// Interval after which, if no inbound packets are received, the connection is aborted.
timeout: Option<u64>,
/// Interval at which keep-alive packets will be sent.
keep_alive: Option<u64>,
/// Address passed to listen(). Listen address is set when listen() is called and
@@ -207,6 +209,8 @@ pub struct TcpSocket<'a> {
remote_win_len: usize,
/// The maximum number of data octets that the remote side may receive.
remote_mss: usize,
/// The timestamp of the last packet received.
remote_last_ts: Option<u64>,

const DEFAULT_MSS: usize = 536;
@@ -227,6 +231,7 @@ impl<'a> TcpSocket<'a> {
timer: Timer::default(),
tx_buffer: tx_buffer.into(),
rx_buffer: rx_buffer.into(),
timeout: None,
keep_alive: None,
listen_address: IpAddress::default(),
local_endpoint: IpEndpoint::default(),
@@ -238,6 +243,7 @@ impl<'a> TcpSocket<'a> {
remote_last_win: 0,
remote_win_len: 0,
remote_mss: DEFAULT_MSS,
remote_last_ts: None,

@@ -255,6 +261,29 @@ impl<'a> TcpSocket<'a> {
self.debug_id = id

/// Return the timeout duration.
/// See also the [set_timeout](#method.set_timeout) method.
pub fn timeout(&self) -> Option<u64> {

/// Set the timeout duration.
/// A socket with a timeout duration set will abort the connection if either of the following
/// occurs:
/// * After a [connect](#method.connect) call, the remote endpoint does not respond within
/// the specified duration;
/// * After establishing a connection, there is data in the transmit buffer and the remote
/// endpoint exceeds the specified duration between any two packets it sends;
/// * After enabling [keep-alive](#method.set_keep_alive), the remote endpoint exceeds
/// the specified duration between any two packets it sends.
pub fn set_timeout(&mut self, duration: Option<u64>) {
self.timeout = duration;
self.remote_last_ts = None;

/// Return the keep-alive interval.
/// See also the [set_keep_alive](#method.set_keep_alive) method.
@@ -264,7 +293,7 @@ impl<'a> TcpSocket<'a> {

/// Set the keep-alive interval.
/// An idle socket with a set keep-alive interval will transmit a "challenge ACK" packet
/// An idle socket with a keep-alive interval set will transmit a "challenge ACK" packet
/// every time it receives no communication during that interval. As a result, three things
/// may happen:
@@ -305,6 +334,7 @@ impl<'a> TcpSocket<'a> {
self.state = State::Closed;
self.timer = Timer::default();
self.keep_alive = None;
self.timeout = None;
self.listen_address = IpAddress::default();
self.local_endpoint = IpEndpoint::default();
self.remote_endpoint = IpEndpoint::default();
@@ -315,6 +345,7 @@ impl<'a> TcpSocket<'a> {
self.remote_last_win = 0;
self.remote_win_len = 0;
self.remote_mss = DEFAULT_MSS;
self.remote_last_ts = None;
@@ -541,6 +572,11 @@ impl<'a> TcpSocket<'a> {
pub fn send(&mut self, size: usize) -> Result<&mut [u8]> {
if !self.may_send() { return Err(Error::Illegal) }

// The connection might have been idle for a long time, and so remote_last_ts
// would be far in the past. Unless we clear it here, we'll abort the connection
// down over in dispatch() by erroneously detecting it as timed out.
if self.tx_buffer.is_empty() { self.remote_last_ts = None }

let _old_length = self.tx_buffer.len();
let buffer = self.tx_buffer.enqueue_many(size);
if buffer.len() > 0 {
@@ -561,6 +597,9 @@ impl<'a> TcpSocket<'a> {
pub fn send_slice(&mut self, data: &[u8]) -> Result<usize> {
if !self.may_send() { return Err(Error::Illegal) }

// See above.
if self.tx_buffer.is_empty() { self.remote_last_ts = None }

let _old_length = self.tx_buffer.len();
let enqueued = self.tx_buffer.enqueue_slice(data);
if enqueued != 0 {
@@ -1051,7 +1090,8 @@ impl<'a> TcpSocket<'a> {

// Update window length.
// Update remote state.
self.remote_last_ts = Some(timestamp);
self.remote_win_len = repr.window_len as usize;

if ack_len > 0 {
@@ -1080,6 +1120,15 @@ impl<'a> TcpSocket<'a> {

fn timed_out(&self, timestamp: u64) -> bool {
match (self.remote_last_ts, self.timeout) {
(Some(remote_last_ts), Some(timeout)) =>
timestamp >= remote_last_ts + timeout,
(_, _) =>

fn seq_to_transmit(&self, control: TcpControl) -> bool {
self.remote_last_seq < self.local_seq_no + self.tx_buffer.len() + control.len()
@@ -1097,7 +1146,23 @@ impl<'a> TcpSocket<'a> {
where F: FnOnce((IpRepr, TcpRepr)) -> Result<()> {
if !self.remote_endpoint.is_specified() { return Err(Error::Exhausted) }

if !self.seq_to_transmit(TcpControl::None) {
if self.remote_last_ts.is_none() {
// We get here in exactly two cases:
// 1) This socket just transitioned into SYN-SENT.
// 2) This socket had an empty transmit buffer and some data was added there.
// Both are similar in that the socket has been quiet for an indefinite
// period of time, it isn't anymore, and the local endpoint is talking.
// So, we start counting the timeout not from the last received packet
// but from the first transmitted one.
self.remote_last_ts = Some(timestamp);

if self.timed_out(timestamp) {
// If a timeout expires, we should abort the connection.
net_debug!("[{}]{}:{}: timeout exceeded",
self.debug_id, self.local_endpoint, self.remote_endpoint);
} else if !self.seq_to_transmit(TcpControl::None) {
if let Some(retransmit_delta) = self.timer.should_retransmit(timestamp) {
// If a retransmit timer expired, we should resend data starting at the last ACK.
net_debug!("[{}]{}:{}: retransmitting at t+{}ms",
@@ -1215,7 +1280,7 @@ impl<'a> TcpSocket<'a> {

let is_keep_alive;
if self.timer.should_keep_alive(timestamp) {
if self.timer.should_keep_alive(timestamp) && repr.is_empty() {
net_trace!("[{}]{}:{}: sending a keep-alive",
self.debug_id, self.local_endpoint, self.remote_endpoint);
repr.seq_number = repr.seq_number - 1;
@@ -1286,13 +1351,18 @@ impl<'a> TcpSocket<'a> {

pub(crate) fn poll_at(&self) -> Option<u64> {
self.timer.poll_at().or_else(|| {
if self.tx_buffer.is_empty() {
} else {
.or_else(|| {
match (self.remote_last_ts, self.timeout) {
(Some(remote_last_ts), Some(timeout))
if !self.tx_buffer.is_empty() =>
Some(remote_last_ts + timeout),
(None, Some(timeout)) =>
(_, _) =>

@@ -3037,6 +3107,103 @@ mod test {

// =========================================================================================//
// Tests for timeouts
// =========================================================================================//

fn test_connect_timeout() {
let mut s = socket();
s.local_seq_no = LOCAL_SEQ;
s.connect(REMOTE_END, LOCAL_END.port).unwrap();
recv!(s, time 150, Ok(TcpRepr {
control: TcpControl::Syn,
seq_number: LOCAL_SEQ,
ack_number: None,
max_seg_size: Some(1480),
assert_eq!(s.state, State::SynSent);
assert_eq!(s.poll_at(), Some(250));
recv!(s, time 250, Ok(TcpRepr {
control: TcpControl::Rst,
seq_number: LOCAL_SEQ + 1,
ack_number: Some(TcpSeqNumber(0)),
assert_eq!(s.state, State::Closed);

fn test_established_timeout() {
let mut s = socket_established();
recv!(s, time 250, Err(Error::Exhausted));
assert_eq!(s.poll_at(), None);
assert_eq!(s.poll_at(), Some(0));
recv!(s, time 255, Ok(TcpRepr {
seq_number: LOCAL_SEQ + 1,
ack_number: Some(REMOTE_SEQ + 1),
payload: &b"abcdef"[..],
assert_eq!(s.poll_at(), Some(355));
recv!(s, time 355, Ok(TcpRepr {
seq_number: LOCAL_SEQ + 1,
ack_number: Some(REMOTE_SEQ + 1),
payload: &b"abcdef"[..],
assert_eq!(s.poll_at(), Some(455));
recv!(s, time 500, Ok(TcpRepr {
control: TcpControl::Rst,
seq_number: LOCAL_SEQ + 1 + 6,
ack_number: Some(REMOTE_SEQ + 1),
assert_eq!(s.state, State::Closed);

fn test_established_keep_alive_timeout() {
let mut s = socket_established();
recv!(s, time 100, Ok(TcpRepr {
seq_number: LOCAL_SEQ,
ack_number: Some(REMOTE_SEQ + 1),
payload: &[0],
recv!(s, time 100, Err(Error::Exhausted));
assert_eq!(s.poll_at(), Some(150));
send!(s, time 105, TcpRepr {
seq_number: REMOTE_SEQ + 1,
ack_number: Some(LOCAL_SEQ + 1),
assert_eq!(s.poll_at(), Some(155));
recv!(s, time 155, Ok(TcpRepr {
seq_number: LOCAL_SEQ,
ack_number: Some(REMOTE_SEQ + 1),
payload: &[0],
recv!(s, time 155, Err(Error::Exhausted));
assert_eq!(s.poll_at(), Some(205));
recv!(s, time 200, Err(Error::Exhausted));
recv!(s, time 205, Ok(TcpRepr {
control: TcpControl::Rst,
seq_number: LOCAL_SEQ + 1,
ack_number: Some(REMOTE_SEQ + 1),
recv!(s, time 205, Err(Error::Exhausted));
assert_eq!(s.state, State::Closed);

// =========================================================================================//
// Tests for keep-alive
// =========================================================================================//
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions src/wire/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -740,6 +740,15 @@ impl<'a> Repr<'a> {
pub fn segment_len(&self) -> usize {
self.payload.len() + self.control.len()

/// Return whether the segment has no flags set (except PSH) and no data.
pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
match self.control {
_ if self.payload.len() != 0 => false,
Control::Syn | Control::Fin | Control::Rst => false,
Control::None | Control::Psh => true

impl<'a, T: AsRef<[u8]> + ?Sized> fmt::Display for Packet<&'a T> {

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