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Remove Lua functions from WorldEdit GUI
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sfan5 committed Sep 12, 2017
1 parent 3c61759 commit d6a9b51
Showing 1 changed file with 3 additions and 33 deletions.
36 changes: 3 additions & 33 deletions worldedit_gui/functionality.lua
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
--saved state for each player
local gui_nodename1 = {} --mapping of player names to node names (arbitrary strings may also appear as values)
local gui_nodename2 = {} --mapping of player names to node names (arbitrary strings may also appear as values)
local gui_nodename1 = {} --mapping of player names to node names
local gui_nodename2 = {} --mapping of player names to node names
local gui_axis1 = {} --mapping of player names to axes (one of 1, 2, 3, or 4, representing the axes in the `axis_indices` table below)
local gui_axis2 = {} --mapping of player names to axes (one of 1, 2, 3, or 4, representing the axes in the `axis_indices` table below)
local gui_distance1 = {} --mapping of player names to a distance (arbitrary strings may also appear as values)
Expand All @@ -10,9 +10,7 @@ local gui_count1 = {} --mapping of player names to a quantity (arbitrary strings
local gui_count2 = {} --mapping of player names to a quantity (arbitrary strings may also appear as values)
local gui_count3 = {} --mapping of player names to a quantity (arbitrary strings may also appear as values)
local gui_angle = {} --mapping of player names to an angle (one of 90, 180, 270, representing the angle in degrees clockwise)
local gui_filename = {} --mapping of player names to file names (arbitrary strings may also appear as values)
local gui_formspec = {} --mapping of player names to formspecs
local gui_code = {} --mapping of player names to formspecs
local gui_filename = {} --mapping of player names to file names

--set default values
setmetatable(gui_nodename1, {__index = function() return "Cobblestone" end})
Expand All @@ -27,8 +25,6 @@ setmetatable(gui_count2, {__index = function() return "6" end})
setmetatable(gui_count3, {__index = function() return "4" end})
setmetatable(gui_angle, {__index = function() return 90 end})
setmetatable(gui_filename, {__index = function() return "building" end})
setmetatable(gui_formspec, {__index = function() return "size[5,5]\nlabel[0,0;Hello, world!]" end})
setmetatable(gui_code, {__index = function() return "minetest.chat_send_player(\"singleplayer\", \"Hello, world!\")" end})

local axis_indices = {["X axis"]=1, ["Y axis"]=2, ["Z axis"]=3, ["Look direction"]=4}
local axis_values = {"x", "y", "z", "?"}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -739,32 +735,6 @@ worldedit.register_gui_handler("worldedit_gui_save_load", function(name, fields)
return false

worldedit.register_gui_function("worldedit_gui_lua", {
name = "Run Lua",
privs = we_privs("lua"),
get_formspec = function(name)
local code = gui_code[name]
return "size[8,6.5]" .. worldedit.get_formspec_header("worldedit_gui_lua") ..
string.format("textarea[0.5,1;7.5,5.5;worldedit_gui_lua_code;Lua Code;%s]", minetest.formspec_escape(code)) ..
"button_exit[0,6;3,0.8;worldedit_gui_lua_run;Run Lua]" ..
"button_exit[5,6;3,0.8;worldedit_gui_lua_transform;Lua Transform]"

worldedit.register_gui_handler("worldedit_gui_lua", function(name, fields)
if fields.worldedit_gui_lua_run or fields.worldedit_gui_lua_transform then
gui_code[name] = fields.worldedit_gui_lua_code
worldedit.show_page(name, "worldedit_gui_lua")
if fields.worldedit_gui_lua_run then
minetest.chatcommands["/lua"].func(name, gui_code[name])
else --fields.worldedit_gui_lua_transform
minetest.chatcommands["/luatransform"].func(name, gui_code[name])
return true
return false

worldedit.register_gui_function("worldedit_gui_clearobjects", {
name = "Clear Objects",
privs = we_privs("clearobjects"),
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