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base repository: jruby/jruby
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  • 3 commits
  • 9 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Mar 5, 2016

  1. [Truffle] Pass the correct encoding through to Rubinius::Mirror::Stri…

    Prior to this change, it was expected the caller would splice a string and then set the correct encoding for the final product. In the time in between, the String could be invalid. When we simply modified the underlying byte[] this was an acceptable trade-off. However, now that we're using ropes, it's possible the splice operation ends up using a bad specialized version of a rope operation, as the rope operations are encoding-aware.
    nirvdrum committed Mar 5, 2016


    This commit was created on and signed with GitHub’s verified signature.
    Copy the full SHA
    127d742 View commit details
  2. [Truffle] Added a single-byte rope cache.

    This cuts down creating duplicate ropes for common cases such as indexing into a byte-optimizable String.
    nirvdrum committed Mar 5, 2016
    Copy the full SHA
    7fbb658 View commit details
  3. Copy the full SHA
    7a0a5aa View commit details
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@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
* Copyright (c) 2016 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This
* code is released under a tri EPL/GPL/LGPL license. You can use it,
* redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the:
* Eclipse Public License version 1.0
* GNU General Public License version 2
* GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1

package org.jruby.truffle.core.rope;

import org.jcodings.specific.ASCIIEncoding;
import org.jcodings.specific.USASCIIEncoding;
import org.jcodings.specific.UTF8Encoding;

import static org.jruby.truffle.core.rope.CodeRange.CR_7BIT;

public class RopeConstants {

public static final LeafRope EMPTY_ASCII_8BIT_ROPE;
public static final LeafRope EMPTY_US_ASCII_ROPE;
public static final LeafRope EMPTY_UTF8_ROPE;

public static final LeafRope[] UTF8_SINGLE_BYTE_ROPES = new LeafRope[256];
public static final LeafRope[] US_ASCII_SINGLE_BYTE_ROPES = new LeafRope[256];
public static final LeafRope[] ASCII_8BIT_SINGLE_BYTE_ROPES = new LeafRope[256];

static {
final byte[] emptyBytes = new byte[] {};

EMPTY_UTF8_ROPE = new AsciiOnlyLeafRope(emptyBytes, UTF8Encoding.INSTANCE);
EMPTY_US_ASCII_ROPE = new AsciiOnlyLeafRope(emptyBytes, USASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE);
EMPTY_ASCII_8BIT_ROPE = new AsciiOnlyLeafRope(emptyBytes, ASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE);

for (int i = 0; i < 128; i++) {
final byte[] bytes = new byte[] { (byte) i };

UTF8_SINGLE_BYTE_ROPES[i] = new AsciiOnlyLeafRope(bytes, UTF8Encoding.INSTANCE);
US_ASCII_SINGLE_BYTE_ROPES[i] = new AsciiOnlyLeafRope(bytes, USASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE);
ASCII_8BIT_SINGLE_BYTE_ROPES[i] = new AsciiOnlyLeafRope(bytes, ASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE);

for (int i = 128; i < 256; i++) {
final byte[] bytes = new byte[] { (byte) i };

UTF8_SINGLE_BYTE_ROPES[i] = new InvalidLeafRope(bytes, UTF8Encoding.INSTANCE);
US_ASCII_SINGLE_BYTE_ROPES[i] = new InvalidLeafRope(bytes, USASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE);
ASCII_8BIT_SINGLE_BYTE_ROPES[i] = new ValidLeafRope(bytes, ASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE, 1);

71 changes: 51 additions & 20 deletions truffle/src/main/java/org/jruby/truffle/core/rope/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -55,45 +55,70 @@ public MakeSubstringNode(RubyContext context, SourceSection sourceSection) {
public abstract Rope executeMake(Rope base, int offset, int byteLength);

@Specialization(guards = "byteLength == 0")
public Rope substringZeroLength(Rope base, int offset, int byteLength,
public Rope substringZeroBytes(Rope base, int offset, int byteLength,
@Cached("createBinaryProfile()") ConditionProfile isUTF8,
@Cached("createBinaryProfile()") ConditionProfile isUSAscii,
@Cached("createBinaryProfile()") ConditionProfile isAscii8Bit) {
if (isUTF8.profile(base.getEncoding() == UTF8Encoding.INSTANCE)) {
return RopeOperations.EMPTY_UTF8_ROPE;
return RopeConstants.EMPTY_UTF8_ROPE;

if (isUSAscii.profile(base.getEncoding() == USASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE)) {
return RopeOperations.EMPTY_US_ASCII_ROPE;
return RopeConstants.EMPTY_US_ASCII_ROPE;

if (isAscii8Bit.profile(base.getEncoding() == ASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE)) {
return RopeOperations.EMPTY_ASCII_8BIT_ROPE;
return RopeConstants.EMPTY_ASCII_8BIT_ROPE;

return RopeOperations.withEncoding(RopeOperations.EMPTY_UTF8_ROPE, base.getEncoding());
return RopeOperations.withEncoding(RopeConstants.EMPTY_UTF8_ROPE, base.getEncoding());

@Specialization(guards = { "byteLength > 0", "sameAsBase(base, offset, byteLength)" })
@Specialization(guards = "byteLength == 1")
public Rope substringOneByte(Rope base, int offset, int byteLength,
@Cached("createBinaryProfile()") ConditionProfile isUTF8,
@Cached("createBinaryProfile()") ConditionProfile isUSAscii,
@Cached("createBinaryProfile()") ConditionProfile isAscii8Bit) {
final int index = base.get(offset) & 0xff;

if (isUTF8.profile(base.getEncoding() == UTF8Encoding.INSTANCE)) {
return RopeConstants.UTF8_SINGLE_BYTE_ROPES[index];

if (isUSAscii.profile(base.getEncoding() == USASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE)) {
return RopeConstants.US_ASCII_SINGLE_BYTE_ROPES[index];

if (isAscii8Bit.profile(base.getEncoding() == ASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE)) {
return RopeConstants.ASCII_8BIT_SINGLE_BYTE_ROPES[index];

return RopeOperations.withEncoding(RopeConstants.ASCII_8BIT_SINGLE_BYTE_ROPES[index], base.getEncoding());

@Specialization(guards = { "byteLength > 1", "sameAsBase(base, offset, byteLength)" })
public Rope substringSameAsBase(Rope base, int offset, int byteLength) {
return base;

@Specialization(guards = { "byteLength > 0", "!sameAsBase(base, offset, byteLength)" })
@Specialization(guards = { "byteLength > 1", "!sameAsBase(base, offset, byteLength)" })
public Rope substringLeafRope(LeafRope base, int offset, int byteLength,
@Cached("createBinaryProfile()") ConditionProfile is7BitProfile) {
return makeSubstring(base, offset, byteLength, is7BitProfile);
@Cached("createBinaryProfile()") ConditionProfile is7BitProfile,
@Cached("createBinaryProfile()") ConditionProfile isBinaryStringProfile) {
return makeSubstring(base, offset, byteLength, is7BitProfile, isBinaryStringProfile);

@Specialization(guards = { "byteLength > 0", "!sameAsBase(base, offset, byteLength)" })
@Specialization(guards = { "byteLength > 1", "!sameAsBase(base, offset, byteLength)" })
public Rope substringSubstringRope(SubstringRope base, int offset, int byteLength,
@Cached("createBinaryProfile()") ConditionProfile is7BitProfile) {
return makeSubstring(base.getChild(), offset + base.getOffset(), byteLength, is7BitProfile);
@Cached("createBinaryProfile()") ConditionProfile is7BitProfile,
@Cached("createBinaryProfile()") ConditionProfile isBinaryStringProfile) {
return makeSubstring(base.getChild(), offset + base.getOffset(), byteLength, is7BitProfile, isBinaryStringProfile);

@Specialization(guards = { "byteLength > 0", "!sameAsBase(base, offset, byteLength)" })
@Specialization(guards = { "byteLength > 1", "!sameAsBase(base, offset, byteLength)" })
public Rope substringConcatRope(ConcatRope base, int offset, int byteLength,
@Cached("createBinaryProfile()") ConditionProfile is7BitProfile) {
@Cached("createBinaryProfile()") ConditionProfile is7BitProfile,
@Cached("createBinaryProfile()") ConditionProfile isBinaryStringProfile) {
Rope root = base;

while (root instanceof ConcatRope) {
@@ -118,18 +143,24 @@ public Rope substringConcatRope(ConcatRope base, int offset, int byteLength,
if (byteLength == root.byteLength()) {
return root;
} else {
return makeSubstring(root, offset, byteLength, is7BitProfile);
return makeSubstring(root, offset, byteLength, is7BitProfile, isBinaryStringProfile);

return makeSubstring(root, offset, byteLength, is7BitProfile);
return makeSubstring(root, offset, byteLength, is7BitProfile, isBinaryStringProfile);

private Rope makeSubstring(Rope base, int offset, int byteLength, ConditionProfile is7BitProfile) {
private Rope makeSubstring(Rope base, int offset, int byteLength, ConditionProfile is7BitProfile, ConditionProfile isBinaryStringProfile) {
if (is7BitProfile.profile(base.getCodeRange() == CR_7BIT)) {
return new SubstringRope(base, offset, byteLength, byteLength, CR_7BIT);

// We short-circuit here to avoid the costly process of recalculating information we already know, such as
// whether the string has a valid code range.
if (isBinaryStringProfile.profile(base.getEncoding() == ASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE)) {
return new SubstringRope(base, offset, byteLength, byteLength, CR_VALID);

return makeSubstringNon7Bit(base, offset, byteLength);

@@ -359,15 +390,15 @@ public LeafRope makeUnknownLeafRopeEmpty(byte[] bytes, Encoding encoding, CodeRa
@Cached("createBinaryProfile()") ConditionProfile isAscii8Bit,
@Cached("createBinaryProfile()") ConditionProfile isAsciiCompatible) {
if (isUTF8.profile(encoding == UTF8Encoding.INSTANCE)) {
return RopeOperations.EMPTY_UTF8_ROPE;
return RopeConstants.EMPTY_UTF8_ROPE;

if (isUSAscii.profile(encoding == USASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE)) {
return RopeOperations.EMPTY_US_ASCII_ROPE;
return RopeConstants.EMPTY_US_ASCII_ROPE;

if (isAscii8Bit.profile(encoding == ASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE)) {
return RopeOperations.EMPTY_ASCII_8BIT_ROPE;
return RopeConstants.EMPTY_ASCII_8BIT_ROPE;

if (isAsciiCompatible.profile(encoding.isAsciiCompatible())) {
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -36,13 +36,25 @@

public class RopeOperations {

public static final LeafRope EMPTY_ASCII_8BIT_ROPE = create(new byte[] {}, ASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE, CR_7BIT);
public static final LeafRope EMPTY_US_ASCII_ROPE = create(new byte [] {}, USASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE, CR_7BIT);
public static final LeafRope EMPTY_UTF8_ROPE = create(new byte[] {}, UTF8Encoding.INSTANCE, CR_7BIT);

private static final ConcurrentHashMap<Encoding, Charset> encodingToCharsetMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

public static LeafRope create(byte[] bytes, Encoding encoding, CodeRange codeRange) {
if (bytes.length == 1) {
final int index = bytes[0] & 0xff;

if (encoding == UTF8Encoding.INSTANCE) {
return RopeConstants.UTF8_SINGLE_BYTE_ROPES[index];

if (encoding == USASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE) {
return RopeConstants.US_ASCII_SINGLE_BYTE_ROPES[index];

if (encoding == ASCIIEncoding.INSTANCE) {
return RopeConstants.ASCII_8BIT_SINGLE_BYTE_ROPES[index];

int characterLength = -1;

if (codeRange == CR_UNKNOWN) {
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -24,9 +24,9 @@
import org.jruby.truffle.core.Layouts;
import org.jruby.truffle.core.encoding.EncodingConverterNodes;
import org.jruby.truffle.core.rope.Rope;
import org.jruby.truffle.core.rope.RopeConstants;
import org.jruby.truffle.core.rope.RopeNodes;
import org.jruby.truffle.core.rope.RopeNodesFactory;
import org.jruby.truffle.core.rope.RopeOperations;
import org.jruby.truffle.core.string.StringOperations;
import org.jruby.truffle.language.NotProvided;
import org.jruby.truffle.language.RubyGuards;
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ private Object primitiveConvertHelper(DynamicObject encodingConverter, DynamicOb
// Taken from org.jruby.RubyConverter#primitive_convert.

final boolean nonNullSource = source != nil();
Rope sourceRope = nonNullSource ? rope(source) : RopeOperations.EMPTY_UTF8_ROPE;
Rope sourceRope = nonNullSource ? rope(source) : RopeConstants.EMPTY_UTF8_ROPE;
final Rope targetRope = rope(target);
final ByteList outBytes = targetRope.toByteListCopy();
