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Nicolas F edited this page Apr 1, 2017 · 15 revisions

This page only applies to, you may do whatever you wish if you host your own copy of the site

Recommended encoder: ffmpeg
I will not be covering how to use this encoder. Our staff's encode settings are stored in the repository.

Hint: You can use our comfy encoding script.

Check out this page for information about how to find good video sources.


  • Your video must not be larger than 40 MB unless the video is for some reason longer than 1.5 minutes, then ask Quad for details.
  • The average bitrate of a video must not surpass 3.5 mbit/s, keep it below 3 mbit/s if possible.
  • The max bitrate of a video should not surpass 4 mbit/s.
  • Use two-pass encoding if possible.
  • Videos must be 720p at most. Videos larger than 720p should be scaled down to 720p.
  • Videos must be in a WebM container and use the VP9 video codec.
  • You must use the Vorbis audio format. This may change when Opus support in browsers improves.
  • Audio should be normalized to -0.4dB.
  • Videos may not contain subtitle tracks (Firefox doesn't cooperate well with these).
  • There should not be any black frames at the start or end of the video (unless it's a fade in/out, then it can have 1 black frame).
  • Using the encoding settings provided in this repository does not guarantee that your encode will be accepted.
  • Filenames should be in the format "Title-AnimeSeries.webm" (e.x. "Opening1-GurrenLagann.webm").

Your encode will be checked by staff, for details about the process, check the QA page


  • 3 mbit/s is a max, not a target. For videos that could make do with 1.5 or 2 mbit/s, try to use that (i.e. endings that are pretty much just a slideshow).
  • Videos should not have hardcoded subtitles if possible. We can actually display .ass subtitles, so use them instead.
  • Easter eggs are pretty much exempt from the above terms as long as quality is somewhat acceptable and the bitrate isn't above 3 mbit/s. We're not picky about that as long as they're not complete crap.