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base repository: jruby/jruby
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base: 745fcccc6841
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head repository: jruby/jruby
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compare: c6e43c076899
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  • 2 commits
  • 3 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Mar 4, 2016

  1. Verified

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    makenowjust Hiroya Fujinami
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    efae5ad View commit details
  2. Copy the full SHA
    c6e43c0 View commit details
Showing with 114 additions and 228 deletions.
  1. +114 −106 core/src/main/java/org/jruby/ext/nkf/
  2. +0 −118 test/jruby/test_nkf.rb
  3. +0 −4 test/mri/excludes/TestKconv.rb
220 changes: 114 additions & 106 deletions core/src/main/java/org/jruby/ext/nkf/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -40,6 +40,9 @@

import org.jcodings.Encoding;
import org.jcodings.specific.ASCIIEncoding;
import org.jcodings.specific.UTF8Encoding;
import org.jcodings.transcode.EConv;
import org.jcodings.transcode.EConvFlags;
import org.jruby.Ruby;
import org.jruby.RubyArray;
import org.jruby.RubyModule;
@@ -53,15 +56,16 @@
import org.jruby.util.ByteList;
import org.jruby.util.KCode;
import org.jruby.util.Pack;

public class RubyNKF {
public static enum NKFCharset {
AUTO(0, "x-JISAutoDetect"),
// no ISO-2022-JP in jcodings
JIS(1, "iso-2022-jp"),
JIS(1, "ISO-2022-JP"),
EUC(2, "EUC-JP"),
SJIS(3, "Windows-31J"),
SJIS(3, "Shift_JIS"),
BINARY(4, null),
NOCONV(4, null),
UNKNOWN(0, null),
@@ -119,6 +123,10 @@ public static void createNKF(Ruby runtime) {

@JRubyMethod(name = "guess", required = 1, module = true)
public static IRubyObject guess(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject s) {
return charsetMappedValue(context.runtime, guess(context, s));

public static NKFCharset guess(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject s) {
// TODO: Fix charset usage for JRUBY-4553
Ruby runtime = context.runtime;
if (!s.respondsTo("to_str")) {
@@ -134,28 +142,39 @@ public static IRubyObject guess(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, IRubyOb
try {

if ( ! decoder.isCharsetDetected() ) {
return NKFCharset.UNKNOWN;
Charset charset = decoder.detectedCharset();
String name =;
if ("Shift_JIS".equals(name)) {
return NKFCharset.SJIS;
if ("Windows-31j".equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {
return NKFCharset.JIS;
if ("EUC-JP".equals(name)) {
return NKFCharset.EUC;
if ("ISO-2022-JP".equals(name)) {
return NKFCharset.JIS;
catch (CharacterCodingException e) {
return charsetMappedValue(runtime, UNKNOWN);
if ( ! decoder.isCharsetDetected() ) {
return charsetMappedValue(runtime, UNKNOWN);
Charset charset = decoder.detectedCharset();
String name =;
if ("Shift_JIS".equals(name)) {
return charsetMappedValue(runtime, SJIS);
// fall through and try direct encoding
if ("windows-31j".equals(name)) {
return charsetMappedValue(runtime, SJIS);

if (bytes.getEncoding() == UTF8Encoding.INSTANCE) {
return NKFCharset.UTF8;
if ("EUC-JP".equals(name)) {
return charsetMappedValue(runtime, EUC);
if (bytes.getEncoding().toString().startsWith("UTF-16")) {
return NKFCharset.UTF16;
if ("ISO-2022-JP".equals(name)) {
return charsetMappedValue(runtime, JIS);
if (bytes.getEncoding().toString().startsWith("UTF-32")) {
return NKFCharset.UTF32;
return charsetMappedValue(runtime, UNKNOWN);
return NKFCharset.UNKNOWN;

private static IRubyObject charsetMappedValue(final Ruby runtime, final NKFCharset charset) {
@@ -195,15 +214,8 @@ public static IRubyObject nkf(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, IRubyObje

Map<String, NKFCharset> options = parseOpt(opt.convertToString().toString());

if (options.get("input").getValue() == AUTO.getValue()) {
KCode kcode = runtime.getKCode();
if (kcode == KCode.SJIS) {
options.put("input", SJIS);
} else if (kcode == KCode.EUC) {
options.put("input", EUC);
} else if (kcode == KCode.UTF8) {
options.put("input", UTF8);
if (options.get("input").getValue() == NKFCharset.AUTO.getValue()) {
options.put("input", guess(context, str));

ByteList bstr = str.convertToString().getByteList();
@@ -216,9 +228,9 @@ public static IRubyObject nkf(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject recv, IRubyObje

RubyString result = converter.convert(bstr);

if (options.get("mime-encode") == BASE64) {
if (options.get("mime-encode") == NKFCharset.BASE64) {
result = Converter.encodeMimeString(runtime, result, PACK_BASE64);
} else if (options.get("mime-encode") == QENCODE) {
} else if (options.get("mime-encode") == NKFCharset.QENCODE) {
result = Converter.encodeMimeString(runtime, result, PACK_QENCODE);

@@ -290,123 +302,127 @@ private static Map<String, NKFCharset> parseOpt(String s) {
Map<String, NKFCharset> options = new HashMap<String, NKFCharset>();

// default options
options.put("input", AUTO);
options.put("output", JIS);
options.put("mime-decode", MIME_DETECT);
options.put("mime-encode", NOCONV);
options.put("input", NKFCharset.AUTO);
options.put("output", NKFCharset.JIS);
options.put("mime-decode", NKFCharset.MIME_DETECT);
options.put("mime-encode", NKFCharset.NOCONV);

Command cmd = parseOption(s);
if (cmd.hasOption("j")) {
options.put("output", JIS);
options.put("output", NKFCharset.JIS);
if (cmd.hasOption("s")) {
options.put("output", SJIS);
options.put("output", NKFCharset.SJIS);
if (cmd.hasOption("e")) {
options.put("output", EUC);
options.put("output", NKFCharset.EUC);
if (cmd.hasOption("w")) {
Option opt = cmd.getOption("w");
if ("32".equals(opt.getValue())) {
options.put("output", UTF32);
options.put("output", NKFCharset.UTF32);
} else if("16".equals(opt.getValue())) {
options.put("output", UTF16);
options.put("output", NKFCharset.UTF16);
} else {
options.put("output", UTF8);
options.put("output", NKFCharset.UTF8);
if (cmd.hasOption("J")) {
options.put("input", JIS);
options.put("input", NKFCharset.JIS);
if (cmd.hasOption("S")) {
options.put("input", SJIS);
options.put("input", NKFCharset.SJIS);
if (cmd.hasOption("E")) {
options.put("input", EUC);
options.put("input", NKFCharset.EUC);
if (cmd.hasOption("W")) {
Option opt = cmd.getOption("W");
if ("32".equals(opt.getValue())) {
options.put("input", UTF32);
options.put("input", NKFCharset.UTF32);
} else if("16".equals(opt.getValue())) {
options.put("input", UTF16);
options.put("input", NKFCharset.UTF16);
} else {
options.put("input", UTF8);
options.put("input", NKFCharset.UTF8);
if (cmd.hasOption("m")) {
Option opt = cmd.getOption("m");
if (opt.getValue() == null) {
options.put("mime-decode", MIME_DETECT);
options.put("mime-decode", NKFCharset.MIME_DETECT);
} else if ("B".equals(opt.getValue())) {
options.put("mime-decode", BASE64);
options.put("mime-decode", NKFCharset.BASE64);
} else if ("Q".equals(opt.getValue())) {
options.put("mime-decode", QENCODE);
options.put("mime-decode", NKFCharset.QENCODE);
} else if ("N".equals(opt.getValue())) {
// TODO: non-strict option
} else if ("0".equals(opt.getValue())) {
options.put("mime-decode", NOCONV);
options.put("mime-decode", NKFCharset.NOCONV);
if (cmd.hasOption("M")) {
Option opt = cmd.getOption("M");
if (opt.getValue() == null) {
options.put("mime-encode", NOCONV);
options.put("mime-encode", NKFCharset.NOCONV);
} else if ("B".equals(opt.getValue())) {
options.put("mime-encode", BASE64);
options.put("mime-encode", NKFCharset.BASE64);
} else if ("Q".equals(opt.getValue())) {
options.put("mime-encode", QENCODE);
options.put("mime-encode", NKFCharset.QENCODE);
if (cmd.hasOption("base64")) {
options.put("mime-encode", BASE64);
options.put("mime-encode", NKFCharset.BASE64);
if (cmd.hasOption("oc")) {
Option opt = cmd.getOption("oc");
if ("ISO-2022-JP".compareToIgnoreCase(opt.getValue()) == 0) {
options.put("output", JIS);
options.put("output", NKFCharset.JIS);
} else if ("EUC-JP".compareToIgnoreCase(opt.getValue()) == 0) {
options.put("output", EUC);
options.put("output", NKFCharset.EUC);
} else if ("CP932".compareToIgnoreCase(opt.getValue()) == 0) {
options.put("output", SJIS);
options.put("output", NKFCharset.SJIS);
} else if ("Shift_JIS".compareToIgnoreCase(opt.getValue()) == 0) {
options.put("output", SJIS);
options.put("output", NKFCharset.SJIS);
} else if ("Windows-31J".compareToIgnoreCase(opt.getValue()) == 0) {
options.put("output", NKFCharset.JIS);
} else if ("UTF-8".compareToIgnoreCase(opt.getValue()) == 0) {
options.put("output", UTF8);
options.put("output", NKFCharset.UTF8);
} else if ("UTF-8N".compareToIgnoreCase(opt.getValue()) == 0) {
options.put("output", UTF8);
options.put("output", NKFCharset.UTF8);
} else if ("UTF-16".compareToIgnoreCase(opt.getValue()) == 0) {
options.put("output", UTF16);
options.put("output", NKFCharset.UTF16);
} else if ("UTF-16BE-BOM".compareToIgnoreCase(opt.getValue()) == 0) {
options.put("output", UTF16);
options.put("output", NKFCharset.UTF16);
} else if ("UTF-32".compareToIgnoreCase(opt.getValue()) == 0) {
options.put("output", UTF32);
options.put("output", NKFCharset.UTF32);
} else if ("UTF-32BE-BOM".compareToIgnoreCase(opt.getValue()) == 0) {
options.put("output", UTF32);
options.put("output", NKFCharset.UTF32);
if (cmd.hasOption("ic")) {
Option opt = cmd.getOption("ic");
if ("ISO-2022-JP".compareToIgnoreCase(opt.getValue()) == 0) {
options.put("input", JIS);
options.put("input", NKFCharset.JIS);
} else if ("EUC-JP".compareToIgnoreCase(opt.getValue()) == 0) {
options.put("input", EUC);
options.put("input", NKFCharset.EUC);
} else if ("CP932".compareToIgnoreCase(opt.getValue()) == 0) {
options.put("input", SJIS);
options.put("input", NKFCharset.SJIS);
} else if ("Shift_JIS".compareToIgnoreCase(opt.getValue()) == 0) {
options.put("input", SJIS);
options.put("input", NKFCharset.SJIS);
} else if ("Windows-31J".compareToIgnoreCase(opt.getValue()) == 0) {
options.put("input", NKFCharset.SJIS);
} else if ("UTF-8".compareToIgnoreCase(opt.getValue()) == 0) {
options.put("input", UTF8);
options.put("input", NKFCharset.UTF8);
} else if ("UTF-8N".compareToIgnoreCase(opt.getValue()) == 0) {
options.put("input", UTF8);
options.put("input", NKFCharset.UTF8);
} else if ("UTF-16".compareToIgnoreCase(opt.getValue()) == 0) {
options.put("input", UTF16);
options.put("input", NKFCharset.UTF16);
} else if ("UTF-16BE-BOM".compareToIgnoreCase(opt.getValue()) == 0) {
options.put("input", UTF16);
options.put("input", NKFCharset.UTF16);
} else if ("UTF-32".compareToIgnoreCase(opt.getValue()) == 0) {
options.put("input", UTF32);
options.put("input", NKFCharset.UTF32);
} else if ("UTF-32BE-BOM".compareToIgnoreCase(opt.getValue()) == 0) {
options.put("input", UTF32);
options.put("input", NKFCharset.UTF32);

@@ -427,7 +443,7 @@ static boolean isMimeText(ByteList str, Map<String, NKFCharset> options) {
if (str.length() <= 6) {
return false;
if (options.get("mime-decode") == NOCONV) {
if (options.get("mime-decode") == NKFCharset.NOCONV) {
return false;
if (str.indexOf(BEGIN_MIME_STRING) < 0) {
@@ -448,36 +464,28 @@ private static RubyString encodeMimeString(Ruby runtime, RubyString str, ByteLis

ByteList convert_byte(ByteList str, String inputCharset, NKFCharset output) {
String outputCharset = output.getCharset();
CharsetDecoder decoder;
CharsetEncoder encoder;

try {
decoder = Charset.forName(inputCharset).newDecoder();
encoder = Charset.forName(outputCharset).newEncoder();
} catch (UnsupportedCharsetException e) {
throw context.runtime.newArgumentError("invalid charset");

ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.wrap(str.getUnsafeBytes(), str.begin(), str.length());
if (inputCharset == null) {
inputCharset = str.getEncoding().toString();

try {
CharBuffer cbuf = decoder.decode(buf);
buf = encoder.encode(cbuf);
} catch (CharacterCodingException e) {
throw context.runtime.newArgumentError("invalid encoding");
if (outputCharset.equals(inputCharset)) {
return str.dup();
byte[] arr = buf.array();
ByteList r = new ByteList(arr, 0, buf.limit());
if (outputCharset.equalsIgnoreCase("Windows-31J")) outputCharset = "Shift_JIS";
if (outputCharset.equalsIgnoreCase("UTF-16")) outputCharset = "UTF-16BE";
Ruby ruby = context.runtime;
Encoding enc = ruby.getEncodingService().findEncoding(ruby.newString(outputCharset));
if (enc != null) {

byte[] outCharsetBytes = outputCharset.getBytes();

EConv ec = EncodingUtils.econvOpenOpts(context, inputCharset.getBytes(), outCharsetBytes, 0, context.nil);

if (ec == null) {
throw context.runtime.newArgumentError("invalid encoding pair: " + inputCharset + " to " + outputCharset);

return r;
ByteList converted = EncodingUtils.econvStrConvert(context, ec, str, EConvFlags.INVALID_REPLACE);


return converted;

@@ -504,14 +512,14 @@ public MimeConverter(ThreadContext ctx, Map<String, NKFCharset> opt) {

private String detectCharset(String charset) {
if (charset.compareToIgnoreCase(UTF8.getCharset()) == 0) {
return UTF8.getCharset();
} else if (charset.compareToIgnoreCase(JIS.getCharset()) == 0) {
return JIS.getCharset();
} else if (charset.compareToIgnoreCase(EUC.getCharset()) == 0) {
return EUC.getCharset();
if (charset.compareToIgnoreCase(NKFCharset.UTF8.getCharset()) == 0) {
return NKFCharset.UTF8.getCharset();
} else if (charset.compareToIgnoreCase(NKFCharset.JIS.getCharset()) == 0) {
return NKFCharset.JIS.getCharset();
} else if (charset.compareToIgnoreCase(NKFCharset.EUC.getCharset()) == 0) {
return NKFCharset.EUC.getCharset();
} else {
return ASCII.getCharset();
return NKFCharset.ASCII.getCharset();

118 changes: 0 additions & 118 deletions test/jruby/test_nkf.rb

This file was deleted.

4 changes: 0 additions & 4 deletions test/mri/excludes/TestKconv.rb

This file was deleted.