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base repository: jruby/jruby
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base: f7c783059140
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head repository: jruby/jruby
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compare: 2fdd735f9fae
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  • 3 commits
  • 47 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Dec 4, 2016

  1. Copy the full SHA
    2dedead View commit details
  2. Use defined? in Logger fixtures to avoid issues with --unguarded

    * --unguarded is for instance used for mspec tag --purge.
    eregon committed Dec 4, 2016
    Copy the full SHA
    adb46ee View commit details
  3. [Truffle] Remove tags matching no specs.

    * With $ jt mspec tag --purge :files
    eregon committed Dec 4, 2016
    Copy the full SHA
    2fdd735 View commit details
Showing with 8 additions and 252 deletions.
  1. +3 −1 spec/ruby/library/logger/fixtures/common.rb
  2. +0 −2 spec/truffle/tags/core/argf/read_nonblock_tags.txt
  3. +0 −1 spec/truffle/tags/core/basicobject/__id__tags.txt
  4. +0 −1 spec/truffle/tags/core/dir/pwd_tags.txt
  5. +0 −3 spec/truffle/tags/core/dir/to_path_tags.txt
  6. +0 −2 spec/truffle/tags/core/file/flock_tags.txt
  7. +0 −1 spec/truffle/tags/core/file/fnmatch_tags.txt
  8. +0 −1 spec/truffle/tags/core/file/ftype_tags.txt
  9. +0 −1 spec/truffle/tags/core/file/read_tags.txt
  10. +0 −1 spec/truffle/tags/core/hash/each_tags.txt
  11. +0 −2 spec/truffle/tags/core/io/close_read_tags.txt
  12. +0 −2 spec/truffle/tags/core/io/close_write_tags.txt
  13. +0 −1 spec/truffle/tags/core/io/each_codepoint_tags.txt
  14. +0 −1 spec/truffle/tags/core/io/each_tags.txt
  15. +0 −1 spec/truffle/tags/core/io/reopen_tags.txt
  16. +0 −3 spec/truffle/tags/core/io/select_tags.txt
  17. +0 −3 spec/truffle/tags/core/kernel/chop_tags.txt
  18. +0 −33 spec/truffle/tags/core/kernel/exec_tags.txt
  19. +0 −5 spec/truffle/tags/core/kernel/fork_tags.txt
  20. +0 −1 spec/truffle/tags/core/kernel/object_id_tags.txt
  21. +0 −1 spec/truffle/tags/core/kernel/rand_tags.txt
  22. +0 −61 spec/truffle/tags/core/kernel/spawn_tags.txt
  23. +0 −9 spec/truffle/tags/core/kernel/system_tags.txt
  24. +0 −16 spec/truffle/tags/core/marshal/restore_tags.txt
  25. +0 −4 spec/truffle/tags/core/method/equal_value_tags.txt
  26. +0 −1 spec/truffle/tags/core/objectspace/each_object_tags.txt
  27. +0 −1 spec/truffle/tags/core/process/exec_tags.txt
  28. +0 −1 spec/truffle/tags/core/process/set_proctitle_tags.txt
  29. +0 −1 spec/truffle/tags/core/process/setpgrp_tags.txt
  30. +0 −68 spec/truffle/tags/core/process/spawn_tags.txt
  31. +0 −2 spec/truffle/tags/core/regexp/new_tags.txt
  32. +0 −1 spec/truffle/tags/core/signal/list_tags.txt
  33. +0 −1 spec/truffle/tags/core/symbol/all_symbols_tags.txt
  34. +0 −1 spec/truffle/tags/core/time/gmtoff_tags.txt
  35. +0 −1 spec/truffle/tags/core/time/utc_offset_tags.txt
  36. +0 −1 spec/truffle/tags/language/predefined/data_tags.txt
  37. +0 −1 spec/truffle/tags/library/bigdecimal/modulo_tags.txt
  38. +0 −1 spec/truffle/tags/library/bigdecimal/new_tags.txt
  39. +0 −1 spec/truffle/tags/library/socket/basicsocket/recv_nonblock_tags.txt
  40. +0 −1 spec/truffle/tags/library/socket/socket/accept_nonblock_tags.txt
  41. +0 −2 spec/truffle/tags/library/socket/socket/getservbyname_tags.txt
  42. +0 −1 spec/truffle/tags/library/socket/socket/unpack_sockaddr_in_tags.txt
  43. +0 −5 spec/truffle/tags/library/stringio/read_nonblock_tags.txt
  44. +0 −1 spec/truffle/tags/library/tmpdir/dir/mktmpdir_tags.txt
  45. +0 −1 spec/truffle/tags/library/zlib/inflate/finish_tags.txt
  46. +0 −2 spec/truffle/tags/library/zlib/inflate/inflate_tags.txt
  47. +5 −0 tool/jt.rb
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion spec/ruby/library/logger/fixtures/common.rb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -6,7 +6,9 @@ def self.strip_date(str)
str.gsub(/[A-Z].*\[.*\]/, "").lstrip

ruby_version_is ''...'2.2' do
# Use defined? so that even with --unguarded this fixture can load
# ruby_version_is ''...'2.2' do
if defined?(Logger::Application)
class TestApp < Logger::Application
def initialize(appname, log_file=nil)
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions spec/truffle/tags/core/argf/read_nonblock_tags.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -11,9 +11,7 @@ fails:ARGF.read_nonblock reads the contents of a special device file
fails:ARGF.read_nonblock reads up to the given amount of bytes
fails:ARGF.read_nonblock reads up to the given bytes from STDIN
fails:ARGF.read_nonblock reads up to the given bytes from a file when a file and STDIN are present
fails:ARGF.read_nonblock returns :wait_readable when the :exception is set to false
fails:ARGF.read_nonblock when using multiple files reads up to the given amount of bytes from the first file
fails:ARGF.read_nonblock when using multiple files returns an empty String when reading after having read the first file in its entirety
fails:ARGF.read_nonblock raises IO::EAGAINWaitReadable when STDIN is empty
fails:ARGF.read_nonblock with STDIN raises IO::EAGAINWaitReadable when empty
fails:ARGF.read_nonblock with STDIN returns :wait_readable when the :exception is set to false
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion spec/truffle/tags/core/basicobject/__id__tags.txt

This file was deleted.

1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion spec/truffle/tags/core/dir/pwd_tags.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,2 +1 @@
fails:Dir.pwd correctly displays dirs with unicode characters in them
fails:Dir.pwd correctly handles dirs with unicode characters in them
3 changes: 0 additions & 3 deletions spec/truffle/tags/core/dir/to_path_tags.txt

This file was deleted.

2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions spec/truffle/tags/core/file/flock_tags.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
fails:File#flock blocks if trying to lock an exclusively locked file
fails:File#flock returns 0 if trying to lock a non-exclusively locked file
fails:File#flock on Solaris or Java fails with EBADF acquiring exclusive lock on read-only File
fails:File#flock on Solaris or Java fails with EBADF acquiring shared lock on read-only File
slow:File#flock returns false if trying to lock an exclusively locked file
solaris:File#flock exclusively locks a file
solaris:File#flock non-exclusively locks a file
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion spec/truffle/tags/core/file/fnmatch_tags.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,2 +1 @@
fails(windows):File.fnmatch matches case sensitive characters on platfroms with case insensitive paths, when flags include FNM_SYSCASE
fails(windows):File.fnmatch? matches case sensitive characters on platfroms with case insensitive paths, when flags include FNM_SYSCASE
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion spec/truffle/tags/core/file/ftype_tags.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,2 +1 @@
fails:File::Stat#ftype returns fifo when the file is a fifo
slow:File.ftype returns fifo when the file is a fifo
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion spec/truffle/tags/core/file/read_tags.txt

This file was deleted.

1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion spec/truffle/tags/core/hash/each_tags.txt

This file was deleted.

2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions spec/truffle/tags/core/io/close_read_tags.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
fails:IO#close_read raises an IOError on subsequent invocations
fails:IO#close_read raises IOError on closed stream
fails:IO#close_read doesn't raise an IOError on subsequent invocations
fails:IO#close_read doesn't raise IOError on closed stream
fails:IO#close_read does nothing on subsequent invocations
fails:IO#close_read does nothing on closed stream
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions spec/truffle/tags/core/io/close_write_tags.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
fails:IO#close_write raises an IOError on subsequent invocations
fails:IO#close_write raises IOError on closed stream
fails:IO#close_write doesn't raise an IOError on subsequent invocations
fails:IO#close_write doesn't raise IOError on closed stream
fails:IO#close_write does nothing on subsequent invocations
fails:IO#close_write does nothing on closed stream
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion spec/truffle/tags/core/io/each_codepoint_tags.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,2 +1 @@
fails:IO#each_codepoint raises an error if reading invalid sequence
fails:IO#each_codepoint raises an exception at incomplete character before EOF when conversion takes place
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion spec/truffle/tags/core/io/each_tags.txt

This file was deleted.

1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion spec/truffle/tags/core/io/reopen_tags.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,2 @@
slow:IO#reopen with a String effects exec/system/fork performed after it
fails:IO#reopen with a String affects exec/system/fork performed after it
fails:IO#reopen with an IO at EOF resets the EOF status to false
3 changes: 0 additions & 3 deletions spec/truffle/tags/core/io/select_tags.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,4 @@ blocks for duration of timeout if there are no objects ready for I/O returns immediately all objects that are ready for I/O when timeout is 0 returns supplied objects correctly even when monitoring the same object in different arrays invokes to_io on supplied objects that are not IO and returns the supplied objects when passed nil for timeout sleeps forever when passed nil for timeout sets the thread's status to 'sleep' when passed nil for timeout sleeps forever and sets the thread status to 'sleep'
3 changes: 0 additions & 3 deletions spec/truffle/tags/core/kernel/chop_tags.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,5 @@
slow:Kernel.chop removes the final character of $_
slow:Kernel.chop removes the final carriage return, newline of $_
slow:#chop is a private method
slow:#chop removes the final character of $_
slow:#chop removes the final carriage return, newline of $_
slow:Kernel.chop removes the final multi-byte character from $_
slow:Kernel#chop removes the final multi-byte character from $_
slow:Kernel#chop is a private method
33 changes: 0 additions & 33 deletions spec/truffle/tags/core/kernel/exec_tags.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -10,19 +10,6 @@ fails:Kernel#exec (environment variables) unsets other environment variables whe
fails:Kernel#exec with a command array uses the first element as the command name and the second as the argv[0] value
fails:Kernel#exec with a command array coerces the argument using to_ary
fails:Kernel#exec with a command array raises an ArgumentError if the Array does not have exactly two elements
fails:Kernel.exec raises an ArgumentError if the command includes a null byte
fails:Kernel.exec runs the specified command, replacing current process
fails:Kernel.exec sets the current directory when given the :chdir option
fails:Kernel.exec with a single argument subjects the specified command to shell expansion
fails:Kernel.exec with a single argument creates an argument array with shell parsing semantics for whitespace
fails:Kernel.exec (environment variables) sets environment variables in the child environment
fails:Kernel.exec (environment variables) unsets environment variables whose value is nil
fails:Kernel.exec (environment variables) coerces environment argument using to_hash
fails:Kernel.exec (environment variables) unsets other environment variables when given a true :unsetenv_others option
fails:Kernel.exec with a command array uses the first element as the command name and the second as the argv[0] value
fails:Kernel.exec with a command array coerces the argument using to_ary
fails:Kernel.exec with a command array raises an ArgumentError if the Array does not have exactly two elements
fails:Kernel.exec with an options Hash with Integer option keys maps the key to a file descriptor in the child that inherits the file descriptor from the parent specified by the value
fails:Kernel#exec with an options Hash with Integer option keys maps the key to a file descriptor in the child that inherits the file descriptor from the parent specified by the value
slow:Kernel#exec raises Errno::ENOENT for an empty string
slow:Kernel#exec raises Errno::ENOENT for a command which does not exist
@@ -44,23 +31,3 @@ slow:Kernel#exec with a command array uses the first element as the command name
slow:Kernel#exec with a command array coerces the argument using to_ary
slow:Kernel#exec with a command array raises an ArgumentError if the Array does not have exactly two elements
slow:Kernel#exec with an options Hash with Integer option keys maps the key to a file descriptor in the child that inherits the file descriptor from the parent specified by the value
slow:Kernel.exec raises Errno::ENOENT for an empty string
slow:Kernel.exec raises Errno::ENOENT for a command which does not exist
slow:Kernel.exec raises an ArgumentError if the command includes a null byte
slow:Kernel.exec raises Errno::EACCES when the file does not have execute permissions
slow:Kernel.exec raises Errno::EACCES when passed a directory
slow:Kernel.exec runs the specified command, replacing current process
slow:Kernel.exec sets the current directory when given the :chdir option
slow:Kernel.exec flushes STDOUT upon exit when it's not set to sync
slow:Kernel.exec flushes STDERR upon exit when it's not set to sync
slow:Kernel.exec with a single argument subjects the specified command to shell expansion
slow:Kernel.exec with a single argument creates an argument array with shell parsing semantics for whitespace
slow:Kernel.exec with multiple arguments does not subject the arguments to shell expansion
slow:Kernel.exec (environment variables) sets environment variables in the child environment
slow:Kernel.exec (environment variables) unsets environment variables whose value is nil
slow:Kernel.exec (environment variables) coerces environment argument using to_hash
slow:Kernel.exec (environment variables) unsets other environment variables when given a true :unsetenv_others option
slow:Kernel.exec with a command array uses the first element as the command name and the second as the argv[0] value
slow:Kernel.exec with a command array coerces the argument using to_ary
slow:Kernel.exec with a command array raises an ArgumentError if the Array does not have exactly two elements
slow:Kernel.exec with an options Hash with Integer option keys maps the key to a file descriptor in the child that inherits the file descriptor from the parent specified by the value
5 changes: 0 additions & 5 deletions spec/truffle/tags/core/kernel/fork_tags.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,10 +1,5 @@
fails:Kernel#fork returns nil for the child process
fails:Kernel#fork runs a block in a child process
fails:Kernel#fork marks threads from the parent as killed
fails:Kernel.fork returns nil for the child process
fails:Kernel.fork runs a block in a child process
fails:Kernel.fork marks threads from the parent as killed
fails(windows):Kernel#fork returns false from #respond_to?
fails(windows):Kernel#fork raises a NotImplementedError when called
fails(windows):Kernel.fork returns false from #respond_to?
fails(windows):Kernel.fork raises a NotImplementedError when called
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion spec/truffle/tags/core/kernel/object_id_tags.txt

This file was deleted.

1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion spec/truffle/tags/core/kernel/rand_tags.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
fails:Kernel.rand returns a float for an range argument where max is < 1
fails:Kernel.rand given an exclusive range returns a Float between the given Integer and Float
fails:Kernel.rand given an exclusive range returns a Float between the given Float and Integer
fails:Kernel.rand given an exclusive range returns a Float between the two given Floats
61 changes: 0 additions & 61 deletions spec/truffle/tags/core/kernel/spawn_tags.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -12,75 +12,32 @@ fails:Kernel#spawn with multiple arguments raises an ArgumentError if an argumen
fails:Kernel#spawn with a command array raises an ArgumentError if the Strings in the Array include a null byte
fails:Kernel#spawn when passed :chdir changes to the directory passed for :chdir
fails:Kernel#spawn when passed :chdir calls #to_path to convert the :chdir value
fails:Kernel.spawn unsets other environment variables when given a true :unsetenv_others option
fails:Kernel.spawn unsets other environment variables when given a non-false :unsetenv_others option
fails:Kernel.spawn joins the current process if pgroup: false
fails:Kernel.spawn joins the current process if pgroup: nil
fails:Kernel.spawn joins a new process group if pgroup: true
fails:Kernel.spawn joins a new process group if pgroup: 0
fails:Kernel.spawn joins the specified process group if pgroup: pgid
fails:Kernel.spawn sets the umask if given the :umask option
fails:Kernel.spawn raises an Errno::ENOENT if the command does not exist
fails:Kernel.spawn raises an Errno::EACCES when the file does not have execute permissions
fails:Kernel.spawn raises an Errno::EACCES when passed a directory
fails:Kernel.spawn with a single argument raises an ArgumentError if the command includes a null byte
fails:Kernel.spawn with multiple arguments raises an ArgumentError if an argument includes a null byte
fails:Kernel.spawn with a command array raises an ArgumentError if the Strings in the Array include a null byte
fails:Kernel.spawn when passed :chdir changes to the directory passed for :chdir
fails:Kernel.spawn when passed :chdir calls #to_path to convert the :chdir value
fails:Kernel.spawn with Integer option keys maps the key to a file descriptor in the child that inherits the file descriptor from the parent specified by the value
fails(windows):Kernel#spawn raises an ArgumentError if given :pgroup option
fails(windows):Kernel.spawn raises an ArgumentError if given :pgroup option
slow:Kernel#spawn when passed close_others: true does not close STDIN
slow:Kernel#spawn when passed close_others: true does not close STDOUT
slow:Kernel#spawn when passed close_others: true does not close STDERR
slow:Kernel#spawn when passed close_others: false does not close STDIN
slow:Kernel#spawn when passed close_others: false does not close STDOUT
slow:Kernel#spawn when passed close_others: false does not close STDERR
slow:Kernel.spawn when passed close_others: true does not close STDIN
slow:Kernel.spawn when passed close_others: true does not close STDOUT
slow:Kernel.spawn when passed close_others: true does not close STDERR
slow:Kernel.spawn when passed close_others: false does not close STDIN
slow:Kernel.spawn when passed close_others: false does not close STDOUT
slow:Kernel.spawn when passed close_others: false does not close STDERR
fails:Kernel#spawn when passed close_others: true closes file descriptors >= 3 in the child process
fails:Kernel.spawn when passed close_others: true closes file descriptors >= 3 in the child process
fails:Kernel#spawn when passed close_others: true does not close STDIN
fails:Kernel#spawn when passed close_others: true does not close STDOUT
fails:Kernel#spawn when passed close_others: true does not close STDERR
fails:Kernel.spawn when passed close_others: true does not close STDIN
fails:Kernel.spawn when passed close_others: true does not close STDOUT
fails:Kernel.spawn when passed close_others: true does not close STDERR
fails(flakey on Travis):Kernel#spawn when passed close_others: false closes file descriptors >= 3 in the child process because they are set close_on_exec by default
fails(flakey on Travis):Kernel.spawn when passed close_others: false closes file descriptors >= 3 in the child process because they are set close_on_exec by default
ci:Kernel#spawn redirects STDOUT to the given file if out: String
ci:Kernel#spawn redirects STDOUT to the given file if out: [String name, String mode]
ci:Kernel#spawn redirects STDERR to the given file if err: String
ci:Kernel.spawn redirects STDOUT to the given file if out: String
ci:Kernel.spawn redirects STDOUT to the given file if out: [String name, String mode]
ci:Kernel.spawn redirects STDERR to the given file if err: String
slow:Kernel#spawn redirects STDOUT to the given file if out: String
slow:Kernel#spawn redirects STDOUT to the given file if out: [String name, String mode]
slow:Kernel#spawn redirects STDERR to the given file if err: String
slow:Kernel#spawn does NOT redirect both STDERR and STDOUT at the time to the given name
slow:Kernel.spawn redirects STDOUT to the given file if out: String
slow:Kernel.spawn redirects STDOUT to the given file if out: [String name, String mode]
slow:Kernel.spawn redirects STDERR to the given file if err: String
slow:Kernel.spawn does NOT redirect both STDERR and STDOUT at the time to the given name
slow:Kernel#spawn redirects STDOUT to the given file descriptior if out: Fixnum
slow:Kernel#spawn redirects STDOUT to the given file if out: IO
slow:Kernel#spawn redirects STDERR to the given file descriptior if err: Fixnum
slow:Kernel#spawn redirects STDERR to the given file descriptor if err: IO
slow:Kernel#spawn redirects STDERR to child STDOUT if :err => [:child, :out]
slow:Kernel#spawn redirects both STDERR and STDOUT to the given file descriptior
slow:Kernel#spawn redirects both STDERR and STDOUT to the given IO
slow:Kernel.spawn redirects STDOUT to the given file descriptior if out: Fixnum
slow:Kernel.spawn redirects STDOUT to the given file if out: IO
slow:Kernel.spawn redirects STDERR to the given file descriptior if err: Fixnum
slow:Kernel.spawn redirects STDERR to the given file descriptor if err: IO
slow:Kernel.spawn redirects STDERR to child STDOUT if :err => [:child, :out]
slow:Kernel.spawn redirects both STDERR and STDOUT to the given file descriptior
slow:Kernel.spawn redirects both STDERR and STDOUT to the given IO
slow:Kernel#spawn returns the process ID of the new process as a Fixnum
slow:Kernel#spawn returns immediately
slow:Kernel#spawn sets environment variables in the child environment
@@ -101,24 +58,6 @@ slow:Kernel#spawn uses the current working directory as its working directory
slow:Kernel#spawn uses the current umask by default
slow:Kernel#spawn when passed close_others: false closes file descriptors >= 3 in the child process because they are set close_on_exec by default
slow:Kernel#spawn when passed close_others: false does not close file descriptors >= 3 in the child process if fds are set close_on_exec=false
slow:Kernel.spawn returns the process ID of the new process as a Fixnum
slow:Kernel.spawn returns immediately
slow:Kernel.spawn sets environment variables in the child environment
slow:Kernel.spawn unsets environment variables whose value is nil
slow:Kernel.spawn calls #to_hash to convert the environment
slow:Kernel.spawn calls #to_str to convert the environment keys
slow:Kernel.spawn calls #to_str to convert the environment values
slow:Kernel.spawn raises an ArgumentError if an environment key includes an equals sign
slow:Kernel.spawn raises an ArgumentError if an environment key includes a null byte
slow:Kernel.spawn raises an ArgumentError if an environment value includes a null byte
slow:Kernel.spawn does not unset other environment variables when given a false :unsetenv_others option
slow:Kernel.spawn does not unset other environment variables when given a nil :unsetenv_others option
slow:Kernel.spawn does not unset environment variables included in the environment hash
slow:Kernel.spawn joins the current process group by default
slow:Kernel.spawn uses the current working directory as its working directory
slow:Kernel.spawn uses the current umask by default
slow:Kernel.spawn when passed close_others: false closes file descriptors >= 3 in the child process because they are set close_on_exec by default
slow:Kernel.spawn when passed close_others: false does not close file descriptors >= 3 in the child process if fds are set close_on_exec=false
slow:Kernel#spawn with Integer option keys maps the key to a file descriptor in the child that inherits the file descriptor from the parent specified by the value
ci:Kernel#spawn unsets other environment variables when given a true :unsetenv_others option
ci:Kernel#spawn unsets other environment variables when given a non-false :unsetenv_others option
9 changes: 0 additions & 9 deletions spec/truffle/tags/core/kernel/system_tags.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -2,16 +2,7 @@ fails:Kernel#system returns nil when command execution fails
fails:Kernel#system does not write to stderr when command execution fails
fails:Kernel#system executes with `sh` if the command contains shell characters
fails:Kernel#system ignores SHELL env var and always uses `sh`
fails:Kernel.system executes the specified command in a subprocess
fails:Kernel.system returns false when the command exits with a non-zero exit status
fails:Kernel.system returns nil when command execution fails
fails:Kernel.system does not write to stderr when command execution fails
fails:Kernel.system executes with `sh` if the command contains shell characters
fails:Kernel.system ignores SHELL env var and always uses `sh`
fails:Kernel.system expands shell variables when given a single string argument
fails:Kernel.system does not expand shell variables when given multiples arguments
slow:Kernel#system returns true when the command exits with a zero exit status
slow:Kernel.system returns true when the command exits with a zero exit status
slow:Kernel#system executes the specified command in a subprocess
slow:Kernel#system returns false when the command exits with a non-zero exit status
slow:Kernel#system expands shell variables when given a single string argument
16 changes: 0 additions & 16 deletions spec/truffle/tags/core/marshal/restore_tags.txt

This file was deleted.

4 changes: 0 additions & 4 deletions spec/truffle/tags/core/method/equal_value_tags.txt

This file was deleted.

1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion spec/truffle/tags/core/objectspace/each_object_tags.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
fails:ObjectSpace.each_object doesn't find an object stored in a WeakRef that should have been cleared
fails:ObjectSpace.each_object walks a class and its normal descendants when passed the class's singleton class
fails:ObjectSpace.each_object on singleton classes walks singleton classes
slow:ObjectSpace.each_object calls the block once for each living, non-immediate object in the Ruby process
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion spec/truffle/tags/core/process/exec_tags.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -34,4 +34,3 @@ slow:Process.exec with a command array uses the first element as the command nam
slow:Process.exec with a command array coerces the argument using to_ary
slow:Process.exec with a command array raises an ArgumentError if the Array does not have exactly two elements
slow:Process.exec with an options Hash with Integer option keys maps the key to a file descriptor in the child that inherits the file descriptor from the parent specified by the value

1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion spec/truffle/tags/core/process/set_proctitle_tags.txt

This file was deleted.

1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion spec/truffle/tags/core/process/setpgrp_tags.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,2 +1 @@
fails:Process.setpgrp and Process.getpgrp sets and gets the process group ID of the calling process
fails(bad spec):Process.setpgrp and Process.getpgrp Process.setpgrp returns zero
68 changes: 0 additions & 68 deletions spec/truffle/tags/core/process/spawn_tags.txt

This file was deleted.

2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions spec/truffle/tags/core/regexp/new_tags.txt

This file was deleted.

1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion spec/truffle/tags/core/signal/list_tags.txt

This file was deleted.

1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion spec/truffle/tags/core/symbol/all_symbols_tags.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,2 +1 @@
slow:Symbol.all_symbols returns an array containing all the Symbols in the symbol table
slow:Symbol.all_symbols increases size of the return array when new symbol comes
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion spec/truffle/tags/core/time/gmtoff_tags.txt

This file was deleted.

1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion spec/truffle/tags/core/time/utc_offset_tags.txt

This file was deleted.

1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion spec/truffle/tags/language/predefined/data_tags.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -3,5 +3,4 @@ slow:The DATA constant does not exist when the main script contains no __END__
slow:The DATA constant does not exist when an included file has a __END__
slow:The DATA constant does not change when an included files also has a __END__
slow:The DATA constant is included in an otherwise empty file
slow:The DATA constant succeeds in locking the file DATA came from
slow:The DATA constant rewinds to the head of the main script
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion spec/truffle/tags/library/bigdecimal/modulo_tags.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,2 +1 @@
fails:BigDecimal#% raises TypeError if the argument cannot be coerced to BigDecimal
fails:BigDecimal#modulo raises TypeError if the argument cannot be coerced to BigDecimal
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion spec/truffle/tags/library/bigdecimal/new_tags.txt

This file was deleted.

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,2 @@
fails:Socket::BasicSocket#recv_nonblock raises EAGAIN if there's no data available
fails:Socket::BasicSocket#recv_nonblock receives data after it's ready
fails:Socket::BasicSocket#recv_nonblock does not block if there's no data available
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,2 +1 @@
fails:Socket#accept_nonblock raises Errno::EAGAIN if the connection is not accepted yet
fails:Socket#accept_nonblock raises IO::WaitReadable if the connection is not accepted yet
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
fails:Socket#getservbyname returns the port for service 'http'
fails:Socket#getservbyname returns the port for service 'http' with protocol 'tcp'
fails:Socket#getservbyname returns the port for service 'domain' with protocol 'udp'
fails:Socket#getservbyname returns the port for service 'daytime'
fails:Socket#getservbyname raises a SocketError when the service or port is invalid
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
fails:Socket#unpack_sockaddr_in decodes the host name and port number of a packed sockaddr_in
fails:Socket.unpack_sockaddr_in gets the hostname and port number from a passed Addrinfo
fails:Socket.unpack_sockaddr_in raises an ArgumentError when passed addrinfo is not AF_INET/AF_INET6
fails:Socket.unpack_sockaddr_in raises an ArgumentError when the sin_family is not AF_INET
5 changes: 0 additions & 5 deletions spec/truffle/tags/library/stringio/read_nonblock_tags.txt

This file was deleted.

1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion spec/truffle/tags/library/tmpdir/dir/mktmpdir_tags.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,2 +1 @@
fails:Dir.mkdir when passed a block removes the tmp-dir after executing the block
fails:Dir.mktmpdir when passed a block removes the tmp-dir after executing the block
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion spec/truffle/tags/library/zlib/inflate/finish_tags.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,2 @@
fails:Zlib::Inflate#finish inflates chunked data
slow:Zlib::Inflate#finish each chunk should have the same prefix
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions spec/truffle/tags/library/zlib/inflate/inflate_tags.txt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
fails:Zlib::Inflate#inflate works in pass-through mode, once finished
fails:Zlib::Inflate.inflate properly handles excessive data, byte-by-byte
fails:Zlib::Inflate#inflate without break inflates chunked data
slow:Zlib::Inflate#inflate with break
slow:Zlib::Inflate#inflate without break
slow:Zlib::Inflate#inflate inflates lots of data
slow:Zlib::Inflate.inflate inflates lots of data
slow:Zlib::Inflate#inflate without break properly handles chunked data
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions tool/jt.rb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -492,6 +492,7 @@ def help
jt tag all spec/ruby/language tag all specs in this file, without running them
jt untag spec/ruby/language untag passing specs in this directory
jt untag spec/ruby/language/while_spec.rb untag passing specs in this file
jt mspec ... run MSpec with the JRuby+Truffle configuration and custom arguments
jt metrics alloc [--json] ... how much memory is allocated running a program (use -Xclassic to test normal JRuby on this metric and others)
jt metrics minheap ... what is the smallest heap you can use to run an application
jt metrics time ... how long does it take to run a command, broken down into different phases
@@ -1018,6 +1019,10 @@ def test_bundle(*args)

def mspec(*args)

def test_specs(command, *args)
env_vars = {}
options = []