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Item14233: Utility script to help build valid releases
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
Tool primarily for the release manager.  Checks that the extensions are
in a releasable state.
  • Loading branch information
gac410 committed Nov 26, 2016
1 parent af6702c commit 446b7dd
Showing 1 changed file with 214 additions and 0 deletions.
214 changes: 214 additions & 0 deletions core/tools/
@@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
#! /usr/bin/env perl

use strict;
use warnings;

# cruise back up the tree until we find lib and data subdirs
use Cwd;
use File::Spec;
use File::Find;
use Data::Dumper;
use LWP::Simple;
use JSON;

my $extension = shift;

my $start = `git describe --tags --abbrev=0`;
unless ($start) {
die "Unable to locate starting tag.";
chomp $start;
print "checking for changes since $start\n";

# Prints some "helpful" messages
sub help {
print <<"END";
Run this script from the top of a foswiki git checkout. The list of "default"
extensions is retrieved from "lib/MANIFEST". Each extension will checked for:
* The VERSION recorded in the .pm file should be > than the prior releases version.
* (SMELL: Does not account for interim releases of the extensioni)
* Commit Item* numbers are extracted from the git commit log and compared to the change log un the data/System/Extension.txt file.
* The script is run against the extension

my $root = findPathToDir('core/lib');
"Could not find core/lib and MANIFEST. Are you running from the root of a checkout?"
unless ( -d "$root/core/lib" && -f "$root/core/lib/MANIFEST" );
my $manifest = "$root/core/lib/MANIFEST";

# process MANIFEST file:
#!include ../core/lib/Foswiki/Contrib/core
#!include ../AutoViewTemplatePlugin/lib/Foswiki/Plugins/AutoViewTemplatePlugin
#!include ../CompareRevisionsAddOn/lib/Foswiki/Contrib/CompareRevisionsAddOn
my @extensions;
if ($extension) {
push @extensions, $extension;
else {
open my $man, '<', $manifest or die "Can't open $manifest for reading: $!";
print "Processing manifest $manifest\n";
while (<$man>) {
next unless /^!include \.\.\/([^\/]+)/;
next if ( $1 eq 'core' );
push @extensions, $1;
close $man;

foreach my $ext ( sort @extensions ) {
chomp $ext;
my $gitlog = `git log --oneline $start..HEAD $ext`;
if ($gitlog) {
"\n========================================================\ngit log --oneline $start..HEAD $ext\n";
print "$gitlog\n";
else {
print "No changes since last release\n";

my $class = ( $ext =~ m/Plugin/ ) ? 'Plugins' : 'Contrib';
my $origsrc = `git show $start:$ext/lib/Foswiki/$class/$`;

my $ov = extractModuleVersion( "$ext/lib/Foswiki/$class/$ext", $origsrc );
my $lv = extractModuleVersion("$ext/lib/Foswiki/$class/$ext");
my $exthash = get_ext_info($ext);

"$ext - Last release: $ov, Uploaded $exthash->{version}, Module: $lv\n";

if ( $ov eq $lv && $gitlog ) {
"ERROR: $ext: Identical versions, but commits logged since last release\n";

chdir $root;

# Search the current working directory and its parents
# for a directory called like the first parameter
sub findPathToDir {
my $lookForDir = shift;

my @dirlist = File::Spec->splitdir( Cwd::getcwd() );
do {
my $dir = File::Spec->catdir( @dirlist, $lookForDir );
return File::Spec->catdir(@dirlist) if -d $dir;
} while ( pop @dirlist );

=begin TML
---++ StaticMethod extractModuleVersion ($moduleName, $magic) -> ($moduleFound, $moduleVersion, $modulePath)
Locates a module in @INC and parses it to determine its version. If the second parameter is
true, it magically handles's version construction.
$moduleFound - True if the module was found (and could be opended for read)
$moduleVersion - The module version that was extracted, or undef if none was found.
$modulePath - The full path to the module.
Require was used previously, but it doesn't scale and can have side-effects such a
loading many unused dependencies, even LocalSite.cfg if it's a Foswiki module.
Since $VERSION is usually declared early in a module, we can also avoid reading
most of (most) files.
This parser was inspired by Module::Extract::VERSION, though this is simplified and
has special magic for the Foswiki build.

sub extractModuleVersion {
my $module = shift;
my $src = shift;

my $file = $module;
$file =~ s,::,/,g;
$file .= '.pm';

# If module is available but no version, don't return undefined
my $mod_version = '0';

if ( length $src ) {
my @srclines = split( /\n/, $src );

my $pod;
foreach (@srclines) {
if (/^=cut/) {
$pod = 0;
if (/^=/) {
$pod = 1;
next if ($pod);
next if m/eval/; # Some modules issue $VERSION = eval $VERSION ... bypass that line
next unless (/^\s*(?:our\s+)?\$(?:\w*::)*VERSION\s*=\s*(.*?);/);
eval("\$mod_version = $1;");

# die "Failed to eval $1 from $_ in $file at line $. $@\n" if( $@ ); # DEBUG
else {
open( my $mf, '<', "$file" ) or die "Unable to open $file";
local $/ = "\n";
local $_;
my $pod;
while (<$mf>) {
if (/^=cut/) {
$pod = 0;
if (/^=/) {
$pod = 1;
next if ($pod);
if m/eval/
; # Some modules issue $VERSION = eval $VERSION ... bypass that line
next unless (/^\s*(?:our\s+)?\$(?:\w*::)*VERSION\s*=\s*(.*?);/);
eval("\$mod_version = $1;");

# die "Failed to eval $1 from $_ in $file at line $. $@\n" if( $@ ); # DEBUG
close $mf;
return $mod_version;

sub get_ext_info {
my $ext = shift;

my $url =
my $jsondata = get $url;

unless ( defined $jsondata ) {
"ERROR: GET on Tasks.ItemStatusQuery failed. Check\n";

my $jsonarray = decode_json($jsondata);
my $json = shift @{$jsonarray};

#print Data::Dumper::Dumper( \$json );

return $json;

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