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base repository: jruby/jruby
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base: 9291c56e2cc1
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head repository: jruby/jruby
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compare: 933fae03ded6
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  • 2 commits
  • 1 file changed
  • 2 contributors

Commits on Dec 6, 2016

  1. Optimize getDefinedMessage by deduping during initialization

    While benchmarking a barebones rails application I was seeing a lot of
    lock contention. When I looked into it, all threads were spending a lot
    of time waiting to grab the mutex on the `dedupMap` inside
    This happened because activesupport uses
    `defined?(@somevar) && @somevar` a lot while filling the
    output template, and thus threads were spending a lot of time in the
    `Ruby.getDefinedMessage()` method fighting to dedup the same strings
    over and over and over again.
    To fix this, instead of deduping when they are accessed, let's dedup the
    defined messages when they are initially populated inside the
    definedMessages map. This way we get the same effect, but only dedup
    This fix has a considerable effect on single-thread performance:
    require 'benchmark/ips'
    class Test
      def initialize
        @foo = 'foo'
      def defined_test
        defined?(@foo) && @foo
    t =
    Benchmark.ips do |benchmark|
      benchmark.time = 20
      benchmark.warmup = 20
 "defined") { t.defined_test }
    with fix:
    Warming up --------------------------------------
                 defined   256.296k i/100ms
    Calculating -------------------------------------
                 defined     11.992M (± 4.4%) i/s -    239.380M in  20.008996s
    without fix:
    Warming up --------------------------------------
                 defined   224.042k i/100ms
    Calculating -------------------------------------
                 defined      7.373M (± 2.5%) i/s -    147.420M in  20.009003s
    ...but it has an even more noticeable effect on multi-threaded performance:
    def defined_loop(count)
      @foo = true
      count.times do
        defined?(@foo) && @foo
    puts "Warmup done"
    start =
    t = (0..20).map do do
    puts "Done in #{ - start} seconds"
    In this case I wasn't able to find a decent ruby multithreaded benchmark
    harness, so pardon the crappiness, but I ran it fine times and got
    (on a linux dual-core skylake i7):
    with fix:
    Done in 12.442 seconds
    Done in 12.284 seconds
    Done in 12.803 seconds
    Done in 13.724 seconds
    Done in 13.844 seconds
    and under visualvm it looks like this:
    ![Thread state graph with fix](
    without fix:
    Done in 71.088 seconds
    Done in 71.664 seconds
    Done in 64.57 seconds
    Done in 65.504 seconds
    Done in 62.81 seconds
    and under visualvm it looks like this:
    ![Thread state graph without fix](
    As expected, this is a major win on multithreaded scenarios.
    ivoanjo committed Dec 6, 2016
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    95b5d2e View commit details

Commits on Dec 7, 2016

  1. Merge pull request #4366 from ivoanjo/improve-defined-performance

    Optimize getDefinedMessage by deduping during initialization
    kares authored Dec 7, 2016
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    933fae0 View commit details