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base repository: getnikola/nikola
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base: 3272fe95b781^
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head repository: getnikola/nikola
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compare: 9dd2c9e1ae42
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  • 2 commits
  • 2 files changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Dec 17, 2016

  1. Copy the full SHA
    3272fe9 View commit details
  2. Copy the full SHA
    9dd2c9e View commit details
Showing with 141 additions and 7 deletions.
  1. +13 −3 nikola/plugins/task/
  2. +128 −4 nikola/plugins/task/
16 changes: 13 additions & 3 deletions nikola/plugins/task/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -97,10 +97,20 @@ def get_classification_friendly_name(self, classification, lang, only_last_compo
elif len(classification) == 1:
return classification[0]
elif len(classification) == 2:
return nikola.utils.LocaleBorg().get_month_name(int(classification[1]), lang)
month = nikola.utils.LocaleBorg().get_month_name(int(classification[1]), lang)
if only_last_component:
return month
year = classification[0]
return[lang].get('{month} {year}', '{month} {year}').format(year=year, month=month)
# Fallback
return '/'.join(classification)
day = int(classification[2])
if only_last_component:
return str(day)
year = classification[0]
month = nikola.utils.LocaleBorg().get_month_name(int(classification[1]), lang)
return[lang].get('{month} {day}, {year}', '{month} {day}, {year}').format(year=year, month=month, day=day)

def get_path(self, classification, lang, dest_type='page'):
"""A path handler for the given classification."""
132 changes: 128 additions & 4 deletions nikola/plugins/task/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -71,6 +71,44 @@ class RenderTaxonomies(Task):

name = "render_taxonomies"

def _generate_classification_data(self, taxonomy, lang):
"""Create context and kw for a classification overview page."""
# Collect all relevant classifications
if taxonomy.has_hierarchy:
# Create clipped tree
def acceptor(node):
return len(self._filter_list([taxonomy.classification_name][lang][node.classification_name], lang)) >= 1

clipped_root_list = [_clone_treenode(node, parent=None, acceptor=acceptor) for node in[taxonomy.classification_name][lang]]
clipped_root_list = [node for node in clipped_root_list if node]
clipped_flat_hierarchy = utils.flatten_tree_structure(clipped_root_list)
clipped_flat_lookup = {}
clipped_node_lookup = {}
for i, node in enumerate(clipped_flat_hierarchy):
clipped_flat_lookup[node.classification_name] = i
clipped_node_lookup[node.classification_name] = node

classifications = [cat.classification_name for cat in clipped_flat_hierarchy]
# Create and sort classifications
classifications = natsort.natsorted([tag for tag, posts in[taxonomy.classification_name][lang].items()
if len(self._filter_list(posts, lang)) >= 1],
alg=natsort.ns.F | natsort.ns.IC)
taxonomy.sort_classifications(classifications, lang)
# No hierarchy
clipped_root_list = None
clipped_flat_hierarchy = None
clipped_flat_lookup = None
clipped_node_lookup = None
# Create lookup for classifications
classifications_lookup = {}
for i, classification in enumerate(classifications):
classifications_lookup[classification] = i
# Store result
if taxonomy.classification_name not in self.classification_data:
self.classification_data[taxonomy.classification_name] = {lang: None for lang in["TRANSLATIONS"]}
self.classification_data[taxonomy.classification_name][lang] = classifications, classifications_lookup, clipped_root_list, clipped_flat_hierarchy, clipped_flat_lookup, clipped_node_lookup

def _generate_classification_overview_kw_context(self, taxonomy, lang):
"""Create context and kw for a classification overview page."""
context, kw = taxonomy.provide_overview_context_and_uptodate(lang)
@@ -315,6 +353,88 @@ def get_subnode_data(subnode):
task['basename'] =
return task

def _add_cross_classification_navigation_links(self, taxonomy, classification, context, kw, lang, generate_list, generate_rss):
classifications, classifications_lookup, clipped_root_list, clipped_flat_hierarchy, clipped_flat_lookup, clipped_node_lookup = self.classification_data[taxonomy.classification_name][lang]
# Get previous and next in (flattened) list of all classifications
i = classifications_lookup.get(classification)
if i is not None:
previous_classification = classifications[i - 1] if i > 0 else None
next_classification = classifications[i + 1] if i + 1 < len(classifications) else None
previous_classification = None
next_classification = None
# Get hirearchical info
parent = None
if taxonomy.has_hierarchy:
# Find siblings
previous_sibling = None
next_sibling = None
node = clipped_node_lookup.get(classification)
if node is not None:
parent = node.parent.classification_name if node.parent is not None else None
siblings = node.parent.children if node.parent is not None else clipped_root_list
index = None
for i, node in enumerate(siblings):
if node.classification_name == classification:
index = i
if index is not None:
if index > 0:
previous_sibling = siblings[index - 1].classification_name
if index + 1 < len(siblings):
next_sibling = siblings[index + 1].classification_name
# Find previous/next elements on same hierarchy level
previous_samelevel = None
next_samelevel = None
i = clipped_flat_lookup.get(classification)
if i is not None:
# Find previous
index = i - 1
while index >= 0:
if len(clipped_flat_hierarchy[index].indent_levels) != len(clipped_flat_hierarchy[i].indent_levels):
index -= 1
if index >= 0:
previous_samelevel = clipped_flat_hierarchy[index].classification_name
# Find next
index = i + 1
while index < len(clipped_flat_hierarchy):
if len(clipped_flat_hierarchy[index].indent_levels) != len(clipped_flat_hierarchy[i].indent_levels):
index += 1
if index < len(clipped_flat_hierarchy):
previous_samelevel = clipped_flat_hierarchy[index].classification_name
previous_sibling = previous_classification
next_sibling = next_classification
previous_samelevel = previous_classification
next_samelevel = next_classification
# Get results
result = {}

def add(name, classification):
result[name] = classification
if classification is not None:
result['{0}_name'.format(name)] = taxonomy.get_classification_friendly_name(classification, lang, only_last_component=False)
if generate_list:
result['{0}_link'.format(name)] =, classification, lang)
if generate_list and['GENERATE_ATOM'] and taxonomy.show_list_as_index:
result['{0}_atom'.format(name)] ='{0}_atom'.format(taxonomy.classification_name), classification, lang)
if generate_rss and['GENERATE_RSS'] and not taxonomy.always_disable_rss:
result['{0}_rss'.format(name)] ='{0}_rss'.format(taxonomy.classification_name), classification, lang)

add('previous_{0}'.format(taxonomy.classification_name), previous_classification)
add('next_{0}'.format(taxonomy.classification_name), next_classification)
add('previous_{0}_sibling'.format(taxonomy.classification_name), previous_sibling)
add('next_{0}_sibling'.format(taxonomy.classification_name), next_sibling)
add('previous_{0}_samelevel'.format(taxonomy.classification_name), previous_sibling)
add('next_{0}_samelevel'.format(taxonomy.classification_name), next_sibling)
add('parent_{0}'.format(taxonomy.classification_name), parent)
# Update context and kw

def _generate_classification_page(self, taxonomy, classification, post_list, lang):
"""Render index or post list and associated feeds per classification."""
# Filter list
@@ -348,6 +468,8 @@ def _generate_classification_page(self, taxonomy, classification, post_list, lan
kw["index_file"] =['INDEX_FILE']
context = copy(context)
context["permalink"] =, classification, lang)
# Links to previous/next classifications
self._add_cross_classification_navigation_links(taxonomy, classification, context, kw, lang, generate_list, generate_rss)
# Decide what to do
if taxonomy.has_hierarchy and taxonomy.show_list_as_subcategories_list:
# Determine whether there are subcategories
@@ -372,6 +494,7 @@ def gen_tasks(self):
yield self.group_task()

self.classification_data = {}
for lang in["TRANSLATIONS"]:
# To support that tag and category classifications share the same overview,
# we explicitly detect this case:
@@ -383,11 +506,12 @@ def gen_tasks(self):
for taxonomy in
if not taxonomy.is_enabled(lang):
# Generate some data on classifications
self._generate_classification_data(taxonomy, lang)
# Generate list of classifications (i.e. classification overview)
if taxonomy not in ignore_plugins_for_overview:
if taxonomy.template_for_classification_overview is not None:
for task in self._generate_classification_overview(taxonomy, lang):
yield task
if taxonomy not in ignore_plugins_for_overview and taxonomy.template_for_classification_overview is not None:
for task in self._generate_classification_overview(taxonomy, lang):
yield task

# Generate classification lists
classifications = {}