#!/bin/bash hihyV="0.4.9" function echoColor() { case $1 in # 红色 "red") echo -e "\033[31m${printN}$2 \033[0m" ;; # 天蓝色 "skyBlue") echo -e "\033[1;36m${printN}$2 \033[0m" ;; # 绿色 "green") echo -e "\033[32m${printN}$2 \033[0m" ;; # 白色 "white") echo -e "\033[37m${printN}$2 \033[0m" ;; "magenta") echo -e "\033[31m${printN}$2 \033[0m" ;; # 黄色 "yellow") echo -e "\033[33m${printN}$2 \033[0m" ;; # 紫色 "purple") echo -e "\033[1;;35m${printN}$2 \033[0m" ;; # "yellowBlack") # 黑底黄字 echo -e "\033[1;33;40m${printN}$2 \033[0m" ;; "greenWhite") # 绿底白字 echo -e "\033[42;37m${printN}$2 \033[0m" ;; esac } function checkSystemForUpdate() { if [[ -n $(find /etc -name "redhat-release") ]] || grep 设置ipv4优先级高于ipv6?(Y/N,默认N)" read input if [ -z "${input}" ];then echoColor green "Ignore." exit else sed -i 's/"resolve_preference": "64"/"resolve_preference": "46"/g' /etc/hihy/conf/hihyServer.json systemctl restart hihy echoColor green "Done.Ipv4 first now." fi ;; *"46"*) echoColor purple "当前ipv4优先" echoColor yellow " \n->设置ipv6优先级高于ipv4?(Y/N,默认N)" read input if [ -z "${input}" ];then echoColor green "Ignore." exit else sed -i 's/"resolve_preference": "46",/"resolve_preference": "64",/g' /etc/hihy/conf/hihyServer.json systemctl restart hihy echoColor green "Done.Ipv6 first now." fi ;; esac } function getPortBindMsg(){ # $1 type UDP or TCP # $2 port if [ $1 == "UDP" ]; then msg=`lsof -i ${1}:${2}` else msg=`lsof -i ${1}:${2} | grep LISTEN` fi if [ "${msg}" == "" ];then return else command=`echo ${msg} | awk '{print $1}'` pid=`echo ${msg} | awk '{print $2}'` name=`echo ${msg} | awk '{print $9}'` echoColor purple "Port: ${1}/${2} 已经被 ${command}(${name}) 占用,进程pid为: ${pid}." echoColor green "是否自动关闭端口占用?(y/N)" read bindP if [ -z "${bindP}" ];then echoColor red "由于端口被占用,退出安装。请手动关闭或者更换端口..." if [ "${1}" == "TCP" ] && [ "${2}" == "80" ];then echoColor "如果需求上无法关闭 ${1}/${2}端口,请使用其他证书获取方式" fi exit elif [ "${bindP}" == "y" ] || [ "${bindP}" == "Y" ];then kill -9 ${pid} echoColor purple "正在解绑..." sleep 3 if [ $1 == "TCP" ]; then msg=`lsof -i ${1}:${2} | grep LISTEN` else msg=`lsof -i ${1}:${2}` fi if [ "${msg}" != "" ];then echoColor red "端口占用关闭失败,强制杀死进程后进程重启,请查看是否存在守护进程..." exit else echoColor green "端口解绑成功..." fi else echoColor red "由于端口被占用,退出安装。请手动关闭或者更换端口..." if [ "${1}" == "TCP" ] && [ "${2}" == "80" ];then echoColor "如果需求上如果无法关闭 ${1}/${2}端口,请使用其他证书获取方式" fi exit fi fi } function setHysteriaConfig(){ mkdir -p /etc/hihy/bin /etc/hihy/conf /etc/hihy/cert /etc/hihy/result /etc/hihy/acl echoColor yellowBlack "开始配置:" echo -e "\033[32m请选择证书申请方式:\n\n\033[0m\033[33m\033[01m1、使用ACME申请(推荐,需打开tcp 80/443)\n2、使用本地证书文件\n3、自签证书\033[0m\033[32m\n\n输入序号:\033[0m" read certNum useAcme=false useLocalCert=false if [ -z "${certNum}" ] || [ "${certNum}" == "3" ];then echo -e "\n注意:自签证书近一段时间来无obfs情况下,遭到大量随机阻断" echoColor red "如果一定要使用自签证书,请在下方配置选择使用obfs混淆验证,保证安全" echoColor green "请输入自签证书的域名(默认:wechat.com):" read domain if [ -z "${domain}" ];then domain="wechat.com" fi echo -e "->自签证书域名为:"`echoColor red ${domain}`"\n" ip=`curl -4 -s -m 8 ip.sb` if [ -z "${ip}" ];then ip=`curl -s -m 8 ip.sb` fi echoColor green "判断客户端连接所使用的地址是否正确?公网ip:"`echoColor red ${ip}`"\n" while true do echo -e "\033[32m请选择:\n\n\033[0m\033[33m\033[01m1、正确(默认)\n2、不正确,手动输入ip\033[0m\033[32m\n\n输入序号:\033[0m" read ipNum if [ -z "${ipNum}" ] || [ "${ipNum}" == "1" ];then break elif [ "${ipNum}" == "2" ];then echoColor green "请输入正确的公网ip(ipv6地址不需要加[]):" read ip if [ -z "${ip}" ];then echoColor red "输入错误,请重新输入..." continue fi break else echoColor red "\n->输入错误,请重新输入:" fi done cert="/etc/hihy/cert/${domain}.crt" key="/etc/hihy/cert/${domain}.key" useAcme=false echoColor purple "\n\n->您已选择自签${domain}证书加密.公网ip:"`echoColor red ${ip}`"\n" echo -e "\n" elif [ "${certNum}" == "2" ];then echoColor green "请输入证书cert文件路径(需fullchain cert,提供完整证书链):" read cert while : do if [ ! -f "${cert}" ];then echoColor red "\n\n->路径不存在,请重新输入!" echoColor green "请输入证书cert文件路径:" read cert else break fi done echo -e "\n\n->cert文件路径: "`echoColor red ${cert}`"\n" echoColor green "请输入证书key文件路径:" read key while : do if [ ! -f "${key}" ];then echoColor red "\n\n->路径不存在,请重新输入!" echoColor green "请输入证书key文件路径:" read key else break fi done echo -e "\n\n->key文件路径: "`echoColor red ${key}`"\n" echoColor green "请输入所选证书域名:" read domain while : do if [ -z "${domain}" ];then echoColor red "\n\n->此选项不能为空,请重新输入!" echoColor green "请输入所选证书域名:" read domain else break fi done useAcme=false useLocalCert=true echoColor purple "\n\n->您已选择本地证书加密.域名:"`echoColor red ${domain}`"\n" else echoColor green "请输入域名(需正确解析到本机,关闭CDN):" read domain while : do if [ -z "${domain}" ];then echoColor red "\n\n->此选项不能为空,请重新输入!" echoColor green "请输入域名(需正确解析到本机,关闭CDN):" read domain else break fi done while : do echoColor purple "\n->检测${domain},DNS解析..." ip_resolv=`dig +short ${domain} A` if [ -z "${ip_resolv}" ];then ip_resolv=`dig +short ${domain} AAAA` fi if [ -z "${ip_resolv}" ];then echoColor red "\n\n->域名解析失败,没有获得任何dns记录(A/AAAA),请检查域名是否正确解析到本机!" echoColor green "请输入域名(需正确解析到本机,关闭CDN):" read domain continue fi remoteip=`echo ${ip_resolv} | awk -F " " '{print $1}'` v6str=":" #Is ipv6? result=$(echo ${remoteip} | grep ${v6str}) if [ "${result}" != "" ];then localip=`curl -6 -s -m 8 ip.sb` else localip=`curl -4 -s -m 8 ip.sb` fi if [ -z "${localip}" ];then localip=`curl -s -m 8 ip.sb` #如果上面的ip.sb都失败了,最后检测一次 if [ -z "${localip}" ];then echoColor red "\n\n->获取本机ip失败,请检查网络连接!curl -s -m 8 ip.sb" exit 1 fi fi if [ "${localip}" != "${remoteip}" ];then echo -e " \n\n->本机ip: "`echoColor red ${localip}`" \n\n->域名ip: "`echoColor red ${remoteip}`"\n" echoColor green "多ip或者dns未生效时可能检测失败,如果你确定正确解析到了本机,是否自己指定本机ip? [y/N]:" read isLocalip if [ "${isLocalip}" == "y" ];then echoColor green "请自行输入本机ip:" read localip while : do if [ -z "${localip}" ];then echoColor red "\n\n->此选项不能为空,请重新输入!" echoColor green "请输入本机ip:" read localip else break fi done fi if [ "${localip}" != "${remoteip}" ];then echoColor red "\n\n->域名解析到的ip与本机ip不一致,请重新输入!" echoColor green "请输入域名(需正确解析到本机,关闭CDN):" read domain continue else break fi else break fi done useAcme=true echoColor purple "\n\n->解析正确,使用hysteria内置ACME申请证书.域名:"`echoColor red ${domain}`"\n" fi echo -e "\033[32m选择协议类型:\n\n\033[0m\033[33m\033[01m1、udp(QUIC,可启动端口跳跃)\n2、faketcp\n3、wechat-video(默认)\033[0m\033[32m\n\n输入序号:\033[0m" read protocol ut= if [ -z "${protocol}" ] || [ $protocol == "3" ];then protocol="wechat-video" ut="udp" elif [ $protocol == "2" ];then protocol="faketcp" ut="tcp" else protocol="udp" ut="udp" fi echo -e "\n->传输协议:"`echoColor red ${protocol}`"\n" while : do echoColor green "请输入你想要开启的端口,此端口是server端口,建议10000-65535.(默认随机)" read port if [ -z "${port}" ];then port=$(($(od -An -N2 -i /dev/random) % (65534 - 10001) + 10001)) echo -e "\n->使用随机端口:"`echoColor red ${ut}/${port}`"\n" else echo -e "\n->您输入的端口:"`echoColor red ${ut}/${port}`"\n" fi if [ "${port}" -gt 65535 ];then echoColor red "端口范围错误,请重新输入!" continue fi if [ "${ut}" != "udp" ];then pIDa=`lsof -i ${ut}:${port} | grep "LISTEN" | grep -v "PID" | awk '{print $2}'` else pIDa=`lsof -i ${ut}:${port} | grep -v "PID" | awk '{print $2}'` fi if [ "$pIDa" != "" ]; then echoColor red "\n->端口${port}被占用,PID:${pIDa}!请重新输入或者运行kill -9 ${pIDa}后重新安装!" else break fi done clientPort="${port}" if [ "${protocol}" == "udp" ];then echoColor green "\n->检测到您选择udp协议,可使用[端口跳跃/多端口](Port Hopping)功能,推荐使用" echo -e "Tip: 长时间单端口 UDP 连接容易被运营商封锁/QoS/断流,启动此功能可以有效避免此问题." echo -e "更加详细介绍请参考: https://github.com/emptysuns/Hi_Hysteria/blob/main/md/portHopping.md\n" echo -e "\033[32m选择是否启用:\n\n\033[0m\033[33m\033[01m1、启用(默认)\n2、跳过\033[0m\033[32m\n\n输入序号:\033[0m" read portHoppingStatus if [ -z "${portHoppingStatus}" ] || [ $portHoppingStatus == "1" ];then portHoppingStatus="true" echoColor purple "\n->您选择启用端口跳跃/多端口(Port Hopping)功能" echo -e "端口跳跃/多端口(Port Hopping)功能需要占用多个端口,请保证这些端口没有监听其他服务\nTip: 端口选择数量不宜过多,推荐1000个左右,范围1-65535,建议选择连续的端口范围.\n" while : do echoColor green "请输入起始端口(默认47000):" read portHoppingStart if [ -z "${portHoppingStart}" ];then portHoppingStart=47000 fi if [ $portHoppingStart -gt 65535 ];then echoColor red "\n->端口范围错误,请重新输入!" continue fi echo -e "\n->起始端口:"`echoColor red ${portHoppingStart}`"\n" echoColor green "请输入结束端口(默认48000):" read portHoppingEnd if [ -z "${portHoppingEnd}" ];then portHoppingEnd=48000 fi if [ $portHoppingEnd -gt 65535 ];then echoColor red "\n->端口范围错误,请重新输入!" continue fi echo -e "\n->结束端口:"`echoColor red ${portHoppingEnd}`"\n" if [ $portHoppingStart -ge $portHoppingEnd ];then echoColor red "\n->起始端口必须小于结束端口,请重新输入!" else break fi done clientPort="${port},${portHoppingStart}-${portHoppingEnd}" echo -e "\n->您选择的端口跳跃/多端口(Port Hopping)参数为: "`echoColor red ${portHoppingStart}:${portHoppingEnd}`"\n" else portHoppingStatus="false" echoColor red "\n->您选择跳过端口跳跃/多端口(Port Hopping)功能" fi fi echoColor green "请输入您到此服务器的平均延迟,关系到转发速度(默认200,单位:ms):" read delay if [ -z "${delay}" ];then delay=200 fi echo -e "\n->延迟:`echoColor red ${delay}`ms\n" echo -e "\n期望速度,这是客户端的峰值速度,服务端默认不受限。"`echoColor red Tips:脚本会自动*1.10做冗余,您期望过低或者过高会影响转发效率,请如实填写!` echoColor green "请输入客户端期望的下行速度:(默认50,单位:mbps):" read download if [ -z "${download}" ];then download=50 fi echo -e "\n->客户端下行速度:"`echoColor red ${download}`"mbps\n" echo -e "\033[32m请输入客户端期望的上行速度(默认10,单位:mbps):\033[0m" read upload if [ -z "${upload}" ];then upload=10 fi echo -e "\n->客户端上行速度:"`echoColor red ${upload}`"mbps\n" echoColor green "请输入认证口令(默认随机生成,建议20位以上强密码):" read auth_secret if [ -z "${auth_secret}" ];then auth_secret=`tr -cd '0-9A-Za-z' < /dev/urandom | fold -w50 | head -n1` fi echo -e "\n->认证口令:"`echoColor red ${auth_secret}`"\n" auth_str="" obfs_str="" echo -e "Tips: 如果使用obfs混淆加密,抗封锁能力更强,能被识别为未知udp流量,但是会增加cpu负载导致峰值速度下降,如果您追求性能且未被针对封锁建议不使用" echo -e "\033[32m选择验证方式:\n\n\033[0m\033[33m\033[01m1、auth_str(默认)\n2、obfs\033[0m\033[32m\n\n输入序号:\033[0m" read auth_num if [ -z "${auth_num}" ] || [ ${auth_num} == "1" ];then auth_type="auth_str" auth_str=${auth_secret} server_auth_conf=$(cat <<- EOF "auth": { "mode": "password", "config": { "password": "${auth_str}" } }, EOF ) else auth_type="obfs" auth_str="" obfs_str=${auth_secret} server_auth_conf=$(cat <<- EOF "obfs": "${obfs_str}", EOF ) fi echo -e "\n->您选择的验证方式为:"`echoColor red ${auth_type}`"\n" echoColor green "请输入客户端名称备注(默认使用域名/IP区分,例如输入test,则名称为Hys-test):" read remarks echoColor green "\n配置录入完成!\n" echoColor yellowBlack "执行配置..." download=$(($download + $download / 10)) upload=$(($upload + $upload / 10)) r_client=$(($delay * 2 * $download / 1000 * 1024 * 1024)) r_conn=$(($r_client / 4)) if echo "${useAcme}" | grep -q "false";then if echo "${useLocalCert}" | grep -q "false";then v6str=":" #Is ipv6? result=$(echo ${ip} | grep ${v6str}) if [ "${result}" != "" ];then ip="[${ip}]" fi u_host=${ip} u_domain=${domain} if [ -z "${remarks}" ];then remarks="${ip}" fi sec="1" mail="admin@qq.com" days=36500 echoColor purple "SIGN...\n" openssl genrsa -out /etc/hihy/cert/${domain}.ca.key 2048 openssl req -new -x509 -days ${days} -key /etc/hihy/cert/${domain}.ca.key -subj "/C=CN/ST=GuangDong/L=ShenZhen/O=PonyMa/OU=Tecent/emailAddress=${mail}/CN=Tencent Root CA" -out /etc/hihy/cert/${domain}.ca.crt openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout /etc/hihy/cert/${domain}.key -subj "/C=CN/ST=GuangDong/L=ShenZhen/O=PonyMa/OU=Tecent/emailAddress=${mail}/CN=Tencent Root CA" -out /etc/hihy/cert/${domain}.csr openssl x509 -req -extfile <(printf "subjectAltName=DNS:${domain},DNS:${domain}") -days ${days} -in /etc/hihy/cert/${domain}.csr -CA /etc/hihy/cert/${domain}.ca.crt -CAkey /etc/hihy/cert/${domain}.ca.key -CAcreateserial -out /etc/hihy/cert/${domain}.crt rm /etc/hihy/cert/${domain}.ca.key /etc/hihy/cert/${domain}.ca.srl /etc/hihy/cert/${domain}.csr mv /etc/hihy/cert/${domain}.ca.crt /etc/hihy/result echoColor purple "SUCCESS.\n" cat < /etc/hihy/result/hihyClient.json { "server": "${ip}:${clientPort}", "protocol": "${protocol}", "up_mbps": ${upload}, "down_mbps": ${download}, "http": { "listen": "", "timeout" : 300, "disable_udp": false }, "socks5": { "listen": "", "timeout": 300, "disable_udp": false }, "obfs": "${obfs_str}", "auth_str": "${auth_str}", "alpn": "h3", "acl": "acl/routes.acl", "mmdb": "acl/Country.mmdb", "server_name": "${domain}", "insecure": true, "recv_window_conn": ${r_conn}, "recv_window": ${r_client}, "disable_mtu_discovery": true, "resolver": "", "retry": 3, "retry_interval": 3, "quit_on_disconnect": false, "handshake_timeout": 15, "idle_timeout": 30, "fast_open": true, "hop_interval": 120 } EOF else u_host=${domain} u_domain=${domain} if [ -z "${remarks}" ];then remarks="${domain}" fi sec="0" cat < /etc/hihy/result/hihyClient.json { "server": "${domain}:${clientPort}", "protocol": "${protocol}", "up_mbps": ${upload}, "down_mbps": ${download}, "http": { "listen": "", "timeout" : 300, "disable_udp": false }, "socks5": { "listen": "", "timeout": 300, "disable_udp": false }, "obfs": "${obfs_str}", "alpn": "h3", "acl": "acl/routes.acl", "mmdb": "acl/Country.mmdb", "auth_str": "${auth_str}", "server_name": "${domain}", "insecure": false, "recv_window_conn": ${r_conn}, "recv_window": ${r_client}, "disable_mtu_discovery": true, "resolver": "", "retry": 3, "retry_interval": 3, "quit_on_disconnect": false, "handshake_timeout": 15, "idle_timeout": 30, "fast_open": true, "hop_interval": 120 } EOF fi cat < /etc/hihy/conf/hihyServer.json { "listen": ":${port}", "protocol": "${protocol}", "disable_udp": false, "cert": "${cert}", "key": "${key}", ${server_auth_conf} "alpn": "h3", "acl": "/etc/hihy/acl/hihyServer.acl", "recv_window_conn": ${r_conn}, "recv_window_client": ${r_client}, "max_conn_client": 4096, "resolve_preference": "46", "disable_mtu_discovery": true } EOF else u_host=${domain} u_domain=${domain} sec="0" if [ -z "${remarks}" ];then remarks="${domain}" fi getPortBindMsg TCP 80 allowPort tcp 80 cat < /etc/hihy/conf/hihyServer.json { "listen": ":${port}", "protocol": "${protocol}", "acme": { "domains": [ "${domain}" ], "email": "pekora@${domain}" }, "disable_udp": false, ${server_auth_conf} "alpn": "h3", "acl": "/etc/hihy/acl/hihyServer.acl", "recv_window_conn": ${r_conn}, "recv_window_client": ${r_client}, "max_conn_client": 4096, "resolve_preference": "46", "disable_mtu_discovery": true } EOF cat < /etc/hihy/result/hihyClient.json { "server": "${domain}:${clientPort}", "protocol": "${protocol}", "up_mbps": ${upload}, "down_mbps": ${download}, "http": { "listen": "", "timeout" : 300, "disable_udp": false }, "socks5": { "listen": "", "timeout": 300, "disable_udp": false }, "obfs": "${obfs_str}", "alpn": "h3", "acl": "acl/routes.acl", "mmdb": "acl/Country.mmdb", "auth_str": "${auth_str}", "server_name": "${domain}", "insecure": false, "recv_window_conn": ${r_conn}, "recv_window": ${r_client}, "disable_mtu_discovery": true, "resolver": "", "retry": 3, "retry_interval": 3, "quit_on_disconnect": false, "handshake_timeout": 15, "idle_timeout": 30, "fast_open": true, "hop_interval": 120 } EOF fi sysctl -w net.core.rmem_max=80000000 if echo "${portHoppingStatus}" | grep -q "true";then sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 sysctl -w net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=1 fi sysctl -p echo -e "\033[1;;35m\nTest config...\n\033[0m" echo "block all udp/443" > /etc/hihy/acl/hihyServer.acl /etc/hihy/bin/appS -c /etc/hihy/conf/hihyServer.json server > /tmp/hihy_debug.info 2>&1 & sleep 15 msg=`cat /tmp/hihy_debug.info` case ${msg} in *"Failed to get a certificate with ACME"*) echoColor red "域名:${u_host},申请证书失败!请查看服务器提供的面板防火墙是否开启(TCP:80,443)\n域名是否正确解析到此ip(不要开CDN!)\n如果无法满足以上两点,请重新安装使用自签证书." rm /etc/hihy/conf/hihyServer.json rm /etc/hihy/result/hihyClient.json delHihyFirewallPort if echo ${portHoppingStatus} | grep -q "true";then delHihyFirewallPort ${portHoppingStart} ${portHoppingEnd} ${port} fi rm /tmp/hihy_debug.info exit ;; *"bind: address already in use"*) rm /etc/hihy/conf/hihyServer.json rm /etc/hihy/result/hihyClient.json delHihyFirewallPort if echo ${portHoppingStatus} | grep -q "true";then delHihyFirewallPort ${portHoppingStart} ${portHoppingEnd} ${port} fi echoColor red "端口被占用,请更换端口!" rm /tmp/hihy_debug.info exit ;; *"Server up and running"*) echoColor green "Test success!" if [ "${portHoppingStatus}" == "true" ];then addPortHoppingNat ${portHoppingStart} ${portHoppingEnd} ${port} fi allowPort ${ut} ${port} echoColor purple "Generating config..." if [ "${ut}" == "tcp" ];then pIDa=`lsof -i ${ut}:${port} | grep LISTEN | grep -v "PID" | awk '{print $2}'` else pIDa=`lsof -i ${ut}:${port} | grep -v "PID" | awk '{print $2}'` fi kill -9 ${pIDa} > /dev/null 2>&1 rm /tmp/hihy_debug.info ;; *) if [ "${ut}" == "tcp" ];then pIDa=`lsof -i ${ut}:${port} | grep LISTEN | grep -v "PID" | awk '{print $2}'` else pIDa=`lsof -i ${ut}:${port} | grep -v "PID" | awk '{print $2}'` fi kill -9 ${pIDa} > /dev/null 2>&1 rm /etc/hihy/result/hihyClient.json delHihyFirewallPort if echo ${portHoppingStatus} | grep -q "true";then delHihyFirewallPort ${portHoppingStart} ${portHoppingEnd} ${port} fi echoColor red "未知错误: 请查看下方错误信息,并提交issue到github" cat /tmp/hihy_debug.info rm /tmp/hihy_debug.info exit ;; esac echo "remarks:${remarks}" >> /etc/hihy/conf/hihy.conf echo "serverAddress:${u_host}" >> /etc/hihy/conf/hihy.conf echo "serverPort:${port}" >> /etc/hihy/conf/hihy.conf echo "portHoppingStatus:${portHoppingStatus}" >> /etc/hihy/conf/hihy.conf echo "portHoppingStart:${portHoppingStart}" >> /etc/hihy/conf/hihy.conf echo "portHoppingEnd:${portHoppingEnd}" >> /etc/hihy/conf/hihy.conf if [ $sec = "1" ];then skip_cert_verify="true" else skip_cert_verify="false" fi if echo ${portHoppingStatus} | grep -q "true";then generateMetaYaml "Hys-${remarks}" "${u_host}" "${port}" "${auth_str}" "${protocol}" "${upload}" "${download}" "${u_domain}" "${skip_cert_verify}" "${r_conn}" "${r_client}" "${obfs_str}" "${portHoppingStart}" "${portHoppingEnd}" url="hysteria://${u_host}:${port}?mport=${portHoppingStart}-${portHoppingEnd}&protocol=${protocol}&auth=${auth_str}&obfsParam=${obfs_str}&peer=${u_domain}&insecure=${sec}&upmbps=${upload}&downmbps=${download}&alpn=h3#Hys-${remarks}" else generateMetaYaml "Hys-${remarks}" "${u_host}" "${port}" "${auth_str}" "${protocol}" "${upload}" "${download}" "${u_domain}" "${skip_cert_verify}" "${r_conn}" "${r_client}" "${obfs_str}" url="hysteria://${u_host}:${port}?protocol=${protocol}&auth=${auth_str}&obfsParam=${obfs_str}&peer=${u_domain}&insecure=${sec}&upmbps=${upload}&downmbps=${download}&alpn=h3#Hys-${remarks}" fi echo ${url} > /etc/hihy/result/url.txt echoColor greenWhite "安装成功,请查看下方配置详细信息" } function downloadHysteriaCore(){ version=`curl --head -s https://github.com/apernet/hysteria/releases/latest | grep -i location | grep -o 'tag/[^[:space:]]*' | sed 's/tag\///;s/ //g'` #兼容v2发布后的v1版本更新(暂时性的,下个版本移除) version="v1.3.5" echo -e "The Latest hysteria version:"`echoColor red "${version}"`"\nDownload..." if [ -z ${version} ];then echoColor red "[Network error]: Failed to get the latest version of hysteria in Github!" exit fi get_arch=`arch` if [ $get_arch = "x86_64" ];then wget -q -O /etc/hihy/bin/appS --no-check-certificate https://github.com/apernet/hysteria/releases/download/${version}/hysteria-linux-amd64 elif [ $get_arch = "aarch64" ];then wget -q -O /etc/hihy/bin/appS --no-check-certificate https://github.com/apernet/hysteria/releases/download/${version}/hysteria-linux-arm64 elif [ $get_arch = "mips64" ];then wget -q -O /etc/hihy/bin/appS --no-check-certificate https://github.com/apernet/hysteria/releases/download/${version}/hysteria-linux-mipsle elif [ $get_arch = "s390x" ];then wget -q -O /etc/hihy/bin/appS --no-check-certificate https://github.com/apernet/hysteria/releases/download/${version}/hysteria-linux-s390x elif [ $get_arch = "i686" ];then wget -q -O /etc/hihy/bin/appS --no-check-certificate https://github.com/apernet/hysteria/releases/download/${version}/hysteria-linux-386 else echoColor yellowBlack "Error[OS Message]:${get_arch}\nPlease open a issue to https://github.com/emptysuns/Hi_Hysteria/issues !" exit fi if [ -f "/etc/hihy/bin/appS" ]; then chmod 755 /etc/hihy/bin/appS echoColor purple "\nDownload completed." else echoColor red "Network Error: Can't connect to Github!" fi } function updateHysteriaCore(){ if [ -f "/etc/hihy/bin/appS" ]; then localV=`/etc/hihy/bin/appS -v | cut -d " " -f 3` remoteV=`curl --head -s https://github.com/apernet/hysteria/releases/latest | grep -i location | grep -o 'tag/[^[:space:]]*' | sed 's/tag\///;s/ //g'` #兼容v2发布后的v1版本更新(暂时性的,下个版本移除) remoteV="v1.3.5" if [ -z $remoteV ];then echoColor red "Network Error: Can't connect to Github!" exit fi echo -e "Local core version:"`echoColor red "${localV}"` echo -e "Remote core version:"`echoColor red "${remoteV}"` if [ "${localV}" = "${remoteV}" ];then echoColor green "Already the latest version.Ignore." else status=`systemctl is-active hihy` if [ "${status}" = "active" ];then #如果是正常运行情况下将先停止守护进程再自动更新后重启,否则只负责更新 systemctl stop hihy downloadHysteriaCore systemctl start hihy else downloadHysteriaCore fi echoColor green "Hysteria Core update done." fi else echoColor red "hysteria core not found." exit fi } function changeServerConfig(){ if [ ! -f "/etc/systemd/system/hihy.service" ]; then echoColor red "请先安装hysteria,再去修改配置..." exit fi echoColor red "Stop hihy service..." systemctl stop hihy echoColor red "Delete old config..." if [ -f "/etc/hihy/conf/hihy.conf" ]; then portHoppingStatus=`cat /etc/hihy/conf/hihy.conf | grep "portHopping" | awk -F ":" '{print $2}'` portHoppingStart=`cat /etc/hihy/conf/hihy.conf | grep "portHoppingStart" | awk -F ":" '{print $2}'` portHoppingEnd=`cat /etc/hihy/conf/hihy.conf | grep "portHoppingEnd" | awk -F ":" '{print $2}'` serverPort=`cat /etc/hihy/conf/hihy.conf | grep "serverPort" | awk -F ":" '{print $2}'` msg=`cat /etc/hihy/conf/hihy.conf | grep "remarks"` remarks=${msg#*:} rm -r /etc/hihy/conf/hihy.conf if [ -f "./Hys-${remarks}\(v2rayN\).json" ];then rm ./Hys-${remarks}\(v2rayN\).json fi if [ -f "./Hys-${remarks}\(clashMeta\).yaml" ];then rm ./Hys-${remarks}\(clashMeta\).yaml fi if echo "${portHoppingStatus}" | grep -q "true";then delPortHoppingNat ${portHoppingStart} ${portHoppingEnd} ${serverPort} fi fi delHihyFirewallPort updateHysteriaCore setHysteriaConfig systemctl start hihy printMsg echoColor yellowBlack "重新配置完成." } function hihyUpdate(){ localV=${hihyV} remoteV=`curl -fsSL https://git.io/hysteria.sh | sed -n 2p | cut -d '"' -f 2` if [ -z $remoteV ];then echoColor red "Network Error: Can't connect to Github!" exit fi if [ "${localV}" = "${remoteV}" ];then echoColor green "Already the latest version.Ignore." else rm -r /usr/bin/hihy wget -q -O /usr/bin/hihy --no-check-certificate https://raw.githubusercontent.com/emptysuns/Hi_Hysteria/main/server/install.sh 2>/dev/null chmod +x /usr/bin/hihy echoColor green "Done." fi } function hihyNotify(){ localV=${hihyV} remoteV=`curl -fsSL https://git.io/hysteria.sh | sed -n 2p | cut -d '"' -f 2` if [ -z $remoteV ];then echoColor red "Network Error: Can't connect to Github for checking hihy version!" else if [ "${localV}" != "${remoteV}" ];then echoColor purple "[Update] hihy有更新,version:v${remoteV},建议更新并查看日志: https://github.com/emptysuns/Hi_Hysteria/commits/main" fi fi } function hyCoreNotify(){ if [ -f "/etc/hihy/bin/appS" ]; then localV=`/etc/hihy/bin/appS -v | cut -d " " -f 3` remoteV=`curl --head -s https://github.com/apernet/hysteria/releases/latest | grep -i location | grep -o 'tag/[^[:space:]]*' | sed 's/tag\///;s/ //g'` #兼容v2发布后的v1版本更新(暂时性的,下个版本移除) remoteV="v1.3.5" if [ -z $remoteV ];then echoColor red "Network Error: Can't connect to Github for checking the hysteria version!" else if [ "${localV}" != "${remoteV}" ];then echoColor purple "[Update] hysteria有更新,version:${remoteV}. 日志: https://github.com/apernet/hysteria/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md" fi fi fi } function checkStatus(){ status=`systemctl is-active hihy` if [ "${status}" = "active" ];then echoColor green "hysteria正常运行" else echoColor red "Dead!hysteria未正常运行!" fi } function install() { if [ -f "/etc/systemd/system/hihy.service" ]; then echoColor green "你已经成功安装hysteria,如需修改配置请使用选项9/12" exit fi mkdir -p /etc/hihy/bin /etc/hihy/conf /etc/hihy/cert /etc/hihy/result echoColor purple "Ready to install.\n" version=`curl --head -s https://github.com/apernet/hysteria/releases/latest | grep -i location | grep -o 'tag/[^[:space:]]*' | sed 's/tag\///;s/ //g'` #兼容v2发布后的v1版本更新(暂时性的,下个版本移除) version="v1.3.5" checkSystemForUpdate downloadHysteriaCore setHysteriaConfig cat </etc/systemd/system/hihy.service [Unit] Description=hysteria:Hello World! After=network.target [Service] Type=simple PIDFile=/run/hihy.pid ExecStart=/etc/hihy/bin/appS --log-level info -c /etc/hihy/conf/hihyServer.json server #Restart=on-failure #RestartSec=10s [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target EOF chmod 644 /etc/systemd/system/hihy.service systemctl daemon-reload systemctl enable hihy systemctl start hihy crontab -l > /tmp/crontab.tmp echo "15 4 * * 1,4 hihy cronTask" >> /tmp/crontab.tmp crontab /tmp/crontab.tmp rm /tmp/crontab.tmp printMsg echoColor yellowBlack "安装完毕" } # 输出ufw端口开放状态 function checkUFWAllowPort() { if ufw status | grep -q "$1"; then echoColor purple "UFW OPEN: ${1}" else echoColor red "UFW OPEN FAIL: ${1}" exit 0 fi } # 输出firewall-cmd端口开放状态 function checkFirewalldAllowPort() { if firewall-cmd --list-ports --permanent | grep -q "$1"; then echoColor purple "FIREWALLD OPEN: ${1}/${2}" else echoColor red "FIREWALLD OPEN FAIL: ${1}/${2}" exit 0 fi } function allowPort() { # 如果防火墙启动状态则添加相应的开放端口 # $1 tcp/udp # $2 port if systemctl status netfilter-persistent 2>/dev/null | grep -q "active (exited)"; then local updateFirewalldStatus= if ! iptables -L | grep -q "allow ${1}/${2}(hihysteria)"; then updateFirewalldStatus=true iptables -I INPUT -p ${1} --dport ${2} -m comment --comment "allow ${1}/${2}(hihysteria)" -j ACCEPT 2> /dev/null echoColor purple "IPTABLES OPEN: ${1}/${2}" fi if echo "${updateFirewalldStatus}" | grep -q "true"; then netfilter-persistent save 2>/dev/null fi elif [[ `ufw status 2>/dev/null | grep "Status: " | awk '{print $2}'` = "active" ]]; then if ! ufw status | grep -q ${2}; then ufw allow ${2} 2>/dev/null checkUFWAllowPort ${2} fi elif systemctl status firewalld 2>/dev/null | grep -q "active (running)"; then local updateFirewalldStatus= if ! firewall-cmd --list-ports --permanent | grep -qw "${2}/${1}"; then updateFirewalldStatus=true firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=${2}/${1} --permanent 2>/dev/null checkFirewalldAllowPort ${2} ${1} fi if echo "${updateFirewalldStatus}" | grep -q "true"; then firewall-cmd --reload fi fi } function delPortHoppingNat(){ # $1 portHoppingStart # $2 portHoppingEnd # $3 portHoppingTarget if systemctl status firewalld 2>/dev/null | grep -q "active (running)"; then firewall-cmd --permanent --remove-forward-port=port=$1-$2:proto=udp:toport=$3 firewall-cmd --reload else iptables -t nat -F PREROUTING 2>/dev/null ip6tables -t nat -F PREROUTING 2>/dev/null if systemctl status netfilter-persistent 2>/dev/null | grep -q "active (exited)"; then netfilter-persistent save 2> /dev/null fi fi } function addPortHoppingNat() { # $1 portHoppingStart # $2 portHoppingEnd # $3 portHoppingTarget # 如果防火墙启动状态则删除之前的规则 if [[ -n $(find /etc -name "redhat-release") ]] || grep /dev/null | grep -q "active (running)"; then if ! firewall-cmd --query-masquerade --permanent 2>/dev/null | grep -q "yes"; then firewall-cmd --add-masquerade --permanent 2>/dev/null firewall-cmd --reload 2>/dev/null echoColor purple "FIREWALLD MASQUERADE OPEN" fi firewall-cmd --add-forward-port=port=$1-$2:proto=udp:toport=$3 --permanent 2>/dev/null firewall-cmd --reload 2>/dev/null else if ! [ -x "$(command -v netfilter-persistent)" ]; then echoColor green "*iptables-persistent" echoColor purple "\nUpdate.wait..." ${upgrade} ${installType} "iptables-persistent" fi if ! [ -x "$(command -v netfilter-persistent)" ]; then echoColor red "[Warnning]:netfilter-persistent安装失败,但安装进度不会停止,只是您的PortHopping转发规则为临时规则,重启可能失效,是否继续使用临时规则?(y/N)" read continueInstall if [[ "${continueInstall}" != "y" ]]; then exit 0 fi fi iptables -t nat -F PREROUTING 2>/dev/null iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p udp --dport $1:$2 -m comment --comment "NAT $1:$2 to $3 (PortHopping-hihysteria)" -j DNAT --to-destination :$3 2>/dev/null ip6tables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p udp --dport $1:$2 -m comment --comment "NAT $1:$2 to $3 (PortHopping-hihysteria)" -j DNAT --to-destination :$3 2>/dev/null if systemctl status netfilter-persistent 2>/dev/null | grep -q "active (exited)"; then netfilter-persistent save 2> /dev/null else echoColor red "netfilter-persistent未启动,PortHopping转发规则无法持久化,重启系统失效,请手动执行netfilter-persistent save,继续执行脚本不影响后续配置..." fi fi } function delHihyFirewallPort() { # 如果防火墙启动状态则删除之前的规则 port=`cat /etc/hihy/conf/hihyServer.json | grep "listen" | awk '{print $2}' | tr -cd "[0-9]"` if [[ `ufw status 2>/dev/null | grep "Status: " | awk '{print $2}'` = "active" ]] ; then if ufw status | grep -q ${port}; then sudo ufw delete allow ${port} 2> /dev/null fi elif systemctl status firewalld 2>/dev/null | grep -q "active (running)"; then local updateFirewalldStatus= isFaketcp=`cat /etc/hihy/conf/hihyServer.json | grep "faketcp"` if [ -z "${isFaketcp}" ];then ut="udp" else ut="tcp" fi if firewall-cmd --list-ports --permanent | grep -qw "${port}/${ut}"; then updateFirewalldStatus=true firewall-cmd --zone=public --remove-port=${port}/${ut} --permanent 2> /dev/null fi if echo "${updateFirewalldStatus}" | grep -q "true"; then firewall-cmd --reload 2> /dev/null fi elif systemctl status netfilter-persistent 2>/dev/null | grep -q "active (exited)"; then updateFirewalldStatus=true iptables-save | sed -e '/hihysteria/d' | iptables-restore if echo "${updateFirewalldStatus}" | grep -q "true"; then netfilter-persistent save 2>/dev/null fi fi } function checkRoot(){ user=`whoami` if [ ! "${user}" = "root" ];then echoColor red "Please run as root user!" exit 0 fi } function editProtocol(){ # $1 change to $2, example(editProtocol 'udp' 'faketcp'): udp to faketcp portHoppingStatus=`cat /etc/hihy/conf/hihy.conf | grep "portHopping" | awk -F ":" '{print $2}'` portHoppingStart=`cat /etc/hihy/conf/hihy.conf | grep "portHoppingStart" | awk -F ":" '{print $2}'` portHoppingEnd=`cat /etc/hihy/conf/hihy.conf | grep "portHoppingEnd" | awk -F ":" '{print $2}'` serverPort=`cat /etc/hihy/conf/hihy.conf | grep "serverPort" | awk -F ":" '{print $2}'` sed -i "s/\"protocol\": \"${1}\"/\"protocol\": \"${2}\"/g" /etc/hihy/conf/hihyServer.json sed -i "s/\"protocol\": \"${1}\"/\"protocol\": \"${2}\"/g" /etc/hihy/result/hihyClient.json sed -i "s/protocol: ${1}/protocol: ${2}/g" /etc/hihy/result/metaHys.yaml sed -i "s/protocol=${1}/protocol=${2}/g" /etc/hihy/result/url.txt if echo "${portHoppingStatus}" | grep -q "true";then msg=`cat /etc/hihy/conf/hihy.conf | grep "serverAddress"` serverAddress=${msg#*:} delPortHoppingNat ${portHoppingStart} ${portHoppingEnd} ${serverPort} msg=`cat /etc/hihy/result/hihyClient.json | grep \"server\" | awk '{print $2}' | awk '{split($1, arr, ":"); print arr[2]}'` port_before=${msg::length-2} port_after=${msg%%,*} sed -i "s/\"server\": \"${serverAddress}:${port_before}\"/\"server\": \"${serverAddress}:${port_after}\"/g" /etc/hihy/result/hihyClient.json sed -i "s/mport=${portHoppingStart}-${portHoppingEnd}&//g" /etc/hihy/result/url.txt sed -i "s/\portHoppingStatus:true/portHoppingStatus:false/g" /etc/hihy/conf/hihy.conf fi } function changeMode(){ if [ ! -f "/etc/hihy/conf/hihyServer.json" ]; then echoColor red "配置文件不存在,exit..." exit fi protocol=`cat /etc/hihy/conf/hihyServer.json | grep protocol | awk '{print $2}' | awk -F '"' '{ print $2}'` echoColor yellow "当前使用协议为:" echoColor purple "${protocol}" port=`cat /etc/hihy/conf/hihyServer.json | grep "listen" | awk '{print $2}' | tr -cd "[0-9]"` if [ "${protocol}" = "udp" ];then echo -e "\033[32m\n请选择修改的协议类型:\n\n\033[0m\033[33m\033[01m1、faketcp\n2、wechat-video\033[0m\033[32m\n\n输入序号:\033[0m" read pNum if [ -z "${pNum}" ] || [ "${pNum}" == "1" ];then echoColor purple "选择修改协议类型为faketcp." editProtocol "udp" "faketcp" delHihyFirewallPort allowPort "tcp" ${port} else echoColor purple "选择修改协议类型为wechat-video." editProtocol "udp" "wechat-video" fi elif [ "${protocol}" = "faketcp" ];then delHihyFirewallPort allowPort "udp" ${port} echo -e "\033[32m\n请选择修改的协议类型:\n\n\033[0m\033[33m\033[01m1、udp\n2、wechat-video\033[0m\033[32m\n\n输入序号:\033[0m" read pNum if [ -z "${pNum}" ] || [ "${pNum}" == "1" ];then echoColor purple "选择修改协议类型为udp." editProtocol "faketcp" "udp" else echoColor purple "选择修改协议类型为wechat-video." editProtocol "faketcp" "wechat-video" fi elif [ "${protocol}" = "wechat-video" ];then echo -e "\033[32m\n请选择修改的协议类型:\n\n\033[0m\033[33m\033[01m1、udp\n2、faketcp\033[0m\033[32m\n\n输入序号:\033[0m" read pNum if [ -z "${pNum}" ] || [[ "${pNum}" == "1" ]];then echoColor purple "选择修改协议类型为udp." editProtocol wechat-video udp else delHihyFirewallPort allowPort "tcp" ${port} echoColor purple "选择修改协议类型为faketcp." editProtocol "wechat-video" "faketcp" fi else echoColor red "无法识别协议类型!" exit fi systemctl restart hihy echoColor green "修改成功" } function generateMetaYaml(){ if [[ ${4} == "" ]];then clashClient_auth_conf=$(cat <<- EOF obfs: ${12} EOF ) else clashClient_auth_conf=$(cat <<- EOF auth_str: ${4} EOF ) fi if [[ ${13} == "" ]];then port_conf=$(cat <<- EOF port: ${3} EOF ) else port_conf=$(cat <<- EOF ports: ${13}-${14} EOF ) fi cat < /etc/hihy/result/metaHys.yaml mixed-port: 7890 allow-lan: true mode: rule log-level: info ipv6: true dns: enable: true listen: ipv6: true default-nameserver: - - enhanced-mode: redir-host nameserver: - https://dns.alidns.com/dns-query - fallback: - - proxies: - name: "$1" type: hysteria server: ${2} ${port_conf} ${clashClient_auth_conf} alpn: - h3 protocol: ${5} up: ${6} down: ${7} sni: ${8} skip-cert-verify: ${9} recv_window_conn: ${10} recv_window: ${11} disable_mtu_discovery: true fast-open: true proxy-groups: - name: "PROXY" type: select proxies: - $1 rule-providers: reject: type: http behavior: domain url: "https://ghproxy.com/https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Loyalsoldier/clash-rules/release/reject.txt" path: ./ruleset/reject.yaml interval: 86400 icloud: type: http behavior: domain url: "https://ghproxy.com/https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Loyalsoldier/clash-rules/release/icloud.txt" path: ./ruleset/icloud.yaml interval: 86400 apple: type: http behavior: domain url: "https://ghproxy.com/https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Loyalsoldier/clash-rules/release/apple.txt" path: ./ruleset/apple.yaml interval: 86400 google: type: http behavior: domain url: "https://ghproxy.com/https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Loyalsoldier/clash-rules/release/google.txt" path: ./ruleset/google.yaml interval: 86400 proxy: type: http behavior: domain url: "https://ghproxy.com/https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Loyalsoldier/clash-rules/release/proxy.txt" path: ./ruleset/proxy.yaml interval: 86400 direct: type: http behavior: domain url: "https://ghproxy.com/https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Loyalsoldier/clash-rules/release/direct.txt" path: ./ruleset/direct.yaml interval: 86400 private: type: http behavior: domain url: "https://ghproxy.com/https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Loyalsoldier/clash-rules/release/private.txt" path: ./ruleset/private.yaml interval: 86400 gfw: type: http behavior: domain url: "https://ghproxy.com/https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Loyalsoldier/clash-rules/release/gfw.txt" path: ./ruleset/gfw.yaml interval: 86400 greatfire: type: http behavior: domain url: "https://ghproxy.com/https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Loyalsoldier/clash-rules/release/greatfire.txt" path: ./ruleset/greatfire.yaml interval: 86400 tld-not-cn: type: http behavior: domain url: "https://ghproxy.com/https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Loyalsoldier/clash-rules/release/tld-not-cn.txt" path: ./ruleset/tld-not-cn.yaml interval: 86400 telegramcidr: type: http behavior: ipcidr url: "https://ghproxy.com/https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Loyalsoldier/clash-rules/release/telegramcidr.txt" path: ./ruleset/telegramcidr.yaml interval: 86400 cncidr: type: http behavior: ipcidr url: "https://ghproxy.com/https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Loyalsoldier/clash-rules/release/cncidr.txt" path: ./ruleset/cncidr.yaml interval: 86400 lancidr: type: http behavior: ipcidr url: "https://ghproxy.com/https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Loyalsoldier/clash-rules/release/lancidr.txt" path: ./ruleset/lancidr.yaml interval: 86400 applications: type: http behavior: classical url: "https://ghproxy.com/https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Loyalsoldier/clash-rules/release/applications.txt" path: ./ruleset/applications.yaml interval: 86400 rules: - RULE-SET,applications,DIRECT - DOMAIN,clash.razord.top,DIRECT - DOMAIN,yacd.haishan.me,DIRECT - DOMAIN,services.googleapis.cn,PROXY - RULE-SET,private,DIRECT - RULE-SET,reject,REJECT - RULE-SET,icloud,DIRECT - RULE-SET,apple,DIRECT - RULE-SET,google,DIRECT - RULE-SET,proxy,PROXY - RULE-SET,direct,DIRECT - RULE-SET,lancidr,DIRECT - RULE-SET,cncidr,DIRECT - RULE-SET,telegramcidr,PROXY - GEOIP,LAN,DIRECT - GEOIP,CN,DIRECT - MATCH,PROXY EOF } function checkLogs(){ echoColor purple "hysteria 实时日志,等级:info,按Ctrl+C退出:" journalctl -u hihy --output cat -f } function cronTask(){ systemctl restart hihy #防止hysteria占用内存过大 systemctl restart systemd-journald #防止日志占用内存过大 } function start(){ systemctl start hihy echoColor purple "start..." sleep 5 status=`systemctl is-active hihy` if [ "${status}" = "active" ];then echoColor green "启动成功" else echoColor red "启动失败" echo -e "未知错误:请手动运行:\033[32m/etc/hihy/bin/appS -c /etc/hihy/conf/hihyServer.json server\033[0m" echoColor red "查看错误日志,反馈到issue!" fi } function stop(){ systemctl stop hihy echoColor green "暂停成功" } function restart(){ systemctl restart hihy echoColor purple "restart..." sleep 5 status=`systemctl is-active hihy` if [ "${status}" = "active" ];then echoColor green "重启成功" else echoColor red "重启失败" echo -e "未知错误:请手动运行:\033[32m/etc/hihy/bin/appS -c /etc/hihy/conf/hihyServer.json server\033[0m" echoColor red "查看错误日志,反馈到issue!" fi } function menu() { hihy clear cat << EOF ------------------------------------------- |********** Hi Hysteria **********| |********** Author: emptysuns **********| |********** Version: `echoColor red "${hihyV}"` **********| ------------------------------------------- Tips:`echoColor green "hihy"`命令再次运行本脚本. `echoColor skyBlue "............................................."` `echoColor purple "###############################"` `echoColor skyBlue "....................."` `echoColor yellow "1) 安装 hysteria"` `echoColor magenta "2) 卸载"` `echoColor skyBlue "....................."` `echoColor yellow "3) 启动"` `echoColor magenta "4) 暂停"` `echoColor yellow "5) 重新启动"` `echoColor yellow "6) 运行状态"` `echoColor skyBlue "....................."` `echoColor yellow "7) 更新Core"` `echoColor yellow "8) 查看当前配置"` `echoColor skyBlue "9) 重新配置"` `echoColor yellow "10) 切换ipv4/ipv6优先级"` `echoColor yellow "11) 更新hihy"` `echoColor red "12) 完全重置所有配置"` `echoColor skyBlue "13) 修改当前协议类型"` `echoColor yellow "14) 查看实时日志"` `echoColor purple "###############################"` `hihyNotify` `hyCoreNotify` `echoColor magenta "0)退出"` `echoColor skyBlue "............................................."` EOF read -p "请选择:" input case $input in 1) install ;; 2) uninstall ;; 3) start ;; 4) stop ;; 5) restart ;; 6) checkStatus ;; 7) updateHysteriaCore ;; 8) printMsg ;; 9) changeServerConfig ;; 10) changeIp64 ;; 11) hihyUpdate ;; 12) reinstall ;; 13) changeMode ;; 14) checkLogs ;; 0) exit 0 ;; *) echoColor red "Input Error !!!" exit 1 ;; esac } checkRoot if [ "$1" == "install" ] || [ "$1" == "1" ]; then echoColor purple "-> 1) 安装 hysteria" install elif [ "$1" == "uninstall" ] || [ "$1" == "2" ]; then echoColor purple "-> 2) 卸载 hysteria" uninstall elif [ "$1" == "start" ] || [ "$1" == "3" ]; then echoColor purple "-> 3) 启动 hysteria" start elif [ "$1" == "stop" ] || [ "$1" == "4" ]; then echoColor purple "-> 4) 暂停 hysteria" stop elif [ "$1" == "restart" ] || [ "$1" == "5" ]; then echoColor purple "-> 5) 重新启动 hysteria" restart elif [ "$1" == "checkStatus" ] || [ "$1" == "6" ]; then echoColor purple "-> 6) 运行状态" checkStatus elif [ "$1" == "updateHysteriaCore" ] || [ "$1" == "7" ]; then echoColor purple "-> 7) 更新Core" updateHysteriaCore elif [ "$1" == "printMsg" ] || [ "$1" == "8" ]; then echoColor purple "-> 8) 查看当前配置" printMsg elif [ "$1" == "changeServerConfig" ] || [ "$1" == "9" ]; then echoColor purple "-> 9) 重新配置" changeServerConfig elif [ "$1" == "changeIp64" ] || [ "$1" == "10" ]; then echoColor purple "-> 10) 切换ipv4/ipv6优先级" changeIp64 elif [ "$1" == "hihyUpdate" ] || [ "$1" == "11" ]; then echoColor purple "-> 11) 更新hihy" hihyUpdate elif [ "$1" == "reinstall" ] || [ "$1" == "12" ]; then echoColor purple "-> 12) 完全重置所有配置" reinstall elif [ "$1" == "changeMode" ] || [ "$1" == "13" ]; then echoColor purple "-> 13) 修改当前协议类型" changeMode elif [ "$1" == "checkLogs" ] || [ "$1" == "14" ]; then echoColor purple "-> 14) 查看实时日志" checkLogs elif [ "$1" == "cronTask" ]; then cronTask else menu fi