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Last active October 8, 2022 16:30
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Save ilyaigpetrov/c9df309f16a7bea6834b1755ebf69985 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
// It doesn't work well, I just want to save this imperfect note for myself in case I need it in the future.
// It's a modified version of code on
// If want to know how http2 session is initiated also look at
package main
import (
var infolog = log.New(os.Stdout,
"", 0)
type proxyConn struct {
func (w *proxyConn) Read(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
n, err = w.Conn.Read(b)
infolog.Println("READ:", string(b))
func (w *proxyConn) Write(b []byte) (n int, err error) {
n, err = w.Conn.Write(b)
infolog.Println("WRITE:", string(b))
func main() {
cfg := new(tls.Config)
cfg.NextProtos = append([]string{"h2"}, cfg.NextProtos...)
front := ""
tlsConn, err := tls.Dial("tcp", front, cfg)
if err != nil {
sniffedTls := &proxyConn{*tlsConn}
transport := &http2.Transport{}
clientConn, err := transport.NewClientConn(sniffedTls)
_ = clientConn // not used
if err != nil {
framer := http2.NewFramer(sniffedTls, sniffedTls)
err = framer.WriteSettings()
if err != nil {
// clientConn.RoundTrip(req) is a way too.
var headers bytes.Buffer
enc := hpack.NewEncoder(&headers)
enc.WriteField(hpack.HeaderField{Name: ":authority", Value: ""})
enc.WriteField(hpack.HeaderField{Name: ":method", Value: "GET"})
enc.WriteField(hpack.HeaderField{Name: ":path", Value: "/"})
enc.WriteField(hpack.HeaderField{Name: ":scheme", Value: "https"})
err = framer.WriteHeaders(http2.HeadersFrameParam{
EndHeaders: true,
BlockFragment: headers.Bytes(),
StreamID: 13,
if err != nil {
for {
infolog.Println("Reading frame...")
f, err := framer.ReadFrame()
if err == io.EOF || err == io.ErrUnexpectedEOF {
switch err.(type) {
case nil:
infolog.Printf("FRAME: %v", f)
setfr, ok := f.(*http2.SettingsFrame)
if ok && !setfr.IsAck() {
infolog.Println("Writing Settings ACK")
err = framer.WriteSettingsAck()
if err != nil {
case http2.ConnectionError:
// Ignore. There will be many errors of type "PROTOCOL_ERROR, DATA
// frame with stream ID 0". Presumably we are abusing the framer.
infolog.Println("CON ERR:", err)
infolog.Println(err, framer.ErrorDetail())
break LOOP
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I've forked this with some code I found on the net, my fork doesn't seem to do POST's but GET's as in this example work.

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