#!/bin/sh # MIT License # # Copyright (c) 2018 Stefan Maric # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. # POSIX shell doesn't support errtrace nor pipefail. # Exit on error. Append "|| true" if you expect an error. set -o errexit # Do not allow use of undefined vars. Use ${VAR:-} to use an undefined VAR. set -o nounset # Uncomment these if you are debugging. # set -o xtrace # set -o verbose # # Exit with the given error <msg ...>. # error_and_abort() { printf '\n %s: %s\n\n' "ERROR" "$*" >&2 exit 1 } # # Log formated info as <type>: <msg>. # log_info() { printf '%14s: %s\n' "$1" "$2" } # # Pre-check environment variables. # GOPATH=${GOPATH:-$HOME/go} GOROOT=${GOROOT:-$HOME/.go} if [ "$(echo "$GOPATH" | cut -c1)" != "/" ]; then error_and_abort "\$GOPATH must be an absolute path but it is set to $GOPATH" fi if [ "$(echo "$GOROOT" | cut -c1)" != "/" ]; then error_and_abort "\$GOROOT must be an absolute path but it is set to $GOROOT" fi IS_UPGRADING=false CURRENT_VERSION= if [ -x "$GOPATH/bin/g" ] && command "$GOPATH/bin/g" --version > /dev/null 2>&1; then IS_UPGRADING=true CURRENT_VERSION=$(command "$GOPATH/bin/g" --version) fi HAS_GO_ALREADY=false GO_LOCATION= if command -v go > /dev/null; then HAS_GO_ALREADY=true GO_LOCATION=$(command -v go) fi NON_INTERACTIVE=false G_DOWNLOAD_URL="https://git.io/g-bin" COMMENT_MESSAGE="g-install: do NOT edit, see https://github.com/stefanmaric/g" USER_SHELL= if [ -n "${SHELL:-}" ]; then USER_SHELL=$(basename "$SHELL") fi SUPPORTED_SHELLS="ash dash bash csh tsch zsh fish" INSTALLED_SHELLS="" SELECTED_SHELLS="" G_ALIAS="g" G_ALIAS_CHANGED=false G_ALIAS_USED_IN_SHELL="" # # POSIX utils. # # Read one char at the time up-to some limit: <var_name> [<read_limit> = 1] # Extracted from: https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/464963 read_user_input() { file_option= input_device= var_name=$1 read_limit=${2:-1} # Determine where to read user input from. if [ -f "${0:-}" ]; then # When running the script as a binary file, use stdin. input_device="/dev/stdin" else # When running in a pipe, read from the tty. input_device="/dev/tty" fi if stty -F "$input_device" > /dev/null 2>&1; then file_option="-F" else file_option="-f" fi # Take a backup of the previous settings beforehand. saved_tty_settings=$(stty "$file_option" "$input_device" -g) # Ensure the device is out of icanon, set min and time to sane value, but # don't otherwise touch other input or local settings (echo, isig, icrnl...). stty "$file_option" "$input_device" -icanon min 1 time 0 # Reset target variable in case it was in use before. eval "$var_name=" while # Read one byte, using a work around for the fact that command substitution # strips the last character. c=$( dd if=$input_device bs=1 count=1 2> /dev/null echo . ) c=${c%.} # Break out of the loop on empty input (EOF) or if a full character has been # accumulated in the output variable (using "wc -m" to count the number of # characters). test -n "$c" && eval " $var_name=\"\${${var_name}}\$c\" [ \"\$(printf '%s' \"\$$var_name\" | wc -m)\" -lt $read_limit ] " do continue done # Restore settings saved earlier. stty "$file_option" "$input_device" "$saved_tty_settings" } pretty_print_path() { printf '%s' "$1" | sed "s|${HOME}|\$HOME|g" } # # Check if the given <string> is present in the given <list>. # list_includes() { # First argument is search element. search_element=$1 # The rest is the array to lookup. shift found=1 for item in "$@"; do if [ "$item" = "$search_element" ]; then found=0 break fi done return $found } # # Download file with cUrl or fallback to wget. # download() { if command -v curl > /dev/null; then params="--location --silent --show-error" # shellcheck disable=SC2086 curl $params "$@" elif command -v wget > /dev/null; then params="--quiet -O-" # shellcheck disable=SC2086 wget $params "$@" else error_and_abort "curl or wget required" fi } # # Find the proper init file for a given <shell>. # get_dotfile_for_shell() { case "$1" in bash) if [ "$(uname | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')" = "darwin" ]; then echo "$HOME/.bash_profile" else echo "$HOME/.bashrc" fi ;; fish) echo "$HOME/.config/fish/config.fish" ;; zsh) echo "$HOME/.zshrc" ;; csh) echo "$HOME/.cshrc" ;; tcsh) echo "$HOME/.tcshrc" ;; ash | dash) if [ -z "${ENV:-}" ] || [ ! -f "$ENV" ]; then error_and_abort "for ash and dash, the \$ENV var must be properly configured" else echo "$ENV" fi ;; esac } # # Get line that properly sets GOROOT, GOPATH, and PATH for a given <shell>. # get_line_for_shell() { case "$1" in ash | dash | bash | zsh | csh | tcsh) printf '\n%s %s %s %s' \ "export GOPATH=\"$(pretty_print_path "$GOPATH")\";" \ "export GOROOT=\"$(pretty_print_path "$GOROOT")\";" \ "export PATH=\"\$GOPATH/bin:\$PATH\";" \ "# $COMMENT_MESSAGE" ;; fish) printf '\n%s %s %s %s' \ "set -gx GOPATH $(pretty_print_path "$GOPATH");" \ "set -gx GOROOT $(pretty_print_path "$GOROOT");" \ "set -gx PATH \$GOPATH/bin \$PATH;" \ "# $COMMENT_MESSAGE" ;; esac } # # Download g, put it in the right place, and give it execution rights. # install_g() { log_info "info" "creating dir $GOPATH/bin" mkdir -p "$GOPATH/bin" log_info "info" "copying g in $GOPATH/bin/g" download "$G_DOWNLOAD_URL" > "$GOPATH/bin/g" log_info "info" "setting permissions" chmod +x "$GOPATH/bin/g" } # # Check whether 'g' alias is already used, setup alternatives alias if it is # configure_g_alias() { if ! g_alias_defined "$G_ALIAS"; then return 0 fi G_ALIAS_CHANGED=true if [ "$NON_INTERACTIVE" = true ]; then G_ALIAS="ggovm" return 0 fi while g_alias_defined "$G_ALIAS"; do if ! prompt_set_alias "$G_ALIAS" "$G_ALIAS_USED_IN_SHELL"; then echo echo log_info "info" "skipping setup alias for g" G_ALIAS_CHANGED=false break fi G_ALIAS=$(set_alias_name) done } # # Iteratively check every selected shells for defined alias # g_alias_defined() { alias_already_used=false for shell in $SELECTED_SHELLS; do if exists "$shell" "$1"; then alias_already_used=true G_ALIAS_USED_IN_SHELL="$shell" fi done if [ "$alias_already_used" = true ]; then return 0 fi return 1 } # # Check whether command already exists # exists() { case "$1" in zsh) zsh -ci alias | grep "$2=" > /dev/null ;; bash) bash -ci alias | grep "$2=" > /dev/null ;; fish) fish -c 'alias' | grep " $2 " > /dev/null ;; *) return 1 ;; esac } # # Prompt user whether they want to set a new alias # prompt_set_alias() { echo printf 'Alias "%s" is already defined in "%s", set another alias? [y/N] ' "$1" "$2" yes_alias= read_user_input yes_alias case $yes_alias in [Yy]*) return 0 ;; *) return 1 ;; esac } # # Prompt user for new alias name # set_alias_name() { input_device= # Determine where to read user input from. if [ -f "${0:-}" ]; then # When running the script as a binary file, use stdin. input_device="/dev/stdin" else # When running in a pipe, read from the tty. input_device="/dev/tty" fi alias_name= echo >&2 printf "Enter alias name! [ggovm] " >&2 read -r alias_name < $input_device echo >&2 if [ -z "$alias_name" ]; then echo "ggovm" else echo "$alias_name" fi } # # Set environment variables in all selected shells. # configure_selected_shells() { for shell in $SELECTED_SHELLS; do # First check the dotfile is actually known, then use it. get_dotfile_for_shell "$shell" > /dev/null dotfile_path=$(get_dotfile_for_shell "$shell") config_line=$(get_line_for_shell "$shell") if test -f "$dotfile_path" && grep "g-install" "$dotfile_path" > /dev/null; then log_info "info" "skipping $shell because g has been configured already in $dotfile_path" else log_info "info" "configuring $shell in $dotfile_path" echo "$config_line" >> "$dotfile_path" set_g_alias "$dotfile_path" fi done } # # set alias in dotfile # set_g_alias() { if [ "$G_ALIAS_CHANGED" = true ]; then alias_line="alias $G_ALIAS=\"\$GOPATH/bin/g\"; # $COMMENT_MESSAGE" echo "$alias_line" >> "$1" fi } # # Start the installation process. # initiate() { yes_g= yes_go= if [ "${#SELECTED_SHELLS}" -eq 0 ]; then error_and_abort "no shell has been selected for installation" fi echo if [ "$IS_UPGRADING" = true ]; then echo "You are about to upgrade g, the gluten-free go version manager at:" else echo "You are about to install g, the gluten-free go version manager at:" fi echo echo " $GOPATH/bin/g" echo if [ "$IS_UPGRADING" = false ]; then echo "The following environment variables:" echo log_info "\$GOROOT" "$GOROOT" log_info "\$GOPATH" "$GOPATH" log_info "\$PATH" "$GOPATH/bin" echo echo " are going to be set in:" echo for shell in $SELECTED_SHELLS; do # First check the dotfile is actually known, then use it. get_dotfile_for_shell "$shell" > /dev/null log_info "$shell" "$(get_dotfile_for_shell "$shell")" done echo if [ "$HAS_GO_ALREADY" = true ]; then echo "warning: it appears you have a go installation already at: ${GO_LOCATION}" echo echo " g can still be used alongside and the go versions managed by g will take" echo " precedence over your current go installation, only for the current user ($USER)." echo " For more details, see: https://github.com/stefanmaric/g" echo fi if [ "$GOPATH" != "$HOME/go" ]; then echo "warning: using a non-default \$GOPATH: $(pretty_print_path "$GOPATH")" fi if [ "$GOROOT" != "$HOME/.go" ]; then echo "warning: using a non-default \$GOROOT: $(pretty_print_path "$GOROOT")" fi if [ "$GOPATH" != "$HOME/go" ] || [ "$GOROOT" != "$HOME/.go" ]; then echo echo " This usually presents no problem, but be sure it is intended." echo fi fi if [ "$NON_INTERACTIVE" = false ]; then printf "Do you want to continue? [y/N] " read_user_input yes_g echo if [ "$yes_g" != "y" ]; then echo "Aborted" exit 1 fi fi echo install_g configure_g_alias configure_selected_shells echo if [ "$IS_UPGRADING" = true ]; then new_version=$(command "$GOPATH/bin/g" --version) if [ "$CURRENT_VERSION" = "$new_version" ]; then echo "g is already up-to-date" else echo "g has been successfully upgraded from $CURRENT_VERSION to $new_version" fi else echo "g has been successfully installed" echo "NOTE: restart your shell sessions before using g or go" echo "For more information, see: https://github.com/stefanmaric/g" echo if [ "$NON_INTERACTIVE" = false ]; then printf "Do you want to install the latest go version? [y/N] " read_user_input yes_go echo if [ "$yes_go" != "y" ]; then exit 0 fi fi echo export GOROOT export GOPATH export PATH="$GOPATH/bin:$PATH" exec "$GOPATH/bin/g" install latest fi } # # Collect installed shells we support and pre-select user's login shell. # while IFS= read -r shell_path; do if [ "$(echo "$shell_path" | cut -c1)" != "/" ]; then continue fi shell_name=$(basename "$shell_path") # Collect only supported shells. # shellcheck disable=SC2086 if list_includes "$shell_name" $SUPPORTED_SHELLS; then INSTALLED_SHELLS="$INSTALLED_SHELLS $shell_name" # Select user's shell for configuration by default. if [ "$shell_name" = "$USER_SHELL" ]; then SELECTED_SHELLS="$SELECTED_SHELLS $shell_name" fi fi # This file lists abs paths for installed shells. This at-bottom syntax is to # prevent subshells and allow for the loop code to modify global variables. # See: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16854280/ done < /etc/shells # This script is useless if it doesn't support any of user's installed shells. if [ "${#INSTALLED_SHELLS}" -eq 0 ]; then error_and_abort "none of the supported shells seems installed, see: https://github.com/stefanmaric/g#manually" fi # # Handle arguments. # while test $# -ne 0; do case "$1" in -y | --non-interactive) NON_INTERACTIVE=true ;; *) # shellcheck disable=SC2086 if list_includes "$1" $INSTALLED_SHELLS; then # shellcheck disable=SC2086 if ! list_includes "$1" $SELECTED_SHELLS; then SELECTED_SHELLS="$SELECTED_SHELLS $1" fi elif list_includes "$1" $SUPPORTED_SHELLS; then error_and_abort "$1 has been selected but is not installed" else error_and_abort "unknown argument or shell \"$1\"" fi ;; esac shift done initiate