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base repository: KSP-RO/RealismOverhaul
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base: 3f7c1cf882cd
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head repository: KSP-RO/RealismOverhaul
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compare: 0e69f25eec03
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  • 4 commits
  • 1 file changed
  • 2 contributors

Commits on Oct 15, 2018

  1. Add missing parts, fix various bugs

    PhineasFreak committed Oct 15, 2018
    Copy the full SHA
    ec460e4 View commit details
  2. Formatting

    PhineasFreak committed Oct 15, 2018
    Copy the full SHA
    33984d1 View commit details
  3. This is a bug...

    PhineasFreak committed Oct 15, 2018
    Copy the full SHA
    c8cb401 View commit details

Commits on Nov 20, 2018

  1. Merge pull request #1936 from PhineasFreak/RO-DECQ-R7-Updates

    [Maintenance] DECQ R-7 Pack
    raidernick authored Nov 20, 2018
    Copy the full SHA
    0e69f25 View commit details
Showing with 884 additions and 283 deletions.
  1. +884 −283 GameData/RealismOverhaul/RO_SuggestedMods/DECQ/RO_DECQ_R7.cfg
1,167 changes: 884 additions & 283 deletions GameData/RealismOverhaul/RO_SuggestedMods/DECQ/RO_DECQ_R7.cfg
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,22 +1,192 @@
// ==================================================
// Sources:

// Soyuz User's Manual - Starsem:
// Soyuz - Norbert Brügge:
// Soyuz FG - Space Launch Report:
// Soyuz FG/Fregat - Spaceflight 101:
// Soyuz FG - Spaceflight 101:
// Soyuz 2-1A - Spaceflight 101:
// Soyuz - Braeunig:
// R-7 - Don P. Mitchell:
// RD-0110 - Russian Space Web:
// RD-107/108 - NPO Energomash:
// STARSEM - Soyuz User's Manual:
// Norbert Brügge - Soyuz /-U /-FG:
// Space Launch Report - Soyuz FG:
// Spaceflight 101 - Soyuz FG/Fregat:
// Spaceflight 101 - Soyuz FG:
// Spaceflight 101 - Soyuz 2-1A:
// Braeunig - Soyuz/Molniya:
// Don P. Mitchell - The R-7 Missile:
// Russian Space Web - RD-0110 engine:
// KBKhA - RD-0124 engine series:
// AIAA - KBKhA open cycle engines:
// NPO Energomash - RD-107/108 engine:
// Russian Space Web - Sputnik Design:
// Don P. Mitchell - Sputnik 1:
// ==================================================
// Soyuz TM/TMA/MS launch escape system jettison motor.
// Sputnik 1 spacecraft.
// Dimensions: 0.58 m x 0.58 m
// Gross Mass: 83.6 kg
// ==================================================
%RSSROConfig = True
@scale = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
@scale = 1.0
@rescaleFactor = 1.0
@node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
@title = Sputnik 1
%manufacturer = Experimental Design Bureau 1 (OKB-1)
@description = The first ever artificial satellite to orbit the Earth. Includes a thermometer for reading the internal temperature and a primitive micrometeorite detector.
@mass = 0.0836
@crashTolerance = 10
@maxTemp = 573.15
%skinMaxTemp = 673.15
@fuelCrossFeed = False
!explosionPotential = NULL
@bulkheadProfiles = size1
%crewCapacity = 0
%vesselType = Probe
@tags ^= :$: command control probe satellite sputnik
!specPower = NULL
@hasHibernation = False
// Level 1 telecommunications system.
@antennaPower = 125
@packetInterval = 1.0
@packetSize = 0.128
@packetResourceCost = 0.001
%antennaCombinable = True
%antennaCombinableExponent = 2.0
// Avionics batteries ~500 Wh.
// Supports the telecommunications system for approximately 20 days.
@amount = 1800
@maxAmount = 1800
// ==================================================
// Sputnik 1 spacecraft.
// Remote Tech compatibility.
// ==================================================
@description ^= :$: Features an integrated telecommunications system with a maximum effective range of 5 Mm, power consumption 1 Watt, data rate 128 kbit/s.
name = ModuleSPU
IsRTCommandStation = False
RTCommandMinCrew = 0
name = ModuleRTAntenna
ActionMode0Name = Deactivate Tracking Beacon
ActionMode1Name = Activate Tracking Beacon
IsRTActive = True
Mode0OmniRange = 0
Mode1OmniRange = 50000
EnergyCost = 0.001
DeployFXModules = 0
PacketInterval = 1.0
PacketSize = 0.128
PacketResourceCost = 0.001
// ==================================================
// Sputnik 1 spacecraft adapter.
// Dimensions: 2.6 m x 2.59 m
// Gross Mass: 450 kg
// ==================================================
%RSSROConfig = True
@scale = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
@scale = 1.0
@rescaleFactor = 1.0
@node_stack_top = 0.0, 1.736, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
@node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2
@title = Sputnik 1 Adapter
%manufacturer = Experimental Design Bureau 1 (OKB-1)
@description = The adapter for the Sputnik 1 spacecraft. Includes basic avionics for the R-7 launch vehicle and an aerodynamic cap to protect the satellite.
@mass = 0.45
@crashTolerance = 10
@maxTemp = 573.15
%skinMaxTemp = 673.15
@bulkheadProfiles = size1, size2
@fuelCrossFeed = False
@CoMOffset = 0.0, 0.802, 0.0
@tags ^= :$: break decouple separat split stag
!specPower = NULL
@ejectionForce = 5.0
// ==================================================
// Soyuz TM/TMA/MS emergency rescue system jettison
// motor.
// Dimensions: 0.41 m x 2.5 m
// Gross Mass: 310 Kg
// Gross Mass: 310 kg
// ==================================================
@@ -31,7 +201,7 @@
@scale = 1.0
@rescaleFactor = 1.0
@title = Soyuz Launch Escape System Jettison Motor
@title = Soyuz Emergency Rescue System Jettison Motor
%manufacturer = TsSKB-Progress
@description = A small, multi-nozzle solid motor designed to cleanly separate the Soyuz launch escape system assembly from the fairing during a nominal flight. It can also pull away the entire upper section of the fairing in case of an abort.
@@ -40,18 +210,18 @@
%breakingForce = 250
%breakingTorque = 250
@maxTemp = 573.15
%skinMaxTemp = 573.15
%skinMaxTemp = 673.15
%stageOffset = 1
%childStageOffset = 1
@tags ^= :$: abort booster emergency explo ?les l.e.s malfunc ?rud safe solid surviv
!specPower = NULL
@name = ModuleEnginesRF
@exhaustDamage = True
@minThrust = 145.0
@maxThrust = 145.0
@heatProduction = 100
@heatProduction = 139
@useEngineResponseTime = False
@engineAccelerationSpeed = 0
%ullage = False
@@ -79,7 +249,7 @@
volume = 120
basemass = -1
// HTPB propellant mixture 212 Kg.
// HTPB/AP propellant mixture mass ~212 kg.
@@ -94,16 +264,17 @@
name = ModuleEngineConfigs
type = ModuleEnginesRF
configuration = Soyuz-LES-Jettison
modded = False
configuration = Soyuz-SAS-Jettison
name = Soyuz-LES-Jettison
name = Soyuz-SAS-Jettison
minThrust = 145.0
maxThrust = 145.0
heatProduction = 100
ullage = False
pressureFed = False
ignitions = 1
@@ -124,10 +295,11 @@
// ==================================================
// Soyuz TM/TMA/MS launch escape system abort motor.
// Soyuz TM/TMA/MS emergency rescue system abort
// motor.
// Dimensions: 0.74 m x 3.8 m
// Gross Mass: 2540 Kg
// Gross Mass: 2540 kg
// ==================================================
@@ -145,7 +317,7 @@
@node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
@node_stack_top = 0.0, 4.312, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
@title = Soyuz Launch Escape System Abort Motor
@title = Soyuz Emergency Rescue System Abort Motor
%manufacturer = TsSKB-Progress
@description = The Launch Escape System abort motor assembly for the Soyuz TM/TMA/MS spacecraft. It contains a powerful solid rocket motor with two sets of nozzles, providing very high thrust needed to separate the Orbital and Descent modules from the rocket. Unlike older variants, it fires long enough to allow the main parachute to be deployed.
@@ -154,21 +326,19 @@
%breakingForce = 250
%breakingTorque = 250
@maxTemp = 573.15
%skinMaxTemp = 573.15
%skinMaxTemp = 673.15
%stageOffset = 1
%childStageOffset = 1
@stagingIcon = SOLID_BOOSTER
@bulkheadProfiles = size1, srf
@tags ^= :$: abort booster emergency explo ?les l.e.s malfunc ?rud safe solid surviv
!specPower = NULL
@name = ModuleEnginesRF
%engineID = LES
@exhaustDamage = True
@minThrust = 725.0
@maxThrust = 725.0
@heatProduction = 100
@heatProduction = 59
@stagingEnabled = False
%ullage = False
%pressureFed = False
@@ -204,7 +374,7 @@
volume = 900
basemass = -1
// HTPB propellant mixture 1590 Kg.
// HTPB/AP propellant mixture mass ~1590 kg.
@@ -219,16 +389,17 @@
name = ModuleEngineConfigs
type = ModuleEnginesRF
configuration = Soyuz-LES-Abort
modded = False
configuration = Soyuz-SAS-Abort
name = Soyuz-LES-Abort
name = Soyuz-SAS-Abort
minThrust = 725.0
maxThrust = 725.0
heatProduction = 100
heatProduction = 59
ullage = False
pressureFed = False
ignitions = 1
@@ -252,7 +423,7 @@
// Soyuz TM/TMA/MS payload fairing (front).
// Dimensions: 3 m x 8.7 m
// Inert Mass: 700 Kg
// Inert Mass: 700 kg
// ==================================================
@@ -271,35 +442,55 @@
@title = Soyuz TM/TMA/MS Fairing (Front)
%manufacturer = TsSKB-Progress
@description = This fairing is designed specifically for the Soyuz TM/TMA/MS spacecraft. It has many provisions to allow the crew to escape disaster in case of an emergency. The most notable element are the grid fins, acting as air brakes to stabilize the shroud. The lower section can also separate, lightening the load for the escape tower. It also includes two small abort motors designed to pull the Orbital and Descent modules away from the shroud after the launch escape system has separated, but before shroud jettison. This segment is equipped with housings for VZOR periscope and docking sensors.
@description = This fairing is designed specifically for the Soyuz TM/TMA/MS spacecraft series. It has many provisions to allow the crew to escape in case of an emergency. The most notable element are the grid fins, acting as air brakes to stabilize the shroud. The lower section can also separate, lightening the load for the escape tower. It also includes two small abort motors designed to pull the Orbital and Descent modules away from the shroud after the launch escape system has separated, but before shroud jettison. This segment is equipped with housings for VZOR periscope and docking sensors.
@mass = 0.68
@crashTolerance = 12
@breakingForce = 250
@breakingTorque = 250
@maxTemp = 573.15
%skinMaxTemp = 573.15
%skinMaxTemp = 673.15
%stageOffset = 1
%childStageOffset = 1
@stagingIcon = FUEL_TANK
%CoMOffset = 0.0, 5.56, 0.0
%CoMOffset = 0.0, 2.0, 0.0
@tags = aero )cap cargo cone contain drag fairing hollow inter nose payload protect R7 rocket shroud soyuz stage (stor transport
!specPower = NULL
%isOneShot = False
%disableAfterPlaying = True
// Fairing separation solid rocket motor.
@thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform2
@exhaustDamage = True
@minThrust = 5.0
@maxThrust = 5.0
@heatProduction = 1
@useEngineResponseTime = False
@engineAccelerationSpeed = 0
%stagingEnabled = True
@key,0 = 0 250
@key,1 = 1 230
// Secondary launch escape system (SAS) solid rocket motors.
@name = ModuleEnginesRF
@exhaustDamage = True
@minThrust = 10.0
@maxThrust = 10.0
@heatProduction = 100
@heatProduction = 10
@useEngineResponseTime = False
@engineAccelerationSpeed = 0
@stagingEnabled = False
@@ -325,33 +516,32 @@
%stagingDisableText = Fairing Staged
// HTPB/AP propellant mixture mass ~18 kg.
name = ModuleFuelTanks
type = HTPB
volume = 10
basemass = -1
name = HTPB
amount = 10
maxAmount = 10
// HTPB propellant mixture ~18 Kg.
// Generic solid propellant mixture mass ~1.8 kg.
name = HTPB
amount = 10
maxAmount = 10
name = SolidFuel
amount = 1
maxAmount = 1
// ==================================================
// Soyuz TM/TMA/MS payload fairing (back).
// Dimensions: 3 m x 8.7 m
// Inert Mass: 700 Kg
// Inert Mass: 700 kg
// ==================================================
@@ -377,11 +567,12 @@
@breakingForce = 250
@breakingTorque = 250
@maxTemp = 573.15
%skinMaxTemp = 573.15
%skinMaxTemp = 673.15
%stageOffset = 1
%childStageOffset = 1
@stagingIcon = FUEL_TANK
%CoMOffset = 0.0, 5.56, 0.0
%CoMOffset = 0.0, 2.0, 0.0
@tags = aero )cap cargo cone contain drag fairing hollow inter nose payload protect R7 rocket shroud soyuz stage (stor transport
!specPower = NULL
@@ -390,15 +581,34 @@
%disableAfterPlaying = True
// Fairing separation solid rocket motor.
@thrustVectorTransformName = thrustTransform2
@exhaustDamage = True
@minThrust = 5.0
@maxThrust = 5.0
@heatProduction = 1
@useEngineResponseTime = False
@engineAccelerationSpeed = 0
%stagingEnabled = True
@key,0 = 0 250
@key,1 = 1 230
// Secondary launch escape system (SAS) solid rocket motors.
@name = ModuleEnginesRF
@exhaustDamage = True
@minThrust = 10.0
@maxThrust = 10.0
@heatProduction = 100
@heatProduction = 10
@useEngineResponseTime = False
@engineAccelerationSpeed = 0
@stagingEnabled = False
@@ -424,33 +634,33 @@
%stagingDisableText = Fairing Staged
// HTPB/AP propellant mixture mass ~18 kg.
name = ModuleFuelTanks
type = HTPB
volume = 10
basemass = -1
name = HTPB
amount = 10
maxAmount = 10
// HTPB propellant mixture ~18 Kg.
// Generic solid propellant mixture mass ~1.8 kg.
name = HTPB
amount = 10
maxAmount = 10
name = SolidFuel
amount = 1
maxAmount = 1
isTweakable = False
// ==================================================
// Soyuz-U Progress payload fairing.
// Progress payload fairing.
// Dimensions: 3.0 m x 11.3 m
// Inert Mass: 700 Kg (per halve)
// Inert Mass: 700 kg (per halve)
// ==================================================
@@ -465,7 +675,7 @@
@scale = 1.0
@rescaleFactor = 1.0
@title = Soyuz-U Progress Payload Fairing
@title = Progress Payload Fairing
%manufacturer = TsSKB-Progress
@description = A payload fairing designed specifically for the Progress resupply spacecraft.
@@ -474,12 +684,13 @@
@breakingForce = 250
@breakingTorque = 250
@maxTemp = 573.15
%skinMaxTemp = 573.15
%skinMaxTemp = 673.15
%stageOffset = 1
%childStageOffset = 1
@stagingIcon = FUEL_TANK
%fuelCrossFeed = False
%stackSymmetry = 1
@tags ^= :$: aero )cap cargo cone contain drag fairing hollow inter nose payload protect rocket shroud stage (stor transport
!specPower = NULL
@@ -493,10 +704,10 @@
// ==================================================
// Soyuz ST payload fairing.
// Soyuz ST-A/ST-B payload fairing.
// Dimensions: 4.1 m x 11.8 m
// Inert Mass: 900 Kg (per halve)
// Inert Mass: 900 kg (per halve)
// ==================================================
@@ -520,12 +731,13 @@
@breakingForce = 250
@breakingTorque = 250
@maxTemp = 573.15
%skinMaxTemp = 573.15
%skinMaxTemp = 673.15
%stageOffset = 1
%childStageOffset = 1
%stagingIcon = FUEL_TANK
%fuelCrossFeed = False
%stackSymmetry = 1
@tags ^= :$: aero )cap cargo cone contain drag fairing hollow inter nose payload protect rocket shroud stage (stor transport
!specPower = NULL
@@ -539,10 +751,10 @@
// ==================================================
// Soyuz/Progress payload adapter.
// Soyuz & Progress payload adapter.
// Dimensions: 3 m x 1.2 m
// Inert Mass: 150 Kg
// Inert Mass: 150 kg
// ==================================================
@@ -565,11 +777,13 @@
@crashTolerance = 12
@breakingForce = 250
@breakingTorque = 250
@maxTemp = 473.15
%skinMaxTemp = 473.15
@maxTemp = 573.15
%skinMaxTemp = 673.15
%stageOffset = 1
%childStageOffset = 1
%stagingIcon = DECOUPLER_HOR
%stackSymmetry = 1
@tags ^= :$: break decouple separat split stag
!specPower = NULL
!meshes = NULL
@@ -583,7 +797,7 @@
// Soyuz ST payload adapter.
// Dimensions: 4.1 m x 1.1 m
// Inert Mass: 200 Kg
// Inert Mass: 200 kg
// ==================================================
@@ -606,11 +820,12 @@
@crashTolerance = 12
@breakingForce = 250
@breakingTorque = 250
@maxTemp = 473.15
%skinMaxTemp = 473.15
@maxTemp = 573.15
%skinMaxTemp = 673.15
%stageOffset = 1
%childStageOffset = 1
%stagingIcon = DECOUPLER_HOR
@tags ^= :$: break decouple separat split stag
!specPower = NULL
@@ -620,14 +835,14 @@
// ==================================================
// Soyuz Block I.
// R-7 Block I stage.
// Dimensions: 2.5 m x 6 m
// Gross Mass: 23570 Kg
// Gross Mass: 23570 kg
// Inert mass does not include the mass of the
// payload adapters (150 Kg or 200 Kg) or the engine
// (450 Kg).
// payload adapters (150 kg or 200 kg) or the engine
// (450 kg).
// ==================================================
@@ -651,17 +866,46 @@
@crashTolerance = 12
@breakingForce = 250
@breakingTorque = 250
@maxTemp = 473.15
%skinMaxTemp = 473.15
@maxTemp = 573.15
%skinMaxTemp = 673.15
%stageOffset = 1
%childStageOffset = 1
%stagingIcon = SOLID_BOOSTER
%fuelCrossFeed = True
%crewCapacity = 0
%vesselType = Probe
@tags ^= :$: command control (core fly fueltank liquid oxidizer probe propellant rocket sas space stab steer


name = ModuleCommand
minimumCrew = 0
hasHibernation = False

name = ElectricCharge
rate = 0.2


name = ModuleSAS
SASServiceLevel = 3
standalone = True

// Simulates the LOX valve that opens after payload separation.

@minThrust = 0.35
@maxThrust = 0.35
@minThrust = 0.7
@maxThrust = 0.7
@heatProduction = 0
@useEngineResponseTime = False
@engineAccelerationSpeed = 0
@@ -683,6 +927,24 @@


// Level 2 telecommunications system.

name = ModuleDataTransmitter
antennaType = DIRECT
antennaPower = 50
antennaCombinable = True
antennaCombinableExponent = 2.0
packetInterval = 1.0
packetSize = 0.256
requiredResource = ElectricCharge
packetResourceCost = 0.025
DeployFxModules = 0


@@ -692,7 +954,7 @@
volume = 22430
basemass = -1

// RD-0110 fuel 7077 Kg.
// RD-0110 fuel mass ~7077 kg.

@@ -701,7 +963,7 @@
maxAmount = 8630

// RD-0110 oxidizer 15747 Kg.
// RD-0110 oxidizer mass ~15747 kg.

@@ -713,7 +975,7 @@


// Avionics batteries 1.95 kWh.
// Avionics batteries ~1.95 kWh.
// Supports the Block I stage and it's payload for the duration of it's flight (approximately 15 minutes).

@@ -725,44 +987,15 @@

// ==================================================
// Soyuz Block I.

// Workaround for a Realism Overhaul patching limitation.
// ==================================================

%crewCapacity = 0
%vesselType = Probe

name = ModuleCommand
minimumCrew = 0

name = ElectricCharge
rate = 0.2

name = ModuleSAS
SASServiceLevel = 3
standalone = True

// ==================================================
// Soyuz Block I.
// R-7 Block I stage.

// Remote Tech compatibility.
// ==================================================

@description ^= :$: Features an integrated telecommunications system with a maximum effective range of 10 Mm, power consumption 25 Watts, data rate 256 kbit/s.

@@ -787,15 +1020,17 @@
name = ModuleRTAntenna
ActionMode0Name = Deactivate Telemetry System
ActionMode1Name = Activate Telemetry System
IsRTActive = True
Mode0OmniRange = 0
Mode1OmniRange = 100000
Mode1OmniRange = 10000000
EnergyCost = 0.025

PacketInterval = 1.0
PacketSize = 0.128
PacketSize = 0.256
PacketResourceCost = 0.01385
@@ -805,7 +1040,7 @@
// RD-0124 engine.

// Dimensions: 2.4 m x 1.55 m
// Inert Mass: 480 Kg
// Inert Mass: 480 kg
// ==================================================

@@ -823,7 +1058,8 @@
%scale = 1.0
@rescaleFactor = 1.0

@node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.791, 0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
@node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.805, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2
%node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -0.784, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2

@category = Engine

@@ -832,22 +1068,19 @@
@breakingForce = 250
@breakingTorque = 250
@maxTemp = 673.15
%skinMaxTemp = 673.15
%skinMaxTemp = 773.15
%stageOffset = 1
%childStageOffset = 1
%stagingIcon = LIQUID_ENGINE
@tags = progress propuls R7 RD-0124 rocket soyuz

%engineType = RD0124
%engineTypeMult = 1
%massOffset = 0
%ignoreMass = False

@name = ModuleEnginesRF
@minThrust = 294.3
@maxThrust = 294.3
@heatProduction = 100
@heatProduction = 90
%ullage = True
%pressureFed = False
%ignitions = 1
@@ -872,30 +1105,17 @@

// Fix a NullRef bug (caused by a missing bottom attachment node).

@bottomNodeName = top
@name = FXModuleAnimateThrottle


name = FXModuleAnimateThrottle
animationName = rd0124_heat
responseSpeed = 0.005
dependOnEngineState = True
dependOnThrottle = True

// ==================================================
// RD-0110 engine.

// Dimensions: 2.4 m x 1.5 m
// Inert Mass: 451 Kg
// Inert Mass: 451 kg
// ==================================================

@@ -915,22 +1135,19 @@
@breakingForce = 250
@breakingTorque = 250
@maxTemp = 673.15
%skinMaxTemp = 673.15
%skinMaxTemp = 773.15
%stageOffset = 1
%childStageOffset = 1
@tags ^= :$: propuls RD-0110 rocket

%engineType = RD0110
%engineTypeMult = 1
%massOffset = 0
%ignoreMass = False

@name = ModuleEnginesRF
%engineID = MainEngine
@minThrust = 269.69
@maxThrust = 298
@heatProduction = 100
@minThrust = 269.7
@maxThrust = 298.0
@heatProduction = 88
%ullage = True
%pressureFed = False
%ignitions = 1
@@ -957,11 +1174,10 @@

@name = ModuleEnginesRF
%engineID = VernierEngine
@minThrust = 6.0
@maxThrust = 6.0
@heatProduction = 100
@heatProduction = 10
%ullage = True
%pressureFed = False
%ignitions = 1
@@ -985,24 +1201,6 @@
@key,1 = 1 141

@gimbalRange = 45.0
@useGimbalResponseSpeed = True
@gimbalResponseSpeed = 16


name = FXModuleAnimateThrottle
animationName = 3EMM
responseSpeed = 0.005
dependOnEngineState = True
dependOnThrottle = True

// ==================================================
@@ -1011,7 +1209,7 @@
// Engine compatibility.
// ==================================================

@@ -1022,10 +1220,10 @@

// ==================================================
// Soyuz truss interstage adapter.
// R-7 Block A stage truss interstage adapter.

// Dimensions: 2.6 m x 1.6 m
// Inert Mass: 400 Kg
// Inert Mass: 400 kg
// ==================================================

@@ -1040,6 +1238,9 @@
@scale = 1.0
@rescaleFactor = 1.0

@node_stack_top = 0.0, 0.489, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 2, 1, 1
@node_stack_bottom = 0.0, -1.086, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 2, 1, 1

@title = Soyuz FG/U/ST Truss Interstage Adapter
%manufacturer = TsSKB-Progress

@@ -1048,9 +1249,11 @@
@breakingForce = 250
@breakingTorque = 250
@maxTemp = 673.15
%skinMaxTemp = 673.15
%skinMaxTemp = 773.15
%stageOffset = 1
%childStageOffset = 1
@bulkheadProfiles = size2
@tags ^= :$: break decouple separat split stag
!specPower = NULL

@@ -1060,13 +1263,13 @@

// ==================================================
// Soyuz core booster.
// R-7 Block A stage.

// Dimensions: 2.5 m x 27 m
// Gross Mass: 99500 Kg
// Gross Mass: 99500 kg

// Inert mass does not include the mass of the truss
// interstage adapter (400 Kg).
// interstage adapter (400 kg).
// ==================================================

@@ -1086,24 +1289,52 @@
@breakingForce = 250
@breakingTorque = 250
@maxTemp = 573.15
%skinMaxTemp = 573.15
%skinMaxTemp = 673.15
%stageOffset = 1
%childStageOffset = 1
%fuelCrossFeed = True
%crewCapacity = 0
%vesselType = Probe
@tags ^= :$: command control (core fly fueltank liquid oxidizer probe propellant propuls RD-108 RD-118 rocket sas space stab steer
!specPower = NULL

%engineType = RD108-118
%engineTypeMult = 1
%massOffset = 4.82
%ignoreMass = True


name = ModuleCommand
minimumCrew = 0
hasHibernation = False

name = ElectricCharge
rate = 1.5


name = ModuleSAS
SASServiceLevel = 1
standalone = True

// Main engine.

@name = ModuleEnginesRF
%engineID = CoreMainEngine
@minThrust = 918.3
@maxThrust = 918.3
@heatProduction = 100
@heatProduction = 90
%ullage = True
%pressureFed = False
%ignitions = 1
@@ -1136,13 +1367,14 @@

// Y axis vernier engines.

@name = ModuleEnginesRF
%engineID = CoreVernierEngine
@minThrust = 38.0
@maxThrust = 38.0
@heatProduction = 100
@minThrust = 34.0
@maxThrust = 34.0
@heatProduction = 10
%ullage = True
%pressureFed = False
%ignitions = 1
@@ -1151,6 +1383,7 @@
@name = Kerosene
@ratio = 0.3531
%DrawGauge = True

@@ -1160,20 +1393,29 @@
%DrawGauge = False

name = HTP
ratio = 0.0195
DrawGauge = False
ignoreForIsp = True

@key,0 = 0 308
@key,0 = 0 313
@key,1 = 1 241

// X axis vernier engines.

@name = ModuleEnginesRF
%engineID = CoreVernierEngine
@minThrust = 38.0
@maxThrust = 38.0
@heatProduction = 100
@minThrust = 34.0
@maxThrust = 34.0
@heatProduction = 10
%ullage = True
%pressureFed = False
%ignitions = 1
@@ -1182,6 +1424,7 @@
@name = Kerosene
@ratio = 0.3531
%DrawGauge = False

@@ -1191,31 +1434,37 @@
%DrawGauge = False

name = HTP
ratio = 0.0195
DrawGauge = False
ignoreForIsp = True

@key,0 = 0 308
@key,0 = 0 313
@key,1 = 1 241


name = TRReflection
shader = Reflective/Bumped Diffuse
colour = 0.5 0.5 0.5
interval = 2.0
meshes = Box40_006_005
// Level 1 telecommunications system.

name = TRReflection
shader = Reflective/Bumped Diffuse
colour = 0.5 0.5 0.5
interval = 2.0
meshes = Cylinder_020
name = ModuleDataTransmitter
antennaType = DIRECT
antennaPower = 125
antennaCombinable = True
antennaCombinableExponent = 2.0
packetInterval = 1.0
packetSize = 0.256
requiredResource = ElectricCharge
packetResourceCost = 0.025
DeployFxModules = 0

@@ -1227,7 +1476,7 @@
volume = 90280
basemass = -1

// RD-108 fuel 25640 Kg.
// RD-108 fuel mass ~25640 kg.

@@ -1236,7 +1485,7 @@
maxAmount = 31270

// RD-108 oxidizer 65360 Kg.
// RD-108 oxidizer mass ~65360 kg.

@@ -1245,7 +1494,7 @@
maxAmount = 57280

// RD-108 turbopump fuel 2475 Kg.
// RD-108 turbopump fuel mass ~2475 kg.

@@ -1257,19 +1506,19 @@


// Avionics batteries 650 Wh.
// Avionics batteries ~1.95 kWh.
// Supports the core booster for the duration of it's flight (approximately 5 minutes).
name = ElectricCharge
amount = 180
maxAmount = 180
amount = 540
maxAmount = 540
// ==================================================
// Soyuz core booster.
// R-7 Block A stage.
// Engine compatibility.
// ==================================================
@@ -1278,21 +1527,214 @@
@title = Soyuz FG/U/ST Core Stage
@manufacturer = TsSKB-Progress
@description = The Block A is one of the few parts that still remain mostly unchanged from the original R7 design. A very reliable element, powered by a single RD-108 engine with four verniers for attitude control. It is ignited on the ground along with the strap - on boosters.
@description = The Block A is one of the few parts that still remain mostly unchanged from the original R-7 launch vehicle design. A very reliable element, powered by a single RD-108 engine with four verniers for attitude control. It is ignited on the ground, along with the Blocks B,V,G and D.
// Main engine setup.
@gimbalRange = 45.0
%isMaster = True
%engineID = CoreMainEngine
CoreVernierEngine = RD-108-118-Verniers-RG1
CoreVernierEngine = RD-108-118-Verniers-Syntin
// Vernier engine setup.
name = ModuleEngineConfigs
configuration = RD-108-118-Verniers-RG1
isMaster = False
engineID = CoreVernierEngine
name = RD-108-118-Verniers-RG1
minThrust = 34.0
maxThrust = 34.0
heatProduction = 10
ullage = True
pressureFed = False
ignitions = 1
name = ElectricCharge
amount = 0.025
name = Kerosene
ratio = 0.3680
DrawGauge = True
name = LqdOxygen
ratio = 0.6320
DrawGauge = False
name = HTP
ratio = 0.0195
DrawGauge = False
ignoreForIsp = True
key = 0 313
key = 1 250
name = RD-108-118-Verniers-Syntin
minThrust = 34.0
maxThrust = 34.0
heatProduction = 10
ullage = True
pressureFed = False
ignitions = 1
name = ElectricCharge
amount = 0.025
name = Syntin
ratio = 0.3594
DrawGauge = True
name = LqdOxygen
ratio = 0.6406
DrawGauge = False
name = HTP
ratio = 0.0195
DrawGauge = False
ignoreForIsp = True
key = 0 313
key = 1 250
// Y axis vernier engine gimbal setup.
!gimbalRange,* = NULL
%gimbalRangeYP = 45.0
%gimbalRangeYN = 45.0
%gimbalRangeXP = 0
%gimbalRangeXN = 0
@useGimbalResponseSpeed = True
@gimbalResponseSpeed = 16
// X axis vernier engine gimbal setup.
!gimbalRange,* = NULL
%gimbalRangeYP = 0
%gimbalRangeYN = 0
%gimbalRangeXP = 45.0
%gimbalRangeXN = 45.0
@useGimbalResponseSpeed = True
@gimbalResponseSpeed = 16
// ==================================================
// Soyuz strap - on booster decoupler.
// R-7 Block A stage.
// Remote Tech compatibility.
// ==================================================
@description ^= :$: Features an integrated telemetry system with a maximum effective range of 5 Mm, power consumption 25 Watts, data rate 256 kbit/s.
@rate -= 0.025
name = ModuleSPU
IsRTCommandStation = False
RTCommandMinCrew = 0
name = ModuleRTAntenna
ActionMode0Name = Deactivate Telemetry System
ActionMode1Name = Activate Telemetry System
IsRTActive = True
Mode0OmniRange = 0
Mode1OmniRange = 50000
EnergyCost = 0.025
PacketInterval = 1.0
PacketSize = 0.256
PacketResourceCost = 0.01385
// ==================================================
// R-7 Block B,V,G,D decoupler.
// Dimensions: N/A
// Inert Mass: 200 Kg
// Inert Mass: 200 kg
// ==================================================
@@ -1304,6 +1746,9 @@
@scale = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0
@node_stack_top = 0.127, -4.85, -0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
@node_stack_top2 = 0.09, -6.9, -0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
@scale = 1.0
@rescaleFactor = 1.0
@@ -1314,8 +1759,9 @@
@crashTolerance = 12
@breakingForce = 250
@breakingTorque = 250
@maxTemp = 473.15
%skinMaxTemp = 473.15
@maxTemp = 573.15
%skinMaxTemp = 673.15
@tags ^= :$: break decouple separat split stag
@@ -1324,10 +1770,10 @@
// ==================================================
// Soyuz strap - on booster top oxidizer valve.
// R-7 Block B,V,G,D stage top oxidizer valve.
// Dimensions: 0.63 m x 1.6 m
// Gross Mass: 50 Kg
// Gross Mass: 50 kg
// ==================================================
@@ -1350,17 +1796,19 @@
@crashTolerance = 12
@breakingForce = 250
@breakingTorque = 250
@maxTemp = 473.15
%skinMaxTemp = 473.15
@maxTemp = 573.15
%skinMaxTemp = 673.15
@bulkheadProfiles = size1
%stageOffset = 1
%childStageOffset = 1
%stagingIcon = SOLID_BOOSTER
@tags ^= :$: motor rocket separat thruster valve
!specPower = NULL
// Simulates the LOX valve that opens upon booster separation.
@name = ModuleEnginesRF
@minThrust = 22.5
@maxThrust = 22.5
@throttleLocked = True
@@ -1387,10 +1835,10 @@
// ==================================================
// Soyuz strap - on booster bottom oxidizer valve.
// R-7 Block B,V,G,D stage bottom oxidizer valve.
// Dimensions: 0.3 m x 0.1 m
// Gross Mass: 20 Kg
// Gross Mass: 20 kg
// ==================================================
@@ -1413,18 +1861,20 @@
@crashTolerance = 12
%breakingForce = 250
%breakingTorque = 250
@maxTemp = 473.15
%skinMaxTemp = 473.15
@maxTemp = 573.15
%skinMaxTemp = 673.15
@bulkheadProfiles = size1
%stackSymmetry = 3
%stageOffset = 1
%childStageOffset = 1
%stagingIcon = SOLID_BOOSTER
@tags ^= :$: motor rocket separat thruster valve
!specPower = NULL
// Simulates the LOX valve that opens upon booster separation.
@name = ModuleEnginesRF
@minThrust = 10.0
@maxThrust = 10.0
@throttleLocked = True
@@ -1451,13 +1901,13 @@
// ==================================================
// Soyuz strap - on booster.
// R-7 Block B,V,G,D stage.
// Dimensions: 2.5 m x 18 m
// Gross Mass: 44100 Kg
// Gross Mass: 44100 kg
// Inert mass does not include the mass of the radial
// decoupler (200 Kg).
// decoupler (200 kg).
// ==================================================
@@ -1482,6 +1932,7 @@
%childStageOffset = 1
%fuelCrossFeed = True
%CoMOffset = 0.0, -6.0, 0.0
@tags ^= :$: fueltank liquid oxidizer propellant propuls RD-107 RD-117 rocket
!specPower = NULL
%engineType = RD107-117
@@ -1491,11 +1942,10 @@
@name = ModuleEnginesRF
%engineID = BoosterMainEngine
@minThrust = 972.3
@maxThrust = 972.3
@heatProduction = 100
@heatProduction = 138
%ullage = True
%pressureFed = False
%ignitions = 1
@@ -1530,11 +1980,10 @@
@name = ModuleEnginesRF
%engineID = BoosterVernierEngine
@minThrust = 38.0
@maxThrust = 38.0
@heatProduction = 100
@minThrust = 34.0
@maxThrust = 34.0
@heatProduction = 10
%ullage = True
%pressureFed = False
%ignitions = 1
@@ -1552,29 +2001,21 @@
%DrawGauge = False
name = HTP
ratio = 0.0195
DrawGauge = False
ignoreForIsp = True
@key,0 = 0 308
@key,0 = 0 313
@key,1 = 1 250
@deflectionLiftCoeff = 0.292
name = TRReflection
shader = Reflective/Bumped Diffuse
colour = 0.5 0.5 0.5
interval = 2.0
meshes = Cylinder_002
@@ -1584,7 +2025,7 @@
volume = 38920
basemass = -1
// RD-107 fuel 11045 Kg.
// RD-107 fuel mass ~11045 kg.
@@ -1593,7 +2034,7 @@
maxAmount = 13470
// RD-107 oxidizer 28182 Kg.
// RD-107 oxidizer mass ~28182 kg.
@@ -1602,7 +2043,7 @@
maxAmount = 24700
// RD-107 turbopump fuel 1073 Kg.
// RD-107 turbopump fuel mass ~1073 kg.
@@ -1616,16 +2057,142 @@
// ==================================================
// Soyuz strap - on booster.
// R-7 Block B,V,G,D stage.
// Engine compatibility.
// ==================================================
@title = Soyuz FG/U/ST Booster
@manufacturer = TsSKB-Progress
@description = One of the oldest parts of the R7 launch vehicle series, the strap - on booster was designed to support the core stage both in flight and on the ground. The individual boosters are designated as Blocks B,V,G and D and each one is powered by the RD-107 engine. It is ignited on the ground along with the second (core booster) stage.
@description = One of the oldest parts of the R-7 launch vehicle series, designed to support the core stage both in flight and on the ground. The individual boosters are designated as Blocks B,V,G and D and each one is powered by the RD-107 engine. It is ignited on the ground along with the Block A stage.
// Main engine setup.
%isMaster = True
%engineID = BoosterMainEngine
BoosterVernierEngine = RD-107-117-Verniers-RG1
BoosterVernierEngine = RD-107-117-Verniers-Syntin
// Vernier engine setup.
name = ModuleEngineConfigs
configuration = RD-107-117-Verniers-RG1
isMaster = False
engineID = BoosterVernierEngine
name = RD-107-117-Verniers-RG1
minThrust = 34.0
maxThrust = 34.0
heatProduction = 10
ullage = True
pressureFed = False
ignitions = 1
name = ElectricCharge
amount = 0.025
name = Kerosene
ratio = 0.3603
DrawGauge = True
name = LqdOxygen
ratio = 0.6397
DrawGauge = False
name = HTP
ratio = 0.0195
DrawGauge = False
ignoreForIsp = True
key = 0 313
key = 1 250
name = RD-107-117-Verniers-Syntin
minThrust = 34.0
maxThrust = 34.0
heatProduction = 10
ullage = True
pressureFed = False
ignitions = 1
name = ElectricCharge
amount = 0.025
name = Syntin
ratio = 0.3518
DrawGauge = True
name = LqdOxygen
ratio = 0.6482
DrawGauge = False
name = HTP
ratio = 0.0195
DrawGauge = False
ignoreForIsp = True
key = 0 313
key = 1 250
// Vernier engines gimbal setup.
@@ -1636,3 +2203,37 @@
@gimbalRangeXN = 45.0
// ==================================================
// R-7 launch pad.
// Dimensions: 23 m x 20.6 m
// Inert Mass: 1000000 kg
// ==================================================
%RSSROConfig = True
%scale = 1.0
@rescaleFactor = 1.0
@node_stack_top = 0.0, -4.975, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 9
@title = R-7 Launch Gantry
@manufacturer = Roskosmos
@description = The launch pad for the R-7 series of launch vehicles.
@mass = 1000.0
@crashTolerance = 100
@breakingForce = 2500
@breakingTorque = 2500
@maxTemp = 5773.15
%skinMaxTemp = 6773.15
@fuelCrossFeed = True
!explosionPotential = NULL
@stageOffset = 1
@childStageOffset = 1
@bulkheadProfiles = size9
@tags = clam hold )pad rocket stabil tower