# Makefile - A courtesy of Respect\Foundation. # # A collection of reusable targets for automating almost everything of a # project # # Make sure you have GNU Make, and type `make` in this Makefile folder. # # General Configuration VERSION = 0.1.14 FOUNDATION_URL = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Respect/Foundation/master/Makefile" FOUNDATION_REPO = "git://github.com/Respect/Foundation.git" FOUNDATION_HOME = $(shell pwd)/.foundation CONFIG_TOOL = ${FOUNDATION_HOME}/repo/bin/project-config.php GENERATE_TOOL = ${FOUNDATION_HOME}/repo/bin/project-generate.php PACKAGES_PEAR = pear config-get php_dir SHELL := $(shell which bash) .SHELLFLAGS = -c THIS = $(word 1,$(MAKEFILE_LIST)) UNAME = $(shell uname) ENV = $(shell command -v env) GIT = $(shell command -v git) HAS_OPEN = $(shell command -v open) HAS_XDG = $(shell command -v xdg) HAS_SENSIBLE = $(shell command -v sensible-browser) BROWSER_ALTERNS = $(HAS_XDG) $(HAS_SENSIBLE) $(HAS_OPEN) BROWSE = $(word 1,$(BROWSER_ALTERNS)) DOTS = $(shell printf '%0.1s' '.'{1..25}) # Macros .CLEAR=\x1b[0m .BOLD=\x1b[01m .RED=\x1b[31;01m .GREEN=\x1b[32;01m .YELLOW=\x1b[33;01m .ERROR="\ ""\ ""\ ""\ ">"\ "$(.RED)[ERROR]$(.CLEAR) .OK="$(.GREEN)[OK]$(.CLEAR)" .OKN="\ ""\ ""\ ""\ ">"\ "$(.GREEN)[OK]$(.CLEAR) .WARN="\ ""\ ""\ ""\ ">"\ "$(.YELLOW)[WARNING]$(.CLEAR) .ONESHELL: ; # recipes execute in same shell .NOTPARALLEL: ; # wait for this target to finish .EXPORT_ALL_VARIABLES: ; # send all vars to shell default: help-default; # default target Makefile: ; # skip prerequisite discovery .title: @if [[ ! -n "$(notitle)" ]]; then \ echo -e " $(.BOLD)# Respect/Foundation: $(VERSION)$(.CLEAR)"; \ echo ""; \ fi; \ .check-foundation: .title @make -v|grep -qi GNU || echo -e "\nWARNING: Foundation Makefile was developed for use with GNU Make, \ using other flavoured binaries may have unwanted consequences.\n" @make -v|grep -q 'built for .*apple' && echo -e "\nWARNING: The apple built edition of GNU Make have several \ known quirks and is not recommended. For best results, install make with homebrew and link it in out of \ "keg only" or create an alias to the non apple distributed version of GNU Make instead.\n" || true @[[ -d $(FOUNDATION_HOME) ]] || \ (make -s -f $(THIS) .prompt-yesno message='Update Makefile? ' && \ make -s -f $(THIS) foundation) \ .menu-heading: @echo -e " $(.BOLD)${title}$(.CLEAR)" @echo -e " $$(printf '%0.1s' $$(seq -f'=%g' 1 $${#title}))\n" .menu-item: printf "%-s%0.*s%s\n" "${tgt}:" $$((25 - $${#tgt})) $(DOTS) "${desc}" # Help is not the default target cause its mainly used as the main # build command. We're reserving it. help-default help: .title @echo " Usage: make NAME [PARAMETERS]" @echo "" @make -s .menu-item tgt="help" desc="Shows Respect/Foundation Help Menu: type: make help" @make -s .menu-item tgt="foundation" desc="Installs and updates Foundation" @echo "" @make -s .menu-heading title="Other Menus" @make -s .menu-item tgt="menu-project" desc="Project Scripts Menu" @make -s .menu-item tgt="menu-project" desc="Project Scripts Menu" @make -s .menu-item tgt="menu-test" desc="Testing Menu" @make -s .menu-item tgt="menu-package" desc="Show Packaging Toolbox Menu" @make -s .menu-item tgt="menu-dev" desc="Show Dev Toolbox Menu" @make -s .menu-item tgt="menu-deploy" desc="Show Deploy & Release" @echo "" menu-test: .title @make -s .menu-heading title="Project Testing" @make -s .menu-item tgt="test" desc="Run project tests" @make -s .menu-item tgt="testdox" desc="Run project tests - output in testdox format" @make -s .menu-item tgt="coverage" desc="Run project tests and report coverage status in HTML and console text" @make -s .menu-item tgt="coverage-clover" desc="Run project tests and report code coverage using Clover format" @make -s .menu-item tgt="scrutinizer-coverage" desc="Run project tests and report coverage status to Scrutinizer-CI" @make -s .menu-item tgt="clean" desc="Removes code coverage reports" @make -s .menu-item tgt="bootstrap-php" desc="(Re)create all purpose bootstrap.php for phpunit in test folder" @make -s .menu-item tgt="bootstrap-php-opt" desc="Optimized all purpose bootstrap.php with static pear path in test folder" @make -s .menu-item tgt="phpunit-xml" desc="(Re)create phpunit.xml in test folder" @make -s .menu-item tgt="travis-yml" desc="(Re)create .travis.yml in root folder" @make -s .menu-item tgt="travis-lint" desc="Validate your .travis.yml configuration" @make -s .menu-item tgt="test-skelgen" desc="Generate boilerplate PHPUnit skeleton tests per class see help-skelgen" @make -s .menu-item tgt="test-skelgen-all" desc="Generate tests for all classes and it's overwrite safe of course" @make -s .menu-item tgt="phantomjs-snapshot" desc="Take a snapshot of that page with the webkit headless browser" @make -s .menu-item tgt="phantomjs-inject" desc="Inject javascript/jquery into pages for output to stdout." @make -s .menu-item tgt="phantomjs-inject-verbose" desc="Verbose output of script injection to help see whats going on." @echo "" menu-project: .title @make -s .menu-heading title="General Utilities" @make -s .menu-item tgt="project-info" desc="Shows project configuration" @make -s .menu-item tgt="project-init" desc="Initialize current folder and create boilerplate project structure" @make -s .menu-item tgt="gitignore" desc="(Re)create .gitignore file" @make -s .menu-item tgt="project-authors" desc="List all unique authors alphabetically or use filter='argument'" @make -s .menu-item tgt="project-authors-reduce" desc="Normalize a list of authors by replacing each with a new author." @echo "" @make -s .menu-heading title="Source Cleaning" @make -s .menu-item tgt="clean-all-whitespace" desc="All in one does tabs2spaces, unix-line-ends and trailing_spaces" @make -s .menu-item tgt="clean-tabs2spaces" desc="Turns tabs into 4 spaces properly handling mixed tab/spaces" @make -s .menu-item tgt="clean-unix-line-ends" desc="Fixes unix line endings" @make -s .menu-item tgt="clean-trailing_spaces" desc="Removes trailing whitespace" @make -s .menu-item tgt="clean-single-blank-lines" desc="Removes multiple blank lines adds blank line at end of file" @make -s .menu-item tgt="clean-remove-eof-php-tag" desc="Removes php tag at the end of a file if exists" @make -s .menu-item tgt="clean-up-makefile-baks" desc="Delete all Makefile.bak files" @echo "" @make -s .menu-heading title="Metrics and Standards" @make -s .menu-item tgt="cs-fixer" desc="Run PHP Coding Standards Fixer to ensure your cs-style is correct" @make -s .menu-item tgt="codesniff" desc="Run PHP Code Sniffer to generate a report of code analysis" @make -s .menu-item tgt="phpcpd" desc="Run PHP Copy Paste detector" @make -s .menu-item tgt="phpdcd" desc="Run PHP Dead Code detector" @make -s .menu-item tgt="phploc" desc="Run PHP Lines Of Code analyzer for project code statistics" @make -s .menu-item tgt="phpdoc" desc="Run PhpDocumentor2 to generate the project API documentation" @echo "" menu-package: .title @make -s .menu-heading title="Package Description" @make -s .menu-item tgt="package-ini" desc="Creates the basic package.ini file" @make -s .menu-item tgt="package-xml" desc="Propagates changes from package.ini to package.xml" @make -s .menu-item tgt="composer-json" desc="Propagates changes from package.ini to composer.json" @make -s .menu-item tgt="package" desc="Generates package.ini, package.xml and composer.json files" @make -s .menu-item tgt="pear" desc="Generates a PEAR package" @make -s .menu-item tgt="composer-validate" desc="Validate composer.json for syntax and other problems" @make -s .menu-item tgt="composer-install" desc="Install this project with composer which will create vendor folder" @make -s .menu-item tgt="composer-install-dev" desc="Install this development project with composer using --dev" @make -s .menu-item tgt="composer-update" desc="Update an exiting composer installation and refresh repositories" @echo "" @make -s .menu-heading title="Package Generation" @echo " Parameters: package=vendor/package (required)" @echo "" @make -s .menu-item tgt="composer-create-project" desc="Create a project from a package into its default directory" @make -s .menu-item tgt="composer-require" desc="Add required package to composer.json and install it" @make -s .menu-item tgt="composer-search" desc="Search for a package ksown to composer" @make -s .menu-item tgt="install" desc="Install this project and its dependencies in the local PEAR" @make -s .menu-item tgt="info-php" desc="Show information about your PHP" @make -s .menu-item tgt="config-php" desc="Locate your PHP configuration file aka. php.ini" @make -s .menu-item tgt="include-php" desc="Show the PHP configured (php.ini) include path" @make -s .menu-item tgt="info-pear" desc="Show information about your PEAR" @make -s .menu-item tgt="locate-pear" desc="Locate the PEAR packages installation folder" @make -s .menu-item tgt="install-pear" desc="PEAR installation instructions" @make -s .menu-item tgt="updated-pear" desc="See if there are any updates for PEAR and the installed packages" @make -s .menu-item tgt="update-all-pear" desc="Update all packages if any updates are available" @make -s .menu-item tgt="packages-pear" desc="Show the list of PEAR installed packages and their version numbers" @make -s .menu-item tgt="verify-pear" desc="Verify that we can include System.php in PHP script" @make -s .menu-item tgt="info-check-pear" desc="PEAR installation verification checklist instructions" @make -s .menu-item tgt="info-pyrus" desc="Show information about your PEAR2_Pyrus - PEAR2 Installer" @make -s .menu-item tgt="install-pyrus" desc="Download and install PEAR2_Pyrus" @make -s .menu-item tgt="info-composer" desc="Show information about your composer" @make -s .menu-item tgt="install-composer" desc="Download and install composer" @echo "" menu-dev: .title @make -s .menu-heading title="Development Info" @echo " Parameters: package=vendor/package (required)" @echo "" @make -s .menu-item tgt="info-git-extras" desc="Show information about your installed git extras" @make -s .menu-item tgt="install-git-extras" desc="Install git extras" @make -s .menu-item tgt="info-cs-fixer" desc="Show information about your installed PHP Coding Standards Fixer" @make -s .menu-item tgt="install-cs-fixer" desc="Install PHP Coding Standards Fixer" @make -s .menu-item tgt="info-codesniff" desc="Show information about your installed PHP_CodeSniffer" @make -s .menu-item tgt="install-codesniff" desc="Install PHP_CodeSniffer" @make -s .menu-item tgt="install-psr-sniff" desc="Install Code Sniffer PSR sniffs to allow for PSR 0-3 compliancy checks" @make -s .menu-item tgt="info-phpunit" desc="Show information about your installed PHPUnit" @make -s .menu-item tgt="install-phpunit" desc="Install PHPUnit" @make -s .menu-item tgt="info-phpcpd" desc="Show information about your installed PHP Copy Paste detector" @make -s .menu-item tgt="install-phpcpd" desc="Install PHPcpd" @make -s .menu-item tgt="info-phpdcd" desc="Show information about your installed PHP Dead Code detector" @make -s .menu-item tgt="install-phpdcd" desc="Install PHPdcd" @make -s .menu-item tgt="info-phploc" desc="Show information about your installed PHP LOC analyzer" @make -s .menu-item tgt="install-phploc" desc="Install PHPloc" @make -s .menu-item tgt="info-skelgen" desc="Show information about your installed PHPUnit Skeleton Generator" @make -s .menu-item tgt="install-skelgen" desc="Install PHPUnit Skeleton Generator" @make -s .menu-item tgt="info-test-helpers" desc="Show information about your installed PHPUnit Test Helpers extension" @make -s .menu-item tgt="install-test-helpers" desc="Install PHPUnit Test Helpers extension" @make -s .menu-item tgt="info-phpdoc" desc="Show information about your installed PhpDocumentor2" @make -s .menu-item tgt="install-phpdoc" desc="Install PhpDocumentor2" @make -s .menu-item tgt="info-phd" desc="Show information about your installed PhD" @make -s .menu-item tgt="install-phd" desc="Install PhD is a PHP based Docbook renderer to build the PHP.net documentation" @make -s .menu-item tgt="info-phpsh" desc="Show information about your installed PHP Shell (phpsh)" @make -s .menu-item tgt="install-phpsh" desc="Install PHP Shell (phpsh) - Requires Python" @make -s .menu-item tgt="info-phantomjs" desc="Show information about your installed phantomjs headless webkit browser" @make -s .menu-item tgt="install-phantomjs" desc="Install phantomjs - headless webkit browser" @make -s .menu-item tgt="install-travis-lint" desc="Install travis-lint configuration checker - Requires ruby gems" @make -s .menu-item tgt="install-uri-template" desc="Install uri_template a php extension. Might require sudo." @echo "" menu-deploy: .title @make -s .menu-heading title="Deployment" @echo " Parameters: package=vendor/package (required)" @echo "" @make -s .menu-item tgt="patch" desc="Increases the patch version of the project (X.X.++)" @make -s .menu-item tgt="minor" desc="Increases the minor version of the project (X.++.0)" @make -s .menu-item tgt="major" desc="Increases the major version of the project (++.0.0)" @make -s .menu-item tgt="alpha" desc="Changes the stability of the current version to alpha" @make -s .menu-item tgt="beta" desc="Changes the stability of the current version to beta" @make -s .menu-item tgt="stable" desc="Changes the stability of the current version to stable" @make -s .menu-item tgt="tag" desc="Makes a git tag of the current project version/stability" @make -s .menu-item tgt="pear-push" desc="Pushes the latest PEAR package. Custom pear_repo='' and pear_package='' available." @make -s .menu-item tgt="release" desc="Runs tests, coverage reports, tag the build and pushes to package repositories" @echo "" .exit: @(echo -e "$(.ERROR) $(text)";exit 1) .warn: @(echo -e "$(.WARN) $(text)";exit 1) .needs-folder: @echo -e " > $(.BOLD) Checking folder $(folder)$(.CLEAR)" @([[ -d $(folder) ]] && echo -e "$(.OKN)") || make -f $(THIS) -s .exit text="$(text)" .needs-file: @echo -e " >$(.BOLD) Checking file $(file)$(.CLEAR)" @([[ -f $(file) ]] && echo -e "$(.OKN)") || make -f $(THIS) -s .exit text="$(text)" .likes-file: @([[ -f $(file) ]] && echo -e "$(.OKN)") || make -f $(THIS) -s .warn text="$(text)" .likes-folder: @([[ -f $(folder) ]] && echo -e "$(.OKN)") || make -f $(THIS) -s .warn text="$(text)" .suggests-file: @([[ -f $(file) ]] && echo -e " > $(.BOLD)$(text)$(.CLEAR)") || true .suggests-folder: @([[ -f $(folder) ]] && echo -e " $(.BOLD)$(text)$(.CLEAR)") # Foundation puts its files into .foundation inside your project folder. # You can delete .foundation anytime and then run make foundation again if you need foundation: .title @ #Makefile @make -f $(THIS) -s .foundation-backup-makefile @echo -e " > $(.BOLD)Downloading most recent Makefile$(.CLEAR)" #@-rm [[ -f $(THIS) ]] "$(THIS)" @-curl -L -o $(THIS) --progress-bar $(FOUNDATION_URL) @echo -e " > Using Makefile from: $(FOUNDATION_URL)" #@make -f $(THIS) -s .needs-file file="$(THIS)" text="$(THIS) could not be retrieved." @ #.foundation @echo -e " > $(.BOLD)(Re)creating ${FOUNDATION_HOME} folder$(.CLEAR)" @-rm -Rf ${FOUNDATION_HOME} @-mkdir ${FOUNDATION_HOME} $(GIT) clone --depth 1 $(FOUNDATION_REPO) ${FOUNDATION_HOME}/repo @make -f $(THIS) -s .gitignore-foundation gitignore=".foundation" @make -f $(THIS) -s .needs-folder folder=${FOUNDATION_HOME} text='Foundation could not be installed' @ #.foundation/onion @echo -e " > $(.BOLD)Downloading Onion$(.CLEAR)" @curl -LO --progress-bar https://github.com/c9s/Onion/raw/master/onion > ${FOUNDATION_HOME}/onion;chmod +x ${FOUNDATION_HOME}/onion @make -f $(THIS) -s .needs-file file="${FOUNDATION_HOME}/onion" text='Onion Could not be installed' @[[ -x ${FOUNDATION_HOME}/onion ]] || make -f $(THIS) -s .exit text="${FOUNDATION_HOME} not executable, run chmod +x to fix it"; .foundation-backup-makefile: @echo -e " > $(.BOLD)Backing up current Makefile$(.CLEAR)" @if [ -f "Makefile.bak" ]; then \ export list=( @$$(ls Makefile.bak*) ); \ cp Makefile "Makefile.bak.$${#list[@]}"; \ else \ cp Makefile Makefile.bak; \ fi; clean-up-makefile-baks: @make -s .prompt-yesno message="Do you want to delete Makefile backups?" && \ rm -f Makefile.bak* && echo -e "$(.OKN)"; .gitignore-foundation: @make -f $(THIS) -s .suggests-file file='.gitignore' text=".gitignore found, making it ignore ${gitignore}" @test -f .gitignore || make -f $(THIS) .gen-gitignore @grep -q "${gitignore}" .gitignore || echo "${gitignore}" >> .gitignore @make -f $(THIS) -s .needs-file file='.gitignore' text='Verifying modified .gitignore...' .gen-gitignore: @echo -e " > $(.BOLD)(Re)patching .gitignore$(.CLEAR)" $(GENERATE_TOOL) config-template gitignore > gitignore.tmp && mv -f gitignore.tmp .gitignore @make -f $(THIS) -s .needs-file file='.gitignore' text='Checking .gitignore...' gitignore: .title .gen-gitignore project-info: .check-foundation @echo -e " $(.BOLD)Project Information$(.CLEAR)" @echo -e " -----------" @echo " php-version:" `$(CONFIG_TOOL) php-version ` @echo " project-repository:" `$(CONFIG_TOOL) project-repository ` @echo " library-folder:" `$(CONFIG_TOOL) library-folder ` @echo " test-folder:" `$(CONFIG_TOOL) test-folder ` @echo " config-folder:" `$(CONFIG_TOOL) config-folder ` @echo " public-folder:" `$(CONFIG_TOOL) public-folder ` @echo " vendor-folder:" `$(CONFIG_TOOL) vendor-folder ` @echo " sandbox-folder:" `$(CONFIG_TOOL) sandbox-folder ` @echo " documentation-folder:" `$(CONFIG_TOOL) documentation-folder ` @echo " executables-folder:" `$(CONFIG_TOOL) executables-folder ` @echo " vendor-name:" `$(CONFIG_TOOL) vendor-name ` @echo " package-name:" `$(CONFIG_TOOL) package-name ` @echo " project-name:" `$(CONFIG_TOOL) project-name ` @echo " one-line-summary:" `$(CONFIG_TOOL) one-line-summary ` @echo " package-description:" `$(CONFIG_TOOL) package-description ` @echo " package-version:" `$(CONFIG_TOOL) package-version ` @echo " package-stability:" `$(CONFIG_TOOL) package-stability ` @echo -e "\r project-authors: "`$(CONFIG_TOOL) package-authors` \ |tr ',' "\n"| awk -F' <' '{printf "%25s%-25s <%15s \n","",$$1,$$2}' @echo -e "\r project-contributors: "`$(CONFIG_TOOL) package-contributors ` \ |tr ',' "\n"| awk -F' <' '{printf "%25s%-25s <%15s \n","",$$1,$$2}' @echo " package-date-time:" `$(CONFIG_TOOL) package-date-time ` @echo " pear-path:" `$(CONFIG_TOOL) pear-path ` @echo " pear-channel:" `$(CONFIG_TOOL) pear-channel ` @echo " pear-repository:" `$(CONFIG_TOOL) pear-repository ` @echo " phar-repository:" `$(CONFIG_TOOL) phar-repository ` @echo " pear-dependencies:" `$(CONFIG_TOOL) pear-dependencies ` @echo " extension-dependencies:" `$(CONFIG_TOOL) extension-dependencies ` @echo " readme-file:" `$(CONFIG_TOOL) readme-file ` @echo " project-license:" `$(CONFIG_TOOL) project-license ` @echo " project-homepage:" `$(CONFIG_TOOL) project-homepage ` @echo " user-name:" `$(CONFIG_TOOL) user-name ` @echo " user-email:" `$(CONFIG_TOOL) user-email ` @echo " user-home:" `$(CONFIG_TOOL) user-home ` @echo "" test-skelgen: .check-foundation @echo -e " > $(.BOLD)Verifying test bootstrap$(.CLEAR)" @test -f $(shell $(CONFIG_TOOL) test-folder)/bootstrap.php || make -f $(THIS) bootstrap-php > /dev/null @$(eval source-folder=$(shell $(CONFIG_TOOL) library-folder)) -@if test "$(class)"; then \ echo -e " > $(.BOLD)Class $(class) found. Generating... $(.CLEAR)"; \ cd $(shell $(CONFIG_TOOL) test-folder) && ${FOUNDATION_HOME}/repo/bin/phpunit-skelgen-classname "${class}" $(source-folder); \ else \ echo -e "$(.WARN) Class not found."; \ echo -e "\n $(.BOLD)Tesk Skeleton Generation$(.CLEAR)" ; \ echo -e " -----------" && \ echo " Parameters: class=\"My\\Awesome\\Class\" (required)"; \ echo; \ fi; \ test-skelgen-all: @$(eval source-folder=$(shell $(CONFIG_TOOL) library-folder)) @find $(source-folder) -type f -name "*.php" \ | sed -E 's%$(source-folder)/(.*).php%class=\\"\1\\"%' \ | sed 's%/%\\\\\\\\%g' \ | xargs -L 1 make -s -f $(THIS) test-skelgen notitle=yes; # Re-usable target for yes no prompt. Usage: make .prompt-yesno message="Is it yes or no?" # Will exit with error if not yes .prompt-yesno: @exec 8<&0 0 $(message) [Y]:" && echo $$REPLY))" in \ [nN]) echo -e "\n > $(.YELLOW)[ABORTED]$(.CLEAR)" && exit 1 ;; \ esac && echo -e "" ([[ ! -z $$FOUNDATION_NO_WAIT ]] && \ echo -e " > $(.GREEN)[AUTO CONTINUING]$(.CLEAR)" || \ echo -e " > $(.GREEN)[CONTINUING]$(.CLEAR)") info-phantomjs: .check-foundation @echo -en " $(.BOLD)Phantom JS " @$(ENV) PATH="$$PATH:${FOUNDATION_HOME}" phantomjs -v 2> /dev/null || (echo -e "\n$(.WARN) No phantomjs installed." && false) @echo -e " ----------$(.CLEAR)" install-phantomjs: .check-foundation @echo -e " $(.BOLD)Phantom JS$(.CLEAR)" @echo -e " -----------" @echo -e "$(.WARN) Due to frequent releases (based on webkit) we are not able" @echo -e " > to install this package for you at this time." @echo -e " > Detailed installation instructions are available at http://phantomjs.org/download.html." @echo -e "$(.WARN) Wait for the browser to close..." @make -s -f $(THIS) .prompt-yesno message="Would you like to have the url opened?" && $(BROWSE) "http://phantomjs.org/download.html" @echo -e "$(.WARN) Wait for the browser to close...\n" @make -s -f $(THIS) .check-phantomjs notitle=1 .check-phantomjs: @(make -s -f $(THIS) info-phantomjs \ || make -s -f $(THIS) install-phantomjs) \ || (echo -e "$(.ERROR) Unable to install phantomjs. Aborting..." && false) phantomjs-inject phantomjs-inject-verbose: .check-foundation @make -s -f $(THIS) .check-phantomjs notitle=1 @[[ -z "$(url)" ]] && echo -e "Usage: make phantomjs-snapshot url= [code=jQuery Script] or use stdin\n\n \ Example:\n \ As command line argument:\n \ make phantomjs-inject url=respect.li code='alert(\$$\$$(\"title\").text());'\n \ note: requires dollar escaped as double dollar \$$\$$\n \ From stdin:\n \ echo 'console.log(\$$(\"title\").text());' | make phantomjs-inject url=respect.li \n \ note: stdin allows for raw input so \$$ doesn't get processed\n \ Tips: \n \ Use single quotes to avoid shell interpretation.\n \ Both alert and/or console.log will echo to stdout.\n \ Use target phantom-inject-verbose for detailed output while debugging.\n" \ && exit || true; $(eval VERBOSE := $(patsubst phantomjs-inject%,%,$(@))) @if [ -z '$(code)' ]; then \ while read -r; do \ lines="$${lines} $${REPLY}"; \ done <&0; \ phantomjs ${FOUNDATION_HOME}/repo/bin/jquery-console-phantom.js "$(url)" "$${lines}" "${VERBOSE}"; \ else \ phantomjs ${FOUNDATION_HOME}/repo/bin/jquery-console-phantom.js "$(url)" '$(code)' "${VERBOSE}"; \ fi;\ phantomjs-snapshot: .check-foundation .check-phantomjs [[ -z "$(url)" ]] && echo -e "Usage: make phantomjs-snapshot url=\n" && exit 11 || true mkdir -p `$(CONFIG_TOOL) sandbox-folder `/snapshots mv -f $(shell echo -e $(shell phantomjs ${FOUNDATION_HOME}/repo/bin/snapshot.phantom.js "$(url)")) `$(CONFIG_TOOL) sandbox-folder `/snapshots/. @echo -e "$(.WARN) Wait for the browser to close..." $(BROWSE) `$(CONFIG_TOOL) sandbox-folder `/snapshots/ @echo -e "$(.WARN) Wait for the browser to close..." project-init: .check-foundation @echo -e " > $(.BOLD)Initializing project$(.CLEAR)" @if test -d .git; then \ echo; \ echo -e " > $(.BOLD) It appears you already have a git repository configured.$(.CLEAR)"; \ echo -e " > $(.BOLD) This target, will run $(GIT) init and auto add + commit.$(.CLEAR)"; \ if ! make -s -f $(THIS) .prompt-yesno message="Do you want to continue?"; then \ echo -e "$(.WARN) Aborted"; \ exit; \ fi; \ fi; \ make -s -f $(THIS) .project-init .project-init: git-init project-folders phpunit-xml bootstrap-php package git-add-all sleep 2 $(GIT) add -A $(GIT) commit -a -m"Project initialized." project-folders: .check-foundation @echo -e " > $(.BOLD)Creating folders-$(.CLEAR)" @$(GENERATE_TOOL) project-folders createFolders project-authors: .check-foundation @git log --pretty="%an <%ae>" | grep --color=never "${filter}" | sort -u project-authors-reduce: .check-foundation @[[ -z "${replace}" || -z "${auths}" ]] && echo -e "Usage:\n make project-authors-reduce auths='/full/path/to/authors' reploce='New Guy '" && exit; @export GIT_NEW_NAME="$${replace%<*}"; @export tmp="$${replace#*<}"; @export GIT_NEW_EMAIL="$${tmp%>*}"; @git filter-branch -f --env-filter ' \ while read author; do \ if [ "$$GIT_COMMITTER_NAME <$$GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL>" = "$${author}" ]; then \ export GIT_COMMITTER_NAME="$${GIT_NEW_NAME}"; \ export GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL="$${GIT_NEW_EMAIL}"; \ fi; \ if [ "$$GIT_AUTHOR_NAME <$$GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL>" = "$${author}" ]; then \ export GIT_AUTHOR_NAME="$${GIT_NEW_NAME}"; \ export GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL="$${GIT_NEW_EMAIL}"; \ fi; \ done < "${auths}"; \ '; info-git-extras: @echo -en " $(.BOLD)Git Extras " @$(ENV) PATH="$$PATH:${FOUNDATION_HOME}" $(GIT) extras --version 2> /dev/null || (echo -e "\n$(.WARN) No git extras installed." && false) @echo -e " ----------$(.CLEAR)" install-git-extras: .check-foundation @make -f $(THIS) info-git-extras > /dev/null || (cd ${FOUNDATION_HOME} && curl https://raw.github.com/visionmedia/git-extras/master/bin/git-extras | INSTALL=y sh) git-init: .check-foundation git-init-only git-add-all @$(GIT) commit -a -m"Initial commit." git-init-only: .check-foundation @$(GIT) init --shared=all git-add-all: .check-foundation @$(GIT) add -A codesniff: .check-foundation @echo "Running PHP Codesniffer to assess PSR compliancy" phpcs -p --report-full=`$(CONFIG_TOOL) documentation-folder `/full2.out `$(CONFIG_TOOL) library-folder ` phpunit-codesniff: .check-foundation @echo "Running PHP Codesniffer to assess PHPUnit compliancy" phpcs -p --extensions=PHPUnit --report-full=`$(CONFIG_TOOL) documentation-folder `/full2.out `$(CONFIG_TOOL) library-folder ` phpcpd: .check-foundation @echo Running PHP Copy paste detection on library folder phpcpd --verbose `$(CONFIG_TOOL) library-folder ` phpdcd: .check-foundation @echo Running PHP Dead Code detection on library folder phpdcd --verbose `$(CONFIG_TOOL) library-folder ` phploc: .check-foundation @echo Running PHP Lines of code statistics on library folder phploc --verbose `$(CONFIG_TOOL) library-folder ` phpdoc: .check-foundation @echo generating documentation with PhpDocumentor2. phpdoc -d `$(CONFIG_TOOL) library-folder ` -t `$(CONFIG_TOOL) documentation-folder ` -p phpunit-xml: .check-foundation @$(GENERATE_TOOL) config-template phpunit.xml > phpunit.xml.tmp && mkdir -p $(shell $(CONFIG_TOOL) test-folder) && mv -f phpunit.xml.tmp $(shell $(CONFIG_TOOL) test-folder)/phpunit.xml bootstrap-php: .check-foundation @$(GENERATE_TOOL) config-template bootstrap.php > bootstrap.php.tmp && mkdir -p $(shell $(CONFIG_TOOL) test-folder) && mv -f bootstrap.php.tmp $(shell $(CONFIG_TOOL) test-folder)/bootstrap.php bootstrap-php-opt: .check-foundation @$(GENERATE_TOOL) config-template bootstrap.php.opt > bootstrap.php.tmp && mkdir -p $(shell $(CONFIG_TOOL) test-folder) && mv -f bootstrap.php.tmp $(shell $(CONFIG_TOOL) test-folder)/bootstrap.php package-ini: .check-foundation @$(GENERATE_TOOL) package-ini > package.ini.tmp && mv -f package.ini.tmp package.ini travis-yml: .check-foundation @$(GENERATE_TOOL) config-template travis.yml > travis.yml.tmp && mv -f travis.yml.tmp .travis.yml # Generates a package.xml from the package.ini package-xml: .check-foundation @${FOUNDATION_HOME}/onion build; echo @if test -f package.xml; then \ echo Respect/Foundation:; \ echo; echo " $$ make pear"; echo; \ fi; composer-json: .check-foundation @$(GENERATE_TOOL) composer-json > composer.json.tmp && mv -f composer.json.tmp composer.json # Generates all package files package: .check-foundation package-ini package-xml composer-json # Phony target so the test folder don't conflict .PHONY: test test: .check-foundation @cd `$(CONFIG_TOOL) test-folder`;phpunit $$([[ -n "$(filter)" ]] && echo "-v --debug --filter $(filter)") . testdox: .check-foundation @cd `$(CONFIG_TOOL) test-folder`;phpunit --testdox . coverage: .check-foundation @cd `$(CONFIG_TOOL) test-folder`;phpunit --testdox --coverage-html=reports/coverage --coverage-text . @echo "Done. Reports also available on `$(CONFIG_TOOL) test-folder`/reports/coverage/index.html" @$(shell $(BROWSE) reports/coverage/index.html) coverage-clover: .check-foundation @cd `$(CONFIG_TOOL) test-folder`;phpunit --coverage-clover=reports/coverage.clover . @echo "Done. Code Coverage report (Clover style) available on `$(CONFIG_TOOL) test-folder`/reports/coverage.clover" scrutinizer-coverage: .check-foundation coverage-clover @echo "Dowloading Scrutinizer uploader..." @wget https://scrutinizer-ci.com/ocular.phar php ocular.phar code-coverage:upload --format=php-clover $(shell $(CONFIG_TOOL) test-folder)/reports/coverage.clover @echo "Code coverage uploaded to scrutinizer." cs-fixer: .check-foundation @cd `$(CONFIG_TOOL) library-folder`;${FOUNDATION_HOME}/php-cs-fixer -v fix --level=all --fixers=indentation,linefeed,trailing_spaces,unused_use,return,php_closing_tag,short_tag,visibility,braces,extra_empty_lines,phpdoc_params,eof_ending,include,controls_spaces,elseif . @echo "Library folder done. `$(CONFIG_TOOL) library-folder`" @cd `$(CONFIG_TOOL) test-folder`;${FOUNDATION_HOME}/php-cs-fixer -v fix --level=all --fixers=indentation,linefeed,trailing_spaces,unused_use,return,php_closing_tag,short_tag,visibility,braces,extra_empty_lines,phpdoc_params,eof_ending,include,controls_spaces,elseif . @echo "Test folder done. `$(CONFIG_TOOL) test-folder` " @echo "Done. You may verify the changes and commit if you are happy." # Any cleaning mechanism should be here clean: .check-foundation @rm -Rf `$(CONFIG_TOOL) test-folder`/reports # Targets below use the same rationale. They change the package.ini file, so you'll need a # package-sync after them patch: .check-foundation @$(GENERATE_TOOL) package-ini patch > package.ini.tmp && mv -f package.ini.tmp package.ini minor: .check-foundation @$(GENERATE_TOOL) package-ini minor > package.ini.tmp && mv -f package.ini.tmp package.ini major: .check-foundation @$(GENERATE_TOOL) package-ini major > package.ini.tmp && mv -f package.ini.tmp package.ini alpha: .check-foundation @$(GENERATE_TOOL) package-ini alpha > package.ini.tmp && mv -f package.ini.tmp package.ini beta: .check-foundation @$(GENERATE_TOOL) package-ini beta > package.ini.tmp && mv -f package.ini.tmp package.ini stable: .check-foundation @$(GENERATE_TOOL) package-ini stable > package.ini.tmp && mv -f package.ini.tmp package.ini tag: .check-foundation -git tag `$(CONFIG_TOOL) package-version ` -m 'Tagging.' # Runs on the current package.xml file pear: .check-foundation @$(eval count=$(shell grep -c dir package.xml)) \ if test $(count) -gt 1; then \ pear package; \ else \ echo "There are no defined in package.xml"; \ echo "Nothing to build"; \ fi; info: @pear info $(shell $(CONFIG_TOOL) package-name)|egrep 'Version|Name|Summary|Description|-' # On root PEAR installarions, this need to run as sudo install: .check-foundation @if ! test -f package.xml; then \ echo "No package.xml found."; \ echo "Nothing to install"; \ elif ! make -f $(THIS) info 2> /dev/null; then \ echo "You may need to run this as sudo."; \ echo "Discovering channel"; \ pear channel-info $(shell $(CONFIG_TOOL) pear-channel) || pear channel-discover $(shell $(CONFIG_TOOL) pear-channel); \ pear install package.xml; \ fi; info-php: .check-foundation @echo -e " $(.BOLD)PHP Version $(.CLEAR)" @echo -e " ----------" @$(ENV) PATH="$$PATH:${FOUNDATION_HOME}" php --version 2> /dev/null || (echo -e "\n$(.WARN) No php installed." && false) config-php: .check-foundation @echo "The location of your PHP configuration file." php --ini include-php: .check-foundation @echo "The PHP configured include path where external packages can be found, like PEAR packages for example." php -r 'echo get_include_path()."\n";' info-pear: .check-foundation @echo -e " $(.BOLD)PEAR Version $(.CLEAR)" @echo -e " ----------" @$(ENV) PATH="$$PATH:${FOUNDATION_HOME}" pear -V 2> /dev/null || (echo -e "\n$(.WARN) No PEAR installed." && false) updated-pear: .check-foundation @echo -e " > $(.BOLD) Fetching possible upgrade information from all channels.$(.CLEAR)" pear list-upgrades update-all-pear: .check-foundation @echo -e " > $(.BOLD)Updating all PEAR packages if any updates are available.$(.CLEAR)" pear upgrade-all packages-pear: .check-foundation @echo -e " > $(.BOLD)The following PEAR packages are currently installed.$(.CLEAR)" pear list locate-pear: .check-foundation @echo -e " > $(.BOLD)The PEAR installed package can be found at:$(.CLEAR)" pear config-get php_dir verify-pear: .check-foundation @echo "If the following PHP script:" @echo "" @echo "" @echo "Executes without any error and answers true to our question then you may safely assume that the PEAR installation is sound." @php -r "require_once 'System.php'; echo PHP_EOL, 'Can we include PEAR System.php? : ', var_export(class_exists('System', false), true), PHP_EOL;" install-pear: .check-foundation @echo "Because we rely so extensively on a proper PEAR installation it is pertinent that PEAR is installed properly." @echo "Unfortunately I am not confident that I am capable, at this point, to successfully install PEAR on every system," @echo "yours in particular, without making a complete mess of things." @echo "" @echo "Don't worry this is not difficult and I am sure you will succeed by following the detailed instructions at the" @echo "following URL: http://pear.php.net/manual/en/installation.getting.php" @echo "" @echo "Once you're done you are welcome to return so I may assist you with the installation verification process." @echo "You can start the verification with $ make verify" @echo "Good luck!" info-check-pear: .check-foundation @echo "At the address: http://pear.php.net/manual/en/guide.users.commandline.packageinfo.php PEAR lists a comprehensive" @echo "list of instructions to execute and verify that the installation is sound." @echo "" info-cs-fixer: .check-foundation @echo "This is what I know about your PHP Coding Standards Fixer." ${FOUNDATION_HOME}/php-cs-fixer -V install-cs-fixer: .check-foundation @echo "Attempting to download PHP Coding Standards Fixer." curl http://cs.sensiolabs.org/get/php-cs-fixer.phar -o ${FOUNDATION_HOME}/php-cs-fixer && chmod a+x ${FOUNDATION_HOME}/php-cs-fixer install-travis-lint: .check-foundation @echo "Attempting to install travis-lint. Requires ruby gem..." @gem install travis-lint travis-lint: .check-foundation @echo "Checking your .travis.yml" @travis-lint ./.travis.yml info-composer: .check-foundation @echo "This is what I know about your composer." @$(ENV) PATH="$$PATH:${FOUNDATION_HOME}" composer about 2> /dev/null || (echo "No composer installed." && false) install-composer: .check-foundation @echo "Attempting to download and install composer packager." @curl -s http://getcomposer.org/installer | php -d detect_unicode=0 @mv composer.phar ${FOUNDATION_HOME}/composer && chmod a+x ${FOUNDATION_HOME}/composer && exit 0 .check-composer: @-make -s -f $(THIS) info-composer || make -s -f $(THIS) install-composer || (echo "Unable to install composer. Aborting..." && false) composer-validate: .check-foundation .check-composer @echo "Running composer validate, be brave." @$(ENV) PATH="$$PATH:${FOUNDATION_HOME}" composer validate -v composer-install: .check-foundation .check-composer @echo "Running composer install, this will create a vendor folder and configure autoloader." @$(ENV) PATH="$$PATH:${FOUNDATION_HOME}" composer install -v composer-install-dev: .check-foundation .check-composer @echo "Running composer install --dev, this will create a vendor folder and configure autoloader." @$(ENV) PATH="$$PATH:${FOUNDATION_HOME}" composer install -v --dev composer-update: .check-foundation .check-composer @echo "Running composer update, which updates your existing installation." @$(ENV) PATH="$$PATH:${FOUNDATION_HOME}" composer update -v composer-create-project: .check-foundation .check-composer @[[ -z "$(package)" ]] && echo -e "Usage: make composer-require package=vendor/package\n" && exit 11 || true @echo "Running composer create project for package: $(package)" @$(ENV) PATH="$$PATH:${FOUNDATION_HOME}" composer -v create-project "$(package)" composer-require: .check-foundation .check-composer @[[ -z "$(package)" ]] && echo -e "Usage: make composer-require package=vendor/package\n" && exit 1 || true @echo "Running composer require, adding and installing as required package: $(package)" @$(ENV) PATH="$$PATH:${FOUNDATION_HOME}" composer -v require "$(package)" composer-search: .check-foundation .check-composer @[[ -z "$(package)" ]] && echo -e "Usage: make composer-search package=search-package\n" && exit 1 || true @echo "Running composer search, seeing if we can find a package called: $(package)" @$(ENV) PATH="$$PATH:${FOUNDATION_HOME}" composer -v search "$(package)" info-pyrus: .check-foundation @echo "This is what I know about your PEAR2_Pyrus." ${FOUNDATION_HOME}/pyrus --version install-pyrus: .check-foundation @echo "Attempting to download and install PEAR2_Pyrus." curl http://pear2.php.net/pyrus.phar -o ${FOUNDATION_HOME}/pyrus && chmod a+x ${FOUNDATION_HOME}/pyrus ${FOUNDATION_HOME}/pyrus mypear `$(CONFIG_TOOL) vendor-folder` ${FOUNDATION_HOME}/pyrus install PEAR2_Pyrus_Developer-alpha ${FOUNDATION_HOME}/pyrus install PEAR2_Autoload-alpha ${FOUNDATION_HOME}/pyrus install PEAR2_Templates_Savant-alpha info-codesniff: .check-foundation @echo "This is what I know about your PHP_CodeSniffer." phpcs --version @echo "The following PHP_CodeSniffer coding standard sniffs are installed." phpcs -i install-codesniff: .check-foundation @echo "Attempting to download and install PHP_CodeSniffer. This will likely require sudo." @pear install --alldeps --soft PHP_CodeSniffer https://github.com/elblinkin/PHPUnit-CodeSniffer.git install-psr-sniff: .check-foundation @echo "Attempting to download and install PHP_CodeSniffer sniffs for PSR's. This will likely require sudo." @cd `$(PACKAGES_PEAR)`/PHP/CodeSniffer/Standards && $(GIT) clone https://github.com/klaussilveira/phpcs-psr PSR @phpcs --config-set default_standard PSR install-phpunit-sniff: .check-foundation @echo "Attempting to download and install PHPUnit_CodeSniffer sniffs for PHPUnit standards. This will likely require sudo." @cd `$(PACKAGES_PEAR)`/PHPUnit/ && $(GIT) clone https://github.com/elblinkin/PHPUnit-CodeSniffer.git && cp -R PHPUnit-CodeSniffer/PHPUnitStandard ../PHP/CodeSniffer/Standards/PHPUnit info-phpunit: .check-foundation @echo "This is what I know about your PHPUnit." @phpunit --version install-phpunit: .check-foundation @echo "Attempting to download and install PHPUnit. This will likely require sudo." @pear channel-info pear.phpunit.de > /dev/null || pear channel-discover pear.phpunit.de || pear channel-update pear.phpunit.de @pear channel-info pear.symfony.com > /dev/null || pear channel-discover pear.symfony.com || pear channel-update pear.symfony.com @pear install --alldeps --soft pear.phpunit.de/PHPUnit info-phpcpd: .check-foundation @echo "This is what I know about your PHPcpd." @phpcpd --version install-phpcpd: .check-foundation @echo "Attempting to download and install PHPcpd. This will likely require sudo." @pear channel-info pear.phpunit.de > /dev/null || pear channel-discover pear.phpunit.de || pear channel-update pear.phpunit.de @pear install --alldeps --soft pear.phpunit.de/phpcpd info-phpdcd: .check-foundation @echo "This is what I know about your PHPdcd." @phpdcd --version install-phpdcd: .check-foundation @echo "Attempting to download and install PHPdcd. This will likely require sudo." @pear channel-info pear.phpunit.de > /dev/null || pear channel-discover pear.phpunit.de || pear channel-update pear.phpunit.de @pear install --alldeps --soft pear.phpunit.de/phpdcd-beta info-phploc: .check-foundation @echo "This is what I know about your PHPloc." @phploc --version install-phploc: .check-foundation @echo "Attempting to download and install PHPloc. This will likely require sudo." @pear channel-info pear.phpunit.de > /dev/null || pear channel-discover pear.phpunit.de || pear channel-update pear.phpunit.de @pear install --alldeps --soft pear.phpunit.de/phploc install-phpcov: .check-foundation @echo "Attempting to download and install PHPcov. This will likely require sudo." @pear channel-info pear.phpunit.de > /dev/null || pear channel-discover pear.phpunit.de || pear channel-update pear.phpunit.de @pear install --alldeps --soft pear.phpunit.de/phpcov info-skelgen: @echo "This is what I know about your PHPUnit_SkeletonGenerator.\n" @phpunit-skelgen --version install-skelgen: .check-foundation @echo "Attempting to download and install PHPUnit Skeleton Generator. This will likely require sudo." @pear channel-info pear.phpunit.de > /dev/null || pear channel-discover pear.phpunit.de || pear channel-update pear.phpunit.de @pear channel-info components.ez.no > /dev/null || pear channel-discover components.ez.no || pear channel-update components.ez.no @pear install --alldeps --soft pear.phpunit.de/PHPUnit_SkeletonGenerator info-test-helpers: .check-foundation @pecl info phpunit/test_helpers|egrep 'Version|Name|Summary|Description|-' install-test-helpers: @if make -f $(THIS) info-test-helpers 2> /dev/null; then \ exit; \ fi; \ echo "Attempting to download and install PHPUnit Test Helpers. This will likely require sudo." \ pear channel-info pear.phpunit.de > /dev/null || pear channel-discover pear.phpunit.de || pear channel-update pear.phpunit.de; \ pecl install --alldeps --soft phpunit/test_helpers info-phpdoc: .check-foundation @echo "This is what I know about your PhpDocumentor." @echo "The command is piped through more, press spacebar to page or q to abort." @pear info phpdoc/phpDocumentor-alpha install-phpdoc: .check-foundation @echo "Attempting to download and install PhpDocumentor2. This will likely require sudo." @pear channel-info pear.phpdoc.org > /dev/null || pear channel-discover pear.phpdoc.org || pear channel-update pear.phpdoc.org @pear install --alldeps --soft phpdoc/phpDocumentor-alpha info-phd: .check-foundation @echo "This is what I know about your PhD." @pear info doc.php.net/phd install-phd: .check-foundation @echo "Attempting to download and install PhD. This will likely require sudo." @pear channel-info doc.php.net > /dev/null || pear channel-discover doc.php.net || pear channel-update doc.php.net @pear install --alldeps --soft doc.php.net/phd-beta info-phpsh: .check-foundation @echo "This is what I know about your phpsh." @phpsh --version install-phpsh: .check-foundation @echo "Attempting to download and install phpsh." $(GIT) clone --progress -v https://github.com/facebook/phpsh.git ${FOUNDATION_HOME}/phpshsrc sudo easy_install readline cd ${FOUNDATION_HOME}/phpshsrc && python setup.py build && sudo python setup.py install install-uri-template: .check-foundation @$(GIT) clone --progress -v git://github.com/ioseb/uri-template.git ${FOUNDATION_HOME}/uri-template @cd ${FOUNDATION_HOME}/uri-template && phpize && ./configure && make && make test && make install @echo @echo If all went well and you saw no errors or FAILs then congratulations! @echo all that is left is to ensure that extension=uri_template.so is in your php.ini @echo # Clean up utils clean-tabs2spaces: @printf "." @if test "$(file)"; then \ expand -t 4 "$(file)" > "$(file).tmp" && cp -f "$(file).tmp" "$(file)"; rm -f "$(file).tmp"; \ else \ find . -type f -name "*.php" -exec make -s -f $(THIS) clean-tabs2spaces file="{}" \;; \ echo; echo -e " > $(.BOLD) Done converting tabs to spaces.$(.CLEAR)"; \ fi; clean-trailing-spaces: @printf "." @if test "$(file)"; then \ awk '{sub(/[ \t]+$$/, "")};1' "$(file)" > "$(file).tmp" && cp -f "$(file).tmp" "$(file)"; rm -f "$(file).tmp"; \ else \ find . -type f -name "*.php" -exec make -s -f $(THIS) clean-trailing-spaces file="{}" \;; \ echo; echo -e " > $(.BOLD) Done removing trailing spaces.$(.CLEAR)"; \ fi; clean-unix-line-ends: @printf "." @if test "$(file)"; then \ awk '{sub(/\r$$/,"")};1' "$(file)" > "$(file).tmp" && cp -f "$(file).tmp" "$(file)"; rm -f "$(file).tmp"; \ else \ find . -type f -name "*.php" -exec make -s -f $(THIS) clean-unix-line-ends file="{}" \;; \ echo; echo -e " > $(.BOLD) Done converting line endings.$(.CLEAR)"; \ fi; clean-single-blank-lines: @printf "." @if test "$(file)"; then \ awk '!NF{x="\n"};NF{print x $$0;x=""};END{print EOF}' "$(file)" > "$(file).tmp" && cp -f "$(file).tmp" "$(file)"; rm -f "$(file).tmp"; \ else \ find . -type f -name "*.php" -exec make -s -f $(THIS) clean-single-blank-lines file="{}" \;; \ echo; echo -e " > $(.BOLD) Done converting to single blank lines.$(.CLEAR)"; \ fi; clean-all-whitespace: .check-foundation @echo -e " $(.BOLD)Whitespace Cleaning$(.CLEAR)" @echo -e " -----------" @if test "$(file)"; then \ make -s -f $(THIS) clean-tabs2spaces file="$(file)"; \ make -s -f $(THIS) clean-unix-line-ends file="$(file)"; \ make -s -f $(THIS) clean-trailing-spaces file="$(file)"; \ make -s -f $(THIS) clean-single-blank-lines file="$(file)"; \ else \ make -s -f $(THIS) clean-tabs2spaces; make -s -f $(THIS) clean-unix-line-ends; make -s -f $(THIS) clean-trailing-spaces; make -s -f $(THIS) clean-single-blank-lines; \ fi; clean-remove-eof-php-tag: @printf "." @if test "$(file)"; then \ awk '{c=c $$0 "\n"};END{sub(/\n$$/,"",c); sub(/[[:space:]]*\n\?\>[[:space:]]*$$/,"\n",c); print c}' "$(file)" > "$(file).tmp" && cp -f "$(file).tmp" "$(file)"; rm -f "$(file).tmp"; \ else \ find . -type f -name "*.php" -exec make -s -f $(THIS) clean-remove-eof-php-tag file="{}" \;; \ echo; echo -e " > $(.BOLD) Done removing php closing tags ?> at end of file.$(.CLEAR)"; \ fi; # Install pirum, clones the PEAR Repository, make changes there and push them. pear-push: .check-foundation @echo "Installing Pirum" @sudo pear install --soft --force pear.pirum-project.org/Pirum @echo "Cloning channel from git" `$(CONFIG_TOOL) pear-repository` -rm -Rf ${FOUNDATION_HOME}/pirum $(GIT) clone --depth 1 `$(CONFIG_TOOL) pear-repository`.git ${FOUNDATION_HOME}/pirum pirum add ${FOUNDATION_HOME}/pirum `$(CONFIG_TOOL) package-name`-`$(CONFIG_TOOL) package-version`.tgz;pirum build ${FOUNDATION_HOME}/pirum; cd ${FOUNDATION_HOME}/pirum;$(GIT) add .;$(GIT) commit -m "Added " `$(CONFIG_TOOL) package-version`;$(GIT) push packagecommit: @$(GIT) add package.ini package.xml composer.json @$(GIT) commit -m "Updated package files" # Uses other targets to complete the build release: test package packagecommit pear pear-push tag @echo "Release done. Pushing to GitHub" @$(GIT) push @$(GIT) push --tags @echo "Done. " `$(CONFIG_TOOL) package-name`-`$(CONFIG_TOOL) package-version`