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base repository: m-labs/nmigen-boards
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base: c6e28e8cd43b
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head repository: m-labs/nmigen-boards
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compare: d21c2e2e964d
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  • 1 commit
  • 1 file changed
  • 1 contributor

Commits on Jun 6, 2019

  1. Add icebreaker platform.

    cr1901 authored and whitequark committed Jun 6, 2019
    Copy the full SHA
    d21c2e2 View commit details
Showing with 86 additions and 0 deletions.
  1. +86 −0 nmigen_boards/
86 changes: 86 additions & 0 deletions nmigen_boards/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
import os
import subprocess

from import *
from nmigen.vendor.lattice_ice40 import *

__all__ = ["ICEBreakerPlatform"]

class ICEBreakerPlatform(LatticeICE40Platform):
device = "iCE40UP5K"
package = "SG48"
resources = [
Resource("clk12", 0, Pins("35", dir="i"),
Clock(12e6), Attrs(GLOBAL="1", IO_STANDARD="SB_LVCMOS33")),

Resource("user_led_n", 0, Pins("11", dir="o"), Attrs(IO_STANDARD="SB_LVCMOS33")),
Resource("user_led_n", 1, Pins("37", dir="o"), Attrs(IO_STANDARD="SB_LVCMOS33")),
# Color-specific aliases
Resource("user_ledr_n", 0, Pins("11", dir="o"), Attrs(IO_STANDARD="SB_LVCMOS33")),
Resource("user_ledg_n", 0, Pins("37", dir="o"), Attrs(IO_STANDARD="SB_LVCMOS33")),
Resource("user_btn_n", 4, Pins("10", dir="i"), Attrs(IO_STANDARD="SB_LVCMOS33")),

Resource("serial", 0,
Subsignal("rx", Pins("6", dir="i")),
Subsignal("tx", Pins("9", dir="o"), Attrs(PULLUP="1")),

Resource("spiflash", 0,
Subsignal("cs_n", Pins("16", dir="o")),
Subsignal("clk", Pins("15", dir="o")),
Subsignal("mosi", Pins("14", dir="o")),
Subsignal("miso", Pins("17", dir="i")),
Subsignal("wp", Pins("12", dir="o")),
Subsignal("hold", Pins("13", dir="o")),

Resource("spiflash4x", 0,
Subsignal("cs_n", Pins("16", dir="o")),
Subsignal("clk", Pins("15", dir="o")),
Subsignal("dq", Pins("14 17 12 13", dir="io")),
connectors = [
Connector("pmod", 0, "4 2 47 45 - - 3 48 46 44 - -"), # PMOD1A
Connector("pmod", 1, "43 38 34 31 - - 42 36 32 28 - -"), # PMOD1B
Connector("pmod", 2, "27 25 21 19 - - 26 23 20 18 - -"), # PMOD2
# The attached LED/button section can be either used standalone or as a PMOD.
# Attach to platform using:
# p.add_resources(p.break_off_pmod)
# pmod_btn = plat.request("user_btn")
break_off_pmod = [
Resource("user_btn", 0, Pins("9", dir="i", conn=("pmod", 2)), Attrs(IO_STANDARD="SB_LVCMOS33")),
Resource("user_btn", 1, Pins("4", dir="i", conn=("pmod", 2)), Attrs(IO_STANDARD="SB_LVCMOS33")),
Resource("user_btn", 2, Pins("10", dir="i", conn=("pmod", 2)), Attrs(IO_STANDARD="SB_LVCMOS33")),

Resource("user_led", 0, Pins("7", dir="o", conn=("pmod", 2)), Attrs(IO_STANDARD="SB_LVCMOS33")),
Resource("user_led", 1, Pins("1", dir="o", conn=("pmod", 2)), Attrs(IO_STANDARD="SB_LVCMOS33")),
Resource("user_led", 2, Pins("2", dir="o", conn=("pmod", 2)), Attrs(IO_STANDARD="SB_LVCMOS33")),
Resource("user_led", 3, Pins("8", dir="o", conn=("pmod", 2)), Attrs(IO_STANDARD="SB_LVCMOS33")),
Resource("user_led", 4, Pins("3", dir="o", conn=("pmod", 2)), Attrs(IO_STANDARD="SB_LVCMOS33")),

# Color-specific aliases
Resource("user_ledr", 0, Pins("7", dir="o", conn=("pmod", 2)), Attrs(IO_STANDARD="SB_LVCMOS33")),
Resource("user_ledg", 0, Pins("1", dir="o", conn=("pmod", 2)), Attrs(IO_STANDARD="SB_LVCMOS33")),
Resource("user_ledg", 1, Pins("2", dir="o", conn=("pmod", 2)), Attrs(IO_STANDARD="SB_LVCMOS33")),
Resource("user_ledg", 2, Pins("8", dir="o", conn=("pmod", 2)), Attrs(IO_STANDARD="SB_LVCMOS33")),
Resource("user_ledg", 3, Pins("3", dir="o", conn=("pmod", 2)), Attrs(IO_STANDARD="SB_LVCMOS33"))

def toolchain_program(self, products, name):
iceprog = os.environ.get("ICEPROG", "iceprog")
with products.extract("{}.bin".format(name)) as bitstream_filename:[iceprog, bitstream_filename], check=True)

if __name__ == "__main__":
from ._blinky import Blinky
p = ICEBreakerPlatform()
p.add_resources(p.break_off_pmod)"clk12"), do_program=True)